View Full Version : Mystic Fire Knight+ Sword of the Arcane Order?

2013-02-19, 06:22 PM
Okay so I need your thoughts upon this combination of a few feats and an ACL.
So if we build a character with the ACL Mystic Fire Knight, a few levels of wizard, Sword of the Arcane Order and Battle Blessing what do we get?

Based off of my understanding, we can cast (assuming level 20 effective paladin level) any 4th level and below wizard spell as a swift action, thanks to battle blessing and MFK converting wizard spells into paladin ones. Also, all 4th level and below paladin spells can be casted as if by a wizard. While the CL would only be 12 (20/2+2=12). It still would be a nice combination.

Is my understanding of these feats correct? What else is there for this build? Was there an Errata for this?

2013-02-19, 06:42 PM
Mystic Fire Knight doesn't convert wizard spells to paladin ones.

A wizard spell prepared in a paladin slot is still a wizard spell and thus won't be quickened by battle blessing.

2013-02-19, 06:43 PM
Based off of my understanding, we can cast (assuming level 20 effective paladin level) any 4th level and below wizard spell as a swift action, thanks to battle blessing and MFK converting wizard spells into paladin ones.

Mystic Fire Knight does not do this. Sword of the Arcane Order *might*, but it's not at all clear- there are several valid ways to rule on how that feat works. Personally, I would say Arcane Order spells are *not* Paladin spells, because the feat says you are preparing Wizard spells and using Wizard casting parameters, but that's an Ask Your DM area. So no, you probably don't get to auto-quicken everything of 4th level and below.

2013-02-19, 07:16 PM
Now that I am rereading Mystic Fire Knight, where in all gods did I find the idea to have all wizard spells count as paladin spells? I dont see it anywhere. I guess this kinda closes the thread...

Just for clarification. The wording in Sword of the Arcane Order says "You can use your paladin and ranger spell slots to prepare wizard spells." I guess this means that while the spell might be cast from the paladin side of the tree, they count as wizard spells.

2013-02-19, 08:30 PM
Dip into Geomancer might fix that. Spell Versatility could allow you to treat wizard spells as paladin spells and vice versa.

2013-02-20, 11:20 AM
actually, it depends specifically on how you consider battle blessing to work, because the definition of <Class> Spells is "the spells that <class> is defined as being able to learn and cast as found on their spell list".

Depending on your interpretation of the function of SotAO, this can still cause Battle Blessing to hit SotAO