View Full Version : What's the difference in power between the different levels of magic

2013-02-17, 05:27 AM
If 0, level spells have a power of 1, is the power of a first level spell 2 going up in that manner.

For instance is it :
Level of spell :: Power



2013-02-17, 05:37 AM
I'm not sure I completely understand your question. If you mean what I think you do, then either of your examples are oversimplifications, as simple numerical designations don't really have any weight unless what they represent is apparent. That's why the existent spell levels are numbered.

To attempt an answer to your question, however, the vague version is this: 0-LVL spells are little more than parlor tricks, but they do have practical use. In general, they are not damaging, and if they are, they don't do anything more than 1d2 or 1d3 damage. First level spells perform mostly simple, direct, not-very powerful effects, but are the first to gain scaling damage dice, allowing them to become more powerful as a spellcaster gains levels. From there, the higher spell levels just start allowing for more and more powerful and varied magical effects, with planar magic starting to show up around 5th-7th level spells, increased damage-dice-caps, and nigh-deific amounts of power manifesting at 9th level.

Like I said, it's tough to just slap a number on them, and say "that's how powerful they are." Without coming off as crass, my best suggestion is really to just spend some time reading through the spell entries. After a while, you'll notice patterns, and it'll make more sense to you.

2013-02-17, 05:58 AM
I have a purpose for the numbers as I need a "currency" value for the different types of spell. If a PC were to give up a 1st level spell how many 0 level spells would that be equivalent to?

Concerning how powerful an individual spell is I understand that 'Acid Splash', is not the same as 'Daze' but the GP value for both spells is the same when enchanted to a weapon.

That average is what I'm looking for.

2013-02-17, 06:06 AM
Usually abilities that allow characters to combine two spell slots into a spell slot of higher level, the exchange rate is 2:1 for each increase in spell level.

But in reality, there isn't really any hard number. 2 is better than 1 and weaker than 3. 3 is better than 2 and weaker than 4, and so on.

2013-02-17, 06:18 AM
Level of spell :: Power
3::big hammer


2013-02-17, 06:27 AM
I have a purpose for the numbers as I need a "currency" value for the different types of spell. If a PC were to give up a 1st level spell how many 0 level spells would that be equivalent to?

Concerning how powerful an individual spell is I understand that 'Acid Splash', is not the same as 'Daze' but the GP value for both spells is the same when enchanted to a weapon.

That average is what I'm looking for.

Well, it's not really all that cut and dried, since some spells are extremely powerful for their level (polymorph, celerity) and some spells are weak for their level (energy drain).

If you absolutely have to have a number, looking at magic item costs might be a good start. Most magic items that put a spell in something use the spell level x caster level formula, so you could try that. Just use the minimum caster level to be able to cast the spell. So the values would be:

Level 0: 0.5
Level 1: 1
Level 2: 6
Level 3: 15
Level 4: 28
Level 5: 45
Level 6: 66
Level 7: 91
Level 8: 120
Level 9: 153

Or there are a few abilities that let you trade in lower level spell slots for higher level, usually at 2:1, so you could also just use that.

Level 0: 0.5
Level 1: 1
Level 2: 2
Level 3: 4
Level 4: 8
Level 5: 16
Level 6: 32
Level 7: 64
Level 8: 128
Level 9: 256

2013-02-17, 09:26 AM
I must ask, what is the context for the question?

Are you trying to realocate power tor an NPC or a PC?
Are you trying to revalue magic items?
Has this been done before in the game you play?
Is this a Homebrew? (I assume not as it is posted here)

In my campains precedent plays a big part. Which can be a challenge for DMs But I believe is important. Also because of that, I agree that the question you have posed is over simplified and more context is needed.

2013-02-17, 09:47 AM
Step 1: Compare the following

Slay Living - level 5
Disintegrate - level 6
Finger of Death - level 7

Step 2: Scratch head in confusion

Step 3: ????

Step 4: Profit!