View Full Version : [PF] Are alternate racial features PF society legal?

2013-02-21, 12:28 PM
As the title asks. I have a character build planned for PF society but it depends on a an alternate racial feature to work. The alternate racial feature in question is silver tongued, a human alternate racial feature that gives a +2 bonus to diplomacy and bluff instead of an extra skill point.. I want to use this feature on my character, but am not sure that it is PF society legal. I would be very grateful if somebody could tell me whether or not it is?

2013-02-21, 12:35 PM
I stopped playing PFS a while ago but I believe most of the content from the ARG is allowed and there is no real reason for Silver Tongue to be on the list of not allowed. You'd be better off asking on the paizo subforum dedicated to PFS play however.

Checked the resource page

Humans: all alternate racial traits except heart of the fields and heroic are legal for play; all racial subtypes, except trailblazer, are legal for play; all favored class options, feats, equipment, and spells are legal for play; all racial archetypes and bloodlines except buccaneer and feral child are legal for play.