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View Full Version : [PF] First level Animal Companion assistance

2013-02-22, 01:17 PM
So I'm working on my 6th Pathfinder Society character, a Tengu Saurian Shaman ('cause why not?) and I'm hitting a bit of a wall.

As per the Saurian Shaman's archetype, I'm restricted to dinosaurs and lizards, though I was gonna go with a Raptor regardless of restrictions.

Here's what I'm having trouble with:

My animal companion gets a feat at level 1, and I have not clue what to get.

Currently contemplating:
Weapon Focus (Natural Attacks)
Weapon Finesse
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Improved Initiative
Improved Natural Armor

Also, I get two skills, so I was thinking Stealth and Acrobatics (as a raptor's Dex is a 17), but I'm wondering if there's any downside to this.

Edit: Also, in light of some research into this topic, how viable is a halfling ranger with the Mounted Combat combat style on a Dire Bat?

2013-02-22, 02:07 PM
Do NOT take armor prof (light). Give the creature leather armor (x2 cost) as it has no armor check penalty and will not hamper the creature despite the lack of prof. As you aquire more wealth, you might want to get it to upgrade to chainshirt armor, but thats down the road a few levels.

If it has a significantly higher Dex than STR (at least 4 points, or +2 mod), take weapon finesse. It works with all natural attacks. Improved Initiative is a good investment. Do NOT take improved natural armor. You'll get barksin soon and a +1 isn't that great. Stealth and Acrobatics are good.

2013-02-22, 05:03 PM
Do NOT take armor prof (light). Give the creature leather armor (x2 cost) as it has no armor check penalty and will not hamper the creature despite the lack of prof. As you aquire more wealth, you might want to get it to upgrade to chainshirt armor, but thats down the road a few levels.

If it has a significantly higher Dex than STR (at least 4 points, or +2 mod), take weapon finesse. It works with all natural attacks. Improved Initiative is a good investment. Do NOT take improved natural armor. You'll get barksin soon and a +1 isn't that great. Stealth and Acrobatics are good.

Are there any weapons or items at all that can increase natural attack damage? Like attachable claw extensions or something?