View Full Version : Oscar the Grouch as a D&d Build?

2013-02-21, 08:26 PM
So if you put a bag of holding the size of a trash can, then made a furry green monster. Let the player play as that, get an ogre or otherly strong monster, to hold the trash can like a backpack. Then have oscar either take a master thrower build, or a magic class, where he can throw magical garbage or spells at those that annoy him.

2013-02-21, 08:43 PM
He sounds a bit like some kind of warlock hurling refluffed eldritch blasts. Some of the blast essence invocations would work well with a trash theme. You'd have to avoid the invocations that focus on mobility, but that isn't too hard. Additionally, there are some nice invocations for summoning swarms of vermin, more flavor-appropriate powers.

Trying to think how to narrow this down. You should give him antagonistic interaction skills, like the Goad feat and other ones having to do with insulting and intimidating your enemies. Ironically, Oscar may end up with a high Charisma, although this isn't that ironic, since he actually has one of the stronger and more memorable personalities of the characters from Sesame Street. It would be funny to give the ogre orange skin, a comically spherical head, a red nose, and name him Ernie. Lol, give him some kind of fey template and make him a trickster. Lol, or one of those size-changing gnomes...spriggan, there we go..., and break some alignment rules and go into Divine Trickster. That would be awesome.

2013-02-21, 08:44 PM
Not sure why but I think I remember reading that you cant put a part of ur body in a bag of holding for to long or it starts to take damage not sure

2013-02-21, 08:47 PM
Vermin Lord. He clearly has a Worm familiar. (IIRC he also has an elephant in there somewhere?)

2013-02-21, 08:49 PM
nah that elephant is a figment of the giant fiendish pidgeons psionic imagination

2013-02-21, 09:00 PM
nah that elephant is a figment of the giant fiendish pidgeons psionic imagination

Actually, I think there may have been a second elephant (Snuffalupagous, sp?, wasn't an elephant, but a unique kind of creature). Great description of Bird Bird, btw.

And this is a deep cut, too, I'm not even sure I am recalling correctly, but the image is setting off bells inside the dusty stacks of my childhood memories. Now, epic trivia, are we able to recall the name of said elephant (if it exists) without resorting to google-fu or wiki-fu?

2013-02-21, 09:04 PM
Actually, I think there may have been a second elephant (Snuffalupagous, sp?, wasn't an elephant, but a unique kind of creature). Great description of Bird Bird, btw.

And this is a deep cut, too, I'm not even sure I am recalling correctly, but the image is setting off bells inside the dusty stacks of my childhood memories. Now, epic trivia, are we able to recall the name of said elephant (if it exists) without resorting to google-fu or wiki-fu?

I don't recall any elephant like creatures other than snuffy but there WAS a robot chicken parody involving Horton hearing the town of What-What on a crack rock that reminded me of Sesame Street due to the backdrops and such...

I'm pretty sure that Super Grover was a Half Fiend Choker...

edit: holy crap yeah there was, I had to google-fu it... hehe I'll keep it to myself for now XD

2013-02-21, 10:35 PM
as much as i love warlocks, this build pretty much needs to be an artificer, Early access to craft wonderous item to create a "bag" of holding and a necklace of adaptation so you can live inside a bag of holding without needing to come out for air once per hour are pretty much essential. after that wands of energy substitution: acid scorching ray makes a pretty good model for attacking someone with garbage.

2013-02-21, 10:43 PM
If you wanted to make this super super realistic....just get like, a goblin and a trash can. Have said goblin stay in said trash can. Name the goblin Oscar. Give him a ring of sustenance, because I can never remember him eating or drinking anything, and that way he'll never have to leave his trash can. Plus only 2 hours of sleep needed means that there are 22 hours in the day he can heckle people

2013-02-22, 12:07 AM
The artificer seems like a bad idea, the goblin and warlock is a good idea... the goblin +1 la is a bad idea, the vermin lord is a don't know idea