View Full Version : The Haunted Spellbook... [WIP]

2013-02-23, 08:17 PM
I came across the Trap Haunt in Dragon Magazine Compendium pg 219.
It basically is a rogue with 18 cha, who got killed by a trap, it has some potent advantages, and disadvantages, but can anything be done with it?

Can you help make something from it?
here's the information:

Trap Haunt PC

A character with at lease rogue level 1 and 18 cha, that gets killed by a trap
The creature (referred to hereafter as the "base creature") must have a Charisma score of at least 18. The base creature's type changes to undead, and it gains the incorporeal subtype.
Raises up as trap haunt - Dragon Magazine Compendium (pg 219)

Trap Haunt

CONs (and they are big!)

Can't use equipment!
INT gets set to 3!, Con Score goes...
Natural Armour = 0


undead, and it gains the incorporeal subtype
d12 HD
Fly 30' as only form of movement
Deflection bonus to AC = + CHA mod
Turn Resistance +4
Dex based Incorporeal touch attack doing 1d6 + CHA mod Cold damage
Animate Dead (Su): As a full-round action, Animate creature killed by you or trap as a skeleton or Zombie
Animate Trap (Su) - full round, activate or reset the trap that killed it
Chill Aura (Su): living creatures with in 30' save vs fort (10 + haunt HD/2 + cha mod) or take 1d6 Cold damage around, haunt is visible
Energy Drain (Su): any living creature struck by Haunt gains 1 negative level, save vs fort after 24 hours or PERM!
Bonded Trap (Su): can't move more than 30' from trap!
If reduced to 0 hit points, the trap haunt merely fades away for 2d6 rounds before returning at full strength, as long as trap hasn't been destroyed
as long as Haunt has 1hp Trap gains + CHA mod Hardness
Permanent Greater Invisibility, when not using Chill Aura
Skills: Note that an undead creature uses Charisma to modify Concentration checks and an incorporeal creature is always completely silent unless it wishes to be heard.

I thought about the need for a trap that can be moved, I came up with a trapped Spellbook, using a simple attached poison needle trap with a lock bypass.

Birth of a Undead Rogue - story

Eloise kept telling them that she is not a thief, she's just a social butterfly, cutpurse, but did they listen, no, frail as she was, they insisted that she help them with their ill-gotten gains.
"it doesn't appear to be trapped" Eloise repeated for the fifth time, "but it is locked" she handed Rhadgar back the stolen wizard's spellbook
"Well unlock it" Rhadgar demanded, forcing the book back in to her hands
"It will take a few moments" Eloise retorted, "i'll just get my tools"
With that she unfuled her thieves tool kit, and removed the lockpick and assorted files
"oh...." thud...

"Bugger" Rhadgar exclaimed, "Bloody crap thief, where did you find her Milee?"
"in the tavern downstairs, at least she opened the spellbook and disabled the trap" Milee picked up the spellbook "ooh crap spells in here, best sell it"
"We better get out of here" Rhadgar motioned to the door, "and go pick up Liddia, when did she say she finished with the dentist?"

So what can we do with this, Anything?

This is LA =0, undead that is stupid or slow, and can be any class, a CHA one would be awesome?

a Bard?

Would a Dragonblooded race lose its dragon blooded subtype?

2013-02-23, 10:08 PM
There are ways around the equipment thing. Look into Ghostly Grasp from Libris Mortis.

Get Permanencied Invisibility on the trap. Get some form of Unseen Servant to move your trap around for you.

The Animate Dead, which is (Su), has no material components, and no HD cap, seems abusable.

Be a Changeling and go Warshaper 3 to get reach on your incorporeal touch attack.

Get your intelligence back up, I guess. Tomes, maybe? At least 8 would be good. You don't lose skills from before, though. Also, if you're using point buy you could just dump Intelligence to begin with since you're losing it later.

Other than that, standard rogue and sneak attack stuff seems fine. Permanent flight and Greater Invisibility is asking for a sneak attacking character. Warlock is Cha-based and will give you an unlimited ranged touch attack. Arcane Trickster from Rogue/Sorcerer, or Rogue/Warlock with some way to get Mage Hand, might be worth it.

2013-02-24, 12:51 PM
Is trap haunt not la--? I cannot remember AFB currently.

For extra points, Nymphs Kiss would remove the Int deficit?

A Totemist 5 with Undead Meldshaping gets you Shedu Crown for Telepathy and Mindsight which as an Incorporeal Flying Invisible Undead seems incredibly fitting.

It requires you to be Fey (Unseelie Fey, penalty to Con and Str for Dex and Charisma, Charisma based abilities like Winters Chill) but theres a Feat which allows you to key HP off Charisma (at level 1 only) and gain +1 for each Charisma Bonus). So, say you're a Middle Aged Unseelie Spellscale (+6 Cha), that gives you +7 HP at Level 1, and +10 from a Tome and Levelling (+17 HP, A Con14 character has +40, so it is not so bad.

Swordsage 1/Crusader X to get Thicket of Blades and Shadow Hand Stance interchangeably for Dex to Damage, 50ft Ex Teleport, or AoO Permanent Level reductions.

Rather than Rogue, I'd suggest Skirmish from Scout for the AC Boost which is always helpful courtesy of no Equipment.

2013-02-24, 04:29 PM
It has to be one level of Rogue to qualify for the template.

Magic Blooded Unseelie Star elf

STR: 8 DEX: 16 CON: 6 INT: 8 WIS: 14 CHA: 20
Unseelie STR: 6 DEX: 18 CON: 4 INT: 8 WIS: 14 CHA: 22
Magic-Blooded (AKA Spark) STR: 6 DEX: 18 CON: 4 INT: 8 WIS: 12 CHA: 24


Rogue 1

Then dies and rises up as a Trap Haunt. it could be interesting to have the character die in a area of a desecration spell, with an altar (+2hp/HD)

Stats become
STR: 6 DEX: 18 CON: - INT: 3 WIS: 14 CHA: 22