View Full Version : Stacking AOE's

2013-02-07, 04:08 PM
Now according to some AOE spells they don't say they can't stack the same spell such as "darkness" that reads 20% concealment but if you did it 5 times with 5 different objects as the focus and they all just happened to be in the same place does it stack?

Post up any other odd combinations of spells you can think of that would be similar to this or fun combinations. Darkness is just an example.

2013-02-07, 04:13 PM
The darkness wouldnt stack, no.

You could stack AoEs that had different effects, such as Grease + Evards Black Tentacles + Web + Cloudkill.

2013-02-07, 04:27 PM
The darkness wouldnt stack, no.

You could stack AoEs that had different effects, such as Grease + Evards Black Tentacles + Web + Cloudkill.

I think you missed what I ment that was just an example to go off of with posting up AOE combos that are fun or odd reguardless of if they can actually be used in gameplay or not.

2013-02-07, 05:38 PM
The darkness wouldnt stack, no.

You could stack AoEs that had different effects, such as Grease + Evards Black Tentacles + Web + Cloudkill.

2 Darkness spells.
SOmeone brings in a light spell of second level (like continual flame) cancels/negates the first darkness, allowing prevailing conditions. It's such a shame then, that prevailing conditions are a second darkness spell.
Might be useful in making the PCs think you're more powerful than you are. 2 second level spells have a different effect on low level parties than a guy that casts a third or fourth level spell.

The miss chances of multiple darkness spells won't stack. Not because of a clause in the spells, but because miss chances don't stack. You only take the highest one applicable.