View Full Version : Powers, gained in Hell

2013-02-17, 06:47 AM
So I'm thinking about human NPC who got raised in Hell. Sold to the demons at a very young age, to be their Sensate slave (torture of flesh and soul), but had, as a young man managed to escape Hell back to Material plane.

Now, I'd like for this guy to have some sort of powers/abilities/magic, that mirror his long stay in this painful place. Two things classes came to my mind: Warlock and Sorcerer. Warlock, because it involves a pact or perhaps a Sorcerer with very limited school choice: He could keep Conjuration (learned from demons' ability to summon allies), Enchantment (Enslaving) and Illusion (good in manipulative ways of demons and for torture of their pets). I know Sorcerer per se can not be learned ... I'm asking more mechanically here.

Anyway, this are my ideas ... I'd be happy to hear template and class ideas or something completely else about our Man from Hell.


2013-02-17, 06:50 AM
Forget all I said.

Hellbred is a RACE from Fiendish Codex II. No LA. If you want, check it out and modify it a little to fit your needs

2013-02-17, 06:54 AM
just nitpicking, but Hell is home to the Devils in the standard cosmology. Demons come from the Abyss. /nitpick

More usefully, what alignment do you envision this character being? Divine casting classes might also be an option. If non-evil, then the character might have received succor from a god that helped him escape, and he serves the diety out of gratitude. If the character is evil, then maybe he started worshiping the powers of his home. In that case, he might not have escaped so much as been allowed to leave, with the expectation that he would cause more evil on the material plane.

2013-02-17, 09:13 AM
just nitpicking, but Hell is home to the Devils in the standard cosmology. Demons come from the Abyss. /nitpick

More usefully, what alignment do you envision this character being? Divine casting classes might also be an option. If non-evil, then the character might have received succor from a god that helped him escape, and he serves the diety out of gratitude. If the character is evil, then maybe he started worshiping the powers of his home. In that case, he might not have escaped so much as been allowed to leave, with the expectation that he would cause more evil on the material plane.

Hmmm as for alignment, I was thinking CE, NE or LE. First would come from this guy being so traumatized, he has hard time controlling himself, second from the fact he was his entire life surrounded by evil and does not deem evil as "evil" and third, perhaps he could have a code after all. Something like "Kill or be killed".

I am thinking Cleric would not be a bad choice. God of Rage and Revenge perhaps.

2013-02-17, 09:45 AM
I like the fluff of him gaining hellish powers because of his long-time close proximity to so many devils. He's not intentionally learning powers; it's a curse.

Thinking along those lines, warlock or binder is the way to go (or maybe even both using a slightly changed anima mage). They both have a limited amount of powers than can be used at-will, which I feel is much more natural and fitting than regular spell casting.

Though it's more chaotic and thus more demon-like, you could refluff the binding to be less of a choice on his part and more "how will the corruption manifest itself today, and how will I deal with it." This works particularly well with the signs and influence of the vestiges.

What level are you making him? Several of the vestiges and invocations have great escape potential, and they could easily be used to explain his escape from his captors.