View Full Version : Need advice for a 24th level melee cleric

2013-02-08, 05:43 AM

I am currently migrating one of my character from Ad&d 2E to D&d 3.5.

Here is the migration rules :

48 ability points and 4 inherent bonus
24 character level, Only one prestige class
300 000gp of Magic items ( In addition, only objects that the character already had in the second edition can be selected in 3.5)
maximum 3 non srd spells (I hope we can research non srd spell during playing)

My character was a dual class human-weretiger, Fighter 14/Specialist Priest of Selune 19. This character had been played mostly in the Ravenloft Campaign setting. When he left this demi-plane, he aquired an immunity to standar undead level draining attack.

First, I want to make my 3.5 character as close as possible to my 2E character. Secondly, I want to optimize my character, since some epic monsters and encouters can be really unbeattable if you select the bad thing.

So here is my choice :

Male human cleric (Selune) 10 / knight of the raven 14
Domain : Moon, Travel

Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 26, Cha 14

Skills at max rank : Concentration, Knowledge(Religion), Spellcraft and Spot
Skill with 1 rank : Heal 1, Knowledge (arcana,history,the planes), Survival 1, Swim 1.
Skills with few ranks : Regency related skills, Spacefarer related skills
Feats Eschew Material, Extend Spell, Protection Devotion, Quicken Spell, Cosmopolitan (Spellcraft), Travel Devotion, Persistent Spell, Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) ,

Epic Feats Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Ignore Material Component, Improved Spell Capacity (11th)

Non-SRD spells :
3th - Mass Lesser Vigor - The Persistent Mass lesser vigor help to heal full party in few mintutes.
3th -Moonblade - it's good spell part of the Moon domain, and having at least one moon spell seems important to me.
9th - Visage of the Greater Deity - Finally, Visage of the Deity appear to be a really potent buff spell)
(I had hesitate to take Superior resistance or Revivify)

+1 silvered holy heavy mace,
+1 dragonhide fullplate, plate armor of the deep, fire resistance, cold resistance, called
+1 heavy dragonhide shield,
cube of force, ring of greater energy resistance (electricity), periapt of wisdom+6, pearl of the sirines, belt of dwarvenkind, bag of holding (type I), boot of the winterlands, rod of splendor, rope of climbing, decanter of endless water

What do you think of this build ?
I choose Ignore Material Component in order to cast Symbol and True Resurection spells for free but I wonder whether it's a good choice.
In the following level (27th level epic feat) I plan to take Epic Sepllcasting, since it seems to be the only choice to improve the current character power in order to face future epic encounter. Is there any better choice ?
Finally, I wonder if I'd rather to take more point in strength and less in Wisdom...losing few spell bonus

2013-02-08, 05:50 AM
The first thing i saw that you lack is DMM Persist.

If you persist the right spells, you can ignore your str and keep a high wis anyways.

2013-02-08, 06:11 AM
Perhap I'm wrong but I think I do not need DMM Persistent Spell, since I can already prepare persistent spell.

Persistent divine power is 10th level spell
Persistent Righteous Might is a 11th level spell

Moreover, DMM Persistent cost a lot of turn and it mean I can power only one or two persistent. I also have to consider keeping few turn to power second use of devotion feats.
Finally Visage of the deity, greater is cast as a quickened spell. I prefer to not have the Visage as a persistent spell because I don't want my character appears as a winged half celestial all the day.