View Full Version : Guardian of forbidden knowledge

2013-02-16, 09:04 AM
Hey fellow people.

I've recently begun playing d&d again as a player (been dm'ing for quite some time) and i started out as an elf fighter specializing in throwing weapons. However due to the story of the campaign I'm in, I've been thinking about making my character a sort of guardian of forbidden knowledge, one that goes around collecting evil artifacts and lore for safekeeping, but i don' want to be evil myself. I've looked a bit on archivist but from what i can see it is indeed evil.

I've been thinking about multiclassing as an arcane caster, but i would like to hear you guys advice on this matter first :)

- Thanks in advance - Felhanded

2013-02-16, 09:08 AM
Archivist isn't evil. Maybe you got it confused with Urpreist?

2013-02-16, 09:40 AM
Archivist isn't evil. Maybe you got it confused with Urpreist?

Indeed i have. /fail

2013-02-16, 09:59 AM
If you take a look at the Olin Gisir PrC in Lost Empires of Faerūn page 22, it's exactly what you're looking for fluff-wise. They're an ancient elven order dedicated to safeguarding items of power and keeping them locked away from the world at large, so that idiotic people don't mess with them and destroy the world.

Mechanically the class is okay, it gets Secrets (like the Loremaster) and a few other random abilities, 10/10 casting, fairly easy entry requirements. If you don't like the mechanics, you can still use the fluff of it if you want.