View Full Version : Rags to Riches(Realms Game#376)

2013-02-07, 10:29 PM
Westgate is an Important port and caravan transfer point on the over- land route that joins the Inner Sea and the lands to the west (Amn, Tethyr, the North, and the Sword Coast) and the far south. It is the largest of the Dragon Coast cities and a rival of both Cormyr and Sembia all by itself.

Westgate lies on the southern side of the long western arm of the Sea of Fallen Stars, across from Cormyr. It is independent of all kingdoms and outside authorities, and is considered an open city, free to all manner of trade from all sides. Westgate has fulfilled the role of trading link between Inner Sea east and Sword Coast west for as long as humankind has been in the Inner Sea area. Once a simple stopover and stockyard similar to Scornubel or Iriaebor today, Westgate has gained in importance as trade increased, diversifying into ship construction and repair, wagonmaking, and other sideline industries. The local industries include pottery (of average to poor quality), scent-making (excellent fragrances), and wine-making (varying wildly from superior to merely good).

It's a bright sunny morning in Westgate as the sunlight comes through the window of your bedroom.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-08, 07:14 AM
Selena rises early, and tiredly begins her morning routine: last night had been hectic as ever and the customers were always trying. Whenever some new lord came around he always thought he could take advantage of the young matron, and each time Selena had to demonstrate how wrong the man was.

She shook her wrist which still hurt from where a drunken man had grabbed her and tried to physically over power her. A knife poking his ribs had made him ease off though.

It didn't take her long to make herself presentable, and soon she was striding down the staircase to the entrance hall of the Gilded Girl. She grabbed some bread from the kitchen, but didn't wake anyone, knowing they had all had a late night, and headed out. The mornings were her free time, and even if she ended up being distracted, they always started out calm and purposeless. She headed vaguely towards the market, wondering what today would bring her.

2013-02-11, 12:56 AM

The city of Westgate is separated into five wards: The South Ward, The Trades Ward, The West Ward, The Dock Ward and the River Ward. The Trades Ward takes up the southwest corner of the city and contains tradesworkers, shops, private homes and the temple to Mask. The South Ward takes up the southeast corner of the main city, up to the river, and contains many noble houses and high priced shops. The West Ward takes up the northwest corner and contains many warehouses, inns, taverns and temples. The Dock Ward takes up most of the northen part of the city and contains docks, warehouses, drydocks, taverns, and temples. The River Ward covers the eastern part of the city, around the river Thunn and contains a mix of warehouses, taverns, temples and inns.

The Gilded Girl is in the River Ward, on the western part of the Harbor Loop(street).

The Market (Located in the Trades Ward, naturally) is already full of activity. All types of venders squabble for space to set up their tents for the day in the mostly dirt, open air marketplace. The marketplace is quite well protected, as The Tower(the citadel of the City Watch) stands right in the middle of the marketplace. Dozens of city guards and gatekeepers(government officials) fill the marketplace.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-11, 01:03 AM
Selena nods to the officials and guardsmen as she passes, with a smile for those she knows better. She strolls into the market place and as she moves through the crowds she searches for stalls of a more arcane nature; she has always prized knowledge of magic, something so hard to find where she came from, and even now she generally pours her earnings into finding out more and more about the powers she knows she might be able to wield one day.

2013-02-11, 01:20 AM
Selena knows well to avoid Soveliss's Arcane Wonders, as he sells little but junk that impresses mundane people, like wooden pipes that make bubbles. And Bongel the gnome, who mostly sells to visitors and whose magic items often loose all their magic a couple of days after the sale.

Though as she browses, she sees a new tent. One filled with sea shells, pearls, glassware and ropes. A large tortoise like humanoid runs the tent, selling some seashells that are playing music to two young women.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-11, 02:24 AM
Selena is not above the frivolities that magic can sometimes lead to, and approaches the musical shells with a pleasant smile on her face. "Good morning," she says chattily to the store owner, "I've not seen this stall before. I'm Selena, and I love what you've done with all this." She gestures to the various trinkets with a grin.

2013-02-12, 03:49 AM
"And a good morning to you as well. And no, I'm new. First time in the big city and all. My brothers work down on the docks. I'm Shellenea. Were you looking for a special item? I can do custom orders. I specialize in magmusic, and the elements of air and water." Says Shellenea as she smiles at you, but keeps one eye on her tent.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-12, 05:54 AM
"Perhaps in future Shellenea, but I did not bring coin with me sufficient for any such purchase, especially for such lovely items as yours," the smooth words easily rolled off of Selena's tongue. "But perhaps I will come again another time. Yet I have never heard of this referred to as magmusic, it seems like such a wonderful use for magic doesn't it. Is it an art of your people?" Selena realised that if it were, learning anything of this branch of magic would probably be impossible, but she was not above more clandestine operations, and after all, it wouldn't harm anyone...

2013-02-12, 07:23 PM
Shellenea"Oh no, the art of my people is all elemental magics. But I, myself, like music. Magmusic is actually a creation of the gnomes. I learned it from a passing gnome tinkerer. Almost all magical music is based on the elven spellcasting tradition. That is that all magic music is just the recorded sounds of a real musician. And everyone else does magical music that way too, like the humans and darfellans. Except the gnomes. The gnomes don't like recorded music. So they created magmusic. It's purely original music. You just create an empty magic box and let it fill up with the random noise of The Weave. A priestess of Mystra once told me the sound you hear The Weave making is the voice of Mystra herself. I'm not so sure, as it's just a bunch of random noise. But in any case, you can filter the noise and eventually make a tune out of it. The gnomes really love all the random high pitched squeaks and odd sounds. And they can be, intresting to other races ears too. Though I also use the variant where I give the magic box the sound of an instrument, like a horn, then use the random tune to from the song. And you get a purely, original song."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-13, 09:02 AM
And to think Selena had been interested before... Well at least she had learnt something about herself: she may be hungry for magical knowledge, but the sciences behind different types of magical music boxes was not something she hungered to learn more of.
Nevertheless, it paid to be friendly, so Selena smiled and nodded: "Fascinating, really, wow. So do you know any more kinds of Gnomish magic, or more about the Weave? I'd love to learn, and anything you could do to help me would be fascinating."

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy? [roll1]

2013-02-13, 09:23 PM
Shellenea "Oh, magmusic is the only bit of gnome magic I know. I don't really know as much about The Weave as I would like. I follow Khita, our creator. "

Shellenea looks over at a young male halfling as he slowly walks by one of her sea shell filled tables.

"I do not wish to be rude, but I need to watch over my wears. Unless you were going to buy something?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-17, 03:17 PM
Selena nods, "Of course, perhaps one of your smaller items, that would be nice." Selena looks for a smaller magmusic shell (thouh I have no idea how much one would cost).

2013-02-18, 03:22 AM
Shellenea gets a smile on her face when you mention you might buy something.

"Oh well, lets see. A smaller item. " she moves over to another table and picks up a small white sea shell. "How about this?" she taps the shell and it shell starts to make a ''tap'' sound in a fast rhythm(tap-taptaptap-taptap-tap-taptaptaptaptap-tap) "It's quite catchy and just thirty, or, well say twenty five gold."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-18, 05:47 AM
"That sounds wonderful"Selena responds, taking the unusual shell and pocketing it, whilst handing over the gold.

Turning from the woman Selena heads out of the market, content with her purchase: an item such as this could be useful in her less than legal entries into the posh houses of the rich. She wondered at that thought, not having had need to steal in recent months, but she waved away her own unease: she would move as she always had, acting when necessary, and staying hidden when that was preferable.

She headed to the Temple to Mask, hoping to honour the God she had once revered, but who now played little part in her life.

2013-02-18, 10:23 PM
Shellenea acts quite happy at making the sale as she hands over the magmusic shell and takes the gold. She gives a nod and wave as you walk away.

The House of Spires and Shadows(The Temple of Mask) is located in the middle of the Trade Ward(and so only a short walk from the Marketplace) a massive black stone building with high spires and dark black and red stained glass windows. The building is quite plain, other then the elaborate iron wrought fencing and the dozens of gargoyle statues. There is no indication as to what the building might be, and it certainly does not bear the holy symbol of Mask(a black mask) or any other markings on the outside.

The front door is closed(but not locked) and leads into the shadowy main worship hall where a dozen or so people are moving around and praying and such.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-19, 05:44 AM
Selena wanders between the columns, allowing the darkness to soak into her. She had come here before as a child when she had had nowhere else to go, and she had prayed to the god. But he had not given her strength and so she had moved away over the years, coming here less and less. She was pragmatic though, and so a few visits a year were a worthwhile investment, especially if she met some interesting characters during her visits.

She looked to find a priest and began to speak with him/her.

2013-02-19, 04:34 PM
As with most temples, there are always some priests around on the look out for people that come in and have that look of need in their eyes. It only takes a couple moments for a young human male with black make-up around his eyes in the shape of a mask in tight black leathers and a long cloak to walk over to you.

He nods and smiles, as he quickly brings his left hand up, palm facing you, and places it in front of your eyes. He holds his hand there for a good five seconds and then moves his left hand to his waist. Then he takes his right hand and brings it up and places it in front of his own eyes for five seconds and then moves his hand back to his waist.

"Welcome to the House of Spires and Shadows. I am Proven Brother Vanton Blackwell, can I help you?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-20, 11:44 AM
Knowledge religion to identify the gesture: [roll0]

"Greetings brother," Selena begins, "I have long been away from the temple, and thought to reacquaint myself. A strange lady told me of exotic magic, and I had the urge to return here."

2013-02-20, 02:31 PM
My Mask to your Mask: A common gesture used by worshipers of Mask. You place you hand over someones eyes (or in front of for more public and/or unknown stranger) to simulate a mask(that is the persons personal mask: that is their secrets and their true self). Then you move your hand to your self and do the same movement for your own mask.

The gesture means that the one who does it is offering to receive any secrets you wish to share and keep them safe under their own mask.

"Welcome. I'm sorry to hear that the shadow of Mask was not enough to fill your soul. Some times the Path of Shadow can be dark and hard to follow. But that is why we have Mask as a guide. But exotic magic? I'm afraid I don't know much about magic, other then the divine magic of Mask."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-21, 07:44 AM
"Perhaps it will be again, but I drifted from the path." Selena isn't quite ready to divulge all of her secrets to this man, despite his symbolic gesture that he'll keep her confidences. She moves off from the priest walking slowly through the temple examining it for anyone she knows or any items of interest.

Search [roll0] - Shamelessly looking for plot hooks :smalltongue:

2013-02-21, 05:37 PM
Oh I do so hate the dreaded ''wait for a plot hook''......

I could toss a dozen plot hooks at you, but that would take time and you can only pick one. It goes a bit faster if you just let me know, at least in a vague sense what hook would you like?

Unless you just want a random plot hook. But as a PbP game even a simple straight forward plot will take weeks, you might as well pick something you like (so you don't say ''help the sewer guild find a lost rat for the next three weeks'')

The temple is dark and shadowy, so it's hard to make out anyone's faces....

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-22, 07:28 PM
Well Selena's main priorities right now lie in maintaining the Guilded Girl/expanding it, looking for magical knowledge and items and one-upping her competitors and enemies (enemies=nasty people from the streets).

2013-02-22, 09:05 PM
The shadows of the temple flicker, then flicker again and then flicker a third time. As the third flicker fades away....so does the temple. You suddenly find yourself.....elsewhere.

You appear to be in a rocky desert full of gray sand and gray rocks. The sky is also a light gray in color, with a grayish sun partly behind some gray clouds. The land is mostly flat and mostly featureless for as far as you can see in all four directions.

Except just to the north, where you see a figure in a long black cloak and hood looking in your direction.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-23, 04:07 AM
Selena's head snaps up as she glances around and she pulls her cloak close around her shoulders with one hand, whilst the other goes to her belt and seizes a dagger. She laments not carrying the other weapons with her, but she knows she is more dangerous with spells than swords.
Selena pauses and then timidly raises a hand in greeting, she doesn't call out, and she makes sure her other hand is still within the folds of her cloak, holding her blade.

2013-02-23, 11:39 PM
The figure slowly approaches and stops a couple of feet away from you and undoes it's hood and face wrapping to reveal he is an older human male. He does not appear to be obviously armed, but there are plenty of folds in his in his outfit that conceal his body.

"The Bleak Desert of Raratoka. Not a nice place. Be careful to to disturb the sand overly much as it will attract the sand worms. And you don't want that to happen.

I'm Rynomon Vanderpoole. Well Met Selena."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-24, 04:57 AM
"Sa-Sand Worms?" Selena almost stumbles but locks her knees and rigidly remains in place. She takes a few deep breaths, trying to regain her normal sassy composure.

After a few seconds her arm stops shaking and she looks the man over again. "And how did you know I would be here Mr Vanderpoole, I'm afraid I don't remember making your acquaintance before." She wondered if what she was seeing was even real, or an elaborate illusion.

2013-02-24, 07:03 AM
Rynomon "Yes, sand worms. Twice as long as a man, maybe three time your little form. With mouths full of razor sharp teeth. They can rip a person to shreds in seconds. And even better for you, they are near mindless vermin so you can't use your charms on them."

You really are a greengrocer aren't you? Have you ever even left the city walls before?

We have never met, until now, and now it's both our fates. But it's all your fault. And I knew you'd be here as, well this is what I do."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-24, 12:27 PM
"My Fault?" Selena replied archly, unused to being blamed or treated in such a condescending manner."Rynomon, may I call you Rynomon? You obviously know much, and you seem very wise, but you must explain a little more for me, it seems I'm missing something."

Not sure if I should be rolling Charisma checks or diplomacy, but I'll roll a dice and then if you feel there is a need for the check you can apply it.

[roll0] Charisma is +2, diplomacy +6

2013-02-24, 07:33 PM
Rynomon "Well, to be fair, why I'm here is my fault. But your the reason your here, and why I'm here now.

The Bleak Desert of Raratoka. It goes on for a while, but a couple of thousand foot steps that way and you'd find yourself at Shadow Keep. The Realm of Mask. But that is a place for the faithful. The worthy. As you can see, you missed the mark by miles.

And see that does no good for anyone. Just makes you food for the sand worms.

But there is still hope for you. After all your not dead yet. You can repent and wear a mask over your shadow...."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-25, 07:57 AM
Did he think she wanted to be a follower of Mask? She'd never considered it, and even now it only filled her with misgivings (though that might have something to do with the bleak desert...)

"Do you mean that Mask brought me here? The god?" It beggared belief; she had not thought that even her thoughts had been enough to convince a god that she was interested in following him, but gods were notoriously arrogant.
Seeing that there was really little choice since she had no tools to survive in a desert, Selena asked; "How can I repent? How can I reach the Shadow Keep?"

2013-02-25, 06:02 PM
Rynomon "Yes and no with a bit of both and neither. Mask did not exactly bring you here, but as you have payed him at least slight lip service that makes you his problem.

You could disavow Mask, of course, but then you would be Faithless. Though it's doubtful for long, your like a pearl in an open clam, just below the water after all.

You can't go to Shadow Keep. That is a place only for the faithful. That is why we are out here in the first place. It's all a metaphysical representation. Were a true faithful of Mask to fall from the sky, they would land right in the keep. As might be obvious, you missed the mark by a couple of thousand miles. It shows your lack of faith.

But repent? Is that what you truly wish? Do you wish to put on the mask and accept Mask with all your mind, heart and soul? Will you walk the path of shadows? Is Mask the god for you?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-25, 07:03 PM
Do I? She didn't know. She had never thought the god had paid her any heed before, but now apparently he was pulling her through space to throw her in a metaphysical desert...

"If I were Faithless would I be free to go?" Selena asked, knowing that it would rather reveal her motives, but also conscious that she needed to know the answer.

2013-02-25, 09:14 PM
Rynomon"Of course, reject Mask and free him of any obligation to your soul. Declare yourself to be Faithless. You will be back in Westgate as soon as you utter the last syllable. It's the easy way, but it comes at great cost. But if that is your choice, free will is paramount of faith. So?

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-26, 06:18 AM
So she did have a choice? Well a choice that comes at 'great cost' apparently, which didn't sound so optimal.

But deep down she asked: wouldn't it be interesting to pursue this? I used to pray to him all the time in my youth but I turned away because I didn't believe. That argument has been disproved; Mask obviously has power. So why do I reject him?

"I understand it will be hard. But I would like to walk in his shadows. Tell me what I must do."

2013-02-26, 08:48 AM
Rynomon "Well, much of the hard part is that I can't tell you what to do. It does not work that way. If you follow Mask, truly in your mind, heart and soul, you will not only know what to do, but you will already be doing it.

Take me. I'm from Westgate too. About a century ago now. And like you I'm a beguiler. Though I'm a gambler, never met a game of chance I did not like. And needless to say I charmed, cheated and stole my fair share. Until one day, I let the gambling take over. I felt the gamble was what made it fun and felt the game must always be fair to matter. And more so I let my worship of Mask slip. When things were good, I ignored him. But when I had a run of bad luck I was quick to pray to him for help.

Eventually I died, peacefully in my sleep and stood before Mask himself. They unrolled two scrolls, one of the faithful things I had none and one of the ones I had not done. Needless to say, the 'not done' scroll was much, much longer. And so here I am, my punishment is to help out people like you. Not exactly 'eternal happiness'. Right over there, in Shadow Keep, is a beautiful courtyard full of trees. Had I done better in life, I'd be there right now with a cool endless cup of mint wine, under one of the trees, gambling for entirety. I did get to sit under that tree, for a whole hour, but I'll make it back some day.

But back to you. Just follow the dogma of Mask. Ownership is nine-tenths of what is right, and ownership is defined as possession. The world belongs to the quick, the smooth tongued, and the light-fingered. Stealth and wariness are virtues, as are glibness and the skill to say one thing and mean another, twisting a situation to our advantage. Wealth rightfully belongs to those whom can acquire it. Strive to end each day with more wealth than you began it, but steal what is most vital, not everything at hand. Honesty is for fools, but apparent honesty is valuable. Make every truth seem plausible, and never lie when you can tell the truth but leave a mistaken impression. Subtlety is everything. Manipulation is better than force, especially when you can make people think they have done something on their own initiative. Never do the obvious except to conceal something else. Trust in the shadows for the bright ways make you an easy target."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-26, 06:02 PM
Selena listened to the list with a growing smile; "Why Rynomon, it sounds as though my piety is greater than I first thought."

"I vow to serve Mask as I can, and follow his tenets in my own life. Perhaps one day we shall meet again." And I will have more than a puny dagger with me when that day comes, she added silently to her vow: bringing her here against her will was a violation she wouldn't soon forget.

2013-02-27, 06:26 AM
Rynomon"Good to hear. Maybe some day we will met again in the courtyard of Shadow Keep, play a game of Roll Bones.

Rynomon, the gray sky and the desert all fade away......and you find yourself standing back in The House of Spires and Shadows in Westgate.

Vanton Blackwell"Lady? Are you all right? You looked as if you were miles away there for a second."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-27, 09:16 AM
"Miles away? In a manner of speaking I was," the smile she gave Vanton was a smug grin, but so he took no offence she laid a hand on his shoulder.

"It turns out that I may be returning here more often than I expected. I have certain talents, and should you need a certain task accomplishing feel free to knock upon my door." Selena suddenly felt filled with drive and energy, not elation know, but her aimlessness was assuaged.

2013-02-27, 12:27 PM
Vanton Blackwell "I'm glad you found your visit to Mask's House a good and fulfilling one. Should you have any needs of faith let me know.

And talents lady? Well, I can see your a thief of hearts." Vanton says with a big smile.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-28, 12:35 PM
"Haha, perhaps I should take that as a title Master Blackwell, but know that my talents extend beyond the obvious. Call me Thief." She gave him a conspiratorial smile.

2013-03-02, 12:51 AM
Vanton Blackwell "By chance does my lady dance? There will be a dance this evening. I have an invitation, but not a plus one. So if you can dance, would you like to go? There will be lots of full pockets we can lighten." he says with a wink.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-03, 07:21 PM
"Few call me a lady, but dancing is not beyond me," Selena answered in retort, though inwardly she wondered if she would be able to keep up with any dancing that was not the kind they did in the commons and pubs on winter nights and summer festivals. "I could call on you here, what time shall we meet?"
The Gilded Girl could survive without her for one evening, especially if she made sure to come back before the night was too late.

2013-03-05, 04:42 AM
Vanton Blackwell "Ah, well I don't live here, of course. But this does make a good place to meet. The dance will start just after sunset, so we should meet here just before then. Wear some thing...ah..distracting, but not too much. Red is a good color. He says with a smile.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-05, 01:17 PM
Selena nodded, and thanked him again for the invitation before turning and leaving.
Her adventures tat morning had taken up a certain amount of her day, so she headed back to the Gilded Girl for lunch. As she entered she looked round for the cook, and to see if any of the girls were awake, hoping she could resolve any issues well before their customers arrived in the evening.

2013-03-05, 02:49 PM
Gilded Girl:
To hope we are on the same page here:

The Gilded Girl is in short, a small, converted inn. It when out of business years ago and was a abandoned(but still owned) property for a while, until you(or your silent partner? investor?) signed a new lease and re opened the place. But not as an inn....

The building itself is two levels. First floor:The large common room, a very small kitchen(more like a food perpetration nook), a small store room, a small office and a small bed room. The second floor is six bed rooms(three on each side, one at the end of the hallway). There is also a small basement.

In general, you would serve no food. You simply don't have the demand for it and you can't preserve much food anyway. People don't come to the Gilded Girl to eat, after all. You would offer snacks (like pretzels or fruits). Mostly, you sell drinks. That makes your 'cook' a bit more of a 'bartender'(with really no 'bar'). Should someone really want some food, you'd just send a person to get some food from a nearby place.

The Gilded Girl would have a staff of 13. One manager, the cook/barkkep, the bouncer, and ten working girls(of each type of 'girl fantasy type', only six work a night with the other four having off and/or doing other duties like cleaning.

The base cost for some time with a 'girl' would be five gold, but the price goes up from there for 'extras'(though still, it's rare to go over twenty gold). Drinks cost extra, five copper for ale/beer, one sliver for a glass of whiskey and wine four to seven gold a bottle. Most of the snack food is a couple slivers, but you can get two or three gold for a brought over meal.

Most of the 'girls' would not live at the Gilded Girl. They make more then enough to have their own places to live. And Westgate has plenty of apartments and such.

The Gilded Girl offers it's services to mainly the 'middle class', the skilled tradesmen. Though plenty 'low class' people save up to come there.

Over all, after rent, taxes, fees, upkeep, and salaries, the Gilded Girl does not make much pure profit. You'd only get about 20-50 gold a month, but often some or all of that needs to be used for something.

Sure hope you were not picturing a massive 300 room Holiday Inn, where you'd charge 1000 gold per hour and get more gold coins in a single night then exist in the whole world.

Does this all fit with what you had in mind?

As Noon is fast approaching, you find the Gilded Girl fairly active. Four girls are there, cleaning, along with the 'cook'. The manager sits at a table going over some books. But things look quiet enough as you walk in.....

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-06, 02:45 AM
Re: The Gilded Girl
I was imagining it quite like you; a small staff and a small amount of money. I knid of invisioned Selena as the book keeper/manager, since she probably doesn't know enough people/trust one to run her business for her, but maybe this man is an old friend of hers etc etc, so she's happy for him to do the counting and note taking.
I'm happy for the girls to live away from the place and just to have a barkeep who arranges drinks and other things like that.

She smiles to the groups and calls out a short greeting; "Morning, it's quite pleasant outside today. Does anyone have anything to declare?" She asked it in a joking way, the way she does it every day, and the staff know by now that she isn't an aggressive boss to curse them for doing something wrong (as long as it isn't too bad...)

2013-03-06, 09:40 PM
The girls giggle and say at the same time a mess of "Celnera has got a new guy. Dowa lost one of her new shoes. Evora has gained three pounds. Panfilo dropped a full bottle of wine."

People of the Gilded Girl:
Panfilo-The manager. A very old human. Once ran his own house, but lost it to gambling and drinking. Still a heavy drunk, he does not gamble any more. But he is a good enough manager, and works all most for free as he just gets room and board and free drinks.

Wandel- human male cook

Dulock-half orc male bouncer

Celnera- human female older blonde looking for a guy to ''marry her out of the business''

Dowa- Human female, dark skin, dark hair. Former (run away) slave from the South.

Evora- plump halfling, a bit older then the rest, often acts like a 'mom'

Lyta- the young human female blonde 'innocent' one

Surya- the dark haired human female tough one

Rika- Young human female red head

Mera female half sea elf.

Nette- human female, older, big boned

Oana- human female oriental(Shou) speaks only a little common

Adarea- human female, new girl from the country

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-07, 06:28 AM
"Well it's the shoes and the wine that concerns me: did the bottle leave a stain? We'll need to clear that up before anyone starts to night."

"Dowa, do you have another set you could wear for tonight? Have you checked the room you were in yesterday?"

She filed away the information on the other two; likely with all the gossip those three pounds would quickly fall away when the girl grew self conscious, but it was worth bearing in mind, and Celnera always had a new man, but sometimes they were not quite as chivalrous as the woman wanted them to be.

Selena headed over to Panfilo to check whether there were any problems with the book keeping; "Morning Pan," she began sweetly, "anything to report?"

2013-03-07, 11:43 PM
Panfilo "Oh, hum, oh nothing much." he mumbles as he keeps working.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-08, 03:32 PM
"Well then you know where to find me," she called as she strode away, used to his bumbling responses.
She headed off to find the girls and make sure the wine was cleared up from earlier.

2013-03-08, 10:51 PM
The afternoon passes along. Everyone takes a break, and is fresh and ready for the just before sunset opening of the Gilded Girl.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-09, 05:44 AM
Selena makes sure everything is in order and then heads up to her room to change. She brings out a black and red dress that is incredibly bold, but she grins when she sees herself in it: I will not be forgotten at this party...

She heads back down and dons an overcoat before telling Celnera to watch out for the girls that evening in Selena's absence. As she was leaving she noticed the magmusic shell on the table by the door, and pocketed it. She then headed to the Temple to Mask to meet Vanton.

2013-03-10, 06:01 PM
Vanton Blackwell is quite easy to spot as you approach the temple of Mask. His bright red and yellow outfit makes him stand out very much. He spots you and comes over, looking you up and down.

"Ah, my lady...why you must have been kissed by Sune herself," he says with a big wink.

"Shall we be off?" he says as he offers you his arm.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-11, 06:12 AM
"Why, thank you master Blackwell, you look quite... exotic yourself." She could hardly say that red and yellow were an attractive combination however, but she kept that to herself.
She took his arm and walked with him.

2013-03-12, 04:29 AM
Vanton Blackwell walks and escorts you down the street. "We are headed to the White Dove event hall. It's important that you don't call it a 'feasthall'. This is the weekly dance held by Melussera Verdercort. She is not a noble, but desperately wants to be one. As part of her charity, she gives out twenty common passes to her dances. In theory, at random. But in reality just to her commoner associates. Still, a couple do float around, and I have one."

A couple minutes later, your in line at the White Dove Event Hall. The large stone and wood building is painted bright white. Statues, carvings, pictures of doves are everywhere. Several halflings in sharp little suits are running the line and checking invitations.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-12, 06:44 AM
Selena nods. So I'm attending a ball held by a commoner for nobles? I wonder how many of them will attend? She'd always fancied the idea of nobility, everyone who was born had from time to time. Maybe tonight would be a good time for her to get involved.

"Well as long as you are happy being thought of as a 'commoner associate'," she said mockingly, "I must ask how many nobles do actually attend this ball?" She said all this in a hushed voice, not wanting to spread that she was part of the small commoner group.

2013-03-12, 11:10 AM
Vanton Blackwell "Well, most of those here will be commoners. But quite rich and well to do, commoners. There will be plenty of nobles though. They just can't pass up the business opportunity of a party. And more to the point, lots of nobles like to party. After all it's no fun to be rich and just sit in an ivory tower, now is it?"

The line to get in moves slowly. Eventually you get up to the halfling at the stand. Vanton hands him the invitation. The halfling looks at the paper and looks at both of you and waves you past, into the next line.

The next line leads into the foyer, where on one side halflings are taking coats, hats and other articles and on the other a group of turttle-like humanoids each wave a staff or rod over each person entering the main room.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-13, 09:51 AM
Selena passes her cat to a waiting attendant, making sure to slip her magmusic shell from the coat's pocket to the bosom of her dress in a pretence of rearranging herself before she entered. She boldly passed beneath the waving staffs wondering if they were detectors of malign intentions or particular items.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]

2013-03-13, 07:23 PM
The staffs and rod each hum a bit as they are waves over you, but no one otherwise reacts to this. You are simply waved past, as is Vanton.

The main hall of the White Dove event hall is huge. The main dance floor is already full of people dancing. A group of musicians sit on a raised platform plays a happy, welcoming tune. Tables are set up on two sides of the hall, but few people are sitting down at the moment. Plenty of groups of people stand around and talk to each other.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-14, 04:04 AM
"Well, should we start by finding this host? She sounds most interesting," Selena comments. She has never attended something quite like this and she is struggling to repress her youthful desire to gawp and stare, practising an outward show of disinterest.

2013-03-14, 08:27 PM
Vanton Blackwell "The host? You mean Melussera? I'm sure she is about, just look for any nobles. They will be the only ones armed other then the guards. And the nobles will have the most expensive clothing too. And jewelry

Though if you don't mind, I would like to get a drink to wet my dry throat". He says as he nods towards the tables where some young halfling servers have set out rows of colorful drinks.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-15, 08:14 AM
Selena nods and parts ways with Blackwell. She allows herself time to wander and examine the building, enjoying the atmosphere without paying attention to anyone specifically. After about ten minutes of that she began to search for this Melussera to intrrduce herself, or at least learn more about this woman, though in the back of her mind she wondered whether Blackwell had an ulterior motive for coming here tonight- perhaps it would be better not to befriend this woman if she must afterwards steal or slay within her house.

2013-03-15, 08:02 PM
Vanton heads over and gets a drink or two.

Melussera is not all that hard to find after a couple minutes being at the party: she is the woman right at the center of attention. A dozen people or more are crowed around her at all times, listening and laughing at everything she says. There is also a nice sized crowd watching the crowd around her and making quiet little comments.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-16, 06:09 AM
Selena slides into the outer circle of guests and attempts to join herself to a group of watchers; "I hope you don't mind if I join you. I'm Selena by the way, my dear Vanton has just run off to get us drinks." She held out her hand and smiled warmly.

2013-03-17, 08:43 PM
"Oh, well met, my dear. Don't think I've seen you around before. I'm Feodora Kovaleski" Says a blonde haired woman of about your age in a bright pink dress.

"This is Zenevieva Russak," Says Feodora as she waves at a bit older dark haired human woman in a black dress.

"This is Olya Blackfeather," Says Feodora as she waves at a cute, young blonde human woman in a pink dress that shows a lot of skin.

"Margosha Yurkovich, " Says Feodora as she waves at a very plump, older, red haired woman in a black dress.

"And Dasha Shadowtail," Says Feodora as she waves at a black furred humanoid cat-like female in a white 'bikini' like outfit with lots of white silk scarfs.

"So what brings you to the party?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-18, 12:33 PM
"Selena Trimaine, and I'm a connoisseur, you could say, I am quite intrigued by what our host has managed here. She throws a rather good party don't you think?" Selena tried to inflect the last bit just enough that it was a question, not rhetorical: let's see what these women have to say before I come down too hard on either side.

2013-03-19, 12:47 PM
Feodora Kovaleski "Oh, good party, bad party it does not matter much. If I'm not asleep, I'm at a party."

Zenevieva RussakThis party is horrable, such street trash and common commoner. But still it's better then sitting at home."

Olya Blackfeather"Oh, well any place I can find rich men." said with a huge giggle.

Margosha Yurkovich "I'd much rather stay home and have a servant rub my feet, but my husband does so love to dance...and drink."

Dasha Shadowtail "It's a great party. She really knows how to throw a good time."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-20, 05:42 AM
Well, they seemed to be as mixed a crowd as she could have found, which wouldn't make seducing them very easy. She smiled then and nodded or offered conciliatory responses as was appropriate and then begged their leave: [COLOR="Blue"]"I would like to introduce myself to our host, sorry for leaving you so soon."/COLOR] After the pleasantries were exchanged, she stepped from the outer ring towards the central conversation.

2013-03-20, 12:08 PM
Each of the crowd gives a short farewell as you move on.

The central ring is a mix of men and women all around Melussera Verdercort. All are fairly quiet as a young human man in tight leather trousers, an open white silk shirt and a fancy gold hilted rapier with a sash at his waist, standing next to Melussera. Melussera herself is wide eyed and hanging on the mans every word.

He continues "I had the scoundrel right where I wanted him back up against a pork barrel. I could see the fear in his eyes and felt the fire in my own eyes. We traded blows for a breath, but my skill with the blade was superior and I was able to slip under his guard and run him through. Though the next thug was quick to run up and take his place, a savage half orc with a massive axe. I did not even blink, of course, as I....."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-21, 08:45 AM
"A man making boasts of his sword work, how rare," Selena chides playfully as she joins them. She smiled openly and sketched a nod to Melussera, "my name is Selena Trimaine, and I believe I have you to thank for this party."

2013-03-22, 02:23 AM
Melussera Verdercort only spares the slightest nod as you speak as she turns her head back towards the man telling the story, now on to how he "was forced to fight two thugs at the same time." Melussera is enthralled completely by the man's story.

But after a couple more minutes of the amazing story, the man ends his tale, and quickly says "Excuse me I need to go refresh myself." and leaves the room. The crowd breaks up.

Melussera Verdercort moves over to you, "Well met, I'm Melussera Verdercort. The host. Welcome to the party. Glad you like it."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-22, 07:31 AM
Selena smiles, and after the failure of her earlier remark to gather any significant interest, she attempted to ingratiate herself with their host. She smiled and asked about Melussera's interests, both business and pleasure, and returned with her own falsified stories; that she was the daughter of a foreign banker, come to see if there were any opportunities her father might invest in.

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]

2013-03-23, 08:27 PM
Melussera Verdercort

Sense Motive [roll0]

"Oh, business! How silly! That is man talk. I have no business. For pleasure I love a good party. That is why I throw them.

But you, doing your fathers dirty work? That is not something a beautiful young woman like yourself to do. You should be looking for a husband."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-24, 12:25 PM
Selena was glad she was in 'acting mode' otherwise it was likely that the vapid comments the other woman was spouting would have caused some reaction, but Selena was in command of her face and smiled back, laughing. "Oh perhaps, but my father has no sons so it falls to me. And where else would I meet a man other than when working with them?" She laughed inwardly at the kind of work that she facilitated. "But are there any men here?" Selena asked conspiratorially, "Anyone that makes the ladies' hearts beat faster?"

2013-03-24, 10:02 PM
Melussera Verdercort "My dear, there are men all around. Are you hard of sight?" As Melussera points out the many males about the room.

"But a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets and each woman wants something a bit different in a man. So it all depends on what you like."

You must be from somewhere in the North? Yes?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-25, 03:41 AM
Woops, that should have been eligible men :smalltongue:

"My mother bore me in this very city, and I have spent all of my years here, though yes, my father lives far off." Selena answered with as much truth as possible; and for all she knew the latter could be true, she did not know her father.

"I had meant to ask after any eligible men, apart from our bandit slayer over here. I'm sure you have all manner of interesting characters at your parties." Selena wondered where Vanton had gotten too, after all, she rather expected he had an ulterior motive for bringing her here.

2013-03-26, 12:34 PM
Melussera Verdercort "Yes, there are plenty of eligible men here. More then half the men in this city would wed me if they could. Are you looking for a man? If you don't mind me saying, you seem a bit too manish for most upper class men. Men of the upper classes like ladies. Unless your looking for a common man, or you want to marry for something silly like love."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-26, 03:08 PM
Despite her early belief in her acting ability, Selena's face went stonily flat after that last sally by their host; she really is a self centred cow, Selena mused inwardly.
She smiled tightly and then said; "Perhaps, I shall try to me more lady like, like you my dear, so far it just seems to require being vapid and self absorbed, have I got that right?" She let the spiteful words roll off of her tongue with glee and then turned and left the startled woman in her wake.

She sort out Vanton, hoping there was something she could do to release some of her anger.

2013-03-27, 12:33 PM
Melussera Verdercort is quite shocked and as you walk away you here her saying "My word! I don't believe she could be so crude----"

After a couple of minutes, you do spot Vanton down by the main dance floor. They band just starts to play a fast, happy tune as you both walk over to each other.

Vanton Blackwell "Dance? he asks as he offers his hand and nods at the dance floor.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-28, 06:19 AM
Selena grins and nods, taking his hand and stepping out onto the floor; "I believe I have rather offended our host, but it was worth it," her eyes were alight with malicious glee, "Everyone else here just seems to be here for the social gossip. So why are you here?"

2013-03-29, 01:14 AM
Vanton Blackwell takes your hand and moves you out onto the dance floor.

"Why indeed?" he says with a little smile, as he reaches into a vest pocket and shows you two gold rings and a silver ring in the palm of his hand, just for a second, before slipping them back in a pocket.

Vanton leads you in a dance in large flowing circles, similar to all the other dancers. When you circle near another dancing couple, you watch as Vanton's fingers, almost without him looking, slip over and snatch a sliver brooch of a woman dancing next to you. She, nor her dance partner do not notice. Another circle and Vanton grabs a small money pouch from another male dancer.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-29, 07:37 AM
Selena grins; this takes her back, but she was much younger then.

She spins with Vanton and then once she had chosen a target, a fleshy man with a purse at his belt, she detached herself and gracefully slid over, her hand darting out and attempting to snare her prize.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]

2013-03-30, 10:46 PM

Selena's hand brushes against the belly of the man, missing his pouch. He looks over at you and just smiles.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-31, 08:28 AM
Selena's grin almost faded, but she would not be dissuaded, and with a wink she to the intended victim she danced back into the crowd, searching for another pouch: she would not be outdone by Vanton.
The next time she came across a suitable mark she casually strolled past, and her hand lazily fastened on the target.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]

I can only foresee this ending badly :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-01, 09:12 AM

The 'mark' does not notice as you remove his money pouch from his belt.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-01, 03:47 PM
He has 3 eyes!!!

Selena grins and briefly flashes the pouch in front of Vanton's eyes before stowing is in her own belt pouch.
"Tell me, master Blackwell, is this all we have come here for? What is the use in petty theft?" She made sure to keep her voice pitched low, but left it steady, not letting her voice break on the word 'theft'.

2013-04-01, 08:13 PM
Vanton Blackwell "Petty theft? Oh lady you wound me! And what use? Money, riches and such has it's own use."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-02, 06:19 AM
Well if that was the case, Selena would show Vanton Blackwell just how competent she was. For a brief moment she wondered why she would assist his obviously shady dealings in acquiring wealth for an unstated purpose, but she dismissed it. She had pledged herself to this shadowy god, and she would excel in his service.

She nodded to Vanton and moved away through the crowds, looking for a set of doors or stairs that would lead her out of the main room.

2013-04-02, 06:28 PM
Several doorways lead out of the main dance hall. The main doorway, of course, goes back out to the street. Two doorways lead to an outdoor sitting area. One door leads to an in door sitting area. One doorway leads to the kitchen area. Two sets of stairs lead up to the balconies that over look the dance floor.

People are spread out everywhere.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-03, 07:13 AM
Selena grabs a glass of any form of alcohol from a passing servant before crashing through the doors into the kitchen. She allows herself to wobble and then drunkenly stagger on the spot, affording herself a good view of the whole area before tramping towards a staircase if she finds one.

Bluff: [roll0]
Disguise (to act in character): [roll1]

2013-04-04, 07:54 PM
The kitchen workers, all female halflings, just half smile and stay out of your way.

There is only one set of stairs in the kitchen...that go down to some dark storerooms underground.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-05, 05:43 AM
That's not great, I want to go up, not down.

Selena turns around and staggers back into the main hall, and heads for the door to the indoor sitting room, continuing with her drunken stagger, though much reduced: she is in the company of gents and ladies now. Once into that room, she once more searches for a staircase that would lead her upwards.

2013-04-05, 10:39 PM
Some stairs lead up in the hall just next to the sitting room. They lead upwards to a wooden trapdoor in the ceiling, that then leads up to the flat roof of the building. You don't see anyone of the roof.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-06, 07:43 AM
This was more like it. Selena hoisted up her dress and padded along the roof, discarding her drunken disguise. As she stepped, she looked about for a window or a door back into the house: Melussera would certainly have items of value that would impress Vanton and the servants of Mask far more than purses.

2013-04-06, 10:45 PM
The White Dove event hall is a building rented out for parties. It is just the dance floor, sitting rooms, kitchens and such. It is not a house, mansion or villa. And it is not where Melussera lives. She just rented the hall for the night. The hall itself is owned and run by all the halflings. There are no valuables, except what can be found on the people at the party.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-07, 05:06 AM
As Selena realises this she almost hangs her head; why did I think there would be valuables up here? I want to hurt Melussera, not some halflings.

She was about to head back into the party when a thought crossed her mind; it was hardly ladylike, and probably not even very adult, but it did fit agree with a certain malicious streak which was surfacing strongly ever since her conversation with Melussera.

She headed back to the trap door and waited there whilst she thought of the right words and then began to mutter, drawing on the well spring of arcane magic and shaping it, her fingers dancing as the various shadowy strands that she drew forth wove themselves onto the roof. When she was done it looked to all intents and purposes as though the roof now glowed with luminescent paint reading: "Melussera is a vapid whore!"

Selena giggle quietly to herself and then reached into her pocket and drew out the money bag: she let a few of the less valuable coins roll through her fingers and tumble down the roof, falling to the floor and rattling on the ground: hopefully that would be enough to bring someone outside, and then the fun could begin.

She crouched down near the trapdoor and then jumped through, still maintaining her concentration and she waited within the room below.

Silent Image

2013-04-08, 12:38 AM
There are a couple people outside ''getting air'' and such. No one really notices the copper and sliver coins(Almost everyone here is a noble, near-Noble, Middle Class, or vaguely rich...other then your fellow ''common folk'') After a couple minutes a female halfling sweeps up the coins into her cleaning sack.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-09, 04:53 AM
Selena waited within, having hoped that the noise alone would have drawn eyes to her childish prank. She waited for five minutes huddled in the darkness, ears straining for a sound.

If she heard no sound within that time she would reluctantly release her spell and retreat down to the ballroom.

2013-04-09, 12:46 PM
Five minutes pass, all is empty and quiet....

The music in the ballroom is a lot more slow then before. Vanton, is sitting in a chair against the far wall, looking bored.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-10, 06:36 AM
Selena approaches him looking disgruntled, as she sits down next to him she mumbles: "Didn't meet you expectations either?" She slyly passes the pouch across her lap to his.

2013-04-10, 11:33 PM
Vanton Blackwell "Eh, I got all the easy targets. Nothing left but too high risk targets. And I don't take high risks. "

He slips the pouch away into a pocket.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-11, 05:49 AM
Selena paused; too high risk - was he leading her on? Probably, but Selena wanted to achieve something tonight other than winning a petty argument with Melu-bl**dy-ssera.

"Such as?" She tried to make it into a disinterested drawl but was pretty sure she was unsuccessful.

2013-04-13, 12:42 AM
Vanton Blackwell "Well, the real rich and powerful...and the nobles. They will have bags of alarm and other such items. I'm just not skillful enough to steal from them without using magic. And if I call upon the power of Mask, then the Shell Guard will detect it." he says as he stays slumped down in the chair.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-13, 04:22 AM
Selena frowns. "You mean they can detect magic used within this hall? Or only divine magic. I've already use some, and nobody came looking for me." She was mildly disquieted by this revelation, thinking she had gotten past those guards from earlier. Still, the crowd wasn't suddenly parting to announce hoards of anthropomorphic tortoises, so she was good for the moment.

2013-04-15, 03:56 PM
Vanton Blackwell "Of course, this is a high security event. They have magic detectors all around, maybe even a couple invisible watchers. They would detect magic both arcane and divine. You used magic? Like casting a spell?" He gets up and looks around.

"It might be best for us to go...."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-16, 05:53 AM
"Only upstairs, and it was harmless enough..." Selena's voice trailed off. "You're right, we should probably get out of here? The front, or do you know any other ways? We could try the roof if you care for some clambering."

2013-04-16, 10:46 AM
Vanton Blackwell "The front door, of course. We have not done any wrong..well, at least have not been caught doing any wrong. I'm a gentleman thief after all. Vanton flashes a little smile and takes your hand and leads you through the hall, and out the front door. No one overly notices your departure, and no one moves to stop you.

Vanton keeps a watch out, looking around. "I think we are clear."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-16, 11:08 AM
"Well then, this is all I can offer you for our troubles tonight, that and the unending loathing of Melussera if she discovers we were together no doubt."

"Anyway, call on me again should you have a desire to visit any more of these establishments, and perhaps you would pay my own house a visit?"
Selena hands over the money pouch and then heads off into the night, not worried about being accosted alone: she can defend herself.

2013-04-16, 07:33 PM
Vanton Blackwell "Thank you for your company...well will have to do this again some time." Vanton heads off down a side street.

The dark, shadowy city streets sure look imposing. You don't see much of anyone out on the streets, nor do you see many lights in the windows of buildings. The city looks quite quiet.....maybe too quiet....

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-17, 07:43 AM
Selena pulls her coat tighter around her but she doesn't concentrate to hard on searching for enemies, too busy thinking about her failings back at the party. If she wanted to impress the servants of Mask she'd have to do better.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2013-04-17, 08:39 PM
Move Silent [roll1]

While you hear nothing.....you do spot the light shining off the bald head of the dwarf behind a rain barrel, just ten or so feet behind you. He is in leather armor, brown wrappings and has his dagger drawn.....(but he thinks he is hidden...)

2013-04-20, 06:27 PM
Some dark clouds move in from the east...it looks as if it might rain soon.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-22, 12:13 PM
Sorry, I was away and have only managed the smallest contact with the real world!

Selena slides her hand inside her cloak and clenches her fist when she realises she isn't carrying any kind of weapon: when did she become so trusting? What had she learnt on the streets that she had forgotten so quickly now that she had a little wealth and comfort...

She continued onwards thinking through her small repertoire of magics that might be able to disable the man should he follow her.

2013-05-02, 04:39 PM
The dwarf stays with you, moving from hiding spot to hiding spot (unseen, he thinks). Until you are on a street with no one else around. Then he makes a dash right at you, dagger drawn.

As your aware of him, he does not surprise you....but you would get an action before he reaches you. He starts off at 30 feet away.

Welcome Back!

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-03, 11:32 AM
As he darted at her Selena spun and spread her arms right, mutter a few flowing syllables. In between her hands, lights bloomed and then rushed at the dwarf, filling his eyes and surging round his head.

Initiaitive: [roll0]

Cast Hypnotism (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/hypnotism.htm)
DC 16 Will negates (target gains +2 to save for being in combat).

Effects [roll1] HD of creatures
Lasts for [roll2] rounds

Subject also takes -2 penalty on Attack rolls and AC for 1 round, regardless of saves, due to Unsettling Enchantment (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-mage--58/unsettling-enchantment--3032/)

2013-05-03, 04:37 PM
You don't need initiative yet, we are not at round one yet. You are, technically, getting a surprise round against him and/or a ready action(but not really...). As you are aware of him, but he does not know that. Once you can see he is ''going to attack'', you can act...while he is thirty feet away. So save your initiative roll for round 1.

I'm not so sure your ''in combat'' in round 0, as combat starts in round 1. If neither you or the other character has made an attack, can you really be considered ''in combat''. So I'd say no combat.

Save[roll0] (+2/-2=0)

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-04, 06:03 AM
You don't need initiative yet, we are not at round one yet. You are, technically, getting a surprise round against him and/or a ready action(but not really...). As you are aware of him, but he does not know that. Once you can see he is ''going to attack'', you can act...while he is thirty feet away. So save your initiative roll for round 1.

I'm not so sure your ''in combat'' in round 0, as combat starts in round 1. If neither you or the other character has made an attack, can you really be considered ''in combat''. So I'd say no combat.

I just put those in in case; I wasn't sure, so I thought I'd note it all down. :smallbiggrin:

If that means you want initiative again: [roll0]

"Drop the dagger and kick it towards me," Selena stated calmly, though every fibre of her body was alight with nerves.
She readied herself to try and stun him if he came any closer.

Ready action to use whelm if doesn't comply with her request.

2013-05-04, 09:02 PM
The dwarf, looking quite fascinated drops his dagger and kicks it over to just in front of your feet. Then the dwarf just stands there, looking at you......

The dagger at your feet is very plain and unremarkable. The blade even looks clean.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-05, 09:04 AM
Selena stooped and picked up the weapon; her enchantment wouldn't last long- if she was going to leave, it needed to be soon. She briefly entertained the possibility of leaving the would-be-thief with some sort of memento for having threatened her, but she thought better of it.

Turning, she darted round the corner and ran through a few streets before settling down to a walk and heading back home.

I know; she's not quite as brave as she would like to think...

2013-05-05, 07:17 PM
The dwarf watches you go, but does not move to follow. As you move around the corner you loose sight of the dwarf. The next street over is more of a 'main' street, with a couple people on it. You can move along home right to the front door of the Lady.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-06, 04:56 AM
Selena hurries to her front door where she stops and tries to compose herself: why was she being like this? She used to have all kinds of weapons pulled do her when she was a kid, and she was better protected now! She had all her magic as well. But she'd grown soft, that was it, soft and unprepared: she had daggers and swords in her room, not to mention a short bow. She really should make sure to be better prepared.

Having calmed herself, she opened the door and stepped back into the house.

2013-05-06, 04:16 PM
The main room is empty, other then Panfilo and Dulock sitting at a table together drinking. Panfilo nods to you and gives a good smile as he holds up a gold coin in his fingers.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-06, 04:58 PM
"A good night?" Selena asked, keeping any anxiety out of her voice. She was calm again. She was. "My night was honestly rather mixed. But who knows, I may well do it again." Selena, knowing that people were the most important part of her business set herself down with the pair bringing out a bottle of wine and three glasses and asked them for a quick summary of who was where.

2013-05-06, 05:10 PM
Panfilo "A great night, yes. Been nice and steady busy. Lots of folks out tonight."

Panfilo shows you the scroll with his notes on it. The both of them make a bit of small talk.

Dulock"There was an odd human male hanging around for a bit. Kept asking everyone questions about everything. I had to toss him into the street. He did not come back after that."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-07, 07:57 AM
"Do you think he was from a temple, or a competitor?" Selena asked as she sipped, allowing herself to relax in their company. "Is everyone done for the night?" She never liked to go to sleep when their were still customers about; it paid to have your wits about you, as tonight had proved.

2013-05-07, 07:22 PM
Panfilo ""We are done for the night."

Dulock "I doubt he was a cleric. I guess he could have been from another place. He was quite annoying."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-08, 03:04 AM
"Hmm, well if that's the case I'll take myself off to bed." Selena announces, satisfied that there is nothing pressing to be taken care of. Heading up to her room, she shuts her door and collapses on the bed. An interesting day, definitely. Holding her hand up in front of her, she was pleased to find it only wavered the tiniest amount; she had gotten over her panic, she was fine, she was safe, and she could protect herself.

2013-05-08, 06:32 PM
The night passes quickly enough and brings on sleep and the dawn of a new day. Though the day is quite dark and gray and full of rain.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-09, 02:50 AM
Well a cloak gives me an opportunity to go armed, Selena mused silently, as she sat at her window, watching the few travellers go by in the street. But it will likely dampen business tonight. I'll give some of the girls the night off.

She was almost planning on staying in, but thought better of it: there were things to do if she were to earn the favour of Mask and dwell within his city. Rising she buckled on her rapier, picked out her bow and quiver and for good measure added both daggers to her fearsome attire. She looked like an adventurer now, which was laughable in its own way: her, an adventurer?

Heading out into the streets, she pulled her hood up to shield her from the weather, and then began to stride through the streets. Maybe being an adventurer wasn't so bad for the time being; there was supposed to be a lot of money in it, and that could always help, at least far more than petty theft.

2013-05-11, 11:02 PM
The rain comes and goes, making for a very wet morning. Few people are out on the streets. A lot of places are simply closed, though some shops and such are open. No one takes much notice of you out on the street.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-12, 07:02 AM
Heading out into the city, Selena searched for a tavern that would be a regular haunt for adventurers. She planned on using their diverse backgrounds to find out a little more about a few things: Mask for one, and Vanton, if anyone knew, but more importantly she fancied hearing about Melussera from the other side of the city's social world. And perhaps a few ways to make some coin wouldn't be too bad.

Gather info [roll0]
Knowledge local: [roll1]

2013-05-13, 10:06 AM
The Rusty Blade is a well known adventurer's tavern. It is owned and run by a group of former adventurers.

Mask: Most of the adventurers know of Mask, of course. And a handful of them are even worshipers of Mask.

Vanton: No one knows of him. Even the worshipers of Mask that have been to the temple. Though they admit they don't know every cleric in the temple.

Melussera: All most of the adventurers have never even heard of her and can care less about 'city folk'. Two of the female adventurers know of her as an rich woman. The barkeep mentions that he knows of her as his wife brings her up often, but he does not much listen to the gossip.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-13, 10:51 AM
Selena headed to the Rusty Blade, and headed to the bar: she ordered a drink and then watched the other customers. Maybe there would be something of interest.

Hearing that the barkeeps wife often gossips about Melussera Selena gave a throaty laugh, and asked nonchalantly: "And would she happen to be about today: I am rather a connoisseur of those topics."

2013-05-13, 09:18 PM
The barkeep nods and heads into the back rooms. A couple minutes later he comes out with a woman. She has on a simple homespun white dress and strapped shoes. She has lots of bracelets on bother her arms and several rings on each finger. Her long blonde hair is kept in a long pony tail.

"Why, well met. I'm Belladonna Squall."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-14, 03:41 AM
"Selena Trimaine," she replied taking in the barkeeps wife, who looked far more prosperous than Selena had expected; "Your husband was telling me that you knew of Melussera, and I was hoping you could tell me what you know of her. Please, be candid, your words go no further."

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

2013-05-14, 04:39 PM
Belladonna Squall "Oh, well everything has ears, even the street it self. Nothing said remains unknown for long. And this city is full of long tongues... Melussera Verdercort? Oh, sure she is good for a barrel of laughs. You don't look the type that would care about such things though. What are you, like a barbarian or ranger? That bow sure makes you stand out. Do you owe Melussera Verdercort coin? She do a favor for you and your now in debt? Did she give you a jeweled beetle?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-15, 07:37 AM
"We have a certain acquaintance. And no, I am not your typical adventurer, so neither of those callings is my own. Does she often have a lot to do with adventurers? I find her less than savoury, one could say."

2013-05-15, 11:39 PM
Belladonna Squall "Well, yes she does have that effect on people. You know, you have met her. And yes she has plenty of dealings with adventurer types. I myself was a mule of hers for years. Back when I was young and dumb. Rich folk need things done..but, well you known not out in the open."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-16, 04:44 AM
"Ah, yes," Selena grins back knowingly: So Melussera has a few skeletons after all, or at least some dirty laundry she likes to keep quiet. "Do you know how she acquires her adventurers? I'm looking for a few jobs right now after all, and better the devil you know than the devil you don't, right?"

2013-05-16, 08:55 PM
Belladonna Squall "Oh yes. She uses the classic. She is like that...she likes to be classic and traditional. She uses the holding cells under The Tower. The classic get an adventurer out of jail for a service. Though in her case it is more like a dozen and she is always on the look out to dig her hooks in deeper."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-17, 02:34 AM
"Always useful to know, though I hope I don't find myself there too soon," Selena jokes back. So she was right: Melussera had some dirty secrets and this looked to be the beginnings of quite a good plan...
"Thank you for your help," Selena smiles, sliding the woman a gold coin: "And if any work comes up, mention my name: I have some friends at this address, they'll pass the message on." She leaves the name and address of her brothel, hoping that the woman will not learn that Selena owns it.
Selena hovers around the bar for a few more minutes, just in case someone is looking for an adventurer, and then she heads back to her home to ditch her weapons and prepare for a trip to the dungeons.
Keeping only her rapier, she switches to comfortable clothes with a little embroidery to highlight their quality: she could add the rest when she was nearer.
Heading out she approached the dungeons and, ducking into an alleyway nearby, wove an illusion on herself, making her clothes princely, and her face of a more noble cast.

Cast Disguise Self.

She then headed into the dungeons.

2013-05-19, 01:07 AM
The dungeons are located under The Tower (Watch Headquarters) that is right next to the Market.

The two guards at the door don't move much as you walk in the main doorway entrance, but the guard at the desk gets up and moves over to you.

"Well Met, is there something I can do for you?"

Disguise Check....

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-19, 04:26 AM
Disguise check [roll0]

"Oh, quite probably. I am looking for some men, and a woman. Perhaps you could show me? I'm looking for a special kind of group for the things I require, if you know what I mean." Selena smiled patronisingly at the guards, and gestured for them to lead on, hoping that having a commanding voice would be enough.

2013-05-19, 08:02 PM
Guard Spot Check [roll0]

The guard looks you over good and then slowly stands up. He reaches for a scroll and looks down at it. "I see. You got a name they might go by? A description? What crime they did? Anything to narrow down who your looking for? Is this a family member? Friend? What? And a whole group? Help me help you."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-20, 05:13 AM
"Ah, the woman I know, but she is less of a concern. The group, well let's say I'll know them when I see them," Selena smiled, and slipped a gold coin into the guard's hand.
"Adventurer types? Have you got any in your cells?"

2013-05-20, 03:17 PM
Guard "Oh, sorry, miss, I thought you were here for something else. " He looks down at the gold coin in his hand and quickly puts it in his belt pouch.

"Obelia! Get in her!" he yells.

A couple moments later a female human, in a very fancy guard uniform (but not any armor) comes in through one of the doors.

"Show this good lady downstairs. The day key is white."

Obelia "Well met, my lady. This way." She leads you over to a closed door and opens it with a key. It's a fairly long trip down the stairs to the dungeon. Cells and groups of cells line the crossing hallways.

"Anyone or thing your looking for? Or just browsing?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-21, 08:05 AM
"Browsing," Selena said confidently, "Tell me, is this something you do regularly? Do you have lots of clients? I just want to know if I'll have much competition." This last is said conspiratorially, something Selena is very good at insinuating.

2013-05-21, 10:49 PM
Obelia just shrugs "Sure, like at least once a week. And you can always tell when something is a foot: we get visitors everyday. At least a dozen regulars, maybe twice that are sometimes and then a couple rouges like you once an while."

The first couple cells are full of very poor looking, poor to do people....beggars, drunks, homeless and the like.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-22, 04:49 AM
"A rogue, am I? How quaint." Selena steps past the poor looking people with only a cursory glance to confirm they are what they seem to be, but keeps walking onwards, hoping to be shown the real adventurers.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2013-05-22, 11:14 PM
Obelia leads you past the poorer people and over to the cells with the more 'average' looking people. They all look mostly the same, dressed in mostly simple clothing. None have any armor, equipment or weapons, of course. The next couple have their hands tied and/or gags.

Obelia "More what yor looking for?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-23, 04:09 AM
"And these would be the masters of the arcane, would they not? Is that why they are gagged and tied? A suitable solution, though some would know ways even around that." Upon finding the wizards, Selena suddenly felt a lot less comfortable: she knew her own arcane powers were meagre and if truth be told, she didn't fancy a fight with one of these: normally she would have found the nearest exit. Best to start with the mundane adventurers then...

"May I speak with these?" She asked, gesturing at the average looking people. She guessed the prison might hold stronger adveturers, but she didn't need them, yet, and she wouldn't have trusted them, not one bit.

2013-05-24, 08:06 PM
Obelia "Of course, speak away, they are not going anywhere." She waves her hands at the cells randomly.

Most of the people in the cells don't pay you any attention. Some look up, obliviously out of lack of anything to do. One of the tided and gagged tortles does give you a good look and blinks at you at lot.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-25, 04:56 AM
Ignoring the bound pair, Selena moves towards the others. "My name is Ryanna," she lied nonchalantly, "And I'm here because I need a job doing, and some reliable men and women to do it. If you are not those, you may well know who is correct?" Selena was well aware she had little to no money to pay these men with, but she'd sort out making her own coin some other way: maybe she'd also have to become an adventurer.
Watching the group, Selena tries to single out anyone who might be more observant and cunning than the others: she needed a weapon against Melussera.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Bluff [roll1]

Sense Motive [roll2]

2013-05-27, 02:09 PM
Obelia stays behind you, off to the side a bit, listening.

The human male, dressed in a plain shirt and pants, has been watching you the whole time carefully. You'd guess he has the rogue like look. And elven male, with a bored look on his face and his arms crossed looks interesting as well.

The rest are hard to tell, as prisoners they are dressed and look mostly all alike.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-27, 03:58 PM
Their lack of response was rather unnerving, and Selena found her confidence dwindling. Stepping backwards she turned to Obelia, "Perhaps i was misinformed. I need services done, and the coin to pay for them. Perhaps these folk do not understand that." Selena hoped that this rather unsubtle hint might goad some of them into listening to her, even if they didn't, it would be enough that the guards knew about "Ryanna". And eventually she'd find someone of these she could trust enough to be her plant on the inside, someone who could find out exactly what Melussera was up to.

2013-05-28, 09:49 PM
Obelia "I take it my lady is not used to dealing with thugs, criminals and thieves. You can not expect them to act like normal common folk even. They are not. They can't even lead simple lives of work or labor, thing far below my lady, I'm sure.

You ask them to help you? They would not even help themselves. You ask for reliable folks? Yet they are nothing of the sort. If they were reliable they would not have committed crimes in the first place.

If you need something done, some dirty work, it does not matter much what one does it. They are all the same."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-29, 12:41 PM
If they would need the incentive of money, and the proof that she had it before they began, then she would have some rethinking to do. "Bring out the elf. I would speak to him alone."

2013-05-29, 09:50 PM
Obelia nods and pulls a large key ring out of a pouch. She opens the door and leads the elf out, carefully without touching him. She leads you back down the hall, across another hall, and into a small sitting room. The room has little more in it but an old wooden table and four chairs and the torches burning on each wall. She has the elf sit down in one the the chairs, and then moves to stand behind him. The elf carefully sits down and crosses his arms again.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-30, 05:54 AM
"As I said before I'm Ryanna. I think you would gain a lot from working with me. What is your name, and beyond that, what exactly are your talents? Why are you in here?" Selena hoped that she could convince the elf to work with her, for the promise of payment in the future.

2013-05-31, 01:57 AM
Balorn Lakewood "My name is Balorn Lakewood. he says in common.

"I have many talents. Strength, speed, stealth. I am One with the Wood.

I am here on an Elven Matter(tm). And I violated the laws of this vile human cesspool of a city. Laws I do not recolonize, as only the One True Elven Way matters.

If you can remove me from this hole, I will preform a boon for you in return."

Obelia just waits.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-31, 04:43 AM
"What did you do?" Selena replies in Elven. "The thing I will ask of you, it would not be hard, even if you did not have the talents I suspect you have. I would like you to befriend a human for me."

2013-05-31, 11:06 PM
Balorn Lakewood "Befriend a human? That is not really my thing. Killing humans, I do that. " Switching to elven

I broke human laws. Made too much noise, hit humans, broke things. Whatever"

Obelia acts like she is listening, but looks a bit distracted.....you might guess she does not know elven.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-01, 08:03 AM
"This woman; she will likely ask you to do those things, and you I would be happy for you to take whatever payment she offers you. But I would know everything she does, and at the end, you would have the pleasure of killing her." Selena may as well promise the moon whilst she was at it, she had no idea what it was Melussera was up to, but if that was the kind of promise this man needed, he would have it.

2013-06-02, 11:28 PM
Balorn Lakewood looks at you long and hard. "You want me to be a spy? A, how would a human put it, a double agent? Some human woman you don't like? Human things. This seems a simple enough task to do. "

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-03, 03:36 AM
"Yes, a double agent, quite an apt term. I would hope that you would remain here until she comes, and attempt to get selected by her. Once that is done, find me at the Rusty Blade and you will be handsomely rewarded. Now you know your freedom will certainly come, think on what you desire in the long run..."

Turning she left and nodded to Obelia. Returning to the common tongue, she said: "I do not think this one is for me: a rather skilled fellow, perhaps too skilled. I will leave him in your capable hands. I thank you for your time."

2013-06-03, 09:05 AM
Balorn Lakewood makes a short nod as he looks at you.

Obelia looks confused "You don't want him? Did you want to look at some others?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-05, 08:53 AM
"I have much to think on, I shall likely return. But for the moment there is nothing here I want. Thank you for guiding me, miss...?"

2013-06-05, 11:06 PM
Obelia shrugs "I guess. Well we will be here. And we get fresh meat all the time." she leads you up and out of the tower and back on to the street.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-06, 06:36 AM
Well that hadn't gone to plan, but Selena mostly blamed her own naivety for that. What had she expected?
So now she may have an ally on the inside, but she wouldn't trust him, oh no, not far at all, but if she were to keep his interest, and really to find anyway of finding out what Melussera was up to, she would need gold, and there was one way of getting lots of gold quickly: and that was adventuring.

Selena allowed her disguise to drop and headed back to the Rusty Blade.

2013-06-07, 05:57 AM
The mid lunch time crowd fills the Rusty Blade. Lots of folk come to eat, but more come for the stores. Endless stories of adventures. It is standing room only when you get there, as everyone listens to an old male dwarf tell about slaying a green dragon. No one makes a note of you coming in.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-07, 05:11 PM
Keeping an ear out for the story being told, Selena heads to the bar and motioning over to the barman, smiles warmly: "Nice to see you again so soon. Something's come up for me, and I'm going to need some cash. Who would I go about talking to to earn it?"

2013-06-08, 08:54 PM
Barkeep "You looking for a job? Could always use a pretty girl like you to wait tables. One silver a week, plus tips."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-09, 07:18 AM
"I'm looking for something a little larger than that. Must get some people with large purses in here occasionally, wanting jobs done, artefacts retrieved."

2013-06-09, 06:42 PM
Barkeep "An artifact recovered? Like a quest? Or an adventure? Is that what your looking for?" He says with a smile.

"You should have just said so. But the question is legal or not and moral or not?" His face loses his smile and looks serious.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-10, 10:45 AM
"Well we all know that morality is subjective, and really, aren't laws just the same. Some place, some time it will have been legal," Selena can't help but digress, "So yes, I really am quite flexible in those departments."

2013-06-10, 05:04 PM
Barkeep shakes his head Sigh, your one of them thinkers. You want Zloewas, the back table, all by him self in the gray robe and cloak." He points to the back table.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-10, 06:01 PM
"Thank you then," Selena nods and turns away, attempting to find this Zloewas.

If she does so, she takes a seat with him, and in a confidential whisper, mutters: "I'm looking for employment, and I hear you're the person to talk to about that."

2013-06-10, 06:33 PM
Zloewas is easy to find at the back table. An older human male in a gray robe. Mostly bald with a long wooden staff. He looks you over as you sit down.

"Oh, why yes. Looking for a job are you? Now just want can you do hum? Now just hold still, this won't hurt a bit."

Zloewas engages in some spellcasting, as he looks at you intently.

You can attempt to identify the spells if you wish. Or otherwise react before he finishes casting the first spell.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-11, 04:38 AM
Selena smiles warmly, and sits comfortably, hiding her discomfort that he is stripping away her layers of disguise, and seeing straight to her core.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2013-06-11, 11:38 AM
Why he is casting the spell Summon Potato! or Invoke Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia(that is the fear of big words)

Zloewas looks at your carefully and then shrugs "You will do."

He pulls a small scroll out of nowhere, unrolls it with one hand and slides it across the table. It has a very well drawn picture of a ring, gold band with a large pearl set into it and several dolphins and dragons in the holding.

"The Ring of Lutufkari. As far as know it is in the possession of Tockai of the Serpent's Tongue. Some type of lizard or snake man. Somewhere in the underbelly of the city. He is a sly one though. Two others sent to get the ring never made it back, just their bodies floating in the harbor. Get the ring, bring it back to me here."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-11, 01:37 PM
"I can do that. But how much will you give me for it? The ring must be valuable in and of itself, and the work to get it... What exactly does this ring do?" Selena is confident though she has a few reservations about this kind of work, though not enough to stop her doing it!

2013-06-11, 08:22 PM
Zloewas "Name your price. I know your type, your looking for a quick bit of money. You just need some coin? Maybe a right word or two in an ear? Or something more exotic."

He laughs a bit.
"Where you born yesterday? Even if I told you that it was a ring of water breathing, would you believe me? The ring is a wanted item, you don't really need know anymore. And don't get any ideas of going into this for yourself. I have eyes and ears through out the city, and the whole Inner Sea."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-12, 06:56 AM
"Quite the contrary: a single lizardfolk is one thing, no matter who he is. A single lizardfolk wth the ability to Wish three times would be a rather more troublesome encounter don't you think?"

"I will charge six thousand gold coins for the return of the ring, and for my absolute discretion in this matter."

2013-06-12, 08:16 PM
Zloewas "That is not a bad point. It's not a ring of wishing. The rings powers are all aquatic.

Six thousand gold? Hum, a bit steep. What would be your charge to assassinate a king? How about two thousand."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-13, 04:29 AM
"At least at that price you know I would get the job done. Three thousand and you will have yourself a deal. Once I have located the ring, how will I locate you?"

2013-06-13, 09:33 PM
Zloewas nods "I can do three thousand gold. I'm not hard to find, most afternoons and evenings I am right here. I also have a small house nearby, you could stop there." He slides over a scroll with his address on it.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-14, 09:28 AM
"Then I will meet you soon, Master Zloewas."

Selena stood and bid him farewell before exiting the Rusty Blade. She would need to locate this Tockai and whatever the Serpent's Tongue was and learn more about him and his dwelling, before she launched her assault. it was risky to let him know she was coming for him, and so she asked questions about Lizard like men in the city, posing as an interested yet eccentric purveyor of exotic species.

Bluff [roll0]
Gatehr Info [roll1]

Afer she had spent an hour or so in the city asking questions, she headed to the Temple of Mask figuring that if anybody would know where a thief or a criminal was, they would.

2013-06-14, 11:50 PM
While most folks believe you are a 'purveyor', most in general don't know much about 'lizard folk'. Lizard folk are not openly welcome in the city, but they are not illegal and killed on sight like drow or dragon races. (You have never seen a lizard humanoid on the streets) It's well known that plenty of them live under the city, either in old caves and sewers. Lizard folks have very little contact with others, except the more shady people.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-16, 06:08 AM
Selena nods and thanks the last person she spoke to before heading on to the Temple of Mask, hoping that they would aid a sister in her work. Perhaps Vanton would know of this Tockai, or the ring.

2013-06-17, 10:01 AM
The House of Spires and Shadows(The Temple of Mask) is a fairly busy place today. Much of the main hall is filled with folks listening to a sermon.

Vanton Blackwell is near the door as you come in, and he sees you and comes over. "Well again, how are you today?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-18, 04:30 AM
"I'm well," Selena replies, "But I would like to know if you could help me. I need to find a lizardfolk named Tockai, and a ring he possesses, the Ring of Lutufkari."

2013-06-18, 08:46 AM
Vanton Blackwell "Lizard folk living under the city?! My, my what have you gotten yourself in to? Well, I'm afraid I don't really know anything about lizard folk, I've never even see one. And I don't know anything about the underground of the city. I'm more of a clean street party guy, of course. But there are plenty of those who follow Mask that walk in the dark places, like underground. You could talk to one of them. I could introduce you. For a helpers fee, of course. says Vanton with a smile.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-18, 09:58 AM
"Wasn't my contribution from last night enough," Selena replies pouting, but nods afterwards all the same and hands over one of her few remaining gold pieces.

2013-06-19, 10:28 PM
Vanton BlackwellWell.....I guess that could cover it. Just this once. Sorry force of habit to ask for payment.

I don't get off for a couple hours, and we need to wait until it gets dark anyway. Meet you back here at sunset?

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-20, 06:31 AM
It was strange to think of a priest working shifts, you'd think that time wasn't as important to gods as fervour, but Selena wasn't going to call herself knowledgeable about the whole religion thing anyway. "At sunset." she agreed, before leaving Vanton to his work. She could either kill time now here, she supposed, or attempt a little investigation work on her own.

Would Selena have enough time to get to the underbelly of the city, spend an hour or so investigating, and get back before sunset? If not she explores the temple.

Just a heads up: if you look in my sig, I'll be away for a couple of weeks soon. I'll try and catch up on my return :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-20, 09:28 PM
It is at least a couple hours to sunset, so you have time.

Vanton gives a smile and a nod as he goes back to work.

I see. Where are you going, like safari in Africa?

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-21, 08:10 AM
Selena heads towards the underbelly of the city, stopping off to purchase a more ragged looking cloak to hide her appearance, she then makes sure that her sword is within easy reach, and that she still has her knives and bow, before searching the area, learning the battlefield so to speak.

We're travelling actually, in Europe, but we'll be climbing mountains and I don't even know where we'll end up: exciting :smallsmile:

2013-06-22, 02:24 AM
The dark under belly of the city welcomes you...

Gone? Still here?

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-05, 02:38 PM
Selena wanders into the dark streets where she had often wandered as a child. There were a lot of memories that this place evoked: even if she hadn't been in these exact streets, the mood of the place was one she remembered well. She'd survived it then; she would survive it now. Heading in, she searched for a place for a drink, hoping that someone here would know more of the lizardman she hunted.