View Full Version : Questiones re: Primordial Half Ogre

2013-02-17, 08:25 PM
First, are Half-Ogres proficient with simple and martial weapons, like other Giants?

Second, do you agree with the change from +1 LA (Savage Species) to +2 LA (Races of Destiny)?

Third, The Primordial Giant Template grants a SLA with a caster level equal to the character's racial HD. How would you handle this for a half-ogre (no racial HD)? (I'm thinking of allowing it equal to class levels or freezing it at 1)

2013-02-17, 10:16 PM
If no racial HD are present, of course you default to HD gained from class levels. For the rest, someone else will have to pipe up.

2013-02-18, 12:46 AM
It really depends on the power level of your game. Do you use lesser aasimers? do you use mineral warriors? Are there dragonborn water orc crusaders everywhere? In this world Half ogres make sense as a +1 LA template.

If straight up elves line your streets and halflings that are neither water nor strongheart are common, if bugbears and hobgoblins are considered reasonable character options, then no. Half ogres should be at least a +2 LA template.

As to dealing with a lack of a racial hit die, the most proper solution I feel is to say no spell-likes for you. Of course, that makes for sad players, and levitate at will is not totally game breaking.

2013-02-18, 02:25 AM
First, are Half-Ogres proficient with simple and martial weapons, like other Giants?

A giant possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).[…]Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as any natural weapons.

That's a trait of the type, not a feature of the hit die, so all creatures with Giant type get it unless something odd is going on. I haven't seen the Half-Ogre template, but unless it specifically says "no, no proficiencies" it'll have those proficiencies.

Third, The Primordial Giant Template grants a SLA with a caster level equal to the character's racial HD. How would you handle this for a half-ogre (no racial HD)? (I'm thinking of allowing it equal to class levels or freezing it at 1)

If you have no racial HD, sorry, you don't get a caster level; you can go easy on them and peg it at 1, but that's not required. (Pinning it to class levels is quite permissive indeed, and goes against the original intention of that limitation.)

2013-02-18, 05:31 AM
Primordial Giants cast all SLAs at +1 CL. This is particularly handy for Half Gian manifesters, as Psionics is explicitly an SLA.