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View Full Version : Binder question

2013-02-24, 09:27 AM
There is probably no RAW answer to this question, throwing it to the realm of "ask the DM," but maybe someone has a good answer anyways:

Alright so the character is binder 1 wizard 3 anima mage 1 runesmith 1

He binds Savnok, summons the armor, covers it with runic prepared spells, then unsummons the armor. When summoned again, will it still have the runes? If yes, this is a great way to hide some spells - if you get captured or imprisoned, summon the armor and go to town.

2013-02-24, 09:35 AM
If I was a DM, I probably would not allow it as the ability seems to summon different armors depending on your Effective Binder Level.

2013-02-24, 10:15 AM
There is probably no RAW answer to this question, throwing it to the realm of "ask the DM," but maybe someone has a good answer anyways:

Alright so the character is binder 1 wizard 3 anima mage 1 runesmith 1

He binds Savnok, summons the armor, covers it with runic prepared spells, then unsummons the armor. When summoned again, will it still have the runes? If yes, this is a great way to hide some spells - if you get captured or imprisoned, summon the armor and go to town.

I'd allow it. There's a decent argument that it shouldn't, especially when you advance levels enough for the armor to change its stats. But it doesn't seem to have any serious balance issues.