View Full Version : Item Pricing: Quiver of arrow splitting

2013-02-20, 10:49 AM
All arrows drawn from a quiver of arrow splitting are effected by the spell arrow splitting as cast by an assassin of fifth level. This means the arrows will be destroyed when they are fired, and that they split into 1d4+1 arrows. There is no cap per round, but it does not stack with the splitting weapon enhancement. The quiver of arrow splitting also functions on bolts.

According to the DMG (a reliable source of item values) it should cost roughly 2000 gp (Use activated) * 3 (spell level) * 5 (caster level) or 30,000 gp. This puts it within reach of an eleventh level character.

Compare to a plus 1 bow of splitting, costing 2000 * 4 * 4 of 32,000 for a lesser benefit. This is clearly a problem. Such a quiver priced at 60,000 seems like a better price to me. That puts it within reach of a 14th level character. Compared to a +1 collision splitting longbow, a +1 collision longbow and a quiver of arrow splitting are slightly more expensive. (72,000 to 78,000)

Does a price of 60,000 gp for this item seem reasonable?

Note that I am assuming no item can be worth half of a characters total wealth.

2013-02-20, 11:13 AM
Well since the spell Arrowsplit (which i'm assuming you're referring) only affects 1 arrow per casting, casting time instantaneous, the pricing guidelines you are quoting wouldn't be appropriate necessarily, since it's a Continuous Effect Magical Item you are trying to create, since it was only intended for items based on spells with durations.

You could assign it a duration of 1 round, or 1 rnd/level and multiply that 30k times 4, or assign it a 1 min/level and it would be times 2, at 60k.

However, I think that a number of charges per day is more appropriate since it doesn't have a duration. I'd use the Charges Per Day formula [Base Price (30k)/(5/charges per day)].

2013-02-20, 11:25 AM
I am going for use activated off of drawing the arrow from the quiver.

2013-02-20, 11:31 AM
I am going for use activated off of drawing the arrow from the quiver.

It's the same (pricing rule) as continuous, which only really works for duration spells. Otherwise you are going to run into the problem that you just highlighted of incredibly powerful items at very cheap prices.

2013-02-20, 12:02 PM
A use activated item that is expected to be activated multiple times per round is not intended to be priced that way (see:sword of true strike). Secondly you're comparing it to splitting a notoriously too good enhancment that's proudly sold at Bunko's and generally only allowed because archers need a boost.

2013-02-20, 12:43 PM
Agreed, also back to your original question, Yes 60k is too cheap. The 120k price (IF you counted it as rnd/lvl duration, which is waaay more powerful than the spell) is starting to get closer. I'd stick it at 200k or make it a minor artifact.

2013-02-20, 01:43 PM
Based on the scabbard of keen edges I would put it at about 105,000 gp, assuming it is worth the same as a +2 enchantment. This is way too expensive at low levels when you should just buy the bow, but like the scabbard it should be worth it at high levels. After your bow already has +10 worth of enchantments.

If you don't plan on epic play the levels where you can afford a +10 equivalent enchantment are few though. And the difference between a +8 and a +10 weapon is 72,000 gp. OTOH if this is the case, why allow the quiver at all? Why not just force the player to use weapon enchantments so he can't sneak in a discount?

A scabbard of keen edges isn't worth it until about level 15, which puts an upper limit at 75,000 gp assuming the quiver isn't obtained until the same time.

Hopefully all that will help you ballpark a fair price for your particular situation, but it should be somewhere around those three numbers I think, and absolutely must be much more than 16,000 and equal to or less than ~105,000 gp. I'd guess 70,000 gp given your goals.