View Full Version : Age of Upheaval

2013-02-09, 11:14 PM
Your ears or whatever facsimile remains thereof rings with a horrible keening that awakens you from nightmare filled sleep. As light flood yours eyes you see the final results of the changes wrought on you as you passed in and out of consciousness. You along with four other individuals are lying on metal devices more accurately labelled wheeled carts than beds. There is also a sixth cart covered in a grey blanket, whoever or whatever is under it is not moving.

The room itself is a windowless cell made of sand brown stone. The only obvious exit is a round vault door made of some black metal. There is also a single vent that is no larger than six inches wide that you assume is to prevent the air from becoming to musty. The vent's cover it currently hanging loose as half of its frame has been torn from the ceiling.

Hanging from the wall is a small green skinned humanoid. It is no larger than six inches tall and possesses both wings and a bulbous over-sized head. The creature opens its mouth and rather than speak sound simply pores from its lungs.

Creature: This is a recording. I will be unable to respond immediately to anything you say. With that formality done I must say that it is good to know that at least some of you are still alive. Now I wished that Thomas had gotten more of you to the vault, but we play what cards we are dealt.

My helper will unlock the vault door on your command but be warned the trek above will be perilous. As allow the initial invaders, whom forced my retreat, were beaten back; our Allied Military saviors have run rogue and set themselves up as petty tyrants in a flood city. So please my children do not let them destroy all of my works, as you are still the finest.

Praise be to Reason, Knowledge is the Godsbane.

2013-02-10, 12:04 AM
Crypt practically falls out of the cart-like bed, but catches himself with surprising agility, surprising for him anyway. He landed, crouched, and looking at the floor. Or, rather, the hand on the floor, stripped of skin and with black muscle showing on and between the bone, able to look between the two bones of the forearm. His eyes were wide as the hand, his hand, came up trembling before his face, thin metal wires were visible among the black muscle and bleach white bone.

Crypt does what anyone would do. Panic.

"What in the Nine Hells!?" he shouts, freezing as his voice left him, only, it wasn't his voice anymore, it wasn't dry, or even ominously deep, it was commanding, like the militia leader's back at his hometown...

His hometown! That got him standing in seconds, looking around the room, not caring about his appearance or what had happened to him before he runs over to the door, trying to find a way out, not having paid attention to what the creature had said. He needed to get back, tell his sister he wasn't dead, that he was alive, if not exactly normal anymore.

Again he froze, he wasn't normal. Would she even recognize him? Would she trust him as he was. He shook it off, he'd just have to convince her that he was himself, not someone, or something, else. He starts pounding on the door, each hit growing stronger and more desperate until his fist glows with green fire, slamming into it over and over again. He's breathing heavy by that point and the flames fade. He won't make it through.

He looks back to the room at this point...

2013-02-10, 12:12 AM
With a head full of pain, complete disorientation, and brand new sensations, Torryn's first act is to turn, lean over the side of the bed, and vomit. What... the hell... is all he manages to get out before some degree of realization begins to strike. With an uncharactaristic burst of fury, he tears into the bed he woke up one, instinctively using his new weapons to tear it apart.

2013-02-10, 12:13 AM
And Sees the Thing that once was Cathahu, Standing up, shaking his head to clear it.

"What....What is.....What Am I doing here?"
He Turns, And stares at the other, One.
Cocking his head slightly at the speaking thing, he looks around, and then decides that time is better spent sideways, In the other Up. Strange, He never thought that way before.

He looks at the other;
"You, who are you?"

2013-02-10, 12:39 AM
"Uh," Crypt says, looking at the others that were up and about, "...Crypt," he says, at a loss towards the eye covered creature before him as he watched the other tear its bed apart.

He turns back to the door, wide eyed, he wasn't the only one changed here, apparently. He notices the burn marks where he had hit the door, and remembered the green flames. He furrows his brow, and the flame comes to light again, lighting up the room. The flames coated his entire forearm and hand, but didn't go past his elbow, where his skin still remained, albeit more leathery. He had turned himself into a makeshift torch. He shivered, this was definitely not normal for a farm-raised kid barely stepping into adulthood.

"Do you know where we are?" he asks the... thing, that had previously asked his name, "or why we aren't exactly human anymore," his determination trumped his panic, if only barely. It was still there, it could be heard and seen in his demeanor, but he had as much of a grip on it as he could.

2013-02-10, 02:13 AM
The sound of people speaking slowly brings Royce around.

Groaning, he slowly sits up and rubs his eyes with his fingers for a moment, then freezes in shock at the long ragged claws that glow slightly, attached to long skinny fingers of grey.

His gaze slowly tracks up his arm to his shoulder, all of the muscles subtly wrong. His muscles were compact, thick. These were lean, corded, wiry cables of pure strength under wrinkled, coal grey skin.

Noticing the metal cart he sat on, he scrambled off and used the top as a mirror.

Glowing red eyes peer out of a withered face under a mop of unruly black wires that could be called hair.

Almost shaking with restrained rage, he shouts at the recording as soon as the words register in his head.

"I owe you nothing, you cowardly son of a bitch! And when I find you, I'm gonna hack you into enough pieces to share with everyone who wants one as a keepsake! MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! I'M GONNA HUNT YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD AND BEYOND!"

2013-02-10, 04:56 AM
The tiny creature recoils and makes the first sound thus far that seems to be its own voice rather than a recording, a high but quiet whimper. It then attempts to shrink as far into the room's corner as possible.

Erik Vale
2013-02-10, 06:45 AM
TSRMA woke up first for the body when the talking had started, but for a while it lay there while the other personality, that which was Quilzonth took the reigns. Unlike the others, it had an idea as to what was happening.
It remembered the bloodshed. To the tiniest degree, but memory occured.

"One might call this an unusual test. But truth ia detected."

The monstrous mutant sat up, a hideous parody of anything natural.
"You are here to open the gates."
Quilzonth looks at the creature, trying to place it as best as he can. His words are less those of questioning, more those of fact.

2013-02-10, 07:21 PM
The winged creature seems to do its best to nod.

Erik Vale
2013-02-10, 08:37 PM
The monstrosity seems to pause in thought, ignoring all the others after that might react to the nod.

"We can wait... This place, niether rembemer, but for experimentation, producing something. Other concludes siolder, this doesn't care, I just want to escape this form... To return to natural form, to the brain..."

It is obvious that whatever passes for a mind in the monstrosity is rather broken.

"I... Neither recognise any from the test pits, none from the fights... It looks like we are to fight together... Your name, no need for mine, you can refer to me as Tsarma... I doupt you will need the designation code. I see no purpose in staying, if anything could be learned from this room, it would have been told to us if not a test. This should be a... Storage vault."

2013-02-10, 10:27 PM
"I'm trying to get some sleep you foul-smelling monkeys."
A feral sounding voice comes from under the blanket before 2 claws tear it apart

A women with claws sprouting from her knuckles sits up growling "Can't a TIA get some sleep without the foul odor of you unwashed animals filling their nose."

She stands up and stretches, claws retracting as she assumes a more human-like form. Arms solidifying from the semi-liquid state they had assumed previously

2013-02-10, 10:50 PM
The homunculus seems to take all the commotion and shouting as a desire for it to move forward, and as such it scampers over to the vault door and lays its hand on the metallic surface. The round door rolls away and you are greeted by a torrent of water. It pools until it reaches thigh height.

The room beyond where you stand is similarly flooded and constructed from a similar stone. You attention is however immediately draw to the mangled pieces of flesh and bone, that are covering the walls and floating on the water's surface. All told these body parts could likely account for eight individuals. The room looks to have once been an archive of some sort, the walls are lined with book shelves and filing cabinets that are now toppled and their contents ruined by water damage.

There are three hallways besides leading off the of room. One is a set of stairs leading upwards and offering a glimpse of sunlight, and is directly ahead of you. To the right is a set of stairs that leads downward under the waters, and from it issue large bubbles. Finally on your left is a level hallway from which a pale blue light emanates, and is occasionally punctuated by a horrible howling noise.

2013-02-10, 10:58 PM
TIA 86 takes a deep breath through her enhanced nose, seeking out anything living within 120ft
Walking around the room to get a good fix on anything she can smell, trying to ignore the stench of her companions

2013-02-10, 11:00 PM
Having vented his newfound rage and frustration, Torryn's only thought is of escape. A little fearful of the monsters around him, he does what has always come natural, and runs. He runs out of the room and towards the sunlight at an incredible speed.

Full round action to run 600 feet upstairs or until he spots danger.

2013-02-10, 11:34 PM
"..." It wouldn't be noticed at this point, but, Crypt paled drastically on seeing what was outside the door, the green flames still shedding light, "I think I'm going to be sick," he says before shaking himself out of it, he clenches his hand, forcing the flames to coalesce into a sphere.

He heads into the hallway, then looks at the homunculus, "what can you tell us about this place?" he asks, the flames flaring periodically as a black haze surrounds him, fading and appearing periodically, showing his panic being channeled into another, more dangerous emotion.

Erik Vale
2013-02-11, 12:58 AM
"Truth confirmed as to attack. Not Water useful. Escape could be blocked. One already fleeing for light, will hear soon."

These words are almost to itself, as the now wet monstrosity strides towards the room just opened, every step creating rediculously large ripples for it's size, However, it's form seems to blur slightly.

Can see perfectly in darkness, has scent, will be rolling spot and listen. Taking 10 on Hide [+15] and move silently [+13] checks until otherwise noted.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2013-02-11, 01:26 AM
The tiny winged humanoid begins speaking, though it no is a much softer and quieter voice, which the natural pauses and stutters one might expect in true speech rather than a recording.

Homunculus: These are the master's labs. They they were destroyed by the water god's servants to take back their child. Master wanted this one to come back and help creations not destroyed by the fishes, or else would all be a waste. Death god's child still held here, must tell master that death and water not allies.

The creature seems to realize that it is rambling and not correctly answering your question, and flinches as if expecting to be struck before continuing to speak.

Homunculus: Building has basement which is only storage: vault, archives, and the prisons for both god childs. Ground floor is residence and barracks nothing interesting besides guard weapons. Upper floor is medical modification labs, might have some of master's notes that had not yet been archived before attack. This one should retrieve them for master, only of course if you not need this one.
TIA 86's sensory info
You cannot sense any more ordinary life than you could already see, but you do feel a horrible burning sensation coming from the hallway on your left. your every impulse is telling you that it is and enemy, and very little more. It is one of the ones that must be hunted.
You can all see ripples in the water and feel the ground shake, as a horrible rhythmic booming can be heard coming from behind and above your current position. Something large is moving at ground level.
What Torryn sees above ground
You are now in a hallway whose left side is lined with windows and to your right is a stone wall with three doors, one wooden and the other two some kind of bluish grey metal.

Through the windows you can see streets flooded up to nearly waist level, this building only saved from an entirely submerged basement by a raise patio-like foundation. The flood streets trace their way haphazardly though large stone and wooden buildings, all of which are at least two stories if not four or five. Most of the buildings lack this one's raise position however and have ruined lower levels.

You can hear a loud pounding sound coming from behind you and to your left, before an enormous humanoid form comes into view beyond the windows. It is a giant easily twenty feet tall and perhaps much taller, as you cannot properly see its upper portions due to the ceiling blocking your vision. Its skin is green and blubbery similar to a seal's in consistency. It possesses two long arms that reach nearly to the ground and are tipped with five fingers hands whose digits each end in a talon.

It has not yet spotted you.

2013-02-11, 01:40 AM
"Enemy to the left. Track. Assassinate. No standing orders for Infiltration or noncombatance. TIA Subject86 to destroy Enemy designation 001. No other TIA operatives within detection to assist."
The bestial woman growls out, vocalizing her thought process as her claws form from between her knuckles once more

"Excellent. I've been needing a good bout of combat training."
Heading down the left path, ignoring the stinking monsters she woke next to in search of the enemy she could smell.
As she walks down the hallway she adjusts her sense of smell, shifting it so she can get a good look at the Enemy (Using Pariah's Synesthete ability to see smells. unable to detect fine detail or colours)

Erik Vale
2013-02-11, 02:31 AM
Tsarma stands stiffer at the referral to modification data. One half wanted destruction or it's knowledge, one wanted it's knowledge. The voice that spoke was darker and more aggressive then the preceding one for a moment.

"Creature, take me to the labs. Weapons should also be gathered given disturbence showing agressive above ground and as it is chasing... I would suggest you lot head for weapons. Creature,take me."

Pushing itself up with tentacles that come from it's back, the one that identified itself as Tsarma rises from the water, ready to follow the creature either through flight or walking.

2013-02-11, 09:59 AM
Torryn throws himself against the wall, careful to avoid being spotted by the monstrosity. He can outwait it for now, and move if it notices him.

Hide: [roll0]

2013-02-11, 10:59 AM
"...this is not going to end well," Crypt says, "Go with him," he tells the homunculus, "you need those notes as much as he does. We'll take care of whatever's down here and meet you upstairs."

Crypt then takes off down the level corridor, the green flames once again coating his hand rather than forming a sphere, the black haze coalescing into a black cloak as he ran down the hallway, he needed a weapon, even with his modifications, without a weapon, he couldn't really be of much use in a fight, unless they were more thorough than he initially thought.

2013-02-11, 01:53 PM
Through the hallway with TIA and Crypt

You quickly round a corner and enter a large room at least twenty five feet to a side. In the center of a room is a chained creature whose body resembles that of an elephant with skin that of glazed porcelain rather than flesh. Its head is a grotesque bare skull of some horrible fanged beast with tusks protruding from its molars. From it radiates a soft blue light.

Along the room's edges are a number of pieces of equipment, most notably a very large strong box paired with a strangely designed glaive with glowing red circuitry weaving across the blade's surface from a central device that resembles a miniature furnace attached to the handle. All other materials have been damaged by the flood waters and conflict beyond recognition.

Upon noticing you the creature begins speaking with a voice like that of a very tired old man.It appears to ignore TIA entirely in favor of directing its attention toward Crypt.

Elephant Creatures: Brother you have come to liberate me at last. I had feared when the cursed fishmen saved their own and left me in bondage that I had been entirely forgotten. Were any others taken besides me, I could not see in the chaos of their attack.
Tsarma and the homunculus reach the ground level and flatten themselves against the wall following Torryn's example after seeing the creature outside the windows (this is my assumption from you taking 10 on the two stealth skills). The great green-skinned giant is now reaching its arms through the windows of a neighboring building, breaking windows and walls as it feels around for something or someone. The homunculus begins pointing to the metal door on the right hand wall and mouthing the word "weapons".

OOC: I'm probably gonna stop spoilering most stuff when you guys split up to avoid repeating myself. Anyways though Erik Vale you see much the same thing as was in Torryn's previous spoiler. Save for the new actions I posted here.

2013-02-11, 02:11 PM
Crypt looks at the beast, "what are you?" he asks quietly before turning to the other one that came down the hallway with him, "and what do you mean by brother?" he asks the creature, then makes a request of his current 'companion', "please don't attack, let's hear what he has to say first... at the very least."

2013-02-11, 02:29 PM
Elephant Creature: Though they have taken my eyes I can still sense you brother. We are of the same flesh and blood, descendants of the Underworld King. Do you not remember our home? Or have they begun birthing our children in this accursed lab so far from home?

2013-02-11, 02:53 PM
"I'm a human," Crypt says, "born and raised a human. I was captured and woke up in a vault," he explains, "although, I have been, modified, apparently. That does explain some of these... abilities though..." he looks at the creature, "I have two questions though, would you be willing to help us if I let you free?" he asks looking to his current companion, "and why is it that you're being targetted as an enemy by my current companion?"

Rolling Sense Motive, just in case

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2013-02-11, 03:29 PM
Creature: Though you are a product of their corrupt processes blood is blood. I will work with you as long as you do not aid the kidnappers and mutilators, if you release me. I swear by my name as Mortion last generation child of Azrael.

Shortly after what you said about TIA seems to have finally registered with the creature.

Mortion: Your companion is a creation of these men designed to hunt and capture or kill beings with any trace of divine presence.

Sense Motive
Your're fairly certain he is being truthful

2013-02-11, 03:41 PM
"Divine presence? As in gods?" Crypt asks, utterly confused, "if that's the case," Crypt goes over to the glaive, it was unorthodox in his hands, but it'd have to do, and attempts to break the chains with it.

Would you mind rolling the damage for that? I don't know what the glaive can do

2013-02-11, 05:11 PM
As the smaller of the two following him, the homunculus is Torryn's target as he reaches out to grab something, hissing, What the hell is going on? Where am I, and what is that thing?

Erik Vale
2013-02-11, 05:47 PM
The monstrosity whispers.
"Be Quiet, I might be able to drive it away. Give me a few moments. Then I can disclose."

Ok, Taking 10 on knowledge checks [13 for all but Arcarna, which I have ranks in making 21], Hide [25], Move Silently [23, shouldn't be needed], Listen and spot. [18]. Going to attampt a sense motive to see if it's aggressively hunting or just ambling/other: [roll0]

IF the creature seems to be within 60 feet but not coming closer quickly I will use one use of Detect thoughts, and use it for 3 rounds barring other circumstances.

If hostile and approaching, I will use a psionic suggestion [Augmented to affect all types due to EML of PLA] of "There is something over There", taking 10 on concentration allowing it to have no signs of manifestation.

DC for both S/PLA's is 15... Nothing to strong but it could help.

2013-02-11, 06:42 PM
Mortion: Only so much gods as the progenitors of all races are. As our species' first member still lives we all empowered in such a way that these scientists appear afraid of.

The glaive needs some work to cut through the chains but will do so easily enough in about a minute by your estimations. (This is mostly to give anecron time to react)
The diminutive follower begins whispering quickly.

Homunculus: It is one of the water creatures, invaded the city two weeks past. Likely looking for soldiers most likely. One of attempts by the fishies to clone their sleeping father, not successful but still dangerous troops not. Tentacles and mouth cause flesh to rot.

Knowledge/telepathy results check
It would appear to be specifically looking for something and is quite obviously damaging the neighboring building's interior. It looks similar to a strange water deity coastal people, named the Sleeping Dread, worshiped before the Word of Reason took hold of most of Sothos. In addition to what the homunculus said you know that it likely has some of the magical prowess of its the god in whose image it is made, and heals supernaturally fast.

Upon reading its mind you do not get concise thoughts but rather a random smattering of emotions and single phrases. Most prominent among them are "hungry" and "find uniformed humans".

Erik Vale
2013-02-11, 06:53 PM
"I got into it's mind. It searches for uniforms alowing some safety, but is very hungry. Magical and regenerative powers known, at most I could stun, not kill...."

The monstrosity looks at the Homonculus.

"Which way to the information, so I can send it away from our destination."

Suggestion will be "Fat Uniforms hidding *Direction*". Due to free augmentation, DC is 16, 20 if it counts as a reasonable [or whatever word is] suggestion, which it should be. Cause, it wants food, and fat uniforms should be good food... And what is hunted.

So, after this is done, I will have used up one use of Psionic Detection and Read thoughts.

2013-02-11, 07:15 PM
The green giant retracts its arms from the buildings so that they can once again hang at its sides. It then begins walking further allow the path in its initial direction quickly becoming obscured by buildings and the slightly turning street structure.

Homunculus: Can continue down hallway, stairs around the bend. Passing through barracks *points again to metal doors* slower but prevents exposure through windows. Though other nasties might be hiding in barracks.

Erik Vale
2013-02-11, 07:27 PM
The voice becomes rougher.
"I'll go ahead, most anything would miss me and I can come back if it is unsafe. However further similar hostiles would be highly problimatic."

Looking around, when it next speaks, the voice softens, but not much.
"This place... I don't know. Memories suggests this place is a testing facility, myself was used for halfbreed testing of various varieties for combat utility. That, that is a mockery of a god used as soildery, near animal intelligence but rather resilient. The Name illudes... Should concensus be reached, I will go ahead and see if the above corridor is clear."

2013-02-11, 08:05 PM
TIA stays her claws for now, eyeing Enemy001 with suspicion
"You know about Them? They who made TIA from Runts? Tell me about Them. The TIA know very little about why we were created.
What is my destiny? Why am I Alive?
You say it is to Track Infiltrate and Assassinate those with divine blood but Why were you our targets.
And why, dear Them why do my 'companions' reek like rotting corpses and not feel repulsed by each other?"
TIA turns her nose up at the smell, unused to such horrid conditions in her sensitive nose

2013-02-11, 09:46 PM
Mortion: I do not know how the hunters were made, but they resemble the Euphoric's grey men. If your companion was made from my flesh you were likely made from theirs. I have only seen your kind being used to capture or kill the descendants of divine entities.

2013-02-11, 09:58 PM
"Then I must find this Euphoric and his grey men. He will help lead me back to the Den and the other TIA Subjects.
Loyalty to the Den is All. The TIA are Strong."
The animalistic woman says, repeating some of her programming.
"Tell me Enemy001. Why should I spare you? You smell like Enemy."
TIA grabs the glaive's handle, stopping it's cutting
"Why should you risk your life to help one not of your Pack Crypt? It does not look like it would fight well or know much. And since the people who attacked this base did not recover it then it has no use to them. What makes it have use to us but not them?"

2013-02-11, 10:13 PM
"They slaughtered hundreds, it's likely they're far more skilled than any of us are now, I was a farmer before being captured here for crying out loud, any help we can get will be useful, for all of us," Crypt replies, then his voice darkens considerably, "and, unlike you, I haven't been completely brainwashed into doing whatever the Nine Hells these bastards want me to do for them, I'm still Crypt, I'm still human, even if only barely so," he goes back to the chain, getting past her grip, black lightning suddenly dancing across the glaive's length, "if he can help me get back to my family, to let them know I'm still alive, then it's worth freeing him!"

Then he says something that she'd understand more easily, identifying with the way she spoke, "I make my own pack..."

2013-02-11, 10:23 PM
"I...I think I see. Very well, may I join your Pack until I reunite with the Den?"

2013-02-11, 10:38 PM
Crypt gives a grin, "heh, no downside to it as long as you don't try to kill me once you get to the Den. As long as we help each other, we're a pack, now can you help me with these chains?" he asks, turning his attention back to the task at hand, "by the way, what should I call you?" he asks, "and I don't mean your 'project name', I mean your real name."

Do note, Crypt has Darkstalker, he can hide from any sense, including TIA's

2013-02-11, 10:47 PM
Torryn, finally realizing that he's in serious danger and there's someone who doesn't seem to want to immediately kill him, says, Keep up, and speeds ahead, keeping a close eye out for unknown factors that could be enemies.

Moving half speed, or 60 feet a round until an enemy is spotted. Then go Invisible with Cloaked Stride for a round and use that to find a hiding place.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Hide: [roll3]

Yeah, Torryn never was much of a team player, and that's only gotten worse.

2013-02-11, 11:47 PM
"My name is TIA Subject 86. That is the only name I possess.
Loyalty to the Pack. Unless They order me or the Den decrees your destruction you shall survive my parting."
TIA helps her new Packmate cut through the chains, keeping on the lookout for anything coming

@DM: Please assume that unless otherwise told TIA has Synth: Smell-O-Vision meaning she sees whatever she can smell (namely anything in 120') but colourblind and lacking fine details

But is he using it right now to hide from TIA's smell-o-vision? cause otherwise she can still complain about the stink

2013-02-12, 12:01 AM
"...I doubt it's the only name you've ever had, my guess is it was overwritten when they made you what you are now," he says as the glaive works its way through the chains, "you probably just don't remember your original name, or life before for that matter," Crypt sighs, "I'll call you Tia, it's quicker and easier. It'll also help you blend in with humans," this woman seemed to have truly lost her humanity to the procedures used on her, he hoped he could make at least some of it resurface, if only to better blend in among humans, not that he could really blend in, mind you.

I'd say he has a much weaker smell to begin with, but he could hide it completely given some setup.

2013-02-12, 12:09 AM
"I am designed to blend in with Humans if needed. As well as any other race given sufficient time and preparation. I am Track Infiltrate Assassinate though I believe the 2nd usage is not used as much as assassination or tracking. But since you are neither a Human nor someone I am ordered to conceal myself from I find no use in doing so.
I did have a name before becoming TIA. Runt, I was known as Runt before my first upgrade, all TIAs are Runts before their upgrade for they are weak, pitiful Non-Subjects. I was the first of a new upgrade line devoted to the usage of poison making. My blood has been replaced by a dormant poison I can activate and transmit when not in my disguised form."

2013-02-12, 12:38 AM
Crypt actually chuckles at that, though it was with grim humor, "I still consider myself human, and you were before becoming what you are now, or at least some kind of humanoid. Meaning you had a family," he replies, "I'm sure you had another name then, a human name. The fact you don't remember is, quite frankly, depressing, no offense to you, but, the thought that they think humanity is weakness... let's just say I don't agree with them. Are you really content to just be their tool? Their weapon? I could never settle for something like that, even if I were to have my memories erased and overwritten."

He finishes cutting the chains, then sighs, "consider it, Tia," he says, using the name he had decided to give her, "humans are tenacious creatures, we fight to exist, and persist despite all that's out there, and if we have a cause to fight for, we become all the stronger, just like my goal to get back home, to my family... even if they don't accept what I have become, they're my family, and I'll fight for them," she'd be able to hear his conviction in what he's saying now, "...if I ever get back, and you haven't found what you are looking for, you can always join my family, even if I can't..." he says, this time, sadness is evident at the end of his statement.

"For now though, let's focus on getting out of here," Crypt says.

2013-02-12, 12:51 AM
"And what makes me less Human? Do I lack that same tenacity you espouse so? You say that They think Humanity is weak, I disagree. They see the potential in them, the tenacity and causes you fight for and seek to improve the things that can be.
Does my claws give me less tenacity? Does it make me fight less for my chosen cause? Or does it make me a stronger fighter to succeed at the causes chosen.
You are a hypocrite or a racist for thinking my mind is less than yours because I possess no memories of before my entrance into the Den and being given improvements to my form via magic or surgery."

2013-02-12, 02:28 AM
Upon being freed your porcelain companion begins moving toward the exit, and while moving comments on your current discussion.

Mortion: Although I am not what one would consider human, I might have something to add. Her lack of memories do not make Tia any less a person. However the way our captors abused us all make it clear that they considered her and the rest of us less than human or at least less than themselves.
Though Torryn certainly out paces TSRMA they reach the upper level at approximately the same time, leaving the homunculus far behind. They round a right bound corner and travel thirty feet before reaching a spiral staircase. At its top they can see a large rectangular lab area. There are eight separate tables, each augmented with leather straps and containers along the walls, those few of which are opened spill forth medical instruments. There are also two wooden doors on the other side of the room, but no windows.

The most eye catching feature of the room however is the violent creature that occupies it. Attempting to devour one of the metal operating tables what appears to be a severely scarred great white shark save that it possesses enormous bear-like legs. It is approximately thirty feet from both of your current positions and does not appear to notice you. It should be noted however that its jaws and teeth are successfully cutting through steel.


Erik Vale
2013-02-12, 02:59 AM
Tsarma immediately reverses the quiet and slower flight he was undergoing close the the ground by performing a small tentacle assisted horizontal loop. He doesn't bother speaking, but lightly taps the homonculous and indicates for it to follow.
He desperately desired the resources, but wasn't about to get into that fight if he didn't have to.

However, in the first part of moving away, he performs a short teleport to try and put something between him and the other.

Warp Stride 30 feet leaving some part of him visible to the homonculus after turning, then taking 10 as normal as I fly away, very very quietly. Best imagine it as a glide while pushing myself up with my many appendiges every now and again. [Tail and two tentacles doing this]

Again, taking 10 on identifications just in case he desides to come back up. Always I assume I do this, also note I have scent if it helps.

2013-02-12, 10:07 AM
Crypt sighs, "you're the one that said it, not me," he says, "I honestly don't believe you less in anything, compared to humans," he continues, "but, the cause you fighter, it's not your own, it's one forcibly given to you by the ones that changed us... it's like the brainwashed heretics in stories, they fight for a cause not there own, one given to them by another, they always end up going mad with an obssession not their own. Can you honestly say that this cause is your own and not one given to you? Can you honestly say that you want to be little more than a tool for someone else that believes you less than themselves even if they're not as strong as yourself?" the look on his face, while not easy to read, speaks volumes, it was pity, "I can say that my cause is my own. It may not be noble, it may be selfish, it may be simple, but it is my own. One I can truly get behind and fight with all my strength, down to my very being... Can you say the same? Can you say you'd fight for this cause with your entire being? Past, present, future? Conscious and unconscious? This goal may be a powerful driver for you, but, your subconscious, the part of you that remembers your past, may not fight with the same strength as the rest of you, because it doesn't believe in the cause..."

Crypt shakes his head, "... I sound like the town psychic now... sorry for going off like that, I'm just, not used to this kind of thing yet... just, ignore it, please..." he honestly sounds lost with what he's saying, "I shouldn't be talking anyway," he looks at his near skeletal hand, "my mind may be human, but I most certainly am not anymore... no matter how much I want to be..."

"Let's leave now before I make myself more of a fool," he says, going back to the strongbox he had seen near the glaive, and checks whatever other equipment looks like it'd be useful, "Mortion, can you sense any others? We may need the help," he asks, helping the creature through the corridor if it has trouble navigating without its eyes. Otherwise, he remains silent, deep in thought.

2013-02-12, 12:37 PM
The strongbox is divided into two sections, one that looks to be a cooler for tissue sample storage and other is a slot which contains a journal. The journal records tests performed on necrotic subject 002 whom you assume to be Mortion. Beginning sections of the journal note difficulty due to the number of lab technicians killed by "spit venom" and disabled by a "hypnotic gaze". After determining the subject had little biological need for most of its head (the brain is actually distributed across two bundles of gold circuitry that much like nerves in humans), it was determined that heat should be applied until its natural defenses were inoperable. It was mentioned that during the melting necrotic subjects 001, 003, 004, 005, and 006 were observed for possible sympathetic response. None was noted, but it is possible that it was due to the extreme range as the closest was stated to be forty miles away, no specific locations were recorded besides site numbers. The lab appears to be site 3.

Mortion: I sense only one other but it is very weak and above us. It must either be a child or another changed as you were.

2013-02-14, 12:26 AM
Cathau is watching everything happen, up until everything left the room, at that point, He headed upstairs, Not exactly knowning what was going on, but deciding to go upstairs, On a whim.

2013-02-14, 03:26 AM
For everyone reaching the upstairs
You are now in a hallway whose left side is lined with windows and to your right is a stone wall with three doors, one wooden and the other two some kind of bluish grey metal.

Through the windows you can see streets flooded up to nearly waist level, this building only saved from an entirely submerged basement by a raise patio-like foundation. The flood streets trace their way haphazardly though large stone and wooden buildings, all of which are at least two stories if not four or five. Most of the buildings lack this one's raise position however and have ruined lower levels.

Cathau reaches the top of the stairs at about the same time as the rest of the party in the basement, and runs into Tsarma retreating from the upper level. Before pleasantries can truly be exchanged however an exceedingly loud voice can be heard from outside. Recognizably human but distorted and echoes most likely transmitted through several widely space magical conduits. The voice sounds stern and commanding but also very very tired.

Voice: Alright you scaly devils, me and my men have had enough. We've all gathered at the governor's palace so it's easy to find us. Now don't think this is a surrender, we just want to settle this as a single battle rather than continue all of this grueling guerrilla bull****. No we won't tell you where the civvies are, they're far out of your reach now. So come at us and if you have the courage do so without hiding behind your animals and giants.

Shortly after there is a crash followed by a great splash as some legged shark creature impacts the water apparently form a second story window and begins swimming north along the flooded streets.
Torryn sees the shark creature shift its head shortly after the words governor's palace were mentioned by the voice. It then abandons the table it was chewing and leaps through sheet glass without so much as flinching.

2013-02-14, 01:21 PM
"That... doesn't sound good," Crypt says, then sees the shark thing, "or look good either," he continues, "we should get out of here before we get caught by one of these things."

2013-02-14, 02:02 PM
After a moments hesitation, Torryn dashes after the creature, speeding across the water to the nearest solid ground, while still doing his best to remain out of the creature's awareness.

Hopefully there's some solid ground within 600 feet that has a hiding spot, because I have to end my movement on solid ground.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2013-02-14, 02:44 PM
Those on the first level can see Torryn drop down from the upper level and pursue the shark creature. His quick movement allows him to stay outside of the creature's perception. It appears to be moving at least one thousand feet per minute once in the water making his supernatural speed necessary but not truly straining it.

Erik Vale
2013-02-14, 03:18 PM
"Concurred. Given they can 'eat' steel. However I feel we should also head north..."

Taking Flight and heading straight up for a moment, Tsarma begins quietly flying north, his glass 'skin' ripples in colour to match that of the sky.

Still taking 10 on everything, however hide is no longer relevent."

2013-02-14, 03:32 PM
Royce had been quiet after his one outburst, suppressing his rage. For now, at least. Silently, he took in everything and followed everyone else as they went around the 'lab', offering no hints to his past nor opinions on the future.

2013-02-14, 05:21 PM
Tsarma is able to see the overall city layout quite well. Most of the buildings are three to five stories tall, save for a singular sky scraper to the north. It is at least one hundred feet tall and appears much like a keep from fortified castle, it appears to be the location that the shark creature and numerous other amphibious creature you can now see are heading. Most of the buildings are damaged and the streets are flooded, but to the west you can make out a harbor area that has sustained far greater damage and is crawling with monstrous sea life.

Among the creatures he can see marching through the water-filled streets the green giants are the fewest but the easiest to spot. They are a dozen in number and from this point of view it can be seen that they possess heads that resembles nothing more than a whole cuttlefish. For more numerous are the legged sharks and what appear to be horse-sized crabs covered in coral.

2013-02-14, 06:26 PM
"Meh, I could take him."
Cathau then decides that height is much better, and jumps out side to the water, and moves to the wall, and begins to climb it.

Erik Vale
2013-02-14, 07:09 PM
Tsarma continues to the 'castle' at full speed, staying well above the creatures to avoid them noticing him [OOC: say, 10 stories up, which should distinguish him as something else. Full speed with said penalties to move silently rolls.], however he lacks a means of commincating to them until he reaches them.

70 Feet per round movement.

2013-02-14, 07:14 PM
"Great, they can fly," Crypt deadpans, "everyone already seems to know there abilities, am I the only one that doesn't?" he asks rhetorically, "Mortion, do you know how we can get out of here? I'd prefer not to deal with these things until I get the hang of what I can actually do."

2013-02-14, 07:21 PM
Mortion: Heh heh heh. Yes ask a blind a child how to navigate a region he has never traveled while conscious. Your optimism is commendable. Though I think some of your companions who have not yet made a run for it would be more useful in helping you. Though if I were to guess, given their favoring travel by water one of the better methods to avoid the sea beasts would likely be reaching a rooftop and then jumping between buildings.

2013-02-14, 07:50 PM
"Considering you know more than I do at the moment it was worth asking," Crypt says, rubbing his temples to stave off the panic-induced headache, "okay, roof it is... now to find a way up there..."

Crypt heads down the hallway, making sure Mortion can keep up while simultaneously looking for a way up to the roof.

2013-02-14, 07:59 PM
Mortion: It is likely you will outpace me. That is fine, I will meet up with you again after something inevitably stops you on your journey northward.

Just like Torryn and Tsarma before him Crypt finds that the hallway curves abruptly right revealing a set of spiral stairs at the end of a perpendicular hallway. Up the stairs is a large operating room with eight operating tables and two door leaving to a room on the far end. Walls are lined with tall windows, but those on the northern wall are broken.

2013-02-14, 08:28 PM
"I'm not just leaving you behind," Crypt says, looking out the window to try and find a way out of the city without running into the little beasties outside, he'd bite his lip if it weren't for the fact he didn't have one anymore.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

If that doesn't work, he'll take 20 on a Search Check.