View Full Version : How does Level Adjustment tie in with Leadership?

2013-02-17, 03:21 PM
Let's say that you are a 10th-level, Half-Celestial character with a Charisma score of 16. Excluding the other miscellaneous bonuses ("Does he have a stronghold or is a nice guy?"), what would his actual leadership score be?

His leadership score would either be a 13 or a 17, because of his +4 Level Adjustment. So my question is, do we add LA to his level when determining followers and max cohort levels, or not?

2013-02-17, 04:01 PM
Let's say that you are a 10th-level, Half-Celestial character with a Charisma score of 16. Excluding the other miscellaneous bonuses ("Does he have a stronghold or is a nice guy?"), what would his actual leadership score be?

His leadership score would either be a 13 or a 17, because of his +4 Level Adjustment. So my question is, do we add LA to his level when determining followers and max cohort levels, or not?

It'd be based off of his ECL, so it would include the LA.

2013-02-17, 04:12 PM
It'd be based off of his ECL, so it would include the LA.

Actually, RAW this isn't true. The Leadership feat says level, which defaults to character level, so LA isn't counted towards your level for the purposes of calculating your leadership score. Nothing in Savage Species or later texts on ECL changes that, despite the fact that your cohort's level is restricted by its own ECL. Note that I would probably change this for most games.