View Full Version : Obvious Malack Clue

2013-02-20, 10:14 PM
Tarquin mentioned his group switches things up sometimes to keep things interesting and their kingdoms tend to have a theme of some sort centered around them. Despite working with Miron, Tyrinaria obviously was all Tarquin's idea being a firm believer in tyranny, but Empire of Blood? That theme seems a little off for Tarquin, but he did recently switch partners from his last gig. And who is his new partner?

And here at face value the empire naming just looked like a nice nod to Churchill.

2013-02-20, 10:29 PM
While the Empire of Blood in general may have been something of a clue, I don't think that Tarquin has ever said anything about there being deliberately themes for the puppet states.

2013-02-20, 10:47 PM
It may not have been stated outright, but the current trio of the Empires of Blood, Sweat, and Tears seems to be a strong indication.

2013-02-20, 11:12 PM
But then, when do we get to see the Empires of Toil, spit, bile, vomit, urine, mucus, semen, earwax, lymph, gastric acid, sebum, pus, endolymph, intracellular fluid, blood plasma, vitreous humor, feces, pleural cavity fluid, chyle, synovial fluid, peritoneal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, pericardial fluid, sputum, aqueous humor, perilymph, chyme, hydatid fluid, interstitial fluid, rheum and gin? (http://www.xkcd.com/1148/) :smalltongue:

2013-02-21, 12:19 AM
The name of the empire sure is evocative! I wonder if Malack is the only vampire around?

It was mentioned in the comic that his children are dead, but do you think there are others?

With the Empress of Blood (fat, dumb red dragon) being such a figurehead, Malack's role sure seems like the sort of position that a Vampire Lord (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a)would love to be in.

2013-02-21, 06:13 AM
The name of the empire sure is evocative! I wonder if Malack is the only vampire around?

The name of Tarquin's empire changes every 6 to 30 months. He is friends with Malack for 30+ years. I strongly doubt there is any connection.

Mike Havran
2013-02-21, 06:23 AM
Since Malack does not have "children" anymore and takes the loss rather heavily I think he's the only vampire there. Also, Empire of Blood is probably related to Blood, Sweat and Tears theme.

2013-02-21, 06:51 AM
Actually, if I know Tarquin, he came up with that one as a double joke on the Blood, Sweat and Tears theme, AND that Count Malack was going to be it's local minister. It certainly would fit him to call an Empire after an in-joke of his.

2013-02-21, 07:08 AM
Something tells me that after this he'll go away from the biological liquid team. Probably the next time around Malack's neighborhood will be the "Empire of Night" or something.
"Fanged Kingdom" "The county of Transygal" "The Empire of Impalor"
You can keep this nonsence for years before you run out^^

2013-02-21, 07:17 AM
With the Empress of Blood (fat, dumb red dragon) being such a figurehead, Malack's role sure seems like the sort of position that a Vampire Lord (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a)would love to be in.

Interesting. Being a Vampire Lord would explain his ability to walk around during the day.

2013-02-21, 07:37 AM
Interesting. Being a Vampire Lord would explain his ability to walk around during the day.

... but he would not be pale or have fangs...

2013-02-21, 07:47 AM
... but he would not be pale or have fangs...

He was already an albino Lizardfolk. And Lizardfolk have fangs. Plus he looked normal enough to fool Durkon, who has experience with undead. And it didn't say that Vampire Lords didn't have fangs; they still have the biting ability.

2013-02-21, 08:13 AM
He was already an albino Lizardfolk. And Lizardfolk have fangs. Plus he looked normal enough to fool Durkon, who has experience with undead. And it didn't say that Vampire Lords didn't have fangs; they still have the biting ability.

First, who said he was an albino-lizardfolk? It was us, because we decided he could not be a vampire as he was "out in the sun".

The description says "Vampire Lords look healthy and normal". They do not look like vampires at all, ergo: no fangs.

Durkon has as much clue on undead and religion as a doorknob. When he was level 8 he did not notice a cleric of his god's rival.

2013-02-21, 08:22 AM
First, who said he was an albino-lizardfolk? It was us, because we decided he could not be a vampire as he was "out in the sun".

The description says "Vampire Lords look healthy and normal". They do not look like vampires at all, ergo: no fangs.

Durkon has as much clue on undead and religion as a doorknob. When he was level 8 he did not notice a cleric of his god's rival.

Durkon has advanced a bit since then. And noone else in the party noticed anything either. And all vampires have fangs, else they can't feed. Obviously Vampire Lords can hide them, but Malack doesn't need to as Lizardfolk have fangs too.

And he was called an albino Lizardfolk in the comic. I can't remember where, but it was definitely in the comic.

Edit: Found it. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0718.html

2013-02-21, 08:35 AM
Edit: Found it. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0718.html

I just keep disagreeing with you "Vampire Lord" is an alternative.

And keep in mind that Haley can be wrong. Given we learned Malack is a vampire, it is probable she is.

2013-02-21, 08:42 AM
Well, they still have to explain his ability to be out in the sun. I guess we'll have to wait to find out.

Bulldog Psion
2013-02-21, 09:07 AM
Yes, it's just blood, sweat, and tears. The EMpire of Blood is just a happy coincidence for Malack.

2013-02-21, 01:33 PM
This probably constitutes a wild, baseless guess, but on Malack's notable lack of dying in sunlight, I'm thinking it has something to do with that red and gold necklace he's always seen with. The Giant tends to make jewelry plot-relevant (Redcloak, the 3 fake Xykons), so could it be enchanted maybe?

(also, first post for me!)

2013-02-21, 01:57 PM
Malack's necklace is pretty clearly his holy symbol, based on how he touches it while blasting Nale (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0811.html) (probably out of habit, since Harm doesn't appear to actually have a focus component). As we know of course, there's nothing preventing it from also being a magic item at the same time.

2013-02-21, 02:03 PM
First, who said he was an albino-lizardfolk? It was us, because we decided he could not be a vampire as he was "out in the sun".

As the founding member of the Malack Is A Vampire club, I would put 10 Quatloos on Malack being a natural albino.

It actually hangs together. His albinoism and the usual creep factor of Nergal worship make any hints of vampirism more difficult to interpret correctly.

Furthermore, in the Real World, albinoism correlates with some other kinds of frailties. An ambitious low Con cleric of Nergal might see that advancing through adventuring is still a promising path, but to do so he will need to improve his, say, 1d8-2 hp/lvl to something like d12s.

2013-02-21, 02:43 PM
As the founding member of the Malack Is A Vampire club, I would put 10 Quatloos on Malack being a natural albino.

It actually hangs together. His albinoism and the usual creep factor of Nergal worship make any hints of vampirism more difficult to interpret correctly.

Furthermore, in the Real World, albinoism correlates with some other kinds of frailties. An ambitious low Con cleric of Nergal might see that advancing through adventuring is still a promising path, but to do so he will need to improve his, say, 1d8-2 hp/lvl to something like d12s.

I suspect such a cleric would see the 5 hp/round fast healing and standard undead traits (immunity to poison/disease/con damage/negative energy/mind-affecting effects/critical hits) and most of all not being subject to (permanent) death from hp damage as a bit more useful in terms of survivability than an extra 4 hp (or 2 on average, depending on what hp roll rules the campaign is using) + whatever con penalty he's saddled with per level.

2013-02-21, 06:42 PM
Honestly, more than any physical traits I think his position in the empire makes his being a Vampire Lord likely. It doesn't seem like he's enslaved to any master at this point. I think he could fulfill the prereqs pretty well.

Also, the SRD doesn't mention albinism in vampires (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/vampire.htm), so I do think it's possible that he's an albino lizardfolk. Albinism might be mentioned in other books though, for all I know. And, whatever caused it, he's certainly an albino and not just pale, based on his pink eyes.

The name of Tarquin's empire changes every 6 to 30 months. He is friends with Malack for 30+ years. I strongly doubt there is any connection.

That's a great point. I forgot that the name of the empire changes. I am still really hoping for a dramatic arc where the OOTS vanquishes a horde of vampires in order to kill Malack and release Belkar from his bond, though.


Few are ever seen, or recognized if seen

Also, that's just... so perfect.

I guess put me on the Vampire Lord bandwagon.

2013-02-21, 07:02 PM
The description says "Vampire Lords look healthy and normal". They do not look like vampires at all, ergo: no fangs.
no, the description says

"It looks exactly like it did when alive and in the peak of health."

If Malack was pale when alive and fanged in the peak of health, then he's pale and fanged as a vampire lord. Lizardfolk have fangs as is, so need to explain that away.

I like the vampire lord explanation. It explains a lot. I'm not saying it's necessarily so, but it fits the available evidence.

2013-02-21, 07:16 PM
While it might be highly unlikely, the rule of cool might justify Malack being a vampire lord. It'd also make Belkar a full vampire, not just spawn if the turning really succeeds (by now I've learnt never to accept a cliffhanger in an oots strip as the real outcome of said situation on face value). And that'd be even more fun.

Anyway, don't expect the Giant to abide logic, storytelling conventions, expectations or dnd rules at all times, but trust him to tell an epic story nevertheless.

2013-02-21, 08:20 PM
... but he would not be pale or have fangs...

Consider that when he "vamps out" (to use the Giant's terminology) that he changes from his normal pale fangy state to a sallow, fangier state.

2013-02-21, 08:52 PM
While it might be highly unlikely, the rule of cool might justify Malack being a vampire lord. It'd also make Belkar a full vampire, not just spawn if the turning really succeeds (by now I've learnt never to accept a cliffhanger in an oots strip as the real outcome of said situation on face value). And that'd be even more fun.

Anyway, don't expect the Giant to abide logic, storytelling conventions, expectations or dnd rules at all times, but trust him to tell an epic story nevertheless.

Belkar is a high enough level that he'll be a full vampire regardless.

2013-02-23, 08:43 AM
Yup, I think he chose the Empire of Blood simply because of it. :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-23, 11:14 AM
Tarquin mentioned his group switches things up sometimes to keep things interesting and their kingdoms tend to have a theme of some sort centered around them.

A) He did not say anything about a "theme".

B) They rename their empires once in a while, even when they do not switch. Tarquin has worked with Malack under numerous names in the current round, none pf which was blood-themed.

I fear that where you set out to find something there's actually nothing to see.

2013-02-23, 11:40 AM
I think its named after the queen, you know, the red dragon...

The more obvious clue is that Malack saying he wanted to deal with Durkon by himself means that he originally meant to turn Durkon and not Belkar. Maybe he still wants to turn Durkon. If I'm not mistaken he can have Durkon as his spawn if Durkon + Belkar hit dices does not exceed Malacks multiplied by two

2013-02-23, 02:27 PM
I thought that the whole Blood theme meant blood relatives, as in the two sweethearts Elan and Haley's fathers are there. Malack being a vampire is a nice touch. Where else would a vampire prefer to be other than the Empire of Blood? They probably attract vampires from all over the world.

2013-02-23, 02:29 PM
As far as the whole "blood relatives / parents" theme goes for this arc, interestingly enough... Belkar is about to have a blood relative or "father" figure: Malack!

Mike Havran
2013-02-23, 03:02 PM
Tarquin has worked with Malack under numerous names in the current round, none pf which was blood-themed.

Actually, Tyrinaria was the name they had directly before the Empire of Blood, and Tarquin ran it with Miron (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0759.html). And if they rotate their partners completely and one reign lasts 1-2 years, Taruin might have worked with Malack only three or four times. But I agree than the Blood naming had probably nothing to do with Malack.

The Giant
2013-02-23, 05:19 PM
Merged two threads on the exact same sub-subtopic.

2013-02-23, 05:42 PM
I also think he's probably a vampire lord, for two big reasons:

if he's just a normal vampire, where on earth is his master? He must have been turned by someone, and though I don't know exactly how it works, Malack strikes me as the kind of person who could take down a lesser vampire and thus earn the "vampire lord" title.

Also, it seems fairly evident that all of Tarquin's band have become very powerful and dangerous people, and probably all on par with Redcloak (ish). Nale, though a confident person, obviously thought that he didn't stand a chance against our lizard friend. So Malack just being a "normal" vampire doesn't strike me as likely for one of the 6 dictators of a continent.

2013-02-24, 12:16 AM
I can easily see the Empire of Blood being a hint or nod to Malack's nature.

2013-02-24, 01:32 AM
Given that almost no one noticed it/took it seriously before we knew about Malak, I wouldn't call it "obvious." Given what winter said, I wouldn't be sure it's a clue, either, but it certainly isn't obvious.

2013-02-24, 02:36 AM
I can easily see the Empire of Blood being a hint or nod to Malack's nature.

I doubt it. The three empires are named Blood, Sweat, and Tears. Not that a reference can't be to more than one thing, but that seems like a stretch. Malack is only one cog in the EoB machine.

2013-02-24, 03:54 AM
The three empires are named Blood, Sweat, and Tears.

I don't understand why that matters. It's only Tarquinn and Malack in the Empire of Blood.

2013-02-24, 04:13 AM
Honestly, my objection to this thread is the assumption that it's an in-universe hint towards Malack's nature. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't one of the reasons why Rich went with "Empire of Blood", but it makes no sense for that to be the reason why the characters did.

Flame of Anor
2013-02-25, 01:45 AM
Honestly, my objection to this thread is the assumption that it's an in-universe hint towards Malack's nature. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't one of the reasons why Rich went with "Empire of Blood", but it makes no sense for that to be the reason why the characters did.

Good point.