View Full Version : (PF) Eidilon Help

2013-02-17, 04:11 PM
So I am playing a Half Elf Summoner in my somewhat first pathfinder game. (somewhat because I played once before, but it was so long ago and I was only present for a few rounds of combat lol).

As a level 10 character, I get 14 evolution points, and an additional 2 I believe from being half elf (favored class summoner). So assuming my math and reading was correct, I have 16 evolution points. What to do with them? I have only access to the Core Rulebook and Advanced Players Guide. I want to make a quadruped.

My current thought process is:
Gills (1 point)
Improved Damage (1 point)
Improved Natural Armor (1 point)
Mount (1 point)
Pounce (1 point)
Scent (1 point)
Flight (2 points) + 2 more for magic flight?
Large (4 points)

This is currently 12 (possibly 14 points). What should I do with the extras? and are there ways to get more points? All advice is helpful!


2013-02-17, 04:41 PM
Is there a reason to use 'gills' on the eidolon?, do you expect to have him be swimming a lot?. Also, i am not sure if 'magic flight' is really necessary, while perfect maneuverability would be awesome, if all you want is to get somewhere faster, you can just use those points to increase the speed, if I recall.
That said, a few things
Pounce is useless right now since you only have 1 attack, if the eidolon is what you described, quadruped eidolons only get bite for free, not claw attacks.
So I'd say, use 1 point to give them the claws. And maybe use the 'improve damage' evolution on them. A situational evolution is the 'magic attacks' one that lets them bypas /magic DR and at your level, also allows the attacks to ignore RD based on your alignment .

Basically, if you only have 2 points to use, and don't want to change anything else (and want to attack) might as well get the claws (1 point) and improve damage claws. (another point)
And, I think there is a feat, but it increases the pool by 1 point. (can be taken several times)

2013-02-17, 04:42 PM
There's a feat for more evolution points (but it's really not worth it). If you have Pounce, you should be trying to hit the maximum-natural-attacks cap, all the time. That means (I think) taking limbs and claws, lots of them. Then pick up Rend if you can, for extra damage.

That's assuming you're trying to get damage.

This (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/eidolons) has most (if not all) of the evolutions on it.

2013-02-17, 07:30 PM
I want gills just cause I think the campaign will have a lot of water, but also because I like the idea of breathing under water. I did not think about extra attacks, I had intended to just put all the focus on the bite attack, but I do not think I fully understand Pounce.

2013-02-17, 11:17 PM
You might want to save flight and scent, and possibly gills as options for Lesser Evolution Surge (please tell me you have this amazing spell?) for situations it's actually needed.

What do you fight with? If claws (they're the best option, all around), rend can be decent.

You definitely want to use as many attacks as you have available if you have pounce, as mentioned.

Reach, while RAW I think it only affects one *natural weapon* instead of *one type* of natural weapon like Improved Damage, still might be good. Just having a single attack at +5 ft is enough to threaten further out, which helps with AoOs and also means withdraw won't save someone from your eidolon. :)

If you expect to fight evil outsiders a lot and are of good alignment (or vice-versa if you're evil, I guess) you might want the magic attacks evo. It's only 1 point and at level 10 makes your eidolon's attacks count as its (ie, your) alignment components. So if you're CG, his attacks pierce chaotic and good DR, for example.

Skilled is also amazing. +8 bonus for just 1 point. Best choices are UMD and Perception, of course.

To get more points, aside from the feat, there is also a Half-Elf only archetype called Wild Caller (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/half-elf/wild-caller-summoner-half-elf). You swap your summon monster spells on your list and SLA class feature for summon nature's ally. SNA is significantly worse than SM, so this is a bad trade, though if you don't use them much, not too noticeable. In return for this suck, you get bonus evo points of +1/4 per level. So Combined w/ the favored class, which also adds +1/4 level to your evo pool, you would have 20/4, or 5 bonus evo points at level 10. Instead of the 2.5 you currently have.

If you plan to focus heavily on the Eidolon, it's worth the trade.

2013-02-17, 11:27 PM
I have not taken spells yet, I wanted to build the Eidilon first before anything else. Wild caller seems pretty good, because the Eidilon is pretty much all I wanna use, with a few spellcasting of course lol.