View Full Version : OOTS #870 - The Discussion Thread

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The Giant
2013-02-18, 01:52 PM
New comic is up.

2013-02-18, 01:53 PM

...Well, then.

2013-02-18, 01:53 PM

Doc Kraken
2013-02-18, 01:54 PM

Two theories confirmed.

2013-02-18, 01:54 PM
Well that answers THAT long standing plot thread.

Kurald Galain
2013-02-18, 01:54 PM

Does he need to buy a set of d10s now?

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 01:56 PM

I guessed wrong the entire time...

2013-02-18, 01:57 PM
Wait... So when he said that his "children" were killed by Nale... Oh. Oh, this is veeery interesting.

2013-02-18, 01:57 PM
Oh. My.

Did not see that coming. So what exactly is he?

2013-02-18, 01:58 PM
Well, well. I confess, I was totally disbelieving that Malack was a vampire.

...Still wonder about the sunlight thing.

2013-02-18, 01:58 PM
Wow! It was always going to end badly for Belkar, wasn't it?

2013-02-18, 01:58 PM
The heck did I just read?

2013-02-18, 01:59 PM
I certainly did not expect that. I mean, even if he was a vampire, I did not expect him to turn Belkar.

Except the "Not long for this world" part of the prophecy is still a bit iffy. But I don't know, are vampires considered seperate entities from their former selves in D&D?

Scowling Dragon
2013-02-18, 01:59 PM
...........Well I be...

VAMPIRE! The Guys a Vampire! His children as in Undead spawn!

2013-02-18, 01:59 PM
Honestly didn't expect him to be a vampire. It seemed too obvious. Pulling a fast one on us Giant?

2013-02-18, 01:59 PM
...Still wonder about the sunlight thing.

Probably a magic item. He's a very high-level character, after all.

Also, vampire lords are able to withstand sunlight (but they lose a lot of their abilities).

2013-02-18, 01:59 PM

...does this mean the Malak is a vampire and Belkar will be an undead character people were right?

2013-02-18, 02:00 PM
So he really is a vampire...

Also, back in 764:
"And Tarquin keeps telling me that if I want more children so badly, I should just find the right person and get to it, but...I don't know."
:vaarsuvius: Have you ever considered adoption? Surely your political climate produces no shortage of orphans.
"Yes, but I'm worried about not having that, you know, special bond."

I see what you did there. :smallamused:

2013-02-18, 02:01 PM
"The halfling shouldn't bother funding his (thing i forget the name of)"
"should savor his next birthday cake"
"will draw his last breath ever"


"What is this ungodly-" (referring to his drink)
"I require a very special diet"
"albino lizardfolk"
"death god"


That is awesome. Who's awesome? YOU'RE awesome. :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-18, 02:01 PM
Wait - so the "I luvs Belkar so teh Giant wont kill him, just maek him un dead" people were right?
Obviously, it's too early to tell, but that's still surprising to even contemplate.

2013-02-18, 02:01 PM
Well, Malak being a vampire was reasonable.

But I REFUSE to accept the "belkar will live through the prophecy" theorists were right. :smalleek:

2013-02-18, 02:01 PM
Vampire Belkar.

Do not want.

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 02:02 PM
And the speech balloons were such a good indicator this entire time... I wonder how Malack managed to change them.

2013-02-18, 02:02 PM
Well now, interesting. I honestly didn't see this one coming.

And I admit I was worried when I saw the title.

2013-02-18, 02:02 PM
And he wants Durkon for himself. This answers a lot of things. On the first read though seeing him bite the head I though "Whoa, zombie ?"

2013-02-18, 02:02 PM
I am shocked by the sudden turn of events. So, there is more than meets the eye about Malack.

It certainly explains some things. :smallwink:

2013-02-18, 02:02 PM
Now it makes more sense Tarquin considered Malak's children less worthy.

I mean his lifelong friend Malak had to be quite angry before Tarquin understood that Malak's children were a big deal.

Is Malak's alignment now switching to Evil?

2013-02-18, 02:03 PM
Every time I glance at the last panel, I feel an extremely tense kind of queasiness. This is hands down the creepiest page in all of OoTS.

2013-02-18, 02:04 PM
Oh God No.

No. No.

Not Belkar!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo!

2013-02-18, 02:05 PM
Wait - so the "I luvs Belkar so teh Giant wont kill him, just maek him un dead" people were right?
Obviously, it's too early to tell, but that's still surprising to even contemplate.

No need to be insulting to people with different predictions than you. Especially when they were right.

2013-02-18, 02:05 PM
...sexy androgeniously bisexual in red and black leather Vampire Belkar

2013-02-18, 02:05 PM
Well, Malak being a vampire was reasonable.

But I REFUSE to accept the "belkar will live through the prophecy" theorists were right. :smalleek:
I find it hard to believe Durkon will tolerate having a vampire in the party.

...Durkon is going to be so upset when he finds out his friend Malack's secret. :smallfrown:

2013-02-18, 02:06 PM
FYI we don't know exactly WHAT the Belkster will be yet, nor how long he'll be able to stay around once he gets back to his companions.

But he'll at least be more interesting now.

But I REFUSE to accept the "belkar will live through the prophecy" theorists were right. :smalleek:

Whatever else may come of this, he isn't "living through" anything.

2013-02-18, 02:08 PM
What is Malack doing to Belkar in panel 5? Harm?

2013-02-18, 02:08 PM
Pfft, nothing to see here. Just a pretty conventional one-gag periodical webcomic about Dungeons and Dragons if you ask me.

No chance that this thread will get many replies. :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-18, 02:09 PM
I just have to say... LOL.

Regarding all the discussion on the forums with "belkar's death", this is just too sweet. Stick that in your pipes and smoke it.

I don't really mean to gloat but this is just too funny. Plus I love how the "epiliptic tree" theory that Malack was a vampire turned out to be true as well. Goes to show you that despite the general direction of the comic feeling so "obvious" to some, the giant can still pull fast ones on the close-minded.

Mando Knight
2013-02-18, 02:09 PM
I like this reveal.

Also the fulfilling of the Belkar prophecy without necessarily removing him from the comic.

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 02:10 PM
What is Malack doing to Belkar in panel 5? Harm?

Maybe Desecrate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/desecrate.htm).

2013-02-18, 02:10 PM
What is Malack doing to Belkar in panel 5? Harm?

Doubtful, as Harm did way more visible damage to Nale. It's more likely that he was starting to cast something, then stopped.

2013-02-18, 02:11 PM
I just have to say... LOL.

Regarding all the discussion on the forums with "belkar's death", this is just too sweet. Stick that in your pipes and smoke it.

I bet some "isn't long for this world" folks will get upset.

T.G. Oskar
2013-02-18, 02:11 PM
My question is not why is Belkar being turned into a vampire (I mean, any vampire is better than Ed Cullen, and I don't feel sorry at all for Twilight fans, though I don't wish to offend Twilight Sparkle fans), but what kind of vampire will Belkar become? It would be out of character that he becomes a Cappadocian, when Belkar makes a fine Gangrel or Brujah. Oh, but he must have a blast with Celerity!

2013-02-18, 02:12 PM
Doubtful, as Harm did way more visible damage to Nale. It's more likely that he was starting to cast something, then stopped.
I don't think it's an incomplete casting, since Belkar is smoking in 6.

2013-02-18, 02:13 PM
I did not see that coming.

Also, this is a problem for the order, as new vampires have to obey their creator.

2013-02-18, 02:14 PM
My question is not why is Belkar being turned into a vampire (I mean, any vampire is better than Ed Cullen, and I don't feel sorry at all for Twilight fans, though I don't wish to offend Twilight Sparkle fans), but what kind of vampire will Belkar become?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess he will become a short vampire.

2013-02-18, 02:16 PM
Wait... So when he said that his "children" were killed by Nale... Oh. Oh, this is veeery interesting.

Exactly. Though it took me a while to truly understand this last panel and...

Oh my. Durkon still thinks that Nale killed helpless little lizard-kids...

2013-02-18, 02:16 PM
I don't think it's an incomplete casting, since Belkar is smoking in 6.

Vampiric Strike, as Malack is no longer damaged?

2013-02-18, 02:17 PM
Dun dun duuuuun!!!

Holy crap, this comic is awesome!! :smalleek:

-Ozmar the Excited

2013-02-18, 02:17 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess he will become a short vampire.

I need a like button. Kudos.

The Glyphstone
2013-02-18, 02:18 PM
My question is not why is Belkar being turned into a vampire (I mean, any vampire is better than Ed Cullen, and I don't feel sorry at all for Twilight fans, though I don't wish to offend Twilight Sparkle fans), but what kind of vampire will Belkar become?

Whatever kind Malak is. Malack feels like a Lasombra to me. Maybe a Kiyasid if we're going for the weird bloodlines.

2013-02-18, 02:18 PM
I don't think Vampire-Belkar will last till the next story arc.

2013-02-18, 02:18 PM
Well, that's an interesting turn of event for sure.

2013-02-18, 02:18 PM

1. WTF! Malack actually is a vampire!

2. And Belkar actually will become undead!

3. He'll love it!

4. Malack probably gets immunity to sunlight and regular speech bubbles as special gifts from Nergal. He is a death god, after all.

5. That spell Malack cast was probably Harm, to bring Belkar down to 1 hp.

6. How is Roy going to react to this?

Winged One
2013-02-18, 02:19 PM
What's the difference between Belkar's past and future?

One is a bloodthirsty little monster, and the other is a vampire.

...you're just jealous that I got to say it first.:smallwink:

2013-02-18, 02:19 PM
I kinda thought he was going to freakishly eat Belkar before I got here.
Vampire. Huh.

Mando Knight
2013-02-18, 02:19 PM
Vampiric Strike, as Malack is no longer damaged?

Yep, it would appear to be a Vampire's Energy Draining touch. It doesn't have obvious verbal components like most spells in OotS, and appears to heal the slight injury Malack sustained from the impact of Belkar's head.

2013-02-18, 02:19 PM
Huh. And to think that when I saw the title, I wondred if we were going to see Belkar hit the wrong end of a Destruction spell.

Well, now the speculation can begin again as to whether or not Belkar can make it out of this battle still ambulatory and free-willed...

2013-02-18, 02:20 PM
First Tsukiko gets creepily attached to her undead, and now this "children" thing. I have a feeling that when Belkar turns on Malak, he won't be expecting it either.

2013-02-18, 02:20 PM
What is Malack doing to Belkar in panel 5? Harm?
Vampires level drain by touch.

As far as the speech bubbles go, Sabine has always had normal speech bubbles, too.

2013-02-18, 02:21 PM
Last breath, indeed. Belkar is going to be quite a force to reckon with now, especially given the unoptimisation of the OOTSverse. I just hope he can remain.. you know.. funny. And sexy. While undead.

2013-02-18, 02:21 PM
What's the difference between Belkar's past and future?

One is a bloodthirsty little monster, and the other is a vampire.

...you're just jealous that I got to say it first.:smallwink:
I am jealous that you got to say it first. Can I sig that?

2013-02-18, 02:23 PM
This does make you wonder if Malack wanted to turn Durkon as well... either way, why I could completely see that happening, seeing as he had a friendship coming along, it just seems Belkar and Malack are not.... compatible. To say the least. At least I think there's a good chance Belkar will start LIKING Malack, seeing as it's probably an undead spawn/master thing.

2013-02-18, 02:23 PM
"How will I finally return to my beloved dwarven homelands?


Well, Belkar won't stay an only child, I guess. :smallfrown:

2013-02-18, 02:23 PM
I kinda thought he was going to freakishly eat Belkar before I got here.
Vampire. Huh.

You're not alone- My first thought was, "Wait, does Malak need fresh blood for mating or something?"

Then I came here. "Oooooooooooh."

2013-02-18, 02:24 PM
So just as Belkar at least learns to FAKE not being evil and murderous, he gets turned into a machine that must kill to live. BWAHAHAHA!

2013-02-18, 02:25 PM
Hey, the Belkar will be turned undead and Belkar will die and not come back are not mutually exclusive. Belkar gets turned into an undead, is destroyed as an undead, and then no one brings him back.

Winged One
2013-02-18, 02:25 PM
I am jealous that you got to say it first. Can I sig that?

I'd be delighted! :smallsmile:

2013-02-18, 02:25 PM
Woah, that was interesting.

If anything, it might be just a variation of being a vampire spawn. Malack will command Belkar to go back to his friends and not mention anything, until he can get Nale.

Then he commands Belkar to attack Nale, regardless of what the rest of the party wants to do.

Rendel Nep
2013-02-18, 02:26 PM
Probably a vampire spawn. Mind you belkar probably has a couple of attempts to break free before his Con is drained. Although with a +8 str modifier and a size bonus, it's going to be hard for Belkar to break free from Malacks grasp

2013-02-18, 02:26 PM
Yep, it would appear to be a Vampire's Energy Draining touch. It doesn't have obvious verbal components like most spells in OotS, and appears to heal the slight injury Malack sustained from the impact of Belkar's head.

Could be, although Vampires also come with Fast Healing, so they don't actually have to *do* anything to heal. (Also DR 10/Silver+Magic, so I'd posit that Malack didn't actually suffer any real damage from having Belkar fall on him and was just annoyed and maybe slightly bruised.) ((Also-also D&D Vampires create new vampires with their Energy Drain attack, not the blood sucking.. but the classic bite-to-turn or feeding the victim some of the vampire's blood to change them makes a much more powerful image, so I can live with not getting to see Malack beat Belkar to (un)death with Energy Drain Slams.)

2013-02-18, 02:26 PM
While the blood drinking doesn't require the vampire to kill- the energy draining would need to be of 3rd level characters (or 3 HD creatures) if the vampire wishes to avoid killing victims.

Those aren't very common.

2013-02-18, 02:27 PM
Looking forward to Belkar 2.0.

The Troubadour
2013-02-18, 02:27 PM
That was freakin' awesome!

2013-02-18, 02:27 PM
Still, I'm a bit wondering about Malacks speech ballons.

Shouldn't they be black and white?
like Roys here? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0474.html)
or the doctor's here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0328.html)?

Edit: Missed the black bubble in the last panel :smallsigh:

2013-02-18, 02:28 PM
That was every bit as satisfying as I hoped it would be. But I fear Malick has *puts on sunglasses* bitten off more than he can chew.

2013-02-18, 02:28 PM
Hold on, guys! He might just eat him.

2013-02-18, 02:28 PM
Also-also D&D Vampires create new vampires with their Energy Drain attack, not the blood sucking.. but the classic bite-to-turn or feeding the victim some of the vampire's blood to change them makes a much more powerful image

Actually if they want a true vampire, rather than a vampire spawn, they need to drain blood.

2013-02-18, 02:29 PM
I just hope that in the next strip V or someone appears to save the Belkster and this is just a giant red herring. I'd hate that the undead theory people got it straight. I mean, I'm first to admire the halfling, but I expect him to die in a totally awesome way, like, sorrounded by enemy corpses and bitches (?) or even a stupid one, but a real death. I just don't want to see Belkar without free will.

2013-02-18, 02:29 PM
Undead Belkar. That has been a personal theory for some time now. I did NOT see it happening this way though. :smalleek:

PS. This also means that Belkar is going to be around to cause problems. Roy, you are not free from him yet.

2013-02-18, 02:30 PM


Well, I for one feel really stupid about not seeing any of this coming, especially now that I look back at all the clues and subtle turns of phrase. You're really good at that, Giant! Adding in small elements of foreshadowing that don't seem like anything at the time, but then explode into a "HOW DID NOT REALIZE IT" later. Like when Vaarsuvius mentions "One's family must be protected when the need arises" to Roy back at Cliffport. But this really takes the cake. All the mentions of "special diet" and whatnot out of Malack, and I just assumed it was going along the lines of the hummus Vaarsuvius was eating later. But now the implications of "my children" that Malack talks about...wow, such a deeper meaning.

I was extra-surprised by that last panel because as I was reading the comic, my eye kind of hit on the last big page and saw the black magic aura, so I was like "Oh no, he's using Slay Living or something! How terrible! Must not look!" Then I read through, dreading the inevitable, and then got to the last panel and-"HOLY HELL HE'S BITING HIM. AAH! WHAT? Oh...OH!!! OH MY GOD!"

2013-02-18, 02:31 PM
Huh... I always thought Malak was against that sort of thing. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0856.html)

2013-02-18, 02:31 PM
Probably a vampire spawn. Mind you belkar probably has a couple of attempts to break free before his Con is drained. Although with a +8 str modifier and a size bonus, it's going to be hard for Belkar to break free from Malacks grasp

I might be wrong, but:

Sorry, no. Person held. Thanks for playing.

2013-02-18, 02:32 PM
I did NOT expect this. It seemed so obvious that I dismissed it's even possible. Well played Giant.

2013-02-18, 02:32 PM
Hold on, guys! He might just eat him.
I don't think so. That kind of conflicts with his "Perhaps I SHOULD make some more children" statement.

2013-02-18, 02:32 PM
Huh... I always thought Malak was against that sort of thing. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0856.html)

Well, of course he is, he's one of them! Making undead mummies and leading them mindlessly to their death probably feels like a personal betrayal. We don't know for sure how he treats his "children" but considering his fury at Nale, it's a real shame Tsukiko died before meeting him.

2013-02-18, 02:32 PM
Wait - so the "I luvs Belkar so teh Giant wont kill him, just maek him un dead" people were right?
Obviously, it's too early to tell, but that's still surprising to even contemplate.

I'm betting on him currently pulling a bait-and-switch. Belkar will die at the hands of the Order and poor old Malack will lose his newest kid as well.

2013-02-18, 02:34 PM
Create Spawn (Su)

A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn 1d4 days after burial.

If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 or lower, the victim returns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s destruction. At any given time a vampire may have enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.
There, so, a Vampire?

Howler Dagger
2013-02-18, 02:34 PM
Probably a vampire spawn. Mind you belkar probably has a couple of attempts to break free before his Con is drained. Although with a +8 str modifier and a size bonus, it's going to be hard for Belkar to break free from Malacks grasp

I hope SO badly that belkar escapes, then dies. Mainly for the look on the undead belkar theorists' faces. I raelly dislike this turn of events, assuming belkar ends up as a vampire. I was really hoping the Giant wouldn't appease belkar fanboys by having him return or subvert the prophecies.

Sunken Valley
2013-02-18, 02:34 PM
Okay, for the first time I'm dissatisfied with an OOTS development.

Belkar dying in an un-dramatic moment, separate from his party that's fine. Also FYI he's not dead yet there's still time.

Malack as a Vampire is a massive throw off. Firstly he hangs out in the sun multiple times. Doubtless, I'm sure Malack has some super magic homebrew item that as high priest of so many nations (and Tarquin's chum) he can afford. But it comes almost out of nowhere and the sun thing is a major trick. Not only that but shouldn't a god like Nergal be against undead as it is an attempt to cheat death. Although, Rich's interpretation of Nergal is different.

But the most important thing is that it almost ruins Malack's relationship with Durkon. Rich believes that the presecution of "Savage Humanoids" in fantasy is wrong and that he'd kill alignment, leaving it for the supernatural. The LE Lizardfolk befriending the LG Dwarf tied in with that. But now that Malack is a Undead LE Lizardfolk that undercuts all that. Because Malack is a inherently evil monster. Undead are and should always be evil (except Ghosts). They are fueled by Negative Energy. And Redcloak said they were tools in 830. So Durkon was chatting with an evil weapon the entire time. I was charmed by their alignment and race bridging friendship. Now that I know Durkon dined with a beast, not so much.

Will Rich reply? Unknown. But I am VERY MUCH looking forward to the commentary in Book 5 (which we are probably getting come Christmas) where he explains it all.

Everything else in your wonderful wonderful comic is perfect and I'm sure there's something I'm missing come the end.

2013-02-18, 02:36 PM
That was...surprising. I think on many threads, the menu of the day will be words followed by humble pie and finished off with headwear dessert.

2013-02-18, 02:40 PM
Okay, for the first time I'm dissatisfied with an OOTS development.

Belkar dying in an un-dramatic moment, separate from his party that's fine. Also FYI he's not dead yet there's still time.

Malack as a Vampire is a massive throw off. Firstly he hangs out in the sun multiple times. Doubtless, I'm sure Malack has some super magic homebrew item that as high priest of so many nations (and Tarquin's chum) he can afford. But it comes almost out of nowhere and the sun thing is a major trick. Not only that but shouldn't a god like Nergal be against undead as it is an attempt to cheat death. Although, Rich's interpretation of Nergal is different.

But the most important thing is that it almost ruins Malack's relationship with Durkon. Rich believes that the presecution of "Savage Humanoids" in fantasy is wrong and that he'd kill alignment, leaving it for the supernatural. The LE Lizardfolk befriending the LG Dwarf tied in with that. But now that Malack is a Undead LE Lizardfolk that undercuts all that. Because Malack is a inherently evil monster. Undead are and should always be evil (except Ghosts). They are fueled by Negative Energy. And Redcloak said they were tools in 830. So Durkon was chatting with an evil weapon the entire time. I was charmed by their alignment and race bridging friendship. Now that I know Durkon dined with a beast, not so much.

Will Rich reply? Unknown. But I am VERY MUCH looking forward to the commentary in Book 5 (which we are probably getting come Christmas) where he explains it all.

Everything else in your wonderful wonderful comic is perfect and I'm sure there's something I'm missing come the end.

I think one of the points with this is that Redcloak is wrong. At least partially. You can control an undead creature, but you can control a living one too. Redcloak using trickery to point Xykon in the direction he wants him to go is manipulation and control that he would use on a living Xykon as well. The Wights could be controlled with a spell, but they were weak...and wouldn't it be much the same if, say, Tsukiko had a bunch of human minions and Redcloak had used a Dominate Person spell to order them to kill her too?

But Malack? Malack's his own person, and he's free from control. If Redcloak used a control undead on him...well, wouldn't that be much the same as a Dominate on Tarquin? Left to his own devices, Malack's a potential weapon, and dangerous, but not necessarily a guaranteed weapon like Redcloak says. Anyone of that power in this setting can be a weapon.

Roland Itiative
2013-02-18, 02:40 PM
Oh man, they were all right. The ones who thought Malack was a vampire, the ones who thought Belkar would become undead... And now a Sexy Shoeless Vampire of War is born.

I wonder if this will serve as a false-fulfilling for the prophecy, to make Belkar's true death unexpected, or if it's in-fact the resolution to that years-old plot thread.

2013-02-18, 02:41 PM
Another clue missed:

"This trap appears to be airtight." -- no gaseous form bypass for Malack.


2013-02-18, 02:43 PM
Mr Scruffy trying to protect Belkar and then trying to pull him away by his cape... That's a tug at the old heartstrings.

I'm also pretty curious about the sunlight thing. Are there any items or feats that protect a vampire in D&D from sunlight? I recall one in Libris Mortis that protects one for a few rounds, but not the amount of time that Malack has been exposed.

2013-02-18, 02:44 PM
Holy freaking schoznott.

Malack had a black voice bubble in the last panel. This is for real. The "draw his last breath" prophecy was a loophole like we all expected.

2013-02-18, 02:47 PM
Mr Scruffy trying to protect Belkar and then trying to pull him away by by his cape... That's a tug at the old heartstrings.

I'm also pretty curious about the sunlight thing. Are there any items or feats that protect a vampire in D&D from sunlight? I recall one in Libris Mortis that protects one for a few rounds, but not the amount of time that Malack has been exposed.

i recall something in the FR splatbook Lords of Darkness- maybe it's that?

Or Malack could be a Vampire Lord (template on the WoTC site, powerful, resistant to sunlight) rather than an ordinary Vampire.

2013-02-18, 02:47 PM
Okay, and here I thought most of these theories were just theories. I guess it does explain Malack's creepy behavior and his talk of children, despite not apparently being married. I give credit to the Giant, as he kept it just ambiguous enough that it was easy to assume Malack was the sort of guy who merely looked like a vampire without actually being one. His politeness, while it seemed to make him less evil, is actually in keeping with the charming vampire persona. Still doesn't explain how he walks around in the day, but I'm sure that's easily done in a world full of magic.

And indeed, this could fulfill the Belkar death prophecy, but it could also not. I hope it does, because an OOTS without the nasty little halfling is significantly less worth reading than it is with him, and him being a vampire means he'll actually be able to somewhat hold his own as the story winds down to a close. It could also mean lots more change to Belkar's personality, depending on whether he hides this from the party or is open with it. I guess it's too early to speculate on that, but nevertheless, a fine twist, and I remain glad that Mr. Scruffy is fine, and that even a vampiric death priest lizard wouldn't kill such an adorable kitty.

Gift Jeraff
2013-02-18, 02:47 PM
Well, damn. I give all you who called Malack being a vampire full bragging rights.

Sunken Valley
2013-02-18, 02:48 PM
I think one of the points with this is that Redcloak is wrong. At least partially. You can control an undead creature, but you can control a living one too. Redcloak using trickery to point Xykon in the direction he wants him to go is manipulation and control that he would use on a living Xykon as well. The Wights could be controlled with a spell, but they were weak...and wouldn't it be much the same if, say, Tsukiko had a bunch of human minions and Redcloak had used a Dominate Person spell to order them to kill her too?

But Malack? Malack's his own person, and he's free from control. If Redcloak used a control undead on him...well, wouldn't that be much the same as a Dominate on Tarquin? Left to his own devices, Malack's a potential weapon, and dangerous, but not necessarily a guaranteed weapon like Redcloak says. Anyone of that power in this setting can be a weapon.

But you can make Malack do things with a control undead that you could never do with dominate. He won't resist actions against his natures. He'll top himself on command. He isn't a humanoid he's something different. It's not like Orcs and Goblins where they are made by fantasy authors who want to beat up a fictional race without getting into trouble. Malack is a symbol of humanities fears of blood sucking. He is a literal personification of death. Nothing like a human.

2013-02-18, 02:50 PM
Because everyone's asking, yes, there is a spell that protects against sunlight. Cloak of Dark Power, from the Spell Compendium, is a first level spell of the Drow Domain. It protects whoever is shrouded by it from the effect of full sunlight, even in midday. Perhaps the Drow people sent a magic item of it back as thanks for all of Tarquin's fruit baskets?

2013-02-18, 02:52 PM
But you can make Malack do things with a control undead that you could never do with dominate. He won't resist actions against his natures. He'll top himself on command. He isn't a humanoid he's something different. It's not like Orcs and Goblins where they are made by fantasy authors who want to beat up a fictional race without getting into trouble. Malack is a symbol of humanities fears of blood sucking. He is a literal personification of death. Nothing like a human.

Yeah, there's not at all a bunch of books and movies that focus on exploring the vampire to take them in a not so negative light as has been done with orcs and goblins before. No siree. They're forever stuck as the purely evil monsters, no species development available there.

2013-02-18, 02:52 PM
Well, damn. I give all you who called Malack being a vampire full bragging rights.

This is probably the earliest "Malack might be a vampire" hypothesis I've managed to find:

I wonder what sort of persistent sickness/weakness a high-level cleric couldn't either heal himself of, or purchase relief for, given that he is one of the most powerful functionaries (officially) as well as part of the secret power behind the throne (unofficially) in a powerful empire that can afford new palaces and to throw three-day festivals with parades on short notice.

Malack has probably had the Vampire Lord Template (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a) applied and his speech-bubble is wavy as a result of the constant weakening from being exposed to sunlight (and fakes it when not in direct sunlight, so no one wises up).

I mean he's a) unusually pale for his kind, b) wears all black, c) requires a "special" diet (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0743.html) that he can't have in public, and even drinks BLOODWORT tea (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0735.html)!

2013-02-18, 02:53 PM
Because everyone's asking, yes, there is a spell that protects against sunlight. Cloak of Dark Power, from the Spell Compendium, is a first level spell of the Drow Domain. It protects whoever is shrouded by it from the effect of full sunlight, even in midday. Perhaps the Drow people sent a magic item of it back as thanks for all of Tarquin's fruit baskets?

Also, perhaps his cloak shields him from the full effects of the sun?

2013-02-18, 02:53 PM
Malack considering spawn to be his children also makes sense of him not regarding the mummies as disposable. Of course the resources required were beside the point. I guess the mummies were...pets, maybe?

2013-02-18, 02:56 PM
Oh yeah, does Malack get XP for killing Belkar this way?

And what happens to Mr. Scruffy now?

Bling Cat
2013-02-18, 02:57 PM
Hmm. I was aware of the possibility that Malak was a vampire, and had no real strong opinion on it. I thought it was too soon to call.

I guess it's no longer too soon.

As far as Belkar goes, Vampire is the only undead direction he could go without it seeming weird narrative wise. Death followed by animation would be odd, however a direct changeover from life to undeath works. I still doubt him 'surviving' past the end of the comic, if only because, as long as we assume that Tarquin et al. don't succeed, he really has no other group to go back to, and I don't see Rich ending the story of a mass murderer with 'And then he rode off with new ways to kill people and was undead ever after.'

Interesting development however, and if anything, it lends credence to the people who argue against The Oracle being a liar/charlatan.

2013-02-18, 02:57 PM
A slightly older "Malack might be a vampire" quote- August 2011:

I wonder what he had for dinner, anyway?

I figured that he would turn out to be some kind of lizardfolk vampire, what with the bit about specialized diets that have to be eaten in private.

Sunken Valley
2013-02-18, 02:57 PM
Oh yeah, does Malack get XP for killing Belkar this way?

And what happens to Mr. Scruffy now?

Yes he would. But there is still time for Belkar to live.

2013-02-18, 02:58 PM

2013-02-18, 02:58 PM
Well, well. I confess, I was totally disbelieving that Malack was a vampire.

...Still wonder about the sunlight thing.

Yeah, same here.

2013-02-18, 02:59 PM
Well, Belkar won't stay an only child, I guess. :smallfrown:

Woah... the dwarves DID say Durkon would cause destruction if he ever returned. I was sort of assuming his corpse, when returned, would have some kind of human-lands disease the dwarves have no immunity to. But, Durkon coming back as an undead would work too.

Not saying that is LIKELY, but, an interesting thought.

2013-02-18, 02:59 PM

That was sudden.

Also, Scruffy must have sensed his vampiryness, hence his instinctual scaredy-catness.

2013-02-18, 02:59 PM
Notice that right before his voice balloon turns black, he tosses his staff aside. We've seen him holding that staff in every single appearance, I believe. Very possibly it's the magic item that allows him to move in sunlight and turns his voice balloon white so that no one can tell he's undead.

Because you know they're inspecting each other's voice balloons closely!

Mutant Sheep
2013-02-18, 03:01 PM
Freaky last panel there.:smalleek: I wasn't sure on Malack, I don't know vampire myths. This is sweet though. Happy to see more Belkar, for however long we have him. (How does being a vampire affect a possible fight with Xkon/Redcloak? Advantages or disadvantages?)

Edit: Durkon will be dead when he goes to the Dwarves Lands. Postmortem and posthumous aren't the same. Posthumous at least implies being buried. Then again, he cant go to the dwarven lands AND be buried at the same time. Maybe in a coffin? Ah well. Logic just beat my thoughts, and no one even got to argue at it yet.:smalltongue:

2013-02-18, 03:01 PM
Panel 2: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0764.html

Still works, totally different meaning. Very clever.

Gift Jeraff
2013-02-18, 03:01 PM
If the vampire spawn lacks Belkar's soul and is essentially a new creature being born, I guess that satisfies the "not long for this world" clause.

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 03:01 PM
Notice that right before his voice balloon turns black, he tosses his staff aside. We've seen him holding that staff in every single appearance, I believe. Very possibly it's the magic item that allows him to move in sunlight and turns his voice balloon white so that no one can tell he's undead.

Because you know they're inspecting each other's voice balloons closely!

He didn't have his staff when he attacked Nale in direct sunlight (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0811.html)

2013-02-18, 03:02 PM
Malack considering spawn to be his children also makes sense of him not regarding the mummies as disposable. Of course the resources required were beside the point. I guess the mummies were...pets, maybe?
Still, creating undead "is not Nergal's way", so Malack's now-apparent "condition" is intriguing in that respect. But I guess if you kill enough people, you can satisfy the god of death no matter what you are. :smallwink:

2013-02-18, 03:02 PM
Well, damn. I give all you who called Malack being a vampire full bragging rights.

Same. I'll hold off on the whole "Belkar cheats the prophecy" proposition 'till the deadline passes, though.

Oh yeah, does Malack get XP for killing Belkar this way?

And what happens to Mr. Scruffy now?

He does, and it's not specified.

2013-02-18, 03:03 PM
What the actual ****.

I do not even...

WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh.

2013-02-18, 03:05 PM
Thinking about it, isn't there some spell or power that lets vampires pass themselves as living creatures? Or am I just thinking of Legacy of Kain...

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 03:05 PM
It just occured to me: If Mal is a vampire, how could he enter the Pyramid? Vampires needs to be invited...

Bling Cat
2013-02-18, 03:07 PM
It just occured to me: If Mal is a vampire, how could he enter the Pyramid? Vampires needs to be invited...

What about if everyone who lives in the house is dead, rendering it abandoned?

(I'm not certain on the DnD rules for this, so I don't really know.)

2013-02-18, 03:07 PM
Into homes, yes. But with nobody left alive to claim it, maybe it doesn't count as a "home" anymore.

2013-02-18, 03:07 PM
What is Malack doing to Belkar in panel 5? Harm?

That would be a vampire's energy draining touch. Notice that Malack is healed after it.

I'm imagining Belkar will not last terribly long as a vampire, probably destroyed at the end of this dungeon.

I really want to know how Malack concealed his speech bubbles, since he's now the only undead not to have the black bubble before revealing his condition. Is it possible that as long as he keeps himself adequately fed, he maintains a very close semblance of life and can pass? Also, perhaps Master Vampire template (or is it Vampire Lord? I'm too lazy to check).

Roland Itiative
2013-02-18, 03:09 PM
I was sort of assuming his corpse, when returned, would have some kind of human-lands disease the dwarves have no immunity to.
Or the more likely possibility that his corpse would be brought back by the Order, and with them a lot of trouble regarding Kragoor's Gate.

I guess coming back as an undead is now a viable possibility too, but I think it would be a little weird to have two characters from the Order getting the exact same development.

2013-02-18, 03:09 PM
So, does that mean Belkar can't Rage anymore?

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 03:10 PM
Into homes, yes. But with nobody left alive to claim it, maybe it doesn't count as a "home" anymore.

The SRD says

They are utterly unable to enter a home or other building unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/vampire.htm#)

2013-02-18, 03:10 PM

Also, you're a goddamn genius. Well done, sir, well freaking done.

2013-02-18, 03:10 PM
Okay, I did not read all the different theories and did not see this coming at all. Neither Belkar nor Malak (nice misdirection)

Well played Giant
well played

2013-02-18, 03:11 PM
...just pick my jaw up off the floor and throw it on the pile.

2013-02-18, 03:12 PM
Malack as a Vampire is a massive throw off. [sun as indicator]
[...] shouldn't a god like Nergal be against undead as it is an attempt to cheat death. [...]
[...] ruins Malack's relationship with Durkon. [...]

I disagree with you on those points.
Pointing at the hood that Malack wears all times: he really tries not to get hit by sunlight, and he seems to hang out in the shadows much more than outside. Of course he will also need a ring of protection from sunlight or something, but it is easy for one as him to get that item.

Nergal himself has fangs on Malacks altar - maybe he isn't strictly against vampiric undeath, but against other forms like mindless zombies and mummies.

Durkons relationship with Malack isn't ruined. The poor dwarf just didn't recognize Malack as a vampire, as most of the readers didn't. And I guess that Malack wants his "special bond" to his children. He liked his children, after all, and wanted revenge on Nale. This is a similar bond like Tsukiko shared with "her" undead, but Malack seems to love his family not in the physical way like Tsukiko. Instead, he loves his family in a spiritual, platonic and parental way. OF COURSE he is interested in creating a bond with a fellow cleric first, before he converts him (both in religion and body). Also, he reserved Durkon for himself, remember?

Me too, I never thought he was a vampire, just an albino lizardfolk. And I have even SEEN the theories.
Still, all those indicators were there: Cleric of death and destruction. Bloodwart tea. White skin, reddish eyes. Children, but no mate. Special diet. Charismatic. Wears all black. Looks out for holes in a wall to slip through in gasous form. Lives in a desert (no running water). Dislikes public appearance (the games). Pointy teeth. Empire of BLOOD for crying out loud.

One more point: I think there is a good chance that Malack isn't a vanilla vampire, but a special sort of vampiric lizardfolk creature. So I expect him to have some custom rules - for example, lizards are cold-blooded creatures that actually need the sun. So this vampire lizardfolk maybe is immune to sunlight? Also, I'd like to see Belkar turning into a vampire kobold (ironic, no?) or some other customized race/class.

[Edit: collected more clues about Malack from the thread]

2013-02-18, 03:12 PM
I'm noticing quite a few avatars I have never seen before. Understandable, as I fully expect this strip to cause the forum to explode.

Also, notice the differences in Malack's speech balloons. Not only does it switch from normal to undead format, but it isn't shaky and weak any more.

Also, those eyes.

2013-02-18, 03:12 PM
Also, perhaps Master Vampire template (or is it Vampire Lord? I'm too lazy to check).

Master Vampire is a PRC- it's in Libris Mortis- and is not nearly as powerful as Vampire Lord:

Vampire Lord (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a)

2013-02-18, 03:12 PM
I really want to know how Malack concealed his speech bubbles, since he's now the only undead not to have the black bubble. Is it possible that as long as he keeps himself adequately fed, he maintains a very close semblance of life and can pass? Also, perhaps Master Vampire template (or is it Vampire Lord? I'm too lazy to check).
Probably because the Giant gave more than enough other clues about Malack's nature. Giving him Undead Bubbles(TM) would just be too obvious.

I don't necessarily see black speech bubbles as an undead thing. I see it more as an "evil booming voice", and Malack's amorphous speech bubbles give a good impression of a frail, whispery voice.

Roland Itiative
2013-02-18, 03:14 PM
The SRD says

They are utterly unable to enter a home or other building unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/vampire.htm#)

The question here is who has the authority to invite someone into a building with no living owners? The answer might very well be "everyone".

2013-02-18, 03:16 PM
That is..... All kinds of frightening:smalleek:

2013-02-18, 03:16 PM
People have been taking the oracle's white text too much to heart. The ONLY prophetic line which had to be kept to, was the green, "he'll take his last breath" one. The oracle, while accurate with his predictions, is also prone to going on with other tidbits of confusion and misdirection, as any proper oracle should. Belkar has drawn his last breath, prophecy fulfilled.

Halfling vampire of doom incoming.

2013-02-18, 03:18 PM
So I am unfamiliar with a couple things: Is there a way for Belkar to not be a vampire spawn and instead just gain the vampire template? I could see Belkar staying in the story if Malak was unable to control him (either because he is somehow too strong, or Malak dies).

Also, do rangers/druids lose their animal companions, similar to how a wizard can lose his familiar when they go vampire?

Finally, hopefully Belkar can hide his new ailment/abilities from Durkon. He seems to be the gullible type, and he couldnt detect Malak's vampirism, nor V's alignment change.

2013-02-18, 03:19 PM
So I am unfamiliar with a couple things: Is there a way for Belkar to not be a vampire spawn and instead just gain the vampire template?

Assuming Malack uses Blood Drain rather than Energy drain, he's high enough in level to return as a vampire, not a spawn.

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 03:20 PM
So I am unfamiliar with a couple things: Is there a way for Belkar to not be a vampire spawn and instead just gain the vampire template?

Belkar will gain the Vampire template as soon as Malack drains him to 0 Constitution. Even then, it will take some days before Sexy Shoeless God of Blood will (pardon me) start to suck.

2013-02-18, 03:20 PM
Holy crap muffins with pancetta on a stick! :smalleek: I... I can honestly say I did not see that coming at all. I was expecting Belkar to go out with a lucky critical from the Accountant Kobold, or maybe in a blaze of glory into the Gate with one or more members of the Linear Guild in tow... but being turned into a vampire? No sirree, didn't see that coming at all.

It's a completely different ball game now.

2013-02-18, 03:21 PM
OOTS without Belkar's humour is a boring place.

Mutant Sheep
2013-02-18, 03:22 PM
OOTS without Belkar's humour is a boring place.
... It's been one comic.

2013-02-18, 03:22 PM
Assuming Malack uses Blood Drain rather than Energy drain, he's high enough in level to return as a vampire, not a spawn.

Also, Vampire Lords create standard Vampires, as opposed to Vampire Spawn. So, if Malack is a Vampire Lord, then Belkar will be a Vampire, but enslaved until Malack is destroyed.

2013-02-18, 03:23 PM
i didn't realize malacks vampirism at first, and thought he was just eating belkar alive. that would be quite funny way to end the prophecy, but this version is quite strong too.

i feel like durkon will become a vampire, and switch places with redcloak at the end of this arc. then him and xykon will bring destruction to dwarven lands. also probably o'chul will take belkars place by then(although i would prefer lien).

Roland Itiative
2013-02-18, 03:24 PM
enslaved until Malack is destroyed.
Or Malack decides to free him. I can totally see Malack disowning his new vampire child due to his behaviour :smalltongue:

2013-02-18, 03:25 PM
Also, Vampire Lords create standard Vampires, as opposed to Vampire Spawn.

So do standard vampires- if the victim has enough hit dice, and if they use blood drain rather than energy drain.

2013-02-18, 03:25 PM
It's been awhile since I posted, but I had to chime in on the Belkster. Holy cow! Did not see that coming. I thought Mal would kill him after the hold, but I am in shock. Kudos Giant!

2013-02-18, 03:25 PM
Bravo there, Giant. I had previously laughed at the Malack is a Vampire theorists without really looking over the evidence. Albino, special diet, relationship with children...the main thing I should have realized was how callously Tarquin talked about Malack's children when he respects Malack as much as he does. I didn't see this development coming at all.

2013-02-18, 03:26 PM
Well I gotta admit I did not see that coming...

Probably because the Giant gave more than enough other clues about Malack's nature. Giving him Undead Bubbles(TM) would just be too obvious.
The problem here is: Yes there were lots of indications that Malack was a vampire. But there was at least one thing that contradicted it. In D&D vampires that are exposed to the sun for more than two rounds are destroyed. No save. Just poof. Ash.
The speech bubbles were another indicator that he was not a vampire or undead.

So honeslty the logical conclusion was "Ok, it's more likely that he is not a vampire, instead of assuming he is a vampire with a homebrewed item that makes him immune to sunlight and hides his speechbubbles".

Because if you argue with "has a homebrewed item that allows him to do X" you can basically argue every single theory.
Oh maybe Tsukiko is still alive because she made herself a custom homebrewed item that raises her as a ghost or reincarnates her, or maybe she was a lich all along and just had a magic item that hid that from everyone. Including the other lich. And clearly her Xykon doll was her phylactery.
Also Miko is clearly coming back, because you know homebrew magic item that gives her back all her paladin powers after raising her from the dead. Also she's really Jirax in disguise. Haven't you see how he only showed up after Miko supposedly "died"?

So to be honest I'm a little bit disappointed that Malack did turn out to be a vampire after all.

Dr. Gamera
2013-02-18, 03:26 PM
Two Malack quotes of interest, in retrospect, that don't seem to have been mentioned yet:

"Stop flapping your flat-toothed mouth for one minute!!" in OOTS #854, Not Much Chance of That (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0854.html) (though I realize that non-vampiric lizardfolk also have pointed teeth.)
"- are simply not disposable like that!" in OOTS #858, Actually, She Did (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0858.html).

Edited to add: Of course a desert is a very useful place to live for a creature that cannot cross running water.

2013-02-18, 03:27 PM
Or Malack decides to free him. I can totally see Malack disowning his new vampire child due to his behaviour :smalltongue:

Yeah, that's possible. Now that I think about it, it's possible that Malack is against controlling undead (or his children in particular), and would free Belkar regardless... *ponders*

So do standard vampires- if the victim has enough hit dice, and if they use blood drain rather than energy drain.

Yeah, that's true. Realistically, he could be either a standard Vampire or a Vampire Lord, as they're both OGL content.

2013-02-18, 03:28 PM
No, no, he's turning him into a fish! :smallfurious: :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-18, 03:29 PM
I think one of the points with this is that Redcloak is wrong. At least partially. You can control an undead creature, but you can control a living one too. Redcloak using trickery to point Xykon in the direction he wants him to go is manipulation and control that he would use on a living Xykon as well. The Wights could be controlled with a spell, but they were weak...and wouldn't it be much the same if, say, Tsukiko had a bunch of human minions and Redcloak had used a Dominate Person spell to order them to kill her too?

THANK YOU!!! I've been wondering for MONTHS why nobody else realizes this!

2013-02-18, 03:30 PM
So honeslty the logical conclusion was "Ok, it's more likely that he is not a vampire, instead of assuming he is a vampire with a homebrewed item that makes him immune to sunlight and hides his speechbubbles".
There is actually an oil that protects you from sun, it's in Libris Mortis. The black speech bubbles, hm, I don't know.

2013-02-18, 03:33 PM
There is actually an oil that protects you from sun, it's in Libris Mortis. The black speech bubbles, hm, I don't know.

It's possible that the wavy-ness of his bubbles indicates a great deal of effort in concealing his natural voice.

I'm sure we'll be able to read this better once we're further into the story.

2013-02-18, 03:33 PM
There is actually an oil that protects you from sun, it's in Libris Mortis. The black speech bubbles, hm, I don't know.

He could just have some control over his voice- Eugene did, so it's certainly plausible.

Sunken Valley
2013-02-18, 03:34 PM
Well I gotta admit I did not see that coming...

The problem here is: Yes there were lots of indications that Malack was a vampire. But there was at least one thing that contradicted it. In D&D vampires that are exposed to the sun for more than two rounds are destroyed. No save. Just poof. Ash.
The speech bubbles were another indicator that he was not a vampire or undead.

So honeslty the logical conclusion was "Ok, it's more likely that he is not a vampire, instead of assuming he is a vampire with a homebrewed item that makes him immune to sunlight and hides his speechbubbles".

Because if you argue with "has a homebrewed item that allows him to do X" you can basically argue every single theory.
Oh maybe Tsukiko is still alive because she made herself a custom homebrewed item that raises her as a ghost or reincarnates her, or maybe she was a lich all along and just had a magic item that hid that from everyone. Including the other lich. And clearly her Xykon doll was her phylactery.
Also Miko is clearly coming back, because you know homebrew magic item that gives her back all her paladin powers after raising her from the dead. Also she's really Jirax in disguise. Haven't you see how he only showed up after Miko supposedly "died"?

So to be honest I'm a little bit disappointed that Malack did turn out to be a vampire after all.

This. This so much. Imagine if rich pulled something like this with mitd.

Although speech bubbles dont concern me. Sabine has normal speech bubbles.

2013-02-18, 03:35 PM
And there I was, thinking that Malak being a vampire was too obvious to consider and that Belkar's undeath transition theory was mostly wishful thinking. Not that I want Belkar to die as such (I still find him entertaining quite a bit). Vampirism works better than most other forms of undeath for him and doesn't remove the drama of his death quite so much. So yeah, I'm okay with this.

I do pity Malak a bit though. Powerful as he is, I suspect he doesn't know what he's getting himself into.

2013-02-18, 03:36 PM
I've been hoping that Malack would be a vampire.

Unfortunately, there is still that slight chance that this is an elaborate Albino-Lizardfolk mating ritual.

2013-02-18, 03:36 PM
Although speech bubbles dont concern me. Sabine has normal speech bubbles.

Sabine's also a shapeshifter, which should be a consideration when bringing her in for comparison.

2013-02-18, 03:36 PM
So wait, he actually was a vampire?! How was I supposed to know? He didn't sparkle.

I apologize for that.

Also, does this mean Belkar can finally be useful (in combat)?

2013-02-18, 03:36 PM
Also, maybe Malack is against creating regular undead (zombies or mummies or such) because he finds mindless undead an offense to Nergal, but he considers free-willed undead as equal (or maybe even superior), to regular positive-aligned entities.

2013-02-18, 03:36 PM
Because if you argue with "has a homebrewed item that allows him to do X" you can basically argue every single theory.

Well, if anyone has played the "Expedition to Castle Ravenloft" adventure (and you really, really should have) then Malack could just be linked to the Dayheart...

Or, there is Liquid Night oil found in Libris Mortis. Keeps you safe from the sun for 1 hour. Super sun screen, that is. And speech bubbles are not something that can be legitimately argued.

2013-02-18, 03:37 PM
*reads comic*
*reads title*
*starts laughing*

So he really is a vampire...
Also, back in 764:
"And Tarquin keeps telling me that if I want more children so badly, I should just find the right person and get to it, but...I don't know."
:vaarsuvius: Have you ever considered adoption? Surely your political climate produces no shortage of orphans.
"Yes, but I'm worried about not having that, you know, special bond."

*never stops laughing*

Also, Belkar's gonna have a totally bitchin' facial scar now.

2013-02-18, 03:37 PM
Remind me to never read OotS with my cat on my lap.
He did not appreciate it when I yelled "HOLY S***" at that last panel.

I honestly never saw this coming. At all. In the slightest.

Roland Itiative
2013-02-18, 03:37 PM
The speech bubbles don't necessarily specify being undead (or fiendish, in Sabine's case), but sounding undead/fiendish. Since vampires and specially succubi are supposed to be able to blend in with other humanoids, it makes perfect sense that their voices are not identifiable as inhuman.

2013-02-18, 03:38 PM
In Ravenloft at the very least, there is a spell that allows an undead (specifically intended for vampires iirc) to take on the appearance of a living creature by giving up his undead superpowers.

Assuming Rich is using a similar spell, Malack would be able to endure sunlight and such by giving up his draining touch, etc. - so he'd have to end the spell to turn Belkar.

Also don't forget that he has to drain Belkar's CON 1d4 at a time - it's still possible to rescue him. We really need to wait and see.

2013-02-18, 03:40 PM
"And Tarquin keeps telling me that if I want more children so badly, I should just find the right person and get to it, but...I don't know."

You know, that sounds a lot creepier now that I know what it means.

2013-02-18, 03:40 PM
I so did not see that coming. Holy...:smalleek:


2013-02-18, 03:42 PM
You know, I wonder when Malack was turned, and how long he's been a vampire. It's clear that the rest of his semi-retired adventuring party knows, which means that if he got turned or the rest of the group found out partway through their adventures, they still considered Malack a friend and comrade, and probably took time to accommodate for his "condition." (I'll bet they made accommodations for Tarquin when Nale was a little kid too.) I wouldn't be too surprised if, when they had gone long enough without killing enemies that Malack couldn't feed, one of them sighed and held out a wrist. For Malack's part, even though he's now a vampire and can drain the others dry, then enslave them, he won't, because Tarquin and the others are still his friends.

It's a real contrast to the dynamics of Team Evil, and I wonder how the Order will respond to a vampire Belkar...I wonder how Belkar will respond as well.

2013-02-18, 03:42 PM
The speech bubbles don't necessarily specify being undead (or fiendish, in Sabine's case), but sounding undead/fiendish. Since vampires and specially succubi are supposed to be able to blend in with other humanoids, it makes perfect sense that their voices are not identifiable as inhuman.

This, precisely.

Basically, and I'm not an expert here, they have never encountered an undead creature that can pretend to be a living creature - a lich, a wight, a mummy, a zombie, fine, but all of those scream I'm freakin' undead! miles away. A vampire is not distinguishable from an ordinary humanoid, as we well know from all the vampire balls we've been on. He sounds living, he acts living, he drinks blood on occasion, that's it.
Rich did nothing wrong, and by it I mean also that he did not cut short on info, since this should not be given, anyway.

2013-02-18, 03:43 PM
Well... I did not see that coming. I'm going to be honest, that Malack turned out to be a vampire afterall is a little disappointing, not that anyone else probably cares. It feels like a little bit too much misdirection was used to keep us from guessing up until now. It's weird for the reasonable contingent of the forum to be so fabulously wrong, and the crackpot theory contingent so astoundingly correct.

Whereas I had previously considered the case on Belkar's prophecy to be completely closed, shut, and airtight, I guess that is now wide open again too. Unless Belkar somehow escapes vampirification in the next strip, he'll be undead, and, as long as he isn't raised after the end of the in-comic year, would fulfill the green-light portion of the Oracle's prophecy about his death anyway. That said, there is still enough other Oracle-related hints that the Belkster may end up just plain ol' dead soon to make me wonder.

2013-02-18, 03:43 PM
Really, there is a difference between guessing that maybe an extremely experienced and wealthy character could own a "homebrew" item that is a bit stronger than a typical magical item in the lists or even permanent.... and pulling random item concepts that turn characters into chuck norris - especially with no plausible explanation as to how they were acquired - out of one's ass.

2013-02-18, 03:43 PM
You know, maybe Malack isn't a vampire. Maybe he's his own original undead template: a blampire.:smallwink::smallbiggrin:

2013-02-18, 03:44 PM
I kinda doubt Malack is a vampire lord - he's pale (unlike vampire lords), and he apparently used control winds instead of vampire lord flight here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0849.html).

Hmm, I rather thought that walking around in sunlight, and no character noticing that he doesn't have a shadow was decent evidence that he wasn't a vampire. The speech bubble change is interesting. I wonder if it just means that characters have control over their voices, and Malack didn't sound undead until he let that side out. Still kinda disappointing because it adds an exception to something that was previously consistent. Hopefully we'll get a more complete explanation.

2013-02-18, 03:45 PM
Also, I am


by the fact that there has been exactly ZERO talk on what is Belkar thinking and feeling right now.


Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 03:46 PM
I wouldn't be too surprised if, when they had gone long enough without killing enemies that Malack couldn't feed, one of them sighed and held out a wrist.

Do vampires actually need to drink blood to sustain themselves? Can't they live unlive without it?

2013-02-18, 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Morquard
Well I gotta admit I did not see that coming...

The problem here is: Yes there were lots of indications that Malack was a vampire. But there was at least one thing that contradicted it. In D&D vampires that are exposed to the sun for more than two rounds are destroyed. No save. Just poof. Ash.
The speech bubbles were another indicator that he was not a vampire or undead.

So honeslty the logical conclusion was "Ok, it's more likely that he is not a vampire, instead of assuming he is a vampire with a homebrewed item that makes him immune to sunlight and hides his speechbubbles".

Because if you argue with "has a homebrewed item that allows him to do X" you can basically argue every single theory.
Oh maybe Tsukiko is still alive because she made herself a custom homebrewed item that raises her as a ghost or reincarnates her, or maybe she was a lich all along and just had a magic item that hid that from everyone. Including the other lich. And clearly her Xykon doll was her phylactery.
Also Miko is clearly coming back, because you know homebrew magic item that gives her back all her paladin powers after raising her from the dead. Also she's really Jirax in disguise. Haven't you see how he only showed up after Miko supposedly "died"?

So to be honest I'm a little bit disappointed that Malack did turn out to be a vampire after all.

Again, Vampire Lords can survive sunlight. Rich isn't responsible for your ignorance of D&D class features. Vampires have always been able to survive sunlight, ever since Bram Stoker wrote Dracula. Count Dracula is constantly walking around in sunlight, and he's only a little temporarily weakened. Probably the same thing happens with Malack, who appears weak in the sunlight but is proving resourceful in the darkness of the dungeon.

2013-02-18, 03:46 PM
Side note, the interaction between Malack's presumed predilection to bite on the neck and Belkar's massively oversized head is hilarious.

2013-02-18, 03:47 PM
Ooh, remember in http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0861.html Malack mentions that the trap is airtight? Now we know why that's important (it prevents him from bypassing it using gaseous form).

2013-02-18, 03:47 PM
:haley: What do we do if we can't control [Belkar]?
:roy: We run the clock. Pretty soon, Belkar will be someone else's problem. Someone bony with a black robe and a big scythe. Until then, we'll do what we can to keep him pointed at the bad guys.


*Looks at Malack's robes and staff*

Well played Rich, well played:smallwink:

Roland Itiative
2013-02-18, 03:47 PM
Also, I am


by the fact that there has been exactly ZERO talk on what is Belkar thinking and feeling right now.


He's probably feeling like a Kobold.

2013-02-18, 03:48 PM
No, I didn't see this coming either. And on a personal note, I find the current comic one of the most shocking - no, make that the most shocking - I can remember.

The bright side is - in much the same way as others are hoping this is the end of speculation about Belkar's death - I'm hoping it'll put an end to the blithe assumption "we know Malack is LN...".

2013-02-18, 03:48 PM
Do vampires actually need to drink blood to sustain themselves? Can't they live unlive without it?

The MM doesn't say- but in Libris Mortis vampires need blood, otherwise they eventually become unable to move, and they need drained energy, otherwise they eventually go crazy.

Gift Jeraff
2013-02-18, 03:49 PM
I kinda doubt Malack is a vampire lord - he's pale (unlike vampire lords), and he apparently used control winds instead of vampire lord flight here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0849.html).

Hmm, I rather thought that walking around in sunlight, and no character noticing that he doesn't have a shadow was decent evidence that he wasn't a vampire. The speech bubble change is interesting. I wonder if it just means that characters have control over their voices, and Malack didn't sound undead until he let that side out. Still kinda disappointing because it adds an exception to something that was previously consistent. Hopefully we'll get a more complete explanation.

Eugene was able to disguise his speech balloons during the trial. And the mummies lacked speech balloons so it wasn't 100% consistent. Corpses temporarily animated via Speak with Dead have also been shown with speech balloons different from other undead.

2013-02-18, 03:49 PM
I guess this kind of torpedoes the "Durkon/Belkar will die and be replaced in the Order by Malack" theory.

...and it also probably means that we can pencil in Malack as Evil over in Class and Level Geekery.

2013-02-18, 03:50 PM
Also, I am


by the fact that there has been exactly ZERO talk on what is Belkar thinking and feeling right now.

I'm gonna guess it's something along the lines of "AAAAAAH! My face! My beautiful, beautiful face! AAAAAAH!"

Those are some serious teeth, after all.

2013-02-18, 03:52 PM
He's probably feeling like a Kobold.

Zing! :smallbiggrin:

Also, does this mean Belkar can finally be useful (in combat)?

He already - and quite inexplicably - was. He might get some neat powers that can help explain his competency better now though.

The Giant
2013-02-18, 03:54 PM
OK, trying not to comment too much on stuff that will be explained in future comics but:

You guys are overthinking the black speech bubble thing. Remember that the speech bubbles are an artifact of the comic strip process, which means they are subservient to the story. Obviously, it was narratively important to hide that Malack was undead, so therefore I decided he only speaks in black speech bubbles when he "vamps out." After all, vampires in fiction have a long history of having traits that only pop out when they feed: their fangs elongate, their eyes turn read, maybe their face gets all demony-looking if you want to go the Buffy the Vampire Slayer route. Changing voice is not outside of that realm.

Also, I already pointed out that Tarquin was able to change his speech balloons (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0849.html) just by adopting a different way of speaking. It's not my fault no one extrapolated that to mean that characters—like the one floating next to him—can disguise/change the visual appearance of their balloons. :smalltongue:

As far as other questions, you'll have to wait and see.

Sunken Valley
2013-02-18, 03:54 PM
No one has noticed yet but in panel 4, Malack says "May your next not lead you..." Does he mean next life. Typo!

2013-02-18, 03:55 PM
Mr Scruffy trying to protect Belkar and then trying to pull him away by by his cape... That's a tug at the old heartstrings.

I didn't even notice the latter on first read, but you're right about that, for sure.

2013-02-18, 03:55 PM
I kinda doubt Malack is a vampire lord - he's pale (unlike vampire lords), and he apparently used control winds instead of vampire lord flight here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0849.html).

Hmm, I rather thought that walking around in sunlight, and no character noticing that he doesn't have a shadow was decent evidence that he wasn't a vampire. The speech bubble change is interesting. I wonder if it just means that characters have control over their voices, and Malack didn't sound undead until he let that side out. Still kinda disappointing because it adds an exception to something that was previously consistent. Hopefully we'll get a more complete explanation.

Vampire Lords return to their original appearance, and Vampires don't usually have pink eyes- I would guess that Malack was albino before becoming a vampire, either way. And, judging by the strip you linked, the Control Winds seems to be aiding the others in their flight as well (although I could just be misreading Malack's intention).

The Giant
2013-02-18, 03:57 PM
No one has noticed yet but in panel 4, Malack says "May your next not lead you..." Does he mean next life. Typo!

No, he means, next master. It's not a typo, just a esoteric manner of speaking.

2013-02-18, 03:57 PM
No one has noticed yet but in panel 4, Malack says "May your next not lead you..." Does he mean next life. Typo!

He's talking to Mr Scruffy, about masters- "may your next (master) not lead you to such dangerous places as this."

EDIT: Ninjaed, by the Giant no less.

2013-02-18, 03:57 PM
Of course, Belkar becoming a vampire spawn doesn't necessarily preclude him being destroyed before the end of this arc...heck, a single Turn Undead from Durkon will probably cause his head to explode, or something!

Genuinely didn't expect that Malack would actually turn out to be a vampire, though...nice that the Giant can still surprise us.

2013-02-18, 03:57 PM
Imagining Belkar with the ability to enslave people by looking at them, beat people to death with negative energy fists, have loads of natural armour, be able to summon swarms of disgusting creatures AND being even more badass...it is a scary thought indeed.

Also, I am


by the fact that there has been exactly ZERO talk on what is Belkar thinking and feeling right now.


So to answer that, he is probably freaking out. Then when he realizes, he will be quite overjoyed. That is assuming he isn't some crappy, no-willed spawn.

2013-02-18, 03:58 PM
Oh man, this is awesome! Giant, you are a magnificent storyteller, especially when all your appendages are functioning properly.

OK, trying not to comment too much on stuff that will be explained in future comics but:

You guys are overthinking the black speech bubble thing. Remember that the speech bubbles are an artifact of the comic strip process, which means they are subservient to the story. Obviously, it was narratively important to hide that Malack was undead, so therefore I decided he only speaks in black speech bubbles when he "vamps out." After all, vampires in fiction have a long history of having traits that only pop out when they feed: their fangs elongate, their eyes turn read, maybe their face gets all demony-looking if you want to go the Buffy the Vampire Slayer route. Changing voice is not outside of that realm.

Also, I already pointed out that Tarquin was able to change his speech balloons (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0849.html) just by adopting a different way of speaking. It's not my fault no one extrapolated that to mean that characters—like the one floating next to him—can disguise/change the visual appearance of their balloons. :smalltongue:

As far as other questions, you'll have to wait and see.

Huh, that's pretty interesting. So, is the black speech bubble a consistent tone of voice (like how Xykon described it as sort of a Darth Vader thing), or do they indicate undead in general while still allowing for a significant variety of different voice types?

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 03:58 PM
No one has noticed yet but in panel 4, Malack says "May your next not lead you..." Does he mean next life. Typo!

Eh? I understood it that Malack is talking to Mr. Scruffy: May your next (master) not lead you to such dangerous...

Edit: Ninja'd. Twice.

2013-02-18, 03:58 PM
No one has noticed yet but in panel 4, Malack says "May your next not lead you..." Does he mean next life. Typo!

No. He means "May [Mr. Scruffy's] next master not lead you" etc., which is grammatically correct, if a rather florid way of speaking (which is typical when clerics get all religion-y).

EDIT: *snerk* I better get in line, I guess.

2013-02-18, 03:58 PM

So they really were right? Oh........Well....I am speechless.

So surprising, so shocking, so awesome, and yet.....I'm actually kinda disapointed. I feel Malack just became the cliched evil vampire serving the evil overlord, but I guess it's too early to tell.

Mutant Sheep
2013-02-18, 03:59 PM
No one has noticed yet but in panel 4, Malack says "May your next not lead you..." Does he mean next life. Typo!

"To such dangerous places as this", aka "dungeon of zombies vampires and assorted traps". No typo.

Augh. I have never known, to be ninja'd by so many.

Sunken Valley
2013-02-18, 04:00 PM
As far as other questions, you'll have to wait and see.

Answer them soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are really excited and want to know more!

2013-02-18, 04:01 PM
On the other hand, the implication that Nale killed a bunch of vampires, as opposed to a bunch of baby lizardfolk, greatly increases my respect for the man's combat prowess, if nothing else.

2013-02-18, 04:03 PM
No one has noticed yet but in panel 4, Malack says "May your next not lead you..." Does he mean next life. Typo!

He's talking to Mr. Scruffy. Master, not life, is the implied noun.

2013-02-18, 04:03 PM
I kinda doubt Malack is a vampire lord - he's pale (unlike vampire lords), and he apparently used control winds instead of vampire lord flight here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0849.html).He was in direct sunlight, and although the Vampire Lord stats don't seem to specifically call out the flight as a Su ability, it's a fairly justified extrapolation to make that he can't use it in direct sunlight.

Alternately, as others suggested, he cast Control Winds to get the Linear Guild there faster.

I'm a fan of this development. And I hope Malack will continue to act in all ways as a LN cleric of death. Perhaps he reads as Evil to detect spells, but his actions (that we've seen so far) place him pretty firmly on neutral ground, I'd say. However, in retrospect it's fortunate for him that the trap blocked the Holy Word from affecting him, as with a likely +5 level adjustment he may very well have been low enough to be paralyzed.

Belkvamp might end up stuck as the guardian of this gate for the foreseeable future ... I don't see the Order making allowances for his vampire status during travel. Heck, they might just have to kill him. All of them but Elan probably knew it would have to happen someday.

2013-02-18, 04:05 PM
Vampire Lords return to their original appearance, and Vampires don't usually have pink eyes- I would guess that Malack was albino before becoming a vampire, either way. And, judging by the strip you linked, the Control Winds seems to be aiding the others in their flight as well (although I could just be misreading Malack's intention).

I figured that pink was the 'not in a feeding frenzy' color. It is possible that he was also albino - but that seems somewhat convoluted. Look at the third panel of the strip I linked to. I took Malack's rhetorical question 'is your vapid devil-whore still keeping you aloft' to indicate that Nale's question 'Malack, is the control winds scroll you cast still active' was also obviously true because he was evidently still flying. That would mean that the reason Malack was still flying was the control winds - not vampire lord flight. I also don't see why he would disguise his vampire nature considering Nale must know of it if he killed Malack's children.

2013-02-18, 04:05 PM
You know, the rules for D&D specify that vampire wizards can't keep any familiar other than a rat or bat, but there's no such rule for ranger animal companions, so Scruffy could keep Belkar.

2013-02-18, 04:08 PM
He was in direct sunlight, and although the Vampire Lord stats don't seem to specifically call out the flight as a Su ability, it's a fairly justified extrapolation to make that he can't use it in direct sunlight.

Alternately, as others suggested, he cast Control Winds to get the Linear Guild there faster. ...

Good point. Flight as Su does make sense.

Also: thanks Rich for explaining the speech bubbles - since it's an meta issue it helps to have official word on how they work.

2013-02-18, 04:08 PM

So they really were right? Oh........Well....I am speechless.

So surprising, so shocking, so awesome, and yet.....I'm actually kinda disapointed. I feel Malack just became the cliched evil vampire serving the evil overlord, but I guess it's too early to tell.


Literally the only thing this comic changes is it shows us that Malack is an undead character who requires blood to survive. Certainly it changes the tenor of some of his conversations about his "children," but we have no reason to believe he valued them any less, and his apparent reluctance to turn people and create undead pawns willy-nilly are still present. It hasn't changed any of his attitudes or behaviors. He still evidently respects Durkon, still values his family, still demands a level of practicality, and still seems among the more reasonable probably-evil-aligned characters in the comic. Heck, for all we know, he may still be Lawful Neutral - and if he's Evil-aligned purely because of his undead nature, but it hasn't manifested in his actual behavior, then what does it really matter?

Malack is still the same character. We just know one more reason he's acted the way he has.

EDIT: Heck, forget "probably evil-aligned", Malack is one of the most reasonable, intellectual characters in the entire comic.

2013-02-18, 04:08 PM
He was in direct sunlight, and although the Vampire Lord stats don't seem to specifically call out the flight as a Su ability, it's a fairly justified extrapolation to make that he can't use it in direct sunlight.

Alternately, as others suggested, he cast Control Winds to get the Linear Guild there faster.

I assumed that he and Sabine (and the rest) could only fly because Malack was keeping the winds from battering them around. So it wasn't that Malack is necessarily using Control Winds to fly directly, he's using it to remove the windstorms that block flight.

2013-02-18, 04:09 PM
Well either Belkar is changing teams or his undeath will be short. Assuming Belkar is broken free of the enslavement Roy just won't let him stay undead he will ice him and then rez him back as a halfling (I am pretty sure that works)

2013-02-18, 04:10 PM

if he's Evil-aligned purely because of his undead nature, but it hasn't manifested in his actual behavior, then what does it really matter?

Malack is still the same character. We just know one more reason he's acted the way he has.

More important, we know the Giant hates the "this race is always evil because the book says so" trope, so maybe this is yet another counter-example to this.

2013-02-18, 04:10 PM
So, I think Belkar's going to die, as predicted, but becoming undead... Well, people have predicted that.
On the other hand, Mr Scruffy could save him! Or, possibly more plausibly, V or another member of the Order!
It's unlikely and probably would be disapointing, as Vampire-Belkar would be great entertainment, but Belkars not (un)dead yet! If it happens, I called it. If it doesn't, I doubted this theory anyway!

Sunken Valley
2013-02-18, 04:11 PM
To how Malack flies: he's a LV11+ cleric!!! He can Air Walk.

Also, like Tarquin he has magic items out the wazoo.

Scarlet Knight
2013-02-18, 04:14 PM
Whoa! The one way Belkar could get even sexier!

"When people hear Dracula has come, the men break out their weapons & the ladies their prettiest nighties."

2013-02-18, 04:14 PM
So...why is Malack opposed to making undead stuff, as Tarquin implies when he creates the mummies? Is it because the mummies don't have free will? Is it because Malack resents being turned into a vampire? Or what?

2013-02-18, 04:15 PM
Well either Belkar is changing teams or his undeath will be short. Assuming Belkar is broken free of the enslavement Roy just won't let him stay undead he will ice him and then rez him back as a halfling (I am pretty sure that works)

I'm not sure about that. Everyone already kinda knew that Belkar was of evil alignment. If he, like Malack, just keeps the undead thing quiet and continues wanting to be a team player and being part of the Order of the Stick, why bother killing and rezzing him? Especially since he'll now have all sorts of cool vampire powers.

2013-02-18, 04:15 PM
The lizgreaper is a vampire? Lizgreapula!

Didn't see that one coming, even though all the hints are right there. Beautiful. Also, poor Belkar. That will leave a mark...

2013-02-18, 04:15 PM
Is this sadness I feel for Belkar?:smallconfused:
Not sure if I feel sad: it seemed his epiphany was bringing positive change to his life.
Still, I am looking forward to whole bunch of 'biting' vampire humor!

2013-02-18, 04:15 PM
I figured that pink was the 'not in a feeding frenzy' color. It is possible that he was also albino - but that seems somewhat convoluted. Look at the third panel of the strip I linked to. I took Malack's rhetorical question 'is your vapid devil-whore still keeping you aloft' to indicate that Nale's question 'Malack, is the control winds scroll you cast still active' was also obviously true because he was evidently still flying. That would mean that the reason Malack was still flying was the control winds - not vampire lord flight. I also don't see why he would disguise his vampire nature considering Nale must know of it if he killed Malack's children.

Looking at the spell description (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/controlWinds.htm), it neither allows nor assist in flight. The only reason I can think of for him having cast it is that they were trying to keep away flying random encounters.

As for the possibility of him being albino before Vampirism, I don't find it convoluted in the least. It could go either way, but I've now argued myself into believing he's a Vampire Lord.

2013-02-18, 04:16 PM

2013-02-18, 04:17 PM
So...why is Malack opposed to making undead stuff, as Tarquin implies when he creates the mummies? Is it because the mummies don't have free will? Is it because Malack resents being turned into a vampire? Or what?

Probably the no-free-will thing. He probably feels about zombies a bit of the same way we feel about slaves.

2013-02-18, 04:22 PM
Malack is a vampire? I wonder what will happen when Durkon finds out.

2013-02-18, 04:22 PM
The control winds spell is simply to allow them to fly in the WINDY canyon. I'm sure we all remember V attempt when they were in the maze.

Edit : here :

Personally i think it's a great turn of events, even if some people say it's disapointing that Malak is a vampire.

Keep up the great writing mister Giant.

2013-02-18, 04:25 PM
Finally, Belkar's death has been fulfilled as a zombie.
Who will feel sorry for him like you did for Duck in Walking Dead (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHHIXpkpBNQ).

2013-02-18, 04:25 PM
Hmm, I rather thought that walking around in sunlight, and no character noticing that he doesn't have a shadow was decent evidence that he wasn't a vampire.

OOTS #229 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0229.html), panel 10 specifically.

2013-02-18, 04:26 PM
So...why is Malack opposed to making undead stuff, as Tarquin implies when he creates the mummies? Is it because the mummies don't have free will? Is it because Malack resents being turned into a vampire? Or what?

Reread that strip. He says it would be "rude NOT to make use of (undead)."

That actually implies the opposite.

2013-02-18, 04:27 PM
I assumed that he and Sabine (and the rest) could only fly because Malack was keeping the winds from battering them around. So it wasn't that Malack is necessarily using Control Winds to fly directly, he's using it to remove the windstorms that block flight.

Ah I had forgotten about the canyon winds. So because Air Walk made Durkon and Elan all cloudy I am increasing my expectation that he is a vampire lord. That being said we should be considering the relative proportions of albino vampire lords versus regular vampires with some sort of sun protection. I would tend to expect more regular vampires with sun protection.

2013-02-18, 04:28 PM
Remember that vampirism is not necessarily done by choice; it's possible that Malack was already a cleric of Nergal when he was bitten, or possibly became a cleric of Nergal some time after being bitten as a form of "redemption" (which would make it possible for him to still be LN, though admittedly less likely than before).

Three predictions:

1. Durkon isn't overly surprised when he finds out (remember he drank a little of Malack's tea, which might contain blood--would explain why he had to beer it down--and he's a cleric, probably has ranks in the appropriate Knowledge category).
2. Belkar gets killed anyway, by whoever (because it'd be a funny way to play the prophecy twist).
3. Malack versus Redcloak happens in some way, shape, or form (because of Redcloak's philosophy on undead versus T and M's relationship).

2013-02-18, 04:30 PM
FYI we don't know exactly WHAT the Belkster will be yet, nor how long he'll be able to stay around once he gets back to his companions.

But he'll at least be more interesting now.

Whatever else may come of this, he isn't "living through" anything.
Well, if we assume Malack is a vampire, given Belkar's HD, he should be a Vampire, not a vampire spawn - a vampire with class levels, at that!

He just gained +6 natural armor, +6 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Int, and +4 Cha, Fast Healing, resistance to cold and electricity, 10/silver and magic DR, a dominate ability, a bat form, spider climb, a blood drain, the ability to create spawn, the ability to summon creepy crawlies AND....He is bound to the will of his new master, Malack.

SO, he is going to be a MUCH better combatant, and will support Malack. What I'm really wondering is, how will the boost to his Wis and Cha affect his personality!?!?!?

Anyway, except for the part where he probably can't taste food, I would think being a vampire would be right up Belkar's alley. Either way, I'm just SO happy with this strip.

2013-02-18, 04:31 PM
[...]But, Durkon coming back as an undead would work too.
Not saying that is LIKELY, but, an interesting thought.
I'd say it's more likely than ever before.

[...]no character noticing that he doesn't have a shadow was decent evidence that he wasn't a vampire. [...]
Have a look here: Thar's no shadows, ya moron, it's a friggin stick comic! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0229.html) (well, there's 242 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0229.html)), but still.

The bright side is - in much the same way as others are hoping this is the end of speculation about Belkar's death - I'm hoping it'll put an end to the blithe assumption "we know Malack is LN...".
Belkars death speculations finally are finally put to rest... I also hope, Belkar is finally put to a rest, as well, but that is up to further speculation...
About the LN debate of Malack, maaaaybe (see below)

On the other hand, the implication that Nale killed a bunch of vampires, as opposed to a bunch of baby lizardfolk, greatly increases my respect for the man.
I'll sign that.

You know, the rules for D&D specify that vampire wizards can't keep any familiar other than a rat or bat, but there's no such rule for ranger animal companions, so Scruffy could keep Belkar.
I hope so, too.


Literally the only thing this comic changes is it shows us that Malack is an undead character who requires blood to survive. Certainly it changes the tenor of some of his conversations about his "children," but we have no reason to believe he valued them any less, and his apparent reluctance to turn people and create undead pawns willy-nilly are still present. It hasn't changed any of his attitudes or behaviors. He still evidently respects Durkon, still values his family, still demands a level of practicality, and still seems among the more reasonable probably-evil-aligned characters in the comic. Heck, for all we know, he may still be Lawful Neutral - and if he's Evil-aligned purely because of his undead nature, but it hasn't manifested in his actual behavior, then what does it really matter?

Malack is still the same character. We just know one more reason he's acted the way he has.

EDIT: Heck, forget "probably evil-aligned", Malack is one of the most reasonable, intellectual characters in the entire comic.
I'll sign this statement as well. Of all characters in the comic, Malack has the most philosophical streak and is a good conversation partner (also consider his maxed wisdom!)
He's also not a ridiculous evil overlord like Xykon, and doesn't want to rule the world as soon as possible. Actually, Malack enjoys his (un)life more than some other characters enjoy their life. I'd bet he's LE, but on a rather neutralish level - he didn't even create new children for a while... or is it possible that creating children worsens his "frail health", and he can't create unlimited spawns? And this is the reason he's so mad at Nale?

2013-02-18, 04:31 PM
So...why is Malack opposed to making undead stuff, as Tarquin implies when he creates the mummies? Is it because the mummies don't have free will? Is it because Malack resents being turned into a vampire? Or what?

Perhaps he was emotionnaly wounded to having lost his previous children ?

2013-02-18, 04:31 PM
Except for the part where he probably can't taste food, I would think being a vampire would be right up Belkar's alley. Either way, I'm just SO happy with this strip.

And not being able to enjoy whores and drinking ...

All that is left is murdering and looting i guess

2013-02-18, 04:32 PM
Durkon isn't overly surprised when he finds out (remember he drank a little of Malack's tea, which might contain blood--would explain why he had to beer it down--and he's a cleric, probably has ranks in the appropriate Knowledge category).

Appropriate Knowledge's category is Religion, and Durkon doesn't have enough ranks to recognise the name of his deity's enemy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0052.html). In retrospective, not surprising he can spend whole day with an undead and not identify him as such...

2013-02-18, 04:34 PM
I completely saw that coming. Since the "special diet" comment, I have always held that it is very likely Malack was a vampire -- it was such an odd small, small detail that either the Giant was being subtle (or playing people like me very skillfully). Kudos to the Giant either way.

Well I gotta admit I did not see that coming...

The problem here is: Yes there were lots of indications that Malack was a vampire. But there was at least one thing that contradicted it. In D&D vampires that are exposed to the sun for more than two rounds are destroyed. No save. Just poof. Ash.

The vampire as understood in popular culture has always been mishmash of folklorish myths on generic evil spirits and actual physical threats.

It is easy to understand why a generic evil spirit must flee before the sun. But this is also surely the origin of the idea that vampires must be invited in -- in the Olden Dayes every significant structure would have been ritually blessed against evil spirits.

In the popular culture the modern trend is to stress the physical nature of the vampire over the evil spirit tradition, most especially sexual innuendo. In the post-90s era, vampires that can figure out how to travel in broad daylight with some degree of effort are hardly rare.

I would also note that the trend in D&D is to "go light" on the restrictions. For example, we have very obvious "Tolkien orcs" yet how often do they suffer combat penalties in full light. Likewise the Drow which are supposed to despise the light, in Forgotten Realms they just pop on a cheap ring and run around in broad daylight are evil and happy.

I was not aware of any of the modern non-SRD templates, but that writers/designers would experiment on "go light" restrictions on vampires is kind of obvious.

Koo Rehtorb
2013-02-18, 04:34 PM
Do vampires lack a sense of taste? Perhaps Belkar will simply adjust to his new life by adding generous doses of blood to his gourmet cooking.

2013-02-18, 04:35 PM
OOTS #229 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0229.html), panel 10 specifically.

Ha good find - if Rich was foreshadowing that early I'm really impressed.

Also since vampire lord doesn't seem to have any listed LA, it seems like pure benefit over vampire. While still just a primary caster with high level adjustment Malack could be pretty scary.

2013-02-18, 04:37 PM
Ha good find - if Rich was foreshadowing that early I'm really impressed.

Also since vampire lord doesn't seem to have any listed LA, it seems like pure benefit over vampire. While still just a primary caster with high level adjustment Malack could be pretty scary.

Get it? Foreshadowing?

The Pilgrim
2013-02-18, 04:38 PM

Not only Malak IS a Vampire, but also the theory of Belkar going Undead looks about to become true!!!


What will be next? Epileptic Trees?

Ok, Hold on, Belkar isn't toast yet.

Mike Havran
2013-02-18, 04:38 PM
Suddenly, Tarquin's plan to rule the continent (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0758.html) "until they get old and/or die", sounds even more ominous...

Mono Vertigo
2013-02-18, 04:38 PM
... well, I'll be damned.

As much as Belkar's future targets.

2013-02-18, 04:41 PM
Suddenly, Tarquin's plan to rule the continent (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0758.html) "until they get old and/or die", sounds even more ominous...

Not bad. Waiting until near-death to have Malack turn them into Vampires is a pretty good way to ensure that you'll be able to rule the continent for quite some time.

2013-02-18, 04:41 PM
Suddenly, Tarquin's plan to rule the continent (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0758.html) "until they get old and/or die", sounds even more ominous...

Oh god, you're right. So much for just waiting for them to die...

2013-02-18, 04:41 PM
I only just now saw this strip. What a surprising turn of events! I suspected for awhile that Malack was a vampire, but I wasn't sure. The weird thing is that Belkar will now be a vampire. I don't think (despite the title) that this is the fulfillment of his prophecy, given the whole "not long for this world" bit. I don't think either side of the prophecy debate should declare victory yet. But I'm eager to see where this goes.

Also... maaaan this strip was creepy. Nice buildup for suspense. I almost heard a scary soundtrack stinger at the end when Malack bit into Belkar.

St Fan
2013-02-18, 04:41 PM
And not being able to enjoy whores and drinking ...

All that is left is murdering and looting i guess

Drinking, maybe, but not whores. Vampires are notorious for being one of the vey few undead to stay sexually active. No need to quote the Book of Erotic Fantasy on this, it's classical with vampire stories.

R. Shackleford
2013-02-18, 04:42 PM
Oh well. Time to roll a new character.

I guess I could be more sympathetic. Belkar's been pretty cool since Azure City, but its been a long time coming, and his only-slightly-more-sincere character development was really only building up to a dramatically appropriate death.

Like that episode of Cowboy Bebop. Or the same episode of Samurai Champloo.

2013-02-18, 04:44 PM
What's the difference between Belkar's past and future?

One is a bloodthirsty little monster, and the other is a vampire.

...you're just jealous that I got to say it first.:smallwink:

Yes, yes I am.

And Belkar just gained +8 LA for free! (actually, he lost his "life" for it, but whatever)

2013-02-18, 04:47 PM
--For anyone wondering why Malack didn't use racial ability X -- he has been keeping his vampirism a secret, after all. I wonder who else besides Tarquin knows he's a vampire? Perhaps Kilkil knows and has filed it under state secrets.

This might help explain his bizarrely panicked reaction to interrupting Malack's ritual:


--How long has Malack been a vampire? This may be stupid, but do we know that Malack isn't a vampire AND an albino?

--I feel the "children" Nale killed were flesh-and-blood children, but I can't conjure any evidence for this -- do we know for sure? If they weren't, it implies Nale knows Malack is a vampire, which seems unlikely to me somehow.

--Despite my love of real-world cats, I've never cared much about Mr. Scruffy. Until now!

--Vampires usually don't pop until a few days after burial. Wonder if Malack has an expedited process?

--The "may not enter a building without permission" issue would be rough on an adventuring cleric. Maybe it's not an issue for Malack due to magic items/templates/other workarounds. Also, perhaps Tarquin and/or his puppet-lieges provide technical authority for Malack to enter buildings in their territory by virtue of their political/military authority.

--Will be interesting to see a Redcloak/Malack and/or Belkar confrontation. Has the potential to reinforce or subvert (I'm guessing subvert) the Tsukiko-and-the-wights confrontation.

--Damn cool strip. Also, boy, between this, the Draketooth corpses, and the Draketooth family tree reveal, things have gotten awfully dark of late.

2013-02-18, 04:49 PM
Perhaps Malack chose the name, Empire of Blood.

I thought the vampire idea was cheesy when it was speculation but I really like it now, it was done well.
And Jesus . . . all the missed hints lol.