View Full Version : Seeking Religious Advice

2013-02-12, 09:52 AM
I'm currently playing an ECL 13 Orc Werewolf; the party is ECL 13-14. During the course of the campaign I have slowly been converting the entire known world to the worship of Gruumsh. I've planted churches in nearly every city we've visited (except the elves, may they all die a bloody death), and have had success converting members of every other race we've seen, including the isolationist Lizardfolk tribes living in a sunken castle at the bottom of a lake and the lost tribes of Merfolk hidden at the bottom of the ocean. I've already converted the party's halfling "sorcerer", and have even convinced the two holy men in the party (a Cleric of Heironeous/Warlock and a Paladin of Heironeous) to aid me in spreading worship of Gruumsh under the guise of "religious freedom" or some such nonsense--point is, they bought it. Things were going great.

Until last session, that is, when the party's Paladin of Heironeous went full Miko. Don't get me wrong, the fall was spectacular, all according to the "convert him to Gruumsh/Blackguard" plan until something unexpected happened: he actually had some sort of "spiritual awakening" and intends to atone and stop helping me spread the Church of Gruumsh. This is, of course, unacceptable. Time and again it has been extraordinarily helpful to have the Paladin of Heironeous vouching for Gruumsh.

So this is where I need your help. He's a gnome who thinks he's a dwarf and hates being called a gnome, but aside from trying to play that to my advantage somehow (maybe tricking the other priests of Heironeous into calling him a gnome?) I really don't have much of a game here. How would you appeal to a stubborn dwarf to get him fall the rest of the way and start worshiping Gruumsh rather than atoning?

Please & Thanks,

2013-02-12, 10:07 AM
Kill the gnome?

2013-02-12, 10:40 AM
You could convince him that he has already been forsaken by his God. Perhaps have someone cast ghost sound to call him a gnome while identifying as Heironious.