View Full Version : quick question regarding range attacks

2013-02-19, 07:31 AM
I have an ancher in my group and he is already lacking behind in the fights.

Now he have gotten an extra attack due to his level, but actually I am not sure how it works, if he uses a full round on shooting does he gets to shoot twice or does he still only have one shot?

I am think of letting him have the extra attack anyway as the others are already better then him?

2013-02-19, 07:49 AM
If he is using a bow, yes, he can full attack without trouble. If he is using a crossbow or thrown weapons he would need rapid reload, quick draw or specific weapons to have iteratives.

Is this 3.5?

What is his build?

What are the other members in the party?

2013-02-19, 07:53 AM
Assuming this 2nd attack is coming from an increase in your base attack bonus to 6. Yes that would grant you another attack at a minus 5 to hit, but only when using the full attack action. So you could only move 5' in the same round you full attack. This second attack, called an iterative, will also work with the feat rapid shot, and the penalties would stack as well.

Sounds like you should talk to your DM about some power and balance issues. Also he should be more than happy to help you learn the game, especially the basic mechanics. Most classes aren't balanced with one another, that is part of the game.

2013-02-19, 07:55 AM
Assuming bow:

Have him check out the feats Rapid Shot and Manyshot too.

Easy ways to increase damage output with bows.

2013-02-19, 07:56 AM
He would get to shoot twice unless he's using a weapon with a reload action like a Crossbow which would negate his ability to do a full round attack action (Which is what is required to get your additional attacks in general).

And it's not just you... Archers just... tend to have problems keeping up in DnD. This is in part due to the Mundane Characters<<<<<<<<<<<<Magical Characters split. But not just that. It's also an artifact of the typical DnD encounter scenario. I mean typical encounters that I see and have experienced you're talking about the initial enemy contact (First round/surprise round) being within... 200 feet, at most... of the characters. The archer in question might be capable of reliably hitting out to 1,200 feet after all... so you just cut his range down to 1/6th. Including his ability to attack targets before they are generally in range.

Of course your table probably doesn't want to play fights where the archer gets to engage at whatever his max comfortable/spotting range is, and spends 5 rounds peppering an enemy before they even get into range, and everyone else is just twiddling their thumbs.

Now, if you want to have that effect so the Archer feels like he's contributing more than he normally is in battle... if you engage an enemy in a place where you might spot them long before they actually are in general range tell the archer something like, "You see enemies, do you want to attack them and how many times?" Archer says something like 2/round until they are in range, full volleys. So you figure that the enemies will take X rounds to close. For every 2 attacks one enemy was injured badly enough that he doesn't engage for one reason or another and never joins the fight. Works really well when you're fighting something like Orc Warbands or enemy bandits, etc.