View Full Version : dnd 3.5 in a d20 modern world (feedback Please)

2013-02-12, 12:24 PM
I am the DM of a Eberron Game, in this game the players have Angered (and i mean severly angered and pissed off) several powerful people.

Chiefly among them. The entire City of Sharn, Lady Vol herself, a powerful planes shifting Gargoyle, Ancient Undead Green Dragon, and a VERY powerful Necromancer from Karrnath.

So as punishment i am thinking of having these forces team up and plane shift my party away from Eberron, and into "modern times" i am thinking d20 modern.

This would leave them completely out of their element, unable to understand anything going on around them, and totally unable to even speak with the people of this new realm.

My party alignment is mostly Evil and Neutral. All of them are 7th level

I have a Goliath Cleric, Human Warblade, Elan Psion/Wizard, Human Rogue/shadow archer home brewthing

My thoughts are that once i plane shift them, they will meet a NPC that speaks their language and fills them in on what happened.

From their he will tempt them into doing as they please with this new world.

Basically they can choose to conquer the world in any way they choose. Though they will have all the counters of modern day against them including nuclear weapons, spies, and powerful armies.

Thoughts on the idea/concept? I need feedback, i feel like this could be a lot of fun. I know i would love to play a game like this, but i also wonder if i should give them a few levels first...

2013-02-12, 01:09 PM
I ran a similar game once (mainly evil party, mid level BECMI D&D), and modern NYC was fairly swiftly overwhelmed on a local scale.
When the national / international might of the modern era was turned against them - then the party hid and started their plan of global supremacy.

So expect an initial outburst of violence and destruction, followed by going on the run, and a more sneaky planning stage.

Of course, once the party have shown their magical abilities, the authorities will attempt to factor this into their plans - d20M has a bunch of supernatural stuff in it (Department 7), so they'll not take long before they're up against relatively prepared antagonists.

Look at major disaster movies for cues on how the authorities of the world might react to a sudden, unusual threat - Independence Day and the various Dead movies spring to mind.

2013-02-12, 02:20 PM
How's your party at crafting? There's not likely to be much in the way of sources for new magic items on Earth, unless they dredge up Atlantis or something.

2013-02-12, 02:30 PM
They have 0 Crafting skills when it comes to any items.

We have a Psion Wizard who could choose to pick up the crafting stuff if he wanted, I have also given them some pretty powerful items in the game so far.

They each have likely between 30k and 50k gold worth of items, keep in mind they are 7th level. 2 Have intelligent/growing weapons.

I agree, they may have issue's with needing items in the future, but i also figure they can start to pick up gun feats and other things if they wish that could either help or hurt them.

Also all 4 have access to some sort of magic/special abilities, so that will give them far superior power to anything i can throw at them 1v1.