View Full Version : Contradictory rules on illithids!

2013-02-18, 09:20 PM
So I was just going through the Fiend Folio and found the half-illithid template with an example based on lizardfolk.
Having previously read about illithid reproduction in Lords of Madness, it is clearly stated that mostly only humanoid mammals of a certain size are used. Reptilians creatures are NEVER used (successfully, anyway. Apparently they love to experiment with other races). Ropers being one of the very few successful exceptions to the humanoid mammal rule.

I suppose it could be ruled that certain random implantations work, despite failing most of the time, with an exceptional tadpole somehow managing to survive the implantation into a normally unsuitable host..


The Viscount
2013-02-18, 09:38 PM
I suppose it can be said to have "failed" in that the process does not produce and illithid, but a half-illithid.

2013-02-18, 10:13 PM
also 3.0 vrs 3.5

2013-02-18, 11:20 PM
I suppose it can be said to have "failed" in that the process does not produce and illithid, but a half-illithid.

This is the interpretation I would use. Note that there is still some contradiction, as the implication in Lords of Madness is that any humanoid works, while Fiend Folio suggests only humans make true illithids.