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View Full Version : Mythweavers safe to create account?

2013-02-22, 08:56 AM
Just wondering, I don't really trust it that much but everyone uses it here, so would you reccomend it?

2013-02-22, 09:08 AM
everyone uses it here

Didn't you kind of answer your own question? :smalltongue:

Otherwise, I've never had any issues with it that I can think of. It's not exactly like they ask for a credit card...or really any other sensitive information.

2013-02-22, 09:26 AM
I don't see the logic behind being suspicious of creating an account on Mythweavers but having no problems having one here. Both sites are equally suspicious (which is to say, not at all).

2013-02-22, 10:26 AM
I've stored all of my PCs and NPCs on Myth-Weavers for the last 6 years. My only trouble with them ever was when I was trying to access character sheets during a scheduled maintenance time that they had announced well ahead of time. They're a very dependable, user-friendly site.

My only gripe is that I wish I had better control of how the character sheets printed out.

2013-02-22, 11:50 AM
As safe and beneficial as any other rpg board. Go for it.

2013-02-22, 11:52 AM
What do you mean by "safe" ? Safe in the sense of "could the site go down permanently suddenly and without warning, taking my characters with it" ? Yes, conceivably. That's true of all digital storage, though, and the reason you keep backups.

They can't really be unsafe in any other meaningful way, since they don't take personal information from you...

2013-02-22, 12:55 PM
Actually, they collect your IP address and wire it along with your character sheets directly to the Illuminati military intelligence research facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, popularly known as Area 51. From there, it is transmitted to the mothership via microwave laser.

After being stored on the mothership's databanks, a reasoning machine, similar to Watson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_%28computer%29) but designed by the Fraals seventy-eight years ago, carefully deduces your exact geographic coordinates and builds psychological and neurological profiles of you based upon the aggregate data presented by your character sheets. After confirming your identity via magnetographic satellite, they then plug this profile into a running simulation of Earth, learning what path your life will take. From this information, they identify key individuals in mankind's future and then subtly alter their decision-making process using small metal implants.

And then They film the results using tiny, invisible drones. All of this in the name of reality television. :smalltongue:

Amidus Drexel
2013-02-22, 12:59 PM
Actually, they collect your IP address and wire it along with your character sheets directly to the Illuminati military intelligence research facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, popularly known as Area 51. From there, it is transmitted to the mothership via microwave laser.

After being stored on the mothership's databanks, a reasoning machine, similar to Watson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_%28computer%29) but designed by the Fraals seventy-eight years ago, carefully deduces your exact geographic coordinates and builds psychological and neurological profiles of you based upon the aggregate data presented by your character sheets. After confirming your identity via magnetographic satellite, they then plug this profile into a running simulation of Earth, learning what path your life will take. From this information, they identify key individuals in mankind's future and then subtly alter their decision-making process using small metal implants.

And then They film the results using tiny, invisible drones. All of this in the name of reality television. :smalltongue:

Don't tell them our secrets... :smallamused:

Seriously, though, I don't think there are any safety issues with Mythweavers. What made you think it was unsafe?