View Full Version : Drow hunting prestige class

2013-02-13, 10:14 PM
Are their any prestige classes that are focused on hunting drow or could be focused on hunting drow such as favored enemy type bonuses? Preferably a melee oriented one.

2013-02-13, 10:21 PM
There's the Deep Avenger class in Dragon #298 - it's designed for drow-hunting.

2013-02-13, 11:10 PM
Though not a prestige class, the Elven Ranger substitution levels from RotW give not bad bonuses versus servitors of Lolth.

2013-02-13, 11:15 PM
What wrong with regular old ranger? Forget TWF btw - take ranged combat style for when you absolutely have to attack at range, and focus on THF with the favored power attack feat. Against your favored enemy, you can ramp up some serious damage (easily swinging for 50+ at level 6 or so, without charging - which I wouldn't recommend btw. Better to spend your other feats on survival and tactics than pump up your damage unnecessarily).

Also get the knowledge devotion feat for additional drow-hate, plus it boosts attack (which means it really boost damage even more).

Edit: Occult slayer might also be worth a look. Since all drow have SLA, a slayer's bonded weapon and vicious strike will work against them regardless of their class levels. The boost to saves won't hurt either.

2013-02-13, 11:16 PM
Though not a prestige class, the Elven Ranger substitution levels from RotW give not bad bonuses versus servitors of Lolth.

Very formidable with elf-bane (drow-bane) hunting weapons and Improved Favored Enemy. If you are going TWF, be sure to pick up Favored Dodge, a nice feat from Dragon Magazine, and the Complete Dragon Magazine 3.5 Feats, Flaws... compilation had a number of other good stuff for rangers that are optimizing Favored Enemy.

2013-02-13, 11:18 PM
the elf sub levels are a no go, the idea is for a Vril (race of goblins breed by the drow to be slaves/guards) to rise up against them



Suppose I should have said this to begin with sorry

Was also gonna drop the feral template on it, and basically stack the roll with it feat for a few levels just to make it hard for me to die then take leadership at 6 and try to begin building a Vril army.

Also I'm a big fan of natural attacks and will focus on the claw attacks gained from the feral template.

2013-02-13, 11:30 PM
Hmm, a PrC for freed slaves. I think some variant of one of the "hunter of x" PrC might work well, but the DM would need to design the adaptation.

It would be cool if you could repurpose Kinslayer from Drow of the Underdark to be for slaves trying to kill their masters. You might need to be evil, I think, but some of the mechanics for Kinslayer might work well with vril flavor.

Goblin support out there is pretty sparse, though there were some cool feats included in the vril entry, which was botched in its original appearance in Drow of the Underdark.

Actually, a really interesting adaptation might be twisting Hammer of Moradin into a skeleton for a anti-drow class.

What you can do without DM help, though, is pretty limited. I'd still advise a ranger of some kind, as their skill set can be very useful underground. Wild shape ranger may also synergize well with some of the rage-flavored stuff that the vrill have, though I'm not sure the racial feats would work while wild shaped.

Grrr, yeah, the vrill are awesome, but an obvious choice for PrC is not coming to mind. Kudos for choosing a cool race, though. Great flavor there.

EDIT: Reading your last comment again, you could do well with Totemist, which allows lot of nice natural weapon synergy and optimization. It's from Magic of Incarnum.

2013-02-13, 11:33 PM
Though not specifically anti-drow, have you seen Stonedeath Assassin from Races of Stone? Might be worth taking a look at.

2013-02-13, 11:41 PM
Though not specifically anti-drow, have you seen Stonedeath Assassin from Races of Stone? Might be worth taking a look at.

Right! I knew there was at least one PrC for goblinoids! Don't know if this is in the right flavor for the OP. Races of Stone also has Stoneblessed, which can get you into racial classes for dwarves. goliaths, or gnomes, if you can find one that fits the theme. There was some escaping slavery flavor among goliaths, but I don't know if any of it made it into the PrCs.