View Full Version : Help me find a Net/ Rope focused prestige class please!

2013-02-09, 01:32 PM
Title says it all really, looking for a prestige class that focuses on using a rope/ net or some such offensively.


2013-02-09, 01:54 PM
Well, there's Justiciar (CW) which gets some use out of Use Rope ranks to hog-tie opponents.

2013-02-09, 01:55 PM
If homebrew is allowed and you're OK with chains rather than rope, I've long been a fan of the Bound (http://forum.faxcelestis.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=50).

2013-02-09, 02:11 PM
No clue about all that, but I do know that sea-kin or something like that from the races of destiny get Net and trident as simple weapons. While it is not as great as some PRC that may not exist, it spares you the exotic weapon needs, and lets you take more main stream builds that may help you.

2013-02-09, 02:21 PM
Dread Pirate, well it has Use Rope(4) as a pre-req

2013-02-10, 11:42 AM
Exemplar could let you have huge bonuses to use rope. Complete Adventurer?

Magic of Incarnum has a couple Soulmelds that enhance Use Rope, so you could look at some of those Prestige Classes or dips of base classes.

Complete Scoundrel has some tricks that have to do with Ropes, so Uncanny Trickster could be a good idea.

Bard gives you whip proficiency, that could be useful and Complete Scoundrel has a trick that let's you use a whip as a grappling hook.

Justica r, as seen above is the most obvious choice I can remember .

2013-02-10, 12:08 PM
Exemplar could let you have huge bonuses to use rope. Complete Adventurer?

Magic of Incarnum has a couple Soulmelds that enhance Use Rope, so you could look at some of those Prestige Classes or dips of base classes.

Complete Scoundrel has some tricks that have to do with Ropes, so Uncanny Trickster could be a good idea.

Bard gives you whip proficiency, that could be useful and Complete Scoundrel has a trick that let's you use a whip as a grappling hook.

Justica r, as seen above is the most obvious choice I can remember .

exemplar also lets you take 10 on the use rope check, which is pretty awesome since it's an opposed check. factor in the +10 from binding a creature, the likely +4 from skill artistry and your ranks/synergy/ability mod, and your enemy's not getting out.

remember: you just automatically succeed attempts to bind an enemy, you don't actually make a use rope check until he tries to escape

2013-02-10, 12:18 PM
No clue about all that, but I do know that sea-kin or something like that from the races of destiny get Net and trident as simple weapons. While it is not as great as some PRC that may not exist, it spares you the exotic weapon needs, and lets you take more main stream builds that may help you.

The Darfellan, IIRC.

The Net and Trident feat (CW) might work well with it.

2013-02-10, 05:19 PM
No sea kin from races of destiny

Weapon Familiarity: Sea kin treat tridents and nets as
simple weapons.