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View Full Version : [PF]Spell Selection for an Undead Bloodline Sorcerer?

2013-02-21, 07:23 PM
As the title asks. A friend and I have just found a RL group for 3.5e, but every once and a while we want to play PF. As a result we where thinking about trying out PF society at our local store and had the crazy idea to remake the first characters we played together(who where actually NWN characters...yes...my friend learned how to play D&D from NWN and then moved on to PF, starting with the beginner box and going from there) as PF society characters but with slightly different personalities(they where originally evil...so we'd play them as selfish neutrals here).

The pair was a sorcerer and a rogue. I played the sorc, he played the rogue. They where most known for taking advantage of social situations the sorc, with his cha, would tie up NPCs in conversation while the rogue would sneak around and rob the place. In combat the rogue was your typical short sword-weilding, weapons finesse using sneak attacker while my character(the sorc) threw around save or dies and made copious use of undead and later demon summons. The rogue is easy to just play strait in PF. My character was necromancy focused, though, but necromancy took a big hit in PF(finger of death, one of the signature spell of this sorc is nigh-useless in PF). However, the undead bloodline for sorcerers allows me to still make my character thematically linked to Necromancy without relying on death magic, so it seemed like THE perfect fit for the pathfinder, non-evil version of this character.

Anyway, what I need help with is making a spell list for an undead bloodline sorc that doesn't suck. I know I want to pick up some enchantment spells, in particular dominate person. However, I don't want to go all out enchantment specialist either(As the Fey bloodline does that better.). I am more looking for a combination of necromantic debuffs, some enchantment spells( in particular those that dominate or charm) and then generally useful stuff like defenses ect... I also will probably pick up the create undead line, but since no evil is allowed It will be something I use to provide me with a nice minion to dominate when I need it rather then something I spam(as casting it too much would shift my alignment if I was not careful.).

Anyway, anybody have ideas for what spells I should select?

2013-02-21, 07:26 PM
Just a heads up on PFS, make sure you head to paizo's website for the up-to-date listing of what can and can't be used... Don't waste time with craft skills or magic item creation feats at all... Oh and roleplaying is only allowed if the GM is in a good mood :smalltongue:

2013-02-21, 07:36 PM
Yeah. Undead creation becomes far more difficult, but I am not sure how the Create Undead spells are effected. If they follow the same rules for Animate Dead then I'm not sure they'd be worth picking up. If Blood Money can be used, however, they are worth it. However, I am not sure Blood Money is PFS legal, so yeah. Other then that nothing else screams illegal for this character since his race was human.