View Full Version : Dry Lich controlling own undead

2013-02-08, 03:06 PM
I'm bringing in a new 20th level character for an Epic game.

Cloistered Cleric 5/Nosomatic Chirurgeon 5/Walker in the Waste 10 (Dry Lich)

Worship Concept of the Waste (dessert) and get Sand, Sun, and Knowledge domains. According to the Turning Undead table, I'm only able to affect Cleric level(5) + 4 HD undead.

Salt Mummy is 12 HD.

Am I able to command the Salt Mummies that I create? If not, since they are intelligent, would I have to win them over with Diplomacy?

Can I create Salt Mummies and hold them under my sway with only five levels of Cloistered Cleric?

2013-02-08, 03:13 PM
You'd need to win them over with diplomacy or spells, correct. You can't command them with your rebuking.

2013-02-08, 05:00 PM
Ok, thanks for the prompt reply.

What are some of the ways that I would be able to control my own Salt Mummies besides diplomacy(I've got a +21 Diplo mod)? I'm level 20, going into Epic, money is no issue.

I plan on taking more levels of Cloistered Cleric as I advance so that my rebuking gets better and to eventually qualify for Demilich at ECL 35.

Here is my character sheet. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=488603) If anyone has time, read the "Other Notes" section at the bottom of the page for a tragic backstory.

Silva Stormrage
2013-02-08, 05:29 PM
Actually, you CAN control them with rebuking. It requires items though, LOTS of items.

Lyre of the Restful Soul: 4k Libris Mortis gives -4 to undead's turn resistance
Rod of Defiance: ~13k MiC reduces an undead's turn resistance by 4

Both of those can turn an undead creature's turn resistance into negatives. Making the salt mummy only have 4 HD. You can easily command those into submission. You don't need to worry about when the turn resistance reductions run out because rebuke undead only checks their turn resistance when they are commanded (If it didn't work this way whenever you bolstered your undead you would almost instantly lose control of them)

Additional items:
Scepter of the Netherworld: 9k Libris Mortis +3 Rebuking level. Letting you command 3 extra HD and increasing the highest HD you can control.

Some DM's let you change items that boost turn undead to boost rebuke undead, if so other items include
Phylactery of Undead Turning (DMG): 11k +4 to rebuke undead level

Ruby Blade: MiC Page 58: 20k +4 Rebuke Undead Level. Although it is also a relic.

With all these increases you can rebuke a total of 31 HD and reduce undead's HD by 8. So you could command a 23 HD undead with no turn resistance and have it only count as a 15 HD undead for commanding HD purposes.

Rebuke and command undead is really good, its just item dependent.

2013-02-08, 05:30 PM
IIRC, the Mother Cyst line has a non-mind affecting Dominate.

Silva Stormrage
2013-02-08, 05:35 PM
IIRC, the Mother Cyst line has a non-mind affecting Dominate.

Unfortunately, the mother cyst line of spells needs a necrotic cyst on the target to function. And only living creatures can have necrotic cysts on them. Though it might be possible to use spark of the living or a similar spell that makes the undead count as living. Infect it with a necrotic cyst and then use necrotic tumor on it.