View Full Version : If Belkar cant be in the sunlight, does he stay to protect the gate?

2013-02-22, 09:20 PM
He has undergone a lot of character development, and if he cant get in the sunlight it isnt like he has a lot of options. He is a stronger PC now anyway and will be a lot more powerful in the fight against Xycon (I am assuming the LG gets beaten once again, and Belkar survives the fight in his current state).

Though he does have two cloaks that completely cover him, so he probably will be able to go around during the day. In that case, I can see Durkon living with Belkar being around because he didnt choose his affliction.

EDIT: This also assumes that Xycon doesnt win at the battle for Girards gate, and that gate isnt subsequently destroyed.

2013-02-22, 10:59 PM
I'd lay odds on Belkar, if he does complete the transition into a vampire (which is not known as of yet), will simply inherit whatever gizmo Malack uses for protection after Malack and the Linear Guild are defeated.

2013-02-22, 11:06 PM
Or, you know... he could travel by night.

Raineh Daze
2013-02-22, 11:06 PM
Honestly, I don't see Malack and Tarquin being dealt with in any permanent capacity so easily as to ensure he gets whatever Malack is using.

On the other hand, nifty +6 to strength that could let him carry some sort of mobile palanquin/tent thing. If anyone actually wanted him to get out given that, you know, an undead Belkar is a complete nightmare.

2013-02-22, 11:15 PM
If you suggesting everyone leaves but Belkar stays to protect a gate, There is one flaw in this argument.

The sexy shoeless god of war that is Belkar.

I doubt he would ever just sit by a gate for hours, let alone weeks or months. Not enough things to kill. Besides, would Roy trust Belkar with the gate at all? The fabric of reality in his hands?

Bulldog Psion
2013-02-23, 07:00 AM
1. Belkar isn't a great guard. It's boring, and he would leave.

2. He isn't confined to the pyramid even in the absence of a device to let him withstand the sun. He can walk out at sundown the first day if he wants. With his high mobility as a bat, he can easily find a crevice to lurk in when the light returns, and continue his journey the next night. The sun isn't in the sky 24 hours per day, and as soon as night falls, Belkar prowls.

3. Belkar would not be an effective gate guard even if he would stay. One lone mid-level vampire is not going to be more than a speed bump to Xykon, or even a typical adventuring party of the same level.

2013-02-23, 01:54 PM
Or maybe they could keep him in a Bag of Holding for extended periods? :smallwink:

Man on Fire
2013-02-23, 02:28 PM
Wouldn't he have to feed from time to time? You know, vampires and their bloodlust and all that....

2013-02-23, 04:33 PM
I'd say he'd just feed off the numerous murder victims he creates.

The Pilgrim
2013-02-23, 08:39 PM
1) Girard's Gate MUST be destroyed. Not just because gates being destroyed are a running gag, but mostly because the loss of tension on the fight for the next gate if Girard's is not destroyed.

2) Roy won't rely on Belkar to protect even a glass of piss.

2013-02-24, 09:46 AM
Wait, vampires in D&D can turn into bats? I thought that was only Hollywood...

Yes, I think that the gate must be destroyed, for the same reason as The Pilgrim.

My guess about the battle is that the Linear Guild and the OotS are duking it out and then Team Evil pops in about halfway through. I wouldn't even be surprised if they joined forces to take down Xykon (whether or not they could regardless).

The Pilgrim
2013-02-24, 08:23 PM
My guess about the battle is that the Linear Guild and the OotS are duking it out and then Team Evil pops in about halfway through. I wouldn't even be surprised if they joined forces to take down Xykon (whether or not they could regardless).

I have always been under the impression that Xykon won't make it to Girard's, at all. I mean, Roy's queston to the Oracle is totally calling for Xykon approaching within 1000 feet to Girard's just on time to hear the CCRRACKKKAKKOOOOOOOM!!!, then moving on to Kraagor's.

2013-02-24, 09:16 PM
I have always been under the impression that Xykon won't make it to Girard's, at all. I mean, Roy's queston to the Oracle is totally calling for Xykon approaching within 1000 feet to Girard's just on time to hear the CCRRACKKKAKKOOOOOOOM!!!, then moving on to Kraagor's.

:smallfurious: :smallfurious: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :smallfurious: :smallfurious:
Rich would, wouldn't he :smallannoyed:

2013-02-24, 10:12 PM
Actually, now that I think about it... Yes.

2013-02-24, 10:27 PM
Why on earth would Belkar want to do this, assuming that he even is "alive" and able to?

2013-02-25, 01:12 AM
They finality of the very last gate being the last show down for the story, does seem like a good route to go.

Belkar will most likely find a way to keep with the party, not stay guarding.