View Full Version : Psychic Agent (d20 GW)

2013-02-16, 11:13 AM
Game is d20 Gamma World. We tried the GW psionics rules, and didn't like them. So we are moving to the d20 arcana psionics. My psionic character is doing a conceptual rebuild. I am looking at the Psionic agent advanced class, mostly for flavor, because it fits with the character's development arc.

Unfortunately, while it makes a lot more sense than Gamma world's psionics, d20 arcana psionics rules seem to kind of suck in a power sense. For example, as a 5th level character, I can only be psionic agent 2, which effectively gives me 3 cantrips (4 if you include Wild Talent). Also, while better, the rules don't seem good. For example, psionic focus lets me pick 2 powers for which I can add 2 to the DC, but again, all I get are cantrips, and because I didn't go with telepathy I don't have any powers with a DC. Am I reading this wrong?

If it matters, character is a mutant naked mole rat. Smart hero 2/Fast hero 1/Psi Agent 2.
Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 14, Cha 8.
Mutations (And I have rolled really well on some random mutation rolls) are:
X ray vision
Nimble Fingers
Energy absorption (DR 10 fire and sonic/concussion)
Thin Skin

We are using d20 Gamma world, anything on the SRD, and some pathfinder rules changes (skill consolidation, no concentration skill, CMB/D, etc). I can probably import PF stuff if it is balanced and makes sense with the rules (like, a lot of the Pathfinder Psionics uses Psionic Focus, which D20 arcana does not use.