View Full Version : EVE Online: Dawn of New Eden

Karen Lynn
2013-02-14, 12:40 PM
So, browsing through the forums here, and couldn't find anything on EVE Online. Are there no other Capsuleers here?

II'm looking at signing up again in the next few months, and was wondering if anyone else here played.

2013-02-14, 01:31 PM
There have been a couple EVE threads fairly recently. There are about half a dozen Playgrounders playing last I heard, though a few of them had not been playing very long and I'm not sure if they stayed.

We haven't been able to keep a thread going because there aren't that many of us, and EVE being EVE, pretty much no one was on friendly terms between our alliances/corps. As such it was very difficult to do anything together and no one can really talk to specifically about anything they are doing in the game so it sort of died out.

Really I haven't actually been "playing" for quite a while. My account is still active and I'm keeping up with my training and PI, but I haven't done much of anything else in quite a while. And since I'm in 0.0 space in an NRDS area there are just enough neutrals around to not be able to jump on and quickly rat or mine for short periods of time.

2013-02-14, 01:34 PM
Really I haven't actually been "playing" for quite a while. My account is still active and I'm keeping up with my training and PI, but I haven't done much of anything else in quite a while. And since I'm in 0.0 space in an NRDS area there are just enough neutrals around to not be able to jump on and quickly rat or mine for short periods of time.

Those still exist? I thought they all disappeared years ago.

Karen Lynn
2013-02-14, 02:04 PM
That makes sense. Almost makes me want to start a playgrounder corp.

2013-02-15, 06:43 PM
I used to play but I haven't found the time recently. :smallfrown:

Beowulf DW
2013-02-16, 12:58 AM
I don't play Eve myself, but I love reading about. I must admit that I was disappointed when no GitP corp. emerged from the threads here. Shame that in-game rivalries can't stay there.

2013-02-18, 03:46 PM
I did make a channel awhile back for people to use to chat:
name: giantitp
password: stick

Probably could start up a corp despite security concerns, we just don't have a lot of people with the same interests in Eve on the forum.

From what I remember of the past threads there were (approx.) 2 null sec alliance people, 1 WH/FW person, 1 LS person, 4 HS people, and then about 6 or so undefined (they never made a strong statement on what they did).

So we have fairly good coverage from a "I have a question about x" portion of the game but not enough in a specific area to really form up a corp with a goal.

2013-03-02, 10:57 PM
I started playing last month. Really enjoying it thus far.

Came across this guy last night: Quad boxing mining. Most impressive thing i have seen thus far.


2013-03-03, 12:29 AM
Yeah, some people love to multibox, especially for mining. There is some guy that used to do something like 17 Drakes at once with a keyboard repeater setup.

The most difficult one I've seen was Garmon. He would use an active tank hyperion and maelstrom using cap charges. As they ran out of charges he'd warp his crane in to drop off more. And he was doing it all in PvP versus pirate gate camps.