View Full Version : [3.PF] Low level "Quests" to Keep a Party busy.

2013-02-24, 04:57 AM
Hey guys!
I just got a campaign dropped on me, literally 20 mins ago, for later today. (It is now 5am)

I will be DM'ing -Brand New- players. Pathfinder.
Basically, we are familiarizing them with Rules/Rolls/etc and building their first Characters. Should be fun all around.

That being said, I NEED some quests, just as the Title states. They are starting lv1. Basically, Im asking for some low-level scenarios I can throw at them, preferably ones that will bring up different sets of rules so they experience it.
ie: Difficult Terrain, Grappling, Group-Combat, Social, etc.

Any and all suggestions help guys. It is greatly appreciated on this Short notice.

2013-02-24, 05:06 AM
You might take a look at Master of the Fallen Fortress (http://paizo.com/products/btpy8ey4) or some of the other free to download Pathfinder Modules.

2013-02-24, 05:17 AM
My original intent upon hearing the news was to do such a thing. Thank you for affirming it. ^^

That being said, I would also like some "Filler quest" I do not have the means to print out a Module at the moment, so anything that fits in my notebook written by hand ^^ hence my "Wing it" attitude.

Thank you for the fast response.

2013-02-24, 05:24 AM
That, I haven't figured out yet, sorry. I have very limited experience being a DM. Aside from the Pathfinder modules, I've run one game, and the only reason I didn't have a total party wipe is because I managed to kill two of the four enemies that attacked the party with critical fumbles.

2013-02-24, 08:03 AM
"Some bad guys have kidnapped the Princess. Are you bad enough dudes to rescue her?"

"There's an Elf tribe/group/whatever encroaching on our lands, taking our resources and killing our game. Please get rid of them."

"You've been contracted by a local Thieves guild to infiltrate a semi-wealthy estate and steal as much as you can before the semi-wealthy owner comes home. He may have guards."

"Obligatory Sewer level"

"Bodies have been going missing from the local town graveyard and people suspect a Necromancer is in play. Investigate and find out the source of the missing corpses!"

2013-02-24, 12:59 PM
Thank you! That is exactly what I was looking for.
I will definitely use the Necromancer one.

2013-02-24, 01:13 PM
You might get some ideas from The Big List of RPG plots:


Then you could tie those plot ideas to game mechanics.

2013-02-24, 09:28 PM
Perfect link Murg. Thank you. I will use this to great effect.