View Full Version : Buff and crowd control psion powers

2013-02-10, 04:15 PM
I'm looking for psion powers that allow me some battlefield control. Grease is a big one and already in my repertoire. I'm low level at this point, and have access to the 1st and 2nd level powers. But later level power suggestions are welcome.

2013-02-10, 09:51 PM
I find that Astral Construct is one of the best for crowd control. You create mobile walls that can trip and disarm all on their own, and they're disposable. If you make them within 2 size categories of your enemies, they can't move through them (unless they have Improved Overrun or Trample), and they can hold action to move and block.

It's even better with this PrC. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625b)

After that, Wall of Ectoplasm is good. I like manifesting Synchronicity (see CPsi) and manifesting WoE against things that fly and charge to interrupt their movement. Crashing head-first into a solid wall might even cause damage, depending on what the DM says.

Energy Wall is good for dismantling the landscape and for laying down AoE damage down corridors (and it's also good for absorbing energy damage for use in Energy Conversion). Ectoplasmic Shamblers are pretty good against other casters and manifesters, because they force 2 Concentration checks -- one against damage and one because it's a property of the shamblers. Boost your ML high enough and you can get okay damage out of it. Not great, but it's irresistable.

Metamorphosis is the best buff, followed by Energy Conversion. Note that the latter holds any amount of damage, and you can fire huge amounts of damage at a time if you use things like Split Psionic Ray and Schism (combined with sharing powers with your psicrystal).

2013-02-10, 10:49 PM
Entangling Ectoplasm, Deja Vu.... at higher levels, try to get Ectoplasmic Cocoon- it is one of only a few reflex-save based disablers.

2013-02-10, 11:03 PM
Energy Stun (electric) is one of the best powers in the game, especially considering a stunned creature automatically drops everything it's holding. Complete Psionic nerfed its DC scaling, but it's still definitely worth using.