View Full Version : My player wants to gesalt healer and expand spell list

2013-02-23, 02:35 PM
So my player wants to gesalt the healer class, and wants to use the SC guild lines for adding spells to its casting list.

What spells on the list in the SC, do you think she should have following the guild lines they give?

2013-02-23, 03:43 PM
Well, the obvious start are [Healing] spells, and pacifistic spells with healing in the name (like Healing Lorecall, but not Healing Sting.) For the protection ones, try to look for spells that are defensive without hurting the attacker.

An easier way to go about this might be to have your player go through the book for the spells they want to add to the list, and then bring their suggestions to you for approval. That way they do all the work, and more importantly are aware of every new spell you add.

2013-02-23, 03:45 PM
You may also want to add in magical versions of psionic powers - there are a couple (like Empathic Transfer or Vigor) that are really handy.