View Full Version : Is there a stronger feats homebrew?

2013-02-15, 08:05 PM
I recently made a char in pathfinder; and one of the things I often find in both 3.5 and in pf; is that most of the feats are rather weak. They're not bad, and they do provide some bonuses; but they feel more like small trait than like FEATS. They're not feats of derring-do or signs of awesomeness.

Is there something someone's made which takes the feats in the game and makes them all POWERFUL; or at least pretty powerful and really feeling awesome for each and every one you take?

And if not, how much interest is there in one?

2013-02-15, 08:08 PM
Well, I know "Fighter Fixes" tend to be somewhat popular on the homebrew forum. Usually it's less focused on Feats and more focused on Class Features. But obviously there are people who want to improve characters who count on feats the most (Mundane characters) and are working on improving them. So feats are an obvious choice.

I know one I followed for a bit was a series of Whip Related feats which got decently powerful as well.

But not so much in the lines of doing something like making Two-Weapon Fighting feats strictly better. Least not that I've seen. Not that it couldn't use it.

2013-02-15, 08:25 PM
Feats typically enhance class/racial features. You sound like you want them to grant abilities on par with class features. I don't know of a home brew feat compendium, but Frank and K's tomes have a lot of powerful feats. Since you're the one dissatisfied, assuming you're DM'ing whatever game this might be for, just create your own? Feats aren't difficult to enhance. Off the top of my head:

Weapon Finesse: Grants Dex to hit and Damage (Damage only vs. flat-footed)
Spell Focus: School: Increases your CL by 1 and DC by 1 for that school.
TWF: Scales into the benefits of Improved and Greater without taking the feats (those feats don't exist).
Dodge: Works vs everything that targets you to hit and grants +1 dodge bonus to saves.

Rather than needing a compendium, why don't you tailor make them for characters?