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View Full Version : [3.5e] Cha-based Necro cleric looking to settle domain debate...any help?

2013-02-08, 04:19 PM
No, I am not dead. I just had school get in the way of things, but now I am starting to get things in order. Anyway, while school may have given me bad news, I got good news as well. After YEARS of going without one, I now finally have the prospect of a RL playgroup. While I love the mechanics of the cleric class, my RL wisdom score is horrible so I usually play dread necromancer(because wizards suck at necromancy in 3.5e) but in the VERY rare chances a DM lets me take the lost traditions feat, I jump to Necro cleric.

Lost Traditions lets me swap my cleric casting stat from wisdom(which I can't RP well when high) to any other mental stat, and I have chosen charisma as the stat to change my casting to. Unlike the dynamic priest feat from legend of twins, Lost traditions changes everything, EVEN spell DCs to your new stat. Because I am blowing a feat on swapping my stat, I am going human to grab a second feat.

Anyway...that's not what the thread is for. What the thread is really for is that I have hit a road block in character creation that I would like help with. My character is going to be a cloistered cleric rather then a typical martial one, and as a result gets a pile of skill points. My character is also going to be a dedicated necromancer, taking corpsecrafter feats and everything. Thus, two of my domains are locked into stone, Deathbound and knowladge. The latter I get for free and the former is basically mandatory if you want to be a necromancer cleric. My last domain, however, is the source of my issue. I can go one of two ways with it and I am not sure which is better.

The campaign we are in is an undead heavy campaign and as a result I was highly considering the Necromancer domain as my last domain. The Necromancer domain is an obscure domain that basicly gives you acssess to a pile of wizard-exclusive necromancy spells as domain spells. It also gives you a +1 CL on all necromancy spells you cast as it's domain power, helpful with animate dead. However, the real appeal of the domain for this campaign is that it gives me both command undead and control undead, and this campaign is going to be somewhat undead heavy. These, while not as good as rebuking, allow me to supplement my rebuking with other ways of controlling undead but as domain spells their use is limited to 1/day, which is IMO pretty low if you want to be using it to take over encountered undead rebuke can't hit.

My other option was to make my last domain the trickery domain. I get lots of skill points, and while knowladge skills are nice and I will be taking them, trickery domain provides me with a few VERY useful social skills that are invaluable to a necromancer and would be a great use of all those skill points. Bluff and disguise are both VERY good skills for a necromancer to have, especially since the party may have some good members(we're a mixed alignment party). The trickery domain also has some VERY nice wizard-exclusive spells including the ever popular invisibility and time stop. The only downside to the trickery domain is that while the skills it grants are useful for a necromancer it doesn't directly benefit my necromancy in any way.

Anyway, I want your opinions on this. Which domain should I choose for my last domain? Necromancer or Trickery?

2013-02-08, 04:37 PM
I would just use Substitute Domain (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-champion--57/substitute-domain--629/) on knowledge domain, it's the perfect candidate for Substitute Domain, since you've already spent your skill points and it offers really nothing else of value in combat.

Then you can have Necromancy and Trickery.

2013-02-08, 04:48 PM
That has a duration on it though, which is ick since I lose the domain when the duration is up. Duration is long, yes, but it's still there, and it's a 2nd level spell which means I don't even get to use the other domain until level 3. Also, either way I still have to pick a third domain so even if I did make use of that spell I'd have to choose one domain to be only be available for a limited amount of time and denied to me completely until 2nd level. Out of all the domains, Necromancer is the one that would hurt the least to delay until level 3 since it's power is mostly used for animate dead which I don't get for a while and while ray of enfeeblement is a nice spell at 1/day I can stand not having it at level 1. While Necromancy's level 1 spell is better then trickery's, tricky's skills are always useful and better to have at lv 1 since your ranks won't lag behind so I suppose I should go trickery, deathbound and knowladge and then use that spell as soon as I hit level 3?

2013-02-08, 04:59 PM
I think it was complete divine or perhaps PHB2 that offers the option to change a cleric's spontaneous casting from cure/inflict to the ability to sacrifice a prepared spell to cast a domain spell of the same level. Not only would you get more than one use per day of each of your domain spells, but you wouldn't have to prepare them at all if you didn't want to. The same ACF allows you to prep cure/inflict spells in your domain slots.

2013-02-08, 05:05 PM
Ahh....That would be highly useful with command undead especially, but yet I am going as a necromancer so spontaneously casting inflicts is quite useful for spot healing for undead. However, Necromancer domain does have some very, very useful spells like enervation, ray of enfeeblement and of course the aforementioned command undead. However, I am not sure if such a trade is worth it for a minion-master since the spontaneous inflict spell casting is useful for healing undead. Anyway, opinions on this? Would spontaneous necromancer domain be more useful then spontaneous inflicts or are spontaneous inflicts to hard to give up for a minionmaster?

2013-02-08, 05:08 PM
Buy a wand of inflict light wounds and forget you ever had the ability to spontaneously cast such spells. Also remember that if things are going well, there'll be no shortage of replacement corpses should some of your minions be dropped.

2013-02-08, 05:16 PM
Yeah. Wand is 100% DM dependent and either needs magic mart or good loot to get. I'm kinda....iffy....on having my healing be 100% dependent on the DM's kindness. However, leadership AND undead leadership will be in play, so later on in the game I'll have free undead healing from one of my cohorts. (One will be a cleric/bone knight(living) and one will be Necropolitian Wizard.)

One thing I must know, does the ACF apply to ALL your domain spells or just the domain spells of one domain? If all of them then it's utterly broken. If just one domain then Necromancer is THE candidate. Ray of Enfeeblement and Enervation are THAT good, and as stated command undead will be relevant in this campaign, even on intelligent undead since I'm cha-based instead of wis-based thanks to a feat, meaning that I am more likely to pass the charisma check.

Silva Stormrage
2013-02-08, 05:33 PM
Have you thought about the Divine Magician ACF? It trades out one of your domains for free spell known from the wizard/sorcerer list from the divination, abjuration or necromancy school. Unlike normal domain spells those spells you can cast with your normal spell slots. So you could select command undead, anticipate teleport, enervation, magic jar, etc etc. I found it really helps for filling out some holes in the cleric spell list.

2013-02-08, 05:41 PM
Yeah. I kinda forgot about it. Out of all my domains, knowladge is the most useless domain I get, so I'd probably trade that out if any. I'll have to double check with my DM but if he'll allow Lost Traditions and Leadership I'm sure divine magician will be no issue. Anyway, if I lose knowladge domain for divine magician then Trickery really is the best bet. Divine magician gives me everything Necromancer domain can sans the +1 CL which is really just a minor benefit in the end when compared to the benefits of being able to use bluff and diplomacy.

Looks like you just solved my issue.

2013-02-08, 05:45 PM
Yeah. Wand is 100% DM dependent and either needs magic mart or good loot to get. I'm kinda....iffy....on having my healing be 100% dependent on the DM's kindness. However, leadership AND undead leadership will be in play, so later on in the game I'll have free undead healing from one of my cohorts. (One will be a cleric/bone knight(living) and one will be Necropolitian Wizard.)

One thing I must know, does the ACF apply to ALL your domain spells or just the domain spells of one domain? If all of them then it's utterly broken. If just one domain then Necromancer is THE candidate. Ray of Enfeeblement and Enervation are THAT good, and as stated command undead will be relevant in this campaign, even on intelligent undead since I'm cha-based instead of wis-based thanks to a feat, meaning that I am more likely to pass the charisma check.

I don't recall which one it is. I don't have the opened book in front of me and I'm probably going to go to sleep soon.

If your DM isn't giving away or allowing easy access to such a trivially cheap piece of chaff, it does not bode well for any mundane character in your party and is of dire concern for a wizard unless he's built his character to work around the normal spellbook limitations.