View Full Version : Sonic the what now?

Scarey Nerd
2013-02-20, 08:10 PM
Jermlaine Barbarian 1/Scout 11/Monk 18. The Run and Dash feats.

Now that I've set the scene, picture that in your mind. It's moving at 135 feet per round. 675 feet when running. A Tiny sized blur of unarmed fury. My question to you, wise playgrounders, is thus: What other crazy stuff can I put on this build to make it faster? Feats to increase speed, templates (though none that raise LA), anything that lets you counterattack when an opponents gets an AoO on you, just anything. Thank you in advance for fueling the flames of madness. :smallamused:

2013-02-20, 08:13 PM
Chuck E. Cheese (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=dkvv6tbu277bm12i2fblqt6aq1&topic=5788.0)

2013-02-20, 08:40 PM
Jermlaine Barbarian 1/Scout 11/Monk 18. The Run and Dash feats.

Now that I've set the scene, picture that in your mind. It's moving at 135 feet per round. 675 feet when running. A Tiny sized blur of unarmed fury. My question to you, wise playgrounders, is thus: What other crazy stuff can I put on this build to make it faster? Feats to increase speed, templates (though none that raise LA), anything that lets you counterattack when an opponents gets an AoO on you, just anything. Thank you in advance for fueling the flames of madness. :smallamused:

Alright, that's got you running at approximately 77 mph, so that's really not too shabby.

The main thing you're going to want is something to let you ignore fatigue and exhaustion so you can run all day. Maybe necropolitan?

Second, you're going to want freedom of movement as a constant effect (supernatural at worst, extraordinary if you can get it), so that you don't have anything slowing you down ever.

You can get a magic item or something that'll give you a constant expeditious retreat effect to increase your base speed another 30 feet. Haste would be great, too, but more difficult to swing; though at your level, that shouldn't really be a problem.

2013-02-20, 08:46 PM
Chuck E. Cheese (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=dkvv6tbu277bm12i2fblqt6aq1&topic=5788.0)

This, and it's pre-epic too. (TO post-epic is no fun; too much is possible, so the rules no longer hold much meaning.)

Keld Denar
2013-02-20, 08:59 PM
You can get a magic item or something that'll give you a constant expeditious retreat effect to increase your base speed another 30 feet. Haste would be great, too, but more difficult to swing; though at your level, that shouldn't really be a problem.

Check your bonus stacking. Monk move speed enhancement is an enhancement bonus, the same as the bonus from Haste and Expeditious Retreat. Barbarian, luckily, is untyped. Don't remember on Scout, though.

2013-02-20, 09:08 PM
Barbarian 1
Ranger 5 (with an ACF to give it Barbarian speed bonus and wildshape)
Cleric 1 (celerity domain)
Swift Hunter Druid (gets monk speed in exchange for wildshape) 13

Speed is 70 feet by level 7 and 115 feet by level 20.

Then add in the Cheetah Speed wild feat to let you sprint 1100 feet as part of a charge once per hour.

2013-02-20, 09:15 PM
I enjoyed a Dragonborn wood elf barbarian2/monk2/ranger1/fist of the forest3/frenzied berserker2/wildrunner10 once, 60' movement is good enough.

2013-02-20, 09:25 PM
Check your bonus stacking. Monk move speed enhancement is an enhancement bonus, the same as the bonus from Haste and Expeditious Retreat. Barbarian, luckily, is untyped. Don't remember on Scout, though.

Ah, I just looked up Barb and figured all class-granted fast movement was the same. Never mind on that part, then.

2013-02-20, 09:36 PM
Barbarian 1
Ranger 5 (with an ACF to give it Barbarian speed bonus and wildshape)
Cleric 1 (celerity domain)
Swift Hunter Druid (gets monk speed in exchange for wildshape) 13

Speed is 70 feet by level 7 and 115 feet by level 20.

Then add in the Cheetah Speed wild feat to let you sprint 1100 feet as part of a charge once per hour.

You can shave off another level with the Druidic Avenger variant.

Last Laugh
2013-02-20, 09:55 PM
If I remember there is a feat for dragons only (probably draconomicon) that gives +20 fly speed, +10 land speed.

I don't know if you need wings to use it, but you can pick up dragon type from dragonborn, but it might wreck your fluff.

Flight isn't that hard to get super high...


Swiftblade may be of some use, I think it's +50 enhancement bonus to speed ties with the monk, and swiftblade packs some useful all around abilities. (constant blur, dodge chance vs spells, can do weaker/stronger time stops depending on spell slot used)
May be worth considering.

2013-02-21, 03:37 PM
Barbarian 1
Ranger 5 (with an ACF to give it Barbarian speed bonus and wildshape)
Cleric 1 (celerity domain)
Swift Hunter Druid (gets monk speed in exchange for wildshape) 13

Speed is 70 feet by level 7 and 115 feet by level 20.

Then add in the Cheetah Speed wild feat to let you sprint 1100 feet as part of a charge once per hour.

125mph on a charge. Nice.

2013-02-21, 03:54 PM
Peasant railgun can make an iron rod travel as fast as you like. Stick a long line of commoners down, and give the one on the left said rod. On his turn, each commoner passes the rod left if he has it in his hands. If he doesn't, he readies an action to do so when he does have it. A round is 6 seconds. Each square is 5 feet. Now, you can pass it along until you run out of world... and remember, you don't have to pass it in a straight line either.

I ran a campaign where you needed lots of weird things to open the doors to the BBEG's cave - one was an object travelling faster than light. Enter leadership.

2013-02-21, 05:43 PM
Peasant railgun can make an iron rod travel as fast as you like. Stick a long line of commoners down, and give the one on the left said rod. On his turn, each commoner passes the rod left if he has it in his hands. If he doesn't, he readies an action to do so when he does have it. A round is 6 seconds. Each square is 5 feet. Now, you can pass it along until you run out of world... and remember, you don't have to pass it in a straight line either.

I ran a campaign where you needed lots of weird things to open the doors to the BBEG's cave - one was an object travelling faster than light. Enter leadership.

You can Courier Railgun too, which allows you to transfer a person. Simply get a +10 modifier to Ride and take 10 - it's a DC 20 check to mount or dismount as a free action. Set up a side-by-side line of horses leading to your destination as long as you want, then free action mount on one side, free action dismount on the other side, repeat until you've traversed the continent.

2013-02-21, 06:27 PM
A smattering of feats/spells/templates/gear from another thread (about a supersonic epic dragon); the monk speed bonus and the flight bits apply even if you've only got flight due to alter form or some magic item.

While the templates probably won't be useful, the rest certainly might.

First, read this (http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christmas/santa/physics.asp) to understand why the Draconis Supersonicus is something of an endangered species.

Now, lets see if we can give Rudolf, Harbinger of Christmas, a steady cruising speed of Mach 100 or so.

Other speed multipliers

When applying multipliers to real-world values (such as weight or distance), normal rules of math apply instead...Similarly, a blinded creature attempting to negotiate difficult terrain would count each square as 4 squares (doubling the cost twice, for a total multiplier of ×4), rather than as 3 squares (adding 100% twice).
So if, for instance, you have multiple affects doubling your speed, you multiply them, rather than add them, together.

Psuedonatural for 2x, of course.
Paragon for 3x.
The Horned Helm (AEG pg 133; 38,000g) for 2x speed.
The 'Rapid Wrath' (Ghostwalk, 11702g) (a 'carried' spear) for another 2x.
Shaundakul's Boots (MoF pg 165) for another 2x, but only for 5 minutes each day.

So you have 24x movement; 48x for a few minutes.

'Wind at back' (MoF spell, drd4, pg 134) doubles your overland speed for 24 hours.
'Fly like an arrow' (Dragon Magazine #308) lets you move at '10 times your normal fly speed,' but...only in a straight line, can't do anything but move, and you had to take a full move the previous round...still awesome though.

24x speed in combat, 480x overland; double that for 5 minutes/day.

Now for running:
You can run for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score, but after that you must make a DC 10 Constitution check to continue running. You must check again each round in which you continue to run, and the DC of this check increases by 1 for each check you have made. When you fail this check, you must stop running.

While wearing boots of the wanderer, you automatically succeed on any Constitution checks required for running or making a forced march Incidentally, the 'Calvaryman's Saddle' (Dmag 334, 8500g) gives your dragon the run and endurance feats. Alternately, the 'Panther mask (MIC pg 201, 2700g) just gives you 'run'.Now you can run for hours on end, meaning you can use it outside of combat. Now we're moving 120x in combat, and 2400x outside of combat (and 2x that for 5 minutes/day). We just need to boost our base movement speed a bit (I'm a bit weak, here...):

Aeriel Alarcity (RoTW spell) gives +30 unnamed to speed, and +1 to manueverability.
Cloud Wings (SS 64, spell) gives +30 unnamed to speed.
Collar of umbral metamorphisis (ToM 156 22,000g) for +10 to speed from that template. (edit Its worth noting that the template itself is LA+0 for dragons. /edit )
'Air Heritage' feat (Planar handbook pg 37) for +30 unnamed
Haste or whatever (customized, slotless horseshoes of speed?) for +30 enhancement.
'improved speed' feat for +20 unnamed to flying.
Shandukal's boots for +10 unnamed.
=> +160 to speed, for a base movement speed of 510. Rudolf's tactical speed would be 120x (61200 ft/round tactical; ~7000 mph, mach 9); double that with the boots, and 20x that for his cruising speed out of combat; a single strafing breath from Rudolf would leave an 11 mile swath of Christmas cheer.

Miscellaneous thoughts / mentions:

-Alter Self: I don't speak polymorph...can a dragon snag a different dragon's flight speed?
-Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker (MIC, 500g) 'move' as a swift action 1/day.
-Flyby attack (SRD) attack at any point during a move.
-Mobile spell-casting feat (CA 111) Ditto for casting.
-Flyby breath (Dragonlance Campaign Setting ~pg55) Ditto for breathing, except a double-move.
-Strafing breath (DCS) Breath AOE lengthened to 1/2 your fly speed, need to go in a straight line while breathing.
-Could swear there was some metamagic component or feat that improves flight spells *ponder*


Not RAW, but ask your DM if you can make a jetpack out of some 'decanters of endless water...'

Shining Wrath
2013-02-21, 07:00 PM
There's a ToB maneuver that lets you move 5' every time you'd get an AoO.

Shining Wrath
2013-02-21, 07:05 PM
Peasant railgun can make an iron rod travel as fast as you like. Stick a long line of commoners down, and give the one on the left said rod. On his turn, each commoner passes the rod left if he has it in his hands. If he doesn't, he readies an action to do so when he does have it. A round is 6 seconds. Each square is 5 feet. Now, you can pass it along until you run out of world... and remember, you don't have to pass it in a straight line either.

I ran a campaign where you needed lots of weird things to open the doors to the BBEG's cave - one was an object travelling faster than light. Enter leadership.

At 186,200 MPS, and 1,056 peasants per mile, you need 196,627,200 peasants to make that work ... plus one, I suppose, to ensure you're FTL, not AFAL.

The catch, of course, is the Lorentz contraction, where to accelerate the iron rod requires progressively more energy as the rod approaches light speed, so the last peasant in line has to apply infinite force to increase the speed of the rod past C.

Relativistic effects are not accounted for in the usual "ready an action / take an action" economy, but just because you have readied an action does not mean you have the necessary strength to carry said action out. :smallsmile:

2013-02-21, 09:14 PM
At 186,200 MPS, and 1,056 peasants per mile, you need 196,627,200 peasants to make that work ... plus one, I suppose, to ensure you're FTL, not AFAL.

Wouldn't a loop work? I'm not 100% sure of this but couldn't a loop provide the speed?

2013-02-21, 09:49 PM
Wouldn't a loop work? I'm not 100% sure of this but couldn't a loop provide the speed?

No, because the commoners cannot re-ready their actions while the cargo is coming back around. The pass only works once.

2013-02-21, 10:12 PM
I was going to suggest ring gates, immovible rods and an artificial vaccuum when I realized the DMG has falling rules that (IIRC) imply all falling objects acheive a terminal velocity regardless of what the local conditions or gravity are (after a few rounds the rate at which you lose altitude remains fixed iirc).

I was wondering about ways to create a vaccuum in D&D, and had the idea of conjuring a large block of strong, solid, nonporous material and disintegrating the middle out of it using ethereal travel and transdimensional spell. (Assuming control winds won't give you good enough of an effect and there aren't other spells I'm not thinking of that would do the job better.)

Piggy Knowles
2013-02-21, 10:26 PM
There's a ToB maneuver that lets you move 5' every time you'd get an AoO.

It's a feat, actually - Evasive Reflexes, a sadly underused feat option.

2013-02-21, 10:44 PM
Anything with that much landspeed needs enough Binder levels to bind Paimon for Dance of Death.

2013-02-21, 10:48 PM
It isn't Sonic without some blue - doesn't Incarnum have any ways to boost move speed?

Dumbledore lives
2013-02-21, 10:54 PM
It isn't Sonic without some blue - doesn't Incarnum have any ways to boost move speed?

Chaos incarnate is all about speed, and the duskling race can also boost it by 5 feet per essentia which is another nice bonus.