View Full Version : Equipment againsnt undead

2013-02-11, 12:45 AM

In my 3.5 campaign, the next chapter will be located in a isolated city that had been invaded by undead 3 years ago.

It will be my first time playing many consecutive games in a undead-heavy setting. Any advice concerning the must haves? (weapons, armor, alchemical items, wonderous/mundane items, anything)

Info: Level 11 rogue/1swordsage (no feats to damage undead because too late to change (level 1 or 3 alternate classes)
Will put some ranks in use magic device
May contain etherals and aberrations (Illithids and their minions)

Already on my list: Trudeath crystal(s), gravestrike wands (maybe in wand chambers inside weapons), sacred bonus, ghoststrike bonus.

Many thanks :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-11, 12:52 AM

In my 3.5 campaign, the next chapter will be located in a isolated city that had been invaded by undead 3 years ago.

It will be my first time playing many consecutive games in a undead-heavy setting. Any advice concerning the must haves? (weapons, armor, alchemical items, wonderous/mundane items, anything)

Info: Level 11 rogue/1swordsage (no feats to damage undead because too late to change (level 1 or 3 alternate classes)
Will put some ranks in use magic device
May contain etherals and aberrations (Illithids and their minions)

Already on my list: Trudeath crystal(s), gravestrike wands (maybe in wand chambers inside weapons), sacred bonus, ghoststrike bonus.

Many thanks :smallbiggrin:

Retraining rules from PHB2 can probably let you get an anti-undead ACF or two?

2013-02-11, 12:54 AM
Ghost touch weapons and armor, but I already believe you mentioned those. Bone ring, in case you face wights or vampires. Bracers of repulsion, while not a great item, forces a fortitude on them or be pushed back 10 feet. great if they swarm you.

A cleric would do wonders in there.

2013-02-11, 12:56 AM
There's Sun Blades (DMG) and Sunswords (the cheaper version from Expedition to castle ravenloft) which do double damage vs undead, let you crit them, and are bastard swords that are used with short sword proficiency. Pretty slick.

2013-02-11, 01:07 AM
Shirt of Wraith Stalking (MIC) is nice, and the rest of the set isn't too bad either (though the gloves will probably be redundant).

2013-02-11, 01:48 AM
You really only need a truedeath crystal and some ghost touch armor, the rest really is all luxury. If the undead aren't immune to fire but are immune to cold, abuse that 50% bonus damage and get yourself a flaming weapon.

If your DM is okay with pulling from obscure resources, try digging into the Return to Castle Ravenloft adventure - it has some Alternate Class Features for Undead hunters(Maybe some for Rogues?) and new magic items for it. There's also feats essential for fighting undead - Enduring Life (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Enduring_Life) and Lasting Life (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Lasting_Life) can help you if your DM is throwing a lot of level-draining undead at you. Don't knock the idea of becoming a cleric, either - there's a cross class feat for Rogue/Clerics that stacks sneak attack and you get some fair undead-hunting bonuses with those levels. You can maybe dig into the Undead Stalker from Miniatures Handbook for that, it gives great resistances against undead for a PrC.

Fable Wright
2013-02-11, 08:38 AM
Alchemical Flare Stakes are nifty alchemical items against undead. Shoot an undead with one, and it takes 1d6 damage every round until it pulls it out. Against unintelligent undead, who can't figure out pulling out the stakes, it makes for a useful sniping tool.