View Full Version : Help me come up with "adventuring groups"!

2013-02-11, 10:08 PM
Howdy! You see, after my group's latest campaign, we have found ourselves in charge of a small nation. Naturally, we won't have time to deal with every goblin uprising, bigger fish to fry in the world and all, so we decided we would hire adventurers to do those things for us. I've been trying to come up with teams of up to four, usually with a theme/role in mind. So far, I have:

*A brother/sister team of lawbringers, who always take down their quarry non-lethally, and bring them in for questioning.*

A short description of actual class would also be helpful. Something simple, like, for the above:

*Necromancy-focused Sorcerer human and a Monk(don't yell at me, it's for flavor) human focused on grappling.*

2013-02-11, 10:12 PM
A lone kobold who defeats all his enemies with cheese

2013-02-11, 10:16 PM
A lone kobold who defeats all his enemies with cheese

Well... funny you should mention that, as my main character is a 16th level kobold Spirit Shaman/Ruathar/Heirophant(tweaked).

2013-02-11, 10:20 PM
A lone kobold who defeats all his enemies with cheese

Pun-Pun? Or is that the wrong kind of cheese?

2013-02-11, 10:20 PM
A female warlock and her dead (ghost) father infiltrating various courts and getting involved in general intrigue to figure out why exactly the father was killed. They've heard your party had some connection to it, as well.

2013-02-11, 10:54 PM
Defenders of the Erwood: These vigilantes dwell in the vast forest that extends from the edges of civilization into the mountains to the west. While they've made a name for themselves defeating orcs, goblins, bandits, and even the occasional chimera, there is also a bounty on them offered by several nobles who have an interest in the timber industry. While sometimes unpredictable, they can always be counted on to lend a hand when darkness threatens to overthrow nature's balance.
A Killoren Druid, a Wood Elf Cleric/Seeker of the Misty Isle, a Wild Elf Sorcerer, and a Raptoran Swift Hunter.

The Curled Talon: The islands scattered off the coast are home to many warring tribes, and this type of culture always produces mercenaries of the highest quality. These four are all from different clans, but they have managed to put their differences aside temporarily for the sake of a profitable arrangement.
A Kobold Sorcerer, a Lizardfolk Wilderness Rogue, a Blackscale Lizardfolk Barbarian, and a Poison Dusk Lizardfolk Spirit Shaman.

Averis Vol
2013-02-11, 11:22 PM
The Lightbearers: A small group of wandering nomads covered in desert sandsilk, underneath which, they wear brilliant silver armor emblazoned with their gods symbol. Led by Maurus, scion of light, they travel the land seeking wickedness to purge.

human cleric (Smite variant) zen archer/Shiba protector/Ordained champion

Dwarven Crusader

Human Whirling frenzy barb/Fighter

Aasimar sorceress

2013-02-12, 12:21 AM
Pun-Pun? Or is that the wrong kind of cheese?

The point was to be ambiguous as a joke

The Black Mages: 4 Bardic Sage->Virtuoso->sublime chords that rock out with scorching ray's enhanced by 4 elements worth of dragonfire inspiration.

Rogue Shadows
2013-02-12, 12:37 AM
All female band of 6 adventurers and 1 male sidekick:

- An elf conjurer, very organized and OCD, with a male owl familiar;
- An elf rogue with a flair for the dramatic;
- A human paladin, not too bright but very honest and never lies;
- A human bard who is incredibly hyperactive and sees everything as a party;
- A half-elf fighter who emphasizes two-weapon fighting and speed above all else;
- A half-elf druid, who is mostly a pacifist and would typically rather not fight, with a male rabbit animal companion;
- And their sidekick/mascot, a purple-and-green male pseudodragon who grumbles a lot

No cookies for getting the references, as they are obvious.

2013-02-12, 12:41 AM
The Black Mages: 4 Bardic Sage->Virtuoso->sublime chords that rock out with scorching ray's enhanced by 4 elements worth of dragonfire inspiration.

Dwarven Bards, sweeping the taverns and concert halls with a new brutal style forged from the dark unforgiving depths of the northern mountains, a preferred tune of Demon and God alike. They call it... Rock.

Of course their names (and band names. And accents) should be stereotypically scandanavian/german and filled with umalots. And they have literal guitar-axes, with both strings and axe-head (I think Complete Scoundrel has rules for this). They murder people with their Axes while making epic riffs. Then the PCs cry in a corner, knowing that no matter how many levels they gain, nothing they ever do can be half as awesome as this band of Dwarf Bards.

2013-02-12, 12:43 AM
All female band of 6 adventurers and 1 male sidekick:

- An elf conjurer, very organized and OCD, with a male owl familiar;
- An elf rogue with a flair for the dramatic;
- A human paladin, not too bright but very honest and never lies;
- A human bard who is incredibly hyperactive and sees everything as a party;
- A half-elf fighter who emphasizes two-weapon fighting and speed above all else;
- A half-elf druid, who is mostly a pacifist and would typically rather not fight, with a male rabbit animal companion;
- And their sidekick/mascot, a purple-and-green male pseudodragon who grumbles a lot

No cookies for getting the references, as they are obvious.

I would say barbarian over fighter, for the speed boost. :smallwink:

2013-02-12, 12:54 AM
Also toss in a stereotypical D&D adventuring party, following every possible trope they can. They assembled in a tavern after a barfight, when a suspicious robed man asked them to clear out a cavern full of Kobolds. It may include 4 or more of the following:

Human Sword&Board Paladin. Complete stick-up-the-rear who somehow puts up with the rest of the group despite their antics, in a vain attempt to "redeem" them. Of course he was orphaned and raised by the church.
Half-Orc Barbarian with a Greataxe. He's illiterate, painfully stupid, and will murder anything and anyone.
Dwarf Healbot Cleric of Moradin. Can also be a female Human Cleric.
Halfling Bard. Skirt-chasing perverted pansy jackass with a lute. Also a pathological liar and kleptomaniac.
Elf Wizard, slinging fireballs because he's a pyromaniac.
Drow Ranger, dual wielding Scimitars, named Drezz't. His village was burned down by Orcs. And zombies. And demons. And he's trying to redeem his Evil Drow brothers through his goodness. But he's also royalty who was abandoned as a child.
Klepto Halfling Thief, with the personality of early-OotS Belkar. Dual-weilds daggers and will murder everything that gives XP.

Of course, they'll gladly tell you that each time they lost a companion to traps, they quickly found an excellent replacement. Especially that Bard, whose 58 identical twin brothers have been very helpful on their quest.

Now that I think of it, you could toss in an OotS party too. :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-12, 01:22 AM
a Blue Dragon who hangs around the Job boards not overtly harming anyone but acting as an independent information broker willing to sell anyones secrets for the right price while manipulating all parties involved towards some nefarious agenda.

2013-02-12, 08:04 AM
So right now, I have:

The Lawbringers
The OOTS Crew
The Magic Friends
The Black Mages
The Lightbearers
The Curled Claw
Defenders of the Erwood
Clare Sawyer: Ghost Dad Lawyer
The Koboldinator

Belfast is a little something I came up with last night. Anthro-whale VoP Monk. While not the best class choice in the slightest, its great for RP and getting our party to build structures that will help the city(as payment, as opposed to money or items).

2013-02-12, 08:59 AM
Ace Attorney
-Phoenix. Marshal 1/Bard X with enormous focus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive and Gather Information. Party Leader, buff focused.
-Maya. Straight up Psion (Seer or Telepath). Alternatively Spirit Shaman. Consider some kind of Gluttonous flaw.
-Apollo. Bard, debuff focused ("Chords of Steel"). Alternatively a refluffed DFA for the breath weapon and fear-based invocations.
-Trucy. Wizard with cross-class UMD for wands. Probably an Illusionist.
-Pearl. PF's Young Template. Otherwise see Maya's class choices.

Large focus on urban social adventures for these guys, of course :smalltongue:

2013-02-12, 09:06 AM
I would say barbarian over fighter, for the speed boost. :smallwink:

Speed boost? You mean there are Barbarians that don't take Spirit Lion Totem? :smalltongue:

2013-02-12, 09:22 AM
A female warlock and her dead (ghost) father infiltrating various courts and getting involved in general intrigue to figure out why exactly the father was killed. They've heard your party had some connection to it, as well.

I actually have stuff to add to this, if you're interested, by the way. XD

Anyhow, more where that came from...

--An illithid with a particularly precognitive focus and its "less enlightened" minotaur servant, who've decided (well, one of them at least) that it's become time to go out and protect the world. The illithid isn't saying from what.

--An effeminate, mock-19th Century commander dressed eldritch knight/artificer type who's looking to build even bigger and better things as time progresses...and the golems he's already built and imbued with limited intelligence.

2013-02-12, 09:41 AM
Speed boost? You mean there are Barbarians that don't take Spirit Lion Totem? :smalltongue:

It's heretical Roleplayer propaganda. They want us to believe that not everyone is a soulless munchkin with no social skills, in a cunning attempt to convert us to their side. :smalltongue:

2013-02-12, 09:48 AM
Pounce is nerfed in all the games I play - I and my fellow GMs rule that it doesn't permit iterative attacks, to bring it more in line with how it's presented by animals with the ability.

2013-02-12, 10:00 AM
How about a group of 3 childhood friends, still low level (say 2) who are by all means overconfident, not very clever and really excited about adventure. They're all guys, probably CG (maybe one being CN) and by the way they talk you think they're chosen by whatever God(dess) that deals with luck / adventure in your world. By some random chance of luck though, sometime after leaving their home village they managed to save the life of a female wizard who happened to be LG and now feels it is her duty to help and guide them as repayment so their overconfident nature doesn't lead them to the quick death it probably would have.

So the group would go like:
Brerkan (20 years old) - male human fighter level 2, for some reason focused on ranged combat feats
Khellar (19 years old) - male human rogue level 2, who has high enough bluff to fool himself he is great at everything else
Falon (19 years old) - male human barbarian 2, likes to collect all kinds of weapons... you never know when you'll need 'em!
Syra (22 years old) - female human wizard 4, divination specialist (scrap "evil" stuff like necromancy and enchantment) who takes responsibility seriosly and feel she needs to help the 3 boys become more mature

Fable Wright
2013-02-12, 10:00 AM
I would say barbarian over fighter, for the speed boost. :smallwink:

Swift Hunter build, if you're going for speed?

Other than that, how about this?
A ragtag band of an Elf Paladin, bright-eyed and ready to change the world, a high-level (19+) Necropolitan Factotum that doesn't bother with solving challenges but moreover screwing with people and coming up with overly convulted and amusing ways to kill everyone and masquerades as a Warlock through the clever use of Reserve feats, a (half-Drow) half-Goblin cleric and her adoptive father, a minotaur, who share a past of trouble with law enforcement.

2013-02-12, 11:30 AM
How about a group to mimick the characters from the 80's D&D TV show (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons_(TV_series)) ?

A bow focused Ranger with Hank's energy bow (duh).

A shield bashing Cavalier.

An inneffective arcanne caster (truenamer ?) with a bag of tricks refluffles as a hat or (if PF) a mage summoner with a hat as a magical focus.

A drow Bard or Swashbuckler wielding a staff, possibly shadowdancer.

A sneak Rogue with cloak and boots of elvenkind.

A Barbarian with a greatclub - short race or juvenile template for bonus points.

A juvenile unicorn animal companion, somehow.

2013-02-12, 11:50 AM
@dmofdarkness: how do you use reserve feats as factotum? I was under the impression that it was not possible with spell-like abilities.

2013-02-12, 12:14 PM
Pun-Pun? Or is that the wrong kind of cheese?

Cheese as in Cheesecake. :smalltongue:

2013-02-12, 12:29 PM
A dwarven wizard who found an Elven barbarian raised by wolves while out hunting with his stealthy orcish rogue friend.

2013-02-12, 12:43 PM

Need I say more?

2013-02-12, 12:56 PM

Need I say more?

I'm probably going to get kicked in the ass for this, but what is the picture referencing?

2013-02-12, 12:59 PM
Get off of my lawn.

2013-02-12, 12:59 PM
Mystery men!!! (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0132347/?ref_=sr_3)

Never seen it, and by the look of it, i should skip it.

2013-02-12, 01:05 PM
I'm probably going to get kicked in the ass for this, but what is the picture referencing?

It's a superhero parody called Mystery Men, about superheroes with third-rate abilities trying to save a city.

EDIT: Forgot the title. Blargh.

It's still actually a really good movie and I recommend it.

2013-02-12, 01:31 PM
well here is on group.

one female warlock with with eldritch claws and flee the scene, quite religious. maybe with levels of cleric and eldritch disciple.
one female warlock that blasts stuff with rays/cones from her eyes
one female warlock that has fell flight, see the unseen and all seeing eyes

All wearing belt of masculinity/feminity

Fable Wright
2013-02-12, 04:42 PM
@dmofdarkness: how do you use reserve feats as factotum? I was under the impression that it was not possible with spell-like abilities.

With RAW? You don't. With a reasonable DM? You just prepare the spells with Arcane Dilettante and get the Reserve benefits.

2013-02-12, 05:37 PM
Herwarn's Men.
Largely CN bunch of deserters and renegades.
Herwarn himself, a human fighter who handles the leadership and tactics (big cha and int).
A drow scout, in it for the money.
An Orc favoured soul of Grumush (spelling?) who handles combat and healing.
A lizard folk barbarian they picked up among the way.

Shining Wrath
2013-02-12, 05:47 PM
A Warforged Juggernaut; a Warforged Swordsage; a Warforged Scout; and the beautiful human Artificer who loves them all in a kinky (and unrequited) way. The Swordsage is actually the leader of the group, but the Artificer serves as the party face when dealing with fleshies.

Shining Wrath
2013-02-12, 05:51 PM
A band of bards; band in both senses of the word. Lead singer, lute player, harp player, horn player; and in the same order, two-weapon fighter, two-handed fighter, healing specialist, and stealth specialist.

They travel about fighting evil in the guise of a group of air-headed musicians. Some of them actually are air-headed, but the horn player is the brains of the operation.

The interesting exercise will be to have 4 members of the same base class whose choices of feats, gear, skills, etc., lead to an effective party.

Shining Wrath
2013-02-12, 06:03 PM
The anti-trope party:
The half-orc who is a pure healbot cleric; he doesn't even carry a weapon
The elf two-handed fighter who grew up in the city, hates magic, archery, art, and nature, and has a Dex of 9.
The fastidious halfling wizard. Hates beer and picks at his food.
The human female sorceress who is short, plump, and dresses modestly.

Averis Vol
2013-02-12, 06:45 PM
Dwarven Bards, sweeping the taverns and concert halls with a new brutal style forged from the dark unforgiving depths of the northern mountains, a preferred tune of Demon and God alike. They call it... Rock.

Of course their names (and band names. And accents) should be stereotypically scandanavian/german and filled with umalots. And they have literal guitar-axes, with both strings and axe-head (I think Complete Scoundrel has rules for this). They murder people with their Axes while making epic riffs. Then the PCs cry in a corner, knowing that no matter how many levels they gain, nothing they ever do can be half as awesome as this band of Dwarf Bards.

I'm pretty sure dwarves would prefer...... Heavy Metal.

2013-02-12, 06:50 PM
I'm pretty sure dwarves would prefer...... Heavy Metal.

"Its an angel singing!"
"Its a devil screaming!"
"Its the pounding of the hammer of creation upon the anvil of time!"

Points go to Heavy Metal.

2013-02-12, 07:11 PM
Dwarven Bards, sweeping the taverns and concert halls with a new brutal style forged from the dark unforgiving depths of the northern mountains, a preferred tune of Demon and God alike. They call it... Rock.

Of course their names (and band names. And accents) should be stereotypically scandanavian/german and filled with umalots. And they have literal guitar-axes, with both strings and axe-head (I think Complete Scoundrel has rules for this). They murder people with their Axes while making epic riffs. Then the PCs cry in a corner, knowing that no matter how many levels they gain, nothing they ever do can be half as awesome as this band of Dwarf Bards.

...I've done this, I'm not going to lie. Ramman Thorgrimm was probably my funnest bard ever. Draconic Heritage (Battle Dragon) made his music so loud, it literally burst eardrums.

2013-02-12, 07:14 PM
Bard Party: Spicy Girlz
Sport Spicy (Fighter of group)
Babe Spicy (secondary fighter and also has the lock opening and trap-finding
Poshy Spicy (Diplomat and mind controller of group)
Scared Spicy (healer of group)

They mostly try to sing their enemies to death. (That stuff is more dangerous
than you might think...) When that doesn’t work then they tap into the
mysterious force known only as “Gurl Powa.”

2013-02-12, 07:54 PM
How about a Blackguard, a Paladin of Tyranny, a Dread Witch and a Dread Necromancer, all of them with Tomb Taint? All women, called the daughters of Fierna?

Lol. There is no end to the trouble a group like this could cause.

2013-02-12, 08:30 PM
Four Catfolk, level 6:
Male Barbarian/Scout/Dervish. - He has a cheetah fur pattern, and is tall and limber.
Female Sorceress - Also cheetah fur pattern.
Male Ranger - Short, muscular and stocky, uses a Composite Longbow and dual-wields shortswords.
Female cleric - Uses a halfspear and large shield.
Gnoll Bard/Barbarian of unknown gender - Uses a heavy flail, and wears a chain shirt.