View Full Version : [Rifts] Between Waves of Hate

2013-02-20, 12:34 PM
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The History of the Siege on Tolkeen

103 P.A. The Coalition begins it's first military excursions into Minnesota, predominantly with aims at building a militarized buffer between Chi-Town and the Xiticix, only there was another force in the way. The Tri-City Kingdom of Tolkeen.
The Coalition began sending troops to Minnesota. Deploying them with no immediate plans of aggresion, just sort of an advanced warning of what may come to those who challenge the might of the Coalition states.

104 P.A. Forwarned is Forearmed. The Coalition sends out loose cannon General Phineas Chalk, to head up the divisions buffering the CS from most of Minnesota. Chalk, with no hard data of Tolkeen's military capacity, and armed with the full overconfidence of a field general who rose to power by stepping on the toes of all those ahead of him, makes the first opening strike. Launching with a barrage of nuclear arms (Patently against CS regulations) against the Tri-City as a first wave (PS- they never even landed due to strange magical defences that shunted the missles into crafted rifts or impacted on the massive shield powered by the triaglar nexus on which the tri-captial is build), before the smoke even cleared he launches with almost 40 thousand soldiers, and almost 50 thousand skelebots against the gates of Tolkeen. less than 15 hundred troops survived all human. The CS propaganda division are quick to spin the story, claiming the now missing presumed dead general was baited into said attack. Unofficially he's saddled with the full blame and the CS isn't to concerned with finding him alive.

105 P.A. The Juicer Uprising Occurs. An alien force using a human corperation as a front pretends to have a formula that will allow Juicers to live as long as unaugmented humans. Unknowing the Coalition helps this front as part of it's program to introduce a small contingent of Juicers into their armies. The Juicer leader of the JAL (Jucier Army of Liberation) Leads the waves of revolt once the truth is put out there. The CS barely manages to properly spin doctor themselves out of the mud, claiming that the JAL completed the destruction of the alien forces moments before the CS could finish mounting their own forces against it. And the CS chalked it as a win for everyone that the lies were exposed before reputations could be further marred.
Despite strong propaganda efforts, the CS did not come out of the Juicer Uprising without stain. Tolkeen began it's own propaganda efforts pointing out the weaknesses the CS exposed durring the uprising, cashing in on the misfortune to pull in many "fence-sitting" kingdomes as potential allies for when the Coalition should finally all out strike.

That summer Emperor Prosek formally announces the "Crusade for Humanity" and the "Campaign of Unity". Unveiling new war machines and a dramtic face-lift to the forces of Coalition Military might. He turns and declares war on- of all places, Free Quebec, a wayward and independant former State of the Coalition. While doing so he also ramps up deployment on the Minnesota front, attempting what could be called a full blockade, giving strict orders not to let anyone enter or exit the states borders without Coalition authorized permission.
By July the war in Free Quebec has already dreged to a snails pace. As the forces in Free Quebec hold firm, while Coalition troops are sometimes reluctant to even fire against fellow unaltered humans. Digging in it's heels, it's predicted the war will last at least another 2-4 years before any hope of victory is at hand.
This is of course beautiful new for Tolkeen. Tolkeen begins raiding the blockade while ramping up it's military presence. Eventually going so far as to provoke the Emperor to comit to action, declaring that Tolkeen must be brought to it's knees.

Spring of 106 P.A. after a massive recruitment drive on the side of the Coalition, hundreds of thousands of troops rally at Minnesota to drive the forces of Tolkeen into Submission. Despite council from many different sources that tells King Robert Creed of Tolkeen that he has no chance of doing anything more than prolonging the war, Creed comits to a war he does not belive he can lose, and no one else thinks he can win. The Dogs of War have been let Loose.

Mid to late 108 P.A. The Sorcerors' Revenge- Blitzkreig. Tolkenite forces push back, and push back hard. Forcing a large chuck of the Coalition Army into Xiticix Territory, and many others either run from the sheer overwhelming terror of the onslaught, or bunker down in futile efforts and last stands. Flush with power and might, Tolkeen forces slaughter Coalition soldier wholesale, truely demonstrating their vicious side, sometimes killing Coalition shoulders begging for mercy in nothing but their underwear, having been caught completely unawares by the suddeness of the bloody surge.

So now, October 17th P.A. 108, a mere three days since the Sorcerors' Revenge. Coalition forces are in Disarry, Xiticix hives are on full alert. Scores of discared Coalition material lay scattered where they were dropped by the panicked retreat. A few pockets of resistance still lay bunkered here and there.

And the Cyber Knights stand horrified; Those who disobeyed Lord Coake to join Tolkeen either stand in disgust and regreat watching Coalition troops be murdered wholesale or gathered into prisoner camps, or clinch down and harder their hearts, perhaps becoming forever lost to the noble cause.

2013-02-20, 12:41 PM

October 15th P.A. 108; one day since The Sorcerors' Revenge:

Lieutenant Colonel Raymiel Nathans stops to catch his breath. He finally doesn't see any more persuers. The last one, a massive black dragon, seemed to vanish into smoke when he fired his last charge from his CTT-P40 Particle Beam Cannon. That left him with just 5 shots and one quick loader for his C-5 Pump Pistol and his Vibrosword. Technically he still had a vibro-blade and a garrote cord embedded in his CA-7 armor, but given that was on the verge of total comprimise, he didn't want to rely on that being there when he needed it.

He looked down at his Beam Cannon and contemplated ditching it to lighten his load. But he wasn't bothered that much by the weight, and he didn't want to go through the red tape of requisitioning another one if he got out of this-

"Nix on that," he told himself, "Dead Boy is just an armor name, not my status."

He started looking around again. Sighing he concentrated, he didn't have enough Inner Strength left to activate his Limit Breaker Implant again if it came down to it, he could probably manage one more Telekinetic Force Field in an emergency, and he had more than enough for the current task. First he opened his senses, feeling out for Magic. He ignored the warmth of the blood trickling down his nose.

A moment later he tensed when he felt it. There was a spellcaster nearby. He sliped his Beam Cannon over his shoulder and drew his Pistol while he worked at pinpointing the source.

THERE- Flying overhead! He looked up to see a woman in leather, right down to the aviator helmet. Must be a Techno-Wizard, he told himself as he looked at the magical wings sprouting out of a strange backpack-looking device on her back. He took careful aim and fired, aiming at the device on her back that seemed to be what was letting her fly. The bag ripped open and feathers flew everywhere before simply vanishing into thin air. The woman threw out her arms as she found herself falling. She flailed her hands wildly as she came tumbling down with a sickly crunch.

Raymiel cautiously went over to where she came down. A small clearing opened up and he hissed in annoyance the moment he saw the blue crackle. Not one Ley Line, but two, crossing, he'd stumbled into a Ley Line Nexus. Not good, he reminded himself. He looked at the woman who was curled into the fetal position. He holstered his pistol to conserve ammo and drew his vibro-sword as he moved in to finish her off.

He looked at the Nexus with disdain as he closed in. When he got there the woman finally seemed to be stirring. She seemed to have her eyes closed and was concentrating- it didn't look like magic, especially not Techno-Wizardry, it had to be Psionics. He frowned as he closed in and raised his blade. As he did she looked up, her eyes widened- but not at him- he saw the shadow, something behind him. he turned and drew his pistol in the same motion. Firing all four shots one after the other, the creature didn't seemed phased. It was then his eyes found the time to take in the rift behind the creature. The creature slammed it's massive, clawed hand at him, he dug in and summoned the last of his inner strength and brought up a telekinetic shield at the last second. He could smell the blood as it flooded his noes. His shield held for the first swing, even the second and third and fourth, the fifth attack came as Raymiel had dug out and installed his quick reload. The attack shattered through his shield and knocked him off his feet. He fired all five shots without even getting up to his feet.

At least this time he seemed to notice- the creature definitely looked angry. It came up again and swung again, the first swing compromised his armor, he saw the second swing and knew it was over.

He felt pain he didn't realize was possible, as his eyes closed however, he saw the woman move. She took out- it was too blurry, his eyesight was red from blood and he was loosing consciousness, but he saw her do something, the creature screamed out and seemed to vanish- probably banished he realized.

Marrian looked down at the unconscious Coalition soldier bleeding out beneath her. She took in a breath. She'd been using her psionics to heal herself while he tried in vain to defeat the demon. She looked over and silently praised as the rift was already closing. The Noonday surge had helped her gather enough magical energy to restore what she'd spent earlier today. Staying out of sight was much harder when there were people- EVERYWHERE. It was just unfortunate for her that soldier noticed her between Invisibility spells. He must have had some way to sense her in the air. She knelt down to examine his wounds. She was amazed, he was still breathing, though barely. He'd be dead in a few minutes if she didn't act.

It was crazy, on the one hand, if she healed him, there were good odds he'd still try to kill her. But on the other hand she couldn't let him suffer. And he had turned to face the demon first when it arrived. He could have easily killed her and then tried and failed to defeat the demon. A lesser Solider probably would have out of the misguided logic thinking she had probably summoned the thing, which she hadn't. She went into her bag and sighed in annoyance, he shot it clean through, but she still had some of her toys. She took out a medical needle and held it in her hands focusing on the spell. A moment later she shot pure magical energy into her arm, increasing her strength greatly. She grabbed the soldier under the shoulders and dragged him closer to the nexus. Next she went into her torn bag again and pulled out a heavily tripped out battery, an old pre-rifts car battery with an assortment of wired leading into a couple Diamonds. She began peeling off the soldiers compromised armor. She sat down and drew in energy from the rift, then the Battery as she took out a small, children's water pistol and used it as the focus for her spell. She sprayed the magical water from the water gun all along the soldier's body, it absorbed the energy and began restoring the Body.

The Solider took a solid, deep, and steady breath. He flinched, then his eyes shot open and he rolled to one side, reaching for his hip where his weapons had been. He quickly took note of his surroundings and looked down at his weapons to one side. He looked over at him. She held up the tiny toy water pistol non-aggressively, dropping it back into her bag to one side.

He coughed for a moment to clear his throat.
"You saved me?" It didn't quite sound surprised, but it did carry a tone of uncertainty. He was basically asking what she expected of him.

She raised both her hands up in a motion of friendliness. "You're alright now, the rift closed once midday passed, and I banished the Demon and mended your wounds."

He looked over at the nexus point as if double checking. Finally he nodded. He looked back at her, "Lieutenant Colonel Raymiel Nathans, Serial Number 7555-89-Charlie-Beta-6."

Marrian rolled her eyes, "You're not my prisoner. My name's Marrian, and I'm NOT affiliated with Tolkeen, I just had the misfortune of being stuck there for a few years while a contact tracked down a few spells for me." She went over to her bag and grumbled as she did what she could to tie it shut. "Look, your armor is toast, so you might as well come with me anyway if you want to stay safe. I was going to leave this whole damn war zone, but from the looks of it, there are probably a lot of people in pain around here, and they could use my help. I wouldn't mind a little extra muscle if you're up to it? We could protect each other."

"You're a Tecno-Wizard?"
"You're a fountain of nothing. Oh and a Coalition soldier, SO WHAT?" She got up to her feet. Ramiel flinched and moved towards his vibrosword. "Your 'Dead boys' are just that, but I plan to heal everyone I find, CS AND Tolkeen. You however shot me out of the air, and failed to take out a random demon from dimension 'we're ****ed'. Maybe you can do better with me than against me."

He lowered his blade. He turned away as the voices in his head got loud again.

'Come on, she could use a pal from the looks- and she is a looker after all, I mean, sure we've seen better, but they can't all be Diane.'

he growled, trying to ignore the voice.

'I know you hear me, you know I know you hear me. She looks like she could use a friend, and you definitely could use someone to cover your ass right now.'

"Oh SHUT UP!" he told the voice.

She quirked an eyebrow, "Did I miss something?"

Silence reigned for a moment, the voice gone again. "No- I... Sorry. Your offer seems, kind." He got to his feet, he kicked the junk that used to be his armor. Scowling he knelt down and picked up the spent weapons.

"If those are spent you're probably better off leaving them..."

He held the spent beam cannon up at her one handed, "I'm not leaving this, I can take the weight." He pulled the trigger to demonstrate it was void of charge. He then slung it over his shoulder.

"Let's go, there's some water over this way, probably a small pool, but it'll keep us hydrated, I dunno about you but I'm spent and could use the refreshments."

"Sounds good to me." She says as she throws her torn backpack over one shoulder and follows...

2013-02-20, 12:46 PM

October 17th P.A. 108

"Son'o'va'bitch! OW!"

Raymiel opened his eyes in annoyance. He saw a shimmer out of the corner of his eyes, but the ghost flittered off as soon as he moved to look in it's direction.
Raymiel muttered under his breath, as soon as he did the voices started.
'just look at all these toys they're building you, you should have jumped ship ages ago'
"They're not fixing them or building anything for me."
'oh yeah, who else is gonna use'em, the koala-man?'
"The Kwarla is useful too, but no, of course not."
'then who, Jarod is scary with a wrench but ain't no pilot, 'Cable' might be able to pilot worth a damn, but he's no you.'
Raymiel chuckled, "Who is?"
'well we are of course.'
"Of course, now hush you, all of you."

He got up and out of the large tent. He noticed Jarod and the former Master Sergeant each fixing up a few Skelebots they found broken down. To once side of the camp Bartilby was meditating, and to the other, Marriam was cursing again as the CR-004 Spider-Skull Walker. She was cussing because one of the Techno-Wizard devices she was trying to install were instead doing a fair job of electrocuting her. She pulled herself away from the spider walker, her hair flying in all directions and her face covered in filth. She walked over the the small well that had brought them to this very spot two days ago and drew water to wash her face and damp down her hair so it wouldn't be sprayed out in all directions.

"Good Morning," she muttered as she passed him.
"Morning. Any Progress?"
"Some. Got the De-icer and the Ley Line Booster running."
"Hm, well, I was thinking about grabbing the Striker and one or two Skelebots before going out again to see what I could scavenge again. Might poke my nose in the town over there and see who's still alive even."

"Hm, I'm trying with the walker, so why don't you take Bartilby with you just in case."
"He's not much of a fighter..."
"No, but he can at least cover you, and heal your ass if it get's shot."
"Not worried about someone shooting my ass at this point, just claws and fangs right now," he frowns.

She shrugs. Raymiel walks over to Bartilby. "I was about to go out, I could use a hand if you're willing?"

"Yes I believe that sounds excellent, the spirits are getting loud around here again, I think they might be following you?"
"I'm sure they are actually," he sighs. "Anyway, I'm gonna get in the Striker." he chuckles, "Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and find a GBK today... doubt it." he scowls, "Wish they hadn't busted mine up in the blitz. They only sent about three thousand of the suckers..."

"Ah, but if they hadn't you probably wouldn't be in our company now would you?"
"No I probably wouldn't. Pretty sure in a GBK I coulda knocked the stuffing outta that Demon the other day."
"So look at it this way, if your 'gbk' thing hadn't failed in the initial attack, you would have probably boldly kept fighting until you found something you couldn't beat- and odds are good that something would be pretty fast too."
"I dunno, the Iron Juggers are pretty slow, I think I could'a taken even one of them."
"Yes but you wouldn't have been facing one now would you?"
Raymiel sighs again, "No probably not."
"So again, we have the failure of your precious 'gbk' to thank for you being alive and with us today. This 'striker' of yours will do."

"Doesn't make it very reassuring though, relying on a suit half-rebuilt on the field by two people only one of them even mostly familiar with the systems."
"Would you rather your bear skin?"

Raymiel blinked. "Why do I talk to you?"
The Kwarla smiled, at least Raymiel hoped that was a smile, "For my charming wit of course," as he said that though Raymiel felt a calmness enter him. Bartilby was using his powers to reassure him that he was 'having fun' at him.
"Please don't do that, I've gotten used to your presence, I haven't gotten used to the idea of you in my head. Besides, my head is jungle enough already."
"Why do you think I like it in there," he was actually laughing as they began walking.

After Bartilby finished laughing they were silent for a while. A while later Raymiel finally spoke up again, "That sick sense of humor, is that a D-bee thing, a Kwarla thing, or an Australian thing?"

2013-02-24, 07:03 PM
Portia pulled herself up from the most recent battle. She dusted herself off. She looked around, holding her Water Rifle just to be safe. Looking around, she knew that she wasn't safe here. Moving swiftly, she looked for a place that could provide some shelter and safety for a bit.

2013-02-24, 07:25 PM

"Reckon that coulda gone better," says Susan in her rough grumbling drawl, swapping out the E-clip on her forcefield and surveying the scorch marks all around her. One tentacle ventures out from beneath her dusty travel poncho with a set of binoculars, and she holds an eye piece up to one of her large wide set eyes. The binoculars were clearly intended for a human, so she couldn't hope to use them as intended. "Aww hell," she continues after seeing a small explosion at the end of a trail of smoke, "missiles musta blew when it crashed, ain't like to be no salvage at all."

The large cephalopod walks back to her obviously robot horse, which still has a few patches of artificial hide visible where Susan keeps her usually tentacles wrapped around it, and mounts up. "We gotta find us some real work round here, if'n we cain't never get no salvage offa what we shoot down. So far alls we're doin' is wasting ammunition..."

Diamond Dragon
2013-02-24, 09:50 PM
A figure of average height, clad in red and black armor that doesn't quite match any common types and a plain, leather duster, picks its way through the battlefield, not eighty feet form Portia's position. It carries an old CS rifle in one hand, and scans its surroundings intently, occasionally stopping to check some piece of equipment or another. The moment the Atlantean moves, the figure's 'eyes' (as much as can be determined from the helmet) snap towards her location, and it begins cautiously approaching.

2013-02-25, 12:13 AM
Moments ago a rift had been opened for Aden. He asked his friend Ishmael to open a rift for him to take him somewhere he could be a hero. Unfortunately he was not exactly clear on where or even when. As Aden stepped through the rift he stood on a battlefield. Men and dog men in dark skeletal armor were fighting a Shadow Dragon. The men did not register as magical or evil, but that thing, the dragon, was obviously quite evil. It wreaked of dark intent. No matter who the Dragon was fighting, Aden would have planned to help, but these men were obviously losing.

One man, who seemed to be their leader, fired a large gun he had mounted on his shoulder that Aden could not name. It struck the dragon, and though it did further wound the best, it still looked like it could take a half dozen more of those. The heavy cannon was thrown to the ground as the man turned back to shout,"Fall back! Save as many of the wounded as you can but fall back!"

With his back turned to the beast, it leaped upon him. A mighty claw pinned the the armored man piercing right through him and into the armor. Aden rushed forward as quickly as he could. He had not plans to let this man die while he could stop it. Aden grabbed at the hardest heavy object he could see in that moment. He grasped with his telekinesis for the cannon the Soldier threw down. Then he shouted as the heavy metal smashed into the dragon a few times in quick procession,"Get the hell off him you bitch!"

The already wounded dragon fell as the last strike of the cannon caused the now useless hunk of metal to me stabbed into the dragon's chest. The same Telekinesis tore away the claw in the downed man as Aden rushed to him. With a touch upon the wound it sealed shut followed by a gasp of air from the commander. Moments later all of the Cs soldiers that could still stand surrounded Aden with their guns pointed.

The coughing Commander sat up and rose his hand to tell his men to pause. One of the dog-men, one that looked oddly like a bull-terrier, walked up and said,"This one does not have the sense smell of magic... or darkness sir."

"I mean you no harm," Aden said calmly," I came here only to help. I assume there is some sort of war going on here. I am not on either side."

At those words a flush of happiness and relief radiated from Aden like a wave. Those near Aden felt it clearly. The dog people felt it from a quite further distance away, and some of them wagged their tails because of it,"Men, do not kill him... yet."

When the soldiers lowered their guns, Aden instantly rushed over to the other badly wounded men and started to heal them as well. By the time he had gotten each of the men healed to a point that they were not immediate danger of death, one of the grunts looked to the commander and said,"Sir... what are the chances of someone popping out here that out of a rift to help up that is not allied with the Tolkeen?"

At that comment The commander looked to Aden and narrowed his eyes. The forces, even some of the men Aden had just finished healing,
pointed their guns at Aden as if the commander had already given the order. This of course made Aden flee. He took off into the air at full speed, though he would not be able too stay up there too long. Most of his inner strength had been exhausted healing the wounded.

2013-02-26, 10:18 AM
Jay grunts and kicks at a chunk of scorched rock at his feet. He scowls at the black smoking from the wreck they just shot down, snapping a new clip in his Stutterer. He nods at Susan's estimate of the situation, "shouldn't be this hard to find work during a damned war. Tolkeen is far too paranoid...maybe we should move closer to the front..."

He spits into the dry dirt and starts walking away from the crash, "either way, we probably shouldn't stay out in the open like this...too exposed...

2013-02-26, 12:11 PM
@TerrickTerran & Diamond Dragon:

In the not to far distance you hear an explosion (Susan and Jay). A little further off still you here the sounds of a series of explosions, a long pause, then finally the sounds of what might be a dragon screaming in pain.

@Demihappycow & Kind_of_a_ROBOT:

fairly close, probably too close for comfort. You hear the sounds of battle. A full (if not final) barrage of CS weapons fire. Then after a pause, the sounds of some sort of draconic creature screaming in pain and despair.


In the distance you see another man in armor similar to the ones trying to attack you. Behind him though is a strange Koala-looking humanoid. Hearing the sounds of fire they pick up pace. Still the furry one straining to keep up and somewhat hidden behind the human. As the human runs, his entire body turns to water. The next moment, it doubles in size, and by the time he gets into view of the other soldiers, he's three times his original size. Behind him the koala-man puts a hand to his head. Suddenly the soldiers begin panicking. A few of them take stray shots at the water-shaped humanoid, only one hits, or would have if not for the small shield that pops into existence to intercept the beam. The formerly wounded soldiers call for retreat and run as a unit off into the distance. Once they're out of sight, the water person looks up at Aden and waves as he begins to shrink back to his normal size and become solid again.

2013-02-26, 05:04 PM

"Aww hell, that cain't be anythin' good goin' on," says Susan, turning her robotic horse Silver toward the sounds. Turning to Little Jay she gives an odd beaky smile, "Shame we ain't got the sense to stay outta trouble." The quiet click of her forcefield turning on can be heard in the brief silence before Susan's rough laughter croaks out, and she starts riding swiftly toward the sounds of battle. "Maybe we'll finally find someone decent salvage, hah hah!"

2013-02-26, 06:23 PM
*thinking* Dragons screaming in pain, definitely not good. Better go investigate, though those explosions could be interesting too. Portia decided to activate her Dragonsaurus Tattoo and made her way to the nearest explosion first to see if there are survivors or enemies to face.

Diamond Dragon
2013-02-26, 07:59 PM
At the sounds of battle, the armored man drops low, scanning the area around him and in the direction of the noise. Coalition soldiers or Tolkeenites, either could provide him with information, and in all likelihood, supplies. Would dragons ally with Tolkeen? A possibility, certainly. CS forces would attack on sight. Probably CS, but one should never assume...
He moves off towards the distant explosions, keeping an eye out for the movement he detected earlier and staying out of sight seemingly out of habit.

He's prowling and trying to listen in on their radio chatter (provided he's in range).

2013-02-26, 09:19 PM
When the Koala man and the person that turns into some sort of water golem walk by him like that, all Aden can really do is turn to wave at the,"Um.... Hi..."

When the CS soldiers flee All Aden can really say is,"That was awesome! Can you teach me that?!"

2013-02-27, 04:26 AM
@Diamond [There wouldn't be any nearby chatter as the fleeing CS soldiers are pretty much running in a dead panic]

@ all but Strainseir: assume you saw as much or as little of the following as you want.


Bartlby (the Kwarla) steps up to Aden while Raymiel finishes reverting to his normal form. As he does he once again reveals armor similar to what the soldiers that just ran off are wearing.

"Which part," Bartlby asks with a toothy smile. "As for my part, what can I say, I'm good with people."

Raymiel comes over. "I take it you're new in town?"

2013-02-27, 05:10 AM

The rapid hoof beats of the robotic horse slow as the sounds of battle recede. Seeing that the fighting has stopped, Susan turns slightly to Little Jay and says, "Gorramit, we musta missed all the fun. Guess we might as well see if they're friendly."

Approaching at a more sedate canter, Susan reaches one tentacle up from under her poncho and waves her hat in the air. "Howdy y'all! We heard the ruckus and come to see if we could lend any folks some assistance," she calls out with a thicker than normal western drawl while still a good distance away, knowing that her appearance often disturbs humans if she gets too close without setting them at ease. Putting her hat back onto her head she makes introductions, "Name's Susan Winchester, and this here's Little Jay. Pleased to make yer acquaintances." She gently places a cigarillo in her beak as she speaks, lighting it after finishing.

2013-02-27, 08:05 PM
"Well I can do something sort of like the mind thing... but only one guy at a time. As for being new here. I just stepped out of a rift. I do not even know where or when I am." he said with a light chuckle.

2013-02-27, 08:20 PM
Portia pulls to a halt as she sees others talking. She keeps a cautious tone as she listens to what's happening.

Diamond Dragon
2013-02-27, 08:59 PM
Not too far behind Portia, a man murmers, "I've seen stranger sights, but this is still a little odd."
He stands with his helmet tucked under his arm, rifle held by his side in a non-threatening posture. His features are as plain and average as his height, though his bored tone and passive expression in the midst of a war zone might be a little out of place.
"Is a year long enough to say 'it's been some time'?"

2013-02-28, 12:59 AM
Bartlby smiles at Aden, a smile that might look intimidating if his eyes didn't radiate amusement, and also the slow building chuckle. "That's why I just hit them one at a time, starting with the stronger looking ones, once they were running the others ran without my having to touch them." He flat laughs now, rubbing his stomach, "Sometimes you only have to touch one stone to bring the pile tumbling down."

When the Octo- woman- shows up Raymiel turns to face her. His lips curl a bit at first but he quickly buries the reflex. Only after that does he take off his helmet so that he can wipe the blood from his nose. He pinches the bridge. "Well howdy yourself, what brings one of your kind here?"

Raymiel's head jerks up, he starts to speak before turning, "When it's been the year it has been, no, that's perfectly acceptable to say," turning he speaks again, "That you Daniel?"

Diamond Dragon
2013-02-28, 04:22 AM
His lips twist in a faint smirk. "Still me the last time I checked. I never pictured you as the type to show off, though. You stab the lizard?"

2013-02-28, 06:06 AM
"No that would be this- young man? A squad was in over it's head apparently, but you know how ungrateful some of the more- zealous- can be about being saved by something that just stepped out of a rift, no matter how human it looks." He turns back to Aden, "No offense of course."

Turning back to Daniel, "Me and the fuzzy one here were looking to scope some salvage, me- I was hoping to get my hands on another GBK after my first one got trashed in the recent surge of Tolkeen forces."

The Kwarla scoffed, "The fuzzy one here was just watching your back, wouldn't do to let you go get yourself killed over some shiny new toy. I know Marrian would be rather upset if I let you get killed after all she went through to keep you alive. She might even have her heart set on a Kwarlian suit coat if I let that happen," he chuckled.

2013-02-28, 01:25 PM
The juicer saunters up next to the still mounted Susan. He says nothing but nods at their new acquaintances. Crossing his arms over his chest, he eyes them all casually.

2013-02-28, 03:49 PM

The Octoman pulls her goggles up as she dismounts from her robot horse. "Well my furry friend, aside from hoping for an opportunity to ride to the rescue of whomever might be in danger, we was hoping to locate some decent salvage ourselves. Ain't necessarily looking for anything so fancy as a GBK, just something with a decent resale value. Or better still folks looking to hire a couple good guns. Gorram hard to find work round here now that them spellslingers finished up their massacre," she says, walking up to the odd little group. "Don't suppose any of y'all are looking to hire any extra help, or know someone else who is? 'Cause if so you'd be hard pressed to find better then Little Jay and myself," Susan goes on with a chuckle, her query obviously half joking.

2013-02-28, 08:20 PM
Aden just grinned softly,"The dragon was going to kill them. I could not allow that. I felt evil to me so I just kinda let loose. I hope none of you mind."

2013-02-28, 08:37 PM
Portia said nothing. She was itching to get into battle. She had summoned this creature and wanted to put it to use before it vanished.

Diamond Dragon
2013-03-01, 05:35 PM
"I can't say I've seen a seen any piece of a GBK longer than my arm. I did find a Wind Jammer, but it's out of missiles and has enough ammo in the drums for maybe six bursts. Been looking for a reload for the last two hours."
He eyes the others gathered.
"Interesting friends you have."

2013-03-01, 05:38 PM

"Well, I ain't sure that 'felt evil' is the best way to determine who to shoot at, but it looks ta me like ever'body just ran off this time so no harm done. Heh heh. Don't worry though, ain't none of us like to be too saintly round these parts," says the Octoman in her strangely thick southern drawl.

2013-03-02, 12:25 AM
Turning toward Susan Raymiel speaks, "I don't think any of us is hiring anything at the moment, for now we're just doing what we can to not run round like chickens sans heads." He smiles. Then turning to Daniel, "Friends might be a stretch, but only because everything's happened so quickly I don't know my head from my ass this week. The Tolkeen's blew out with such a massive force I think they might have made it halfway to Chi-town. If not for Marian I'd be dead, and she made some powerful and practical points to me afterwards. So for now at least I'm gonna keep her alive long enough to make sure she can keep other people alive. Sides be damned at this point, no one deserves to be caught in the middle of this thing."

He takes in a slow breath, "For now I have't technically done anything outside my loosely listed responsibilities, I'm not technically AWOL, and I haven't abandoned my oaths. I've just been awakened to a larger realization about the level of damage this war is having to everyone, everywhere."

Bartleby turned back at Aden, "I do not believe anyone here is complaining at the idea that you value life. In the future some caution would probably be in order, when defending Coalition troops it's often best to do so in a way that doesn't expose you to retaliation," Bartleby smirked with a short laugh, "Actually that's probably good advice for rescuing anyone who's armed and cornered."

2013-03-02, 02:27 AM
Aden grinned sheepishly spreading out a mild aura of anxiety then he shrugged,"Sorry. I kinda of this ability to feel the presence of magic and of evil beings. I do not really know who these Coalition people are, but I could not let them be killed. I would do the same thing again even knowing they would fire on me after."

2013-03-02, 04:16 AM
The kwarla quirked an eyebrow, "You misunderstand me. I was not telling you that rescuing them was foolish. I was simply saying it doesn't take a complete understanding of most situations to realize armed and panicked people don't always have the best reactions to having their control taken away." He puts a clawed hand to his round chin. "I was suggesting in the future that a ranged approach might be safer. For both you and your damsel in distress."

2013-03-02, 04:47 AM

"Never put much stock in all that hocus pocus or them psychic powers m'self, but to each their own I suppose. Don't suppose you caught where the big beasty was a-coming from didja? Might could be it left some salvage if those weren't the first folks it was botherin'," says Susan with a tip of her hat to Aden.

2013-03-02, 01:14 PM
"I kind stepped out of the rift and it was just there. Dragonskin can make great armor though." Aden said with an amused grin. So many beings cared so much for money.

2013-03-03, 01:07 PM
"Splugorth like dragons too much anyways. But still, I don't like all of this noise. Something must be done."

2013-03-03, 07:34 PM
"Yes, whatever has become of the neighborhood, it's like a warzone in here," Bartleby muses.
Raymiel just shakes his head, ignoring his companions warped humor. "Still, finding somewhere a little less open might not be a bad idea." He shrugs, "We have a camp not to far from here, or if you don't mind following me, I was just scouting out the surrounding area for salvage."

Diamond Dragon
2013-03-05, 05:04 PM
Daniel pulls his helmet back on.
"I'll go collect that sky cycle. Can't say I've found any other useful salvage, unless someone's in desperate need of scrap metal and spent e-clips."

2013-03-06, 03:23 PM
OOC: Posting a couple random rolls which will dictate what I have happen as the group heads towards camp.



Pickings are actually pretty slim today salvage-wise. Between the whole group there's about 4 discarded standard E-clips, only one is 100% charged, the other three have only 1/3rd power remaining, there are broken pieces of assorted body armors, but all of them are badly compromised and discarded for just that reason.

About halfway back towards camp you hear weapons fire.

(Will double post in a moment for another roll >.>)

2013-03-06, 03:30 PM
Not even sure if this will work >.>, just in case.



Jay someone takes a shot at you from a distance, you can tell the direction but none of you have LoS to return fire at the moment (I suppose Susan probably could with her binoculars, but given this means you're effectively under fire >.>)

3 MDC damage to Jay.

2013-03-06, 09:41 PM
"So are we camping, fighting or what?" Portia seemed annoyed just standing around more than doing anything else.

2013-03-07, 07:03 PM

Her eyes flick to the damage to Little Jay, then in the direction the attack must have come from. Susan's beak gaps open slightly in a cephalapoidal grin. "'Bout damn tine we got some action," she says, turning on her forcefield and hunkering down on Silver, "giddyup! Let's go have some fun, hah hah!"

The robot horse under the gunslinger takes off at a breakneck pace toward shot, and Susan scans carefully for the first available target.

2013-03-08, 02:12 AM
(We can't of lost half the party already have we?...)

so- more detail just to try and keep things moving >.>

In the distance, currently hidden under scruffy looking bushes, lay three Coalition Soldiers, two laying flat on the ground with riffles, the third kneeling behind them as a spotter with a C-5 Pump Pistol on hand. All I repeat- hidden- in their current position. You know the general direction the shot came from though.

2013-03-08, 10:29 AM
((Sorry for the long wait))

Aden is needles to say surprised when the shot is fired. Since he cannot really see where it came from, Aden flies behind the octoman on the horse. IF 100mph is not fast enough he will stay as close as he can. He plans to work as a shield for the one that seems to know where everything is going.

"My powers will protect you. just show the way."

Attempting to parry any incomming shots with tk force field.

2013-03-11, 05:36 AM
"Finally some action." Portia covered herself up and directed her pet to attack.

2013-03-13, 04:48 PM
Raymiel shouts out, "Sniper fire!" He starts looking over the bushes the fire came from.

Detect Concealment skill check: [roll0]
vs. [roll1]

Bartleby Lets out a feral growl, and as he does so his body seems to expand, his fur stands up in all directions and he looks a fair bit more intimidating. He starts moving quickly in the direction of the weapons fire.

(What's Portia's 'pet' [I realize it's tattoo summon, which what- or do you only have the one?] so I can figure what happens as it moves towards the fire as well?)

2013-03-19, 02:51 PM
(I believe wihtout looking it's a Dragonsaurus, though it might be a Dragondactyl. I'll check later)

Portia will send her pet first and summon her sword for now. If it looks too powerful, she'll switch to her rifle.