View Full Version : I <3 malak now.

Red Lantern
2013-02-18, 07:45 PM
Ok, just for not hurting mr. scruffy I now have to give a <3 to malak.

i was kind o down to see belkar victimized while he was frozen and helpless, he deserved a fighters death, but I do respect malak for not harming mr. scruffy.

Gift Jeraff
2013-02-18, 07:52 PM
What if he ends up vampirizing Mr. Scruffy because he wants to get his 'son' a pet?

The Pilgrim
2013-02-18, 08:02 PM
Actually, Belkar doesn't deserves anything but the most brutal, painful and humiliating death possible.

2013-02-18, 08:02 PM
Actually, I'm wondering, a little, if, to show that Belkar once had a trace of goodness and now, like post-transformation Xykon, no longer does, Count Bitterleaf will kill Mr. Scruffy.

2013-02-18, 08:05 PM
Actually, I'm wondering, a little, if, to show that Belkar once had a trace of goodness and now, like post-transformation Xykon, no longer does, Count Bitterleaf will kill Mr. Scruffy.

I was fearing that, too. I kind of feel this all is leading to a final tragedy for Belkar, but I may be wrong. This comics tends to do the unexpected.

2013-02-18, 08:10 PM
Actually, I'm wondering, a little, if, to show that Belkar once had a trace of goodness and now, like post-transformation Xykon, no longer does, Count Bitterleaf will kill Mr. Scruffy.

Or the opposite: Scruffy runs away and Belkar never sees him again, and becomes his Xykon-coffee instead of his Xykon-conscience?

2013-02-18, 09:28 PM
Actually, I'm wondering, a little, if, to show that Belkar once had a trace of goodness and now, like post-transformation Xykon, no longer does, Count Bitterleaf will kill Mr. Scruffy.

>Death's Lil Helper, nobody cares, fanboyism, justifications
>kills a cat, TIME TO DIE

(Not that that's what you were saying. Just saying.)

2013-02-18, 09:40 PM
As far as that goes, I do think "make at least the cat-loving faction of the audience cheer when Durkon blasts Count Bitterleaf into a heap of ash" would be part of the point, if Rich had Belkar do this entirely hypothetical thing.

2013-02-18, 09:57 PM
>Death's Lil Helper, nobody cares, fanboyism, justifications
>kills a cat, TIME TO DIE

(Not that that's what you were saying. Just saying.)

...You do know you're on the internet, right?

2013-02-18, 10:50 PM
My guess would be that he makes Mr Scruffy a vampire (can cats be undead?) rather than killing him, but my track record with predictions for this comic is not great.

2013-02-18, 11:04 PM
Cats can be undead, however cats cannot be made into vampires (they're animals and the vampire template can only be applied to humanoids and monstrous humanoids).

2013-02-18, 11:07 PM
I would be very surprised if Rich killed off Belkar now, and I can really imagine some other character bursting in on this scene to interrupt. I can't imagine that Rich would kill off Mr. Scruffy; worst case scenario would be Belkar dying and Mr. Scruffy becoming a recurring "villain":smalltongue:

Oh, did I say worst? I meant best.

Red Lantern
2013-02-19, 03:36 AM
Well, speaking as a cat lover I hope mr. scruffy doesn't get killed.

2013-02-19, 04:34 AM
It's a good solution to the Belkar-problem. Of course he can do a lot more damage as a vampire, but Malack is probably able to keep him aimed at those Tarquin considers criminals.

The Order of the Stick, on the other hand, can walk away without having to worry about Belkar's alignment; it's no longer their responsibility now.

2013-02-19, 05:09 AM
I'm really interested in how the story will evolve now...
I mean there are really a lot of possibility:

1) the OoTS will abandon Belkar to himself since is no more a problem.
2) A wish or miracle could turn him back to halfling so they have another problem in the agenda to be solved carrying him with 'em while they found someone able to help him (in that case it'd be fantastic to see the kobold oracle assuming he's high enough on lev to cast it... and anyway his prophecy di accomplished now :D)
3) Belkar turned someway into Xykon's slave?

Possibility are really endless :D
I just wish to see him a lot in the comics cause with elan he's my favourite character :)

2013-02-19, 06:02 AM
...You do know you're on the internet, right?

This actually applies to most fiction, not only on the internet. Takes any movie, people won't blink as hundreds of people are killed mercilessly, but will sighs in relief as some dog escape death. :smallannoyed:

2013-02-19, 06:23 AM
I'm really interested in how the story will evolve now...
I mean there are really a lot of possibility:

1) the OoTS will abandon Belkar to himself since is no more a problem.
2) A wish or miracle could turn him back to halfling so they have another problem in the agenda to be solved carrying him with 'em while they found someone able to help him (in that case it'd be fantastic to see the kobold oracle assuming he's high enough on lev to cast it... and anyway his prophecy di accomplished now :D)
3) Belkar turned someway into Xykon's slave?

Possibility are really endless :D
I just wish to see him a lot in the comics cause with elan he's my favourite character :)

Not even wish or miracle. They'd just have to "kill" him and then use resurrection within 10 years/level (minimum 130 years).

There's also the possibility that they destroy Malak which would render Belkar a free-willed undead, wouldn't it?

2013-02-19, 06:34 AM
Not even wish or miracle. They'd just have to "kill" him and then use resurrection within 10 years/level (minimum 130 years).

There's also the possibility that they destroy Malak which would render Belkar a free-willed undead, wouldn't it?

Well miracle and wish are usually at the discretion of the DM (yes there are some standar wishes-desires but the DM can modify the rule).
Anyway y kill and resurrect works :)
Killing malack works too or malack could eventually just free his spawn from slavery :)

2013-02-19, 07:16 PM
This actually applies to most fiction, not only on the internet. Takes any movie, people won't blink as hundreds of people are killed mercilessly, but will sighs in relief as some dog escape death. :smallannoyed:

That is actually something that is justified though. Dogs, Cats, and other animals aren't capable of being anything but innocent by their very nature, even when they do something "bad", they are just following their nature.

Humans on the other hand (and humanoids, in fantasy) are different. even the best among us could hardly be considered "innocent", with the possible but technically debatable exception of most babies, little kids, and severely mentally handicapped individuals.

So basically, the dog never deserves its cruel fate, but the people very well might