View Full Version : Mulhorandi Divine Minion shaping question

2013-02-18, 10:41 PM
Hello all

The WOTC website says Mulhorandi Divine Minion, can wildshape as a level 11 druid. Now, the only thing I can think this actually affects is how much HD the creature they are shaping into may have, but the only other thing I can think of that that information matters against is dispel checks to force them out of the wildshape?

Overall besides that, only thing I need to worry about?

2013-02-18, 11:00 PM
Wild Shape is a supernatural ability, not a spell like ability. There is no dispelling it (though it will be suppressed in an antimagic field).

2013-02-18, 11:24 PM
So what is the importance of the knowledge that it has the ability of a druid 11th wildshape?

Piggy Knowles
2013-02-18, 11:35 PM
Duration. Kind of a moot point for an at-will free action ability, but it's there.

2013-02-19, 12:52 AM
Duration. Kind of a moot point for an at-will free action ability, but it's there.

Nope, they can sit in their forms indefinitely.

I think it covers sizes and HD of the creatures you can select (as a Divine Minion, you don't choose extra forms... normally).

2013-02-19, 01:01 AM
we talking the differences of dire lion versus lion in HD or just large lion and huge lion

2013-02-19, 01:53 AM
we talking the differences of dire lion versus lion in HD or just large lion and huge lion

No, there are not any Huge Lions... HD as in you can only turn into thing with your Wildshape level or less in HD. Lion has 6 HD, so that is not an issue.


Do you see it?


Under Bast.

You have to have 11th level Wildshaping to be a Tiny Cat. That's the thing about size.