View Full Version : Quick D&D help to shut my gf up

2013-02-25, 12:59 AM
ok, long story short, my gf wanted to try out being a DM, i havent played D&D in almost 2 years
all of her friends are here playing with us and she starting joking on my character build (Sorcerer with vow of poverty) and everyone else joined her in the fun.
So i killed My character and started playing runescape because i was pissed
so what i am asking from you guys is.....

can you build me a quick level 5 character that is over powered/broken for its level just so i can shut her and her friends up

we are playing 3.5

thank you everyone for your help

2013-02-25, 01:05 AM
Is your party high op? I'd recommend against trying to break the campaign out of frustration. But maybe talk to the party and say you like the flavor of VoP sorcerer, it doesn't need to be the most optimal choice. And sorcerers are still stronger than most classes, even with VoP. If the group is high OP, though, there are a ton of ways to keep up with/surpass them.

At any rate, the most powerful build I've ever made at level five is actually a diplomancer. Assuming your GF strictly follows the rules. If she doesn't, (most GMs don't let diplomacy rules work as per the official rules which is reasonable of them,) what do you want? Hundreds of damage? Spellcasting flexible enough to do anything?

Also, would she allow flaws and Dragon Magazine content?

2013-02-25, 01:08 AM
No. No I will not fuel a juvenile power trip. I will suggest you actually talk to them in an adult manner and explain that you didn't appreciate it. What you're asking us to help do is destroy a group.

2013-02-25, 01:08 AM
Sorcerer with vow of poverty
That can be a very strong build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263905) if you want it to be, since (unlike a Wizard) a Sorcerer doesn't depend on equipment, although it will take more than 5 levels to be most effective. :smallsmile:

2013-02-25, 01:09 AM
Wow, you're a jerk. For one, you have a girlfriend who's into D&D and you're not just chilling, having fun, laughing along with her? And you want to "shut her up" by making an overpowered build? And yet, you're not such an insane optimizer you can't do it yourself? Dude, relax. It's a game. Why would you kill off your own character? It makes sense for them to tease you. Sorcerers are known to be flashy and materialistic, so the reputation of your class may have preceded you altruistically. Your character, Charismatic fellow, should have shrugged it off and let them do whatever. Then, when things came down to the wire, you nuke the enemies and say "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want that one? All that heavy magic armor and enchanted weaponry seemed to slow you down so much that I was getting a little tired of waiting. I suppose the arcane arts are just a more efficient way of taking care of life's little troubles than the vain imitation of magic that you lug around day and night," or something snarky to that effect. Don't throw a hissy fit and stomp off because you don't want to play anymore, Eric Cartman style. "Screw you guys! I'm going home."

Anyway, since this is a help forum, overpowered for level 5? Maybe Anima Mage? Be a human with a flaw and take Precocious Apprentice and the Improved Binding line to gain access at level 2. Then you get free Metamagic to do stuff with. Have fun not having fun.

2013-02-25, 01:09 AM
Yeah, level 5 Bard. You can make anyone, even incredibly hostile high level characters with high stats, instantly indifferent to you even if you roll a 1 on your Diplomacy Check. Any better than that they'll be your bestest buddy in the whole world.

... presuming your Girlfriend is foolish enough to let you use Diplomacy as it is written. Which is stupid. I can't imagine running Diplomacy that way. It's a free "Charm ____" without saving throws against pretty much everything that takes up no spell slots.

2013-02-25, 01:12 AM
No. No I will not fuel a juvenile power trip. I will suggest you actually talk to them in an adult manner and explain that you didn't appreciate it. What you're asking us to help do is destroy a group.

Yes. Yes. YES.

Listen to this man.

Seriously. Listen to ArcturusV too.

Do you really want to do this? Like really? Is it REALLY worth taking this action and abandoning a character concept you liked just because of this?

Gnome Alone
2013-02-25, 01:14 AM
Hoo boy. I kinda don't wanna touch this with a retractable ten foot pole, but... has it occurred to you that rage-killing your self-impoverished magic-man was not the most mature and reasonable of the possible responses to being made fun of?

2013-02-25, 01:16 AM
Though as far as "Should I do this"? I'd say no.

Go remake your sorcerer. Have FUN with it. If they laugh? Do something you think is cool and effective and say to them, "Hey, see what I did... was that not freakin' awesome?"

I like to run Samurai (From Oriental Adventures). They're not ungodly powerful. Weaker than a Fighter in pretty much every way other than level 1 due to free masterwork weapons. It's still fun though. I still like burning my loot to upgrade my weapon and give me exactly what powers I want.

"Oh, you've been wanting a shocking enchantment on your weapon for 3 whole adventures and haven't had the DM hand any out? Well I just kicked in 2,000 GP and got it automatically on my Katana."

2013-02-25, 01:24 AM
Yes. Yes. YES.

Listen to this man.

Seriously. Listen to ArcturusV too.

Do you really want to do this? Like really? Is it REALLY worth taking this action and abandoning a character concept you liked just because of this?

Are you kidding? A D&D player with a girlfriend? That's some universe ending paradox stuff right there.

I say help them break up. Then nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

2013-02-25, 01:25 AM
Straight Truenamer. It will definitely inspire some awe. toughness for every feat, and wield dual saps wearing Dwarven Mountain Plate armor (AC 11)

2013-02-25, 01:27 AM
ok im not doing it out of anger
everyone here is experianced players, and she has destroyed many other games i have been in because of her ex bf building her characters. my main goal is for ONCE in my D&D gaming history to be the one in the spot light. i am NEVER the "good" player, im always the joke of the group

2013-02-25, 01:31 AM
Go straight Druid. You'll be very effective and outshine most.

But the most effective player I have personally ever seen play has not once entered combat himself. He is the most hilarious and fun to play with player and is the star of the group. Be that guy. You have an awesome girlfriend. Play nice and then get laid and you'll realize that its all just fine.

2013-02-25, 01:31 AM
In all sincerity, I'd suggest you find a copy of the Expanded Psionics Handbook and pick up a Soulknife. You get weapons that you can form with your freaking mind. This works beautifully with VoP as these weapons have neither any value nor any substance; you cannot get pinged by the feat's downsides for using it.

I'd also take up ArcturusV's suggestion and grab some levels of Samurai, alternating every level. I'd advise against the OA version though. The Complete Warrior variant's capabilities are much beefier.

2013-02-25, 01:34 AM
Monk with an eversmoking bottle, and then feats that let you kick ass in the dark.

2013-02-25, 01:35 AM
I think that's the first time I've ever seen someone say the CW version of Samurai was better.

Huh. Maybe I should look into it...

2013-02-25, 01:36 AM
ok im not doing it out of anger
everyone here is experianced players, and she has destroyed many other games i have been in because of her ex bf building her characters. my main goal is for ONCE in my D&D gaming history to be the one in the spot light. i am NEVER the "good" player, im always the joke of the group

Asking us for a powerful character won't help, then. Ask your group for help. Show them that you don't like being the joke and that you're willing to ask for help from them in order to make your character more likeable (whether that's all mechanics or roleplaying as well). If it's too much to ask the group, ask your girlfriend, or at least talk to her about it.

Plus, usually when people come asking for help making something really powerful, they are relying on someone else for all the information, explanation, and so on. If you lack the experience to know how a build works, or why it works the way it does, because you're getting all your info from another source, you would be unable to explain it to your group like you could if this was built on your knowledge. They'll see someone who ragequit and came back with something The Internets told them to do, and that won't help your position at all.

2013-02-25, 01:36 AM
can you build me a quick level 5 character that is over powered/broken for its level just so i can shut her and her friends up

Not until you realize what a huge jerk I am!


Poverty, sorcerer, general theme of post any one else think of this?

2013-02-25, 01:38 AM
ok im not doing it out of anger
everyone here is experianced players, and she has destroyed many other games i have been in because of her ex bf building her characters. my main goal is for ONCE in my D&D gaming history to be the one in the spot light. i am NEVER the "good" player, im always the joke of the group

Yeah, I was trying to get at this- If your goal is to get some sort of payback, stop right now and think. If your goal is to get on par with everyone else, that is reasonable.

The goal shouldn't be to make a character way more powerful than everyone else, but at the same general level. It is natural to want to be at the high end of your groups optimization curve, but wanting to be better in areas that another character specializes in is wrong. Aim to be competent, but not to always have the solution.

A few questions- What types of classes is your group playing right now? Do you know any tricks they use that seem particularly powerful, (divine metamagic, shock trooper, etc.) What races are most of the party? If someone else is a damage dealer, what kind of damage do they deal in a round? This will help us determine the OP level of your group. I don't want to send you in with a battlejumping Warblade when everyone else is playing Monks and Fighters. But I also don't want you playing that same Warblade if everyone else is Batman-Wizard or CoDzilla.

Btw, I don't think we should build it for you. But pointing you towards the right class. maybe a feat or two, and a good way to play that class should be enough to stay with all but really high OP, honestly.

Regardless, I think the best option is to have a discussion, especially since the person is your girlfriend. Discuss with your group that you want to play concepts you find interesting. Discuss with her what you both want to get out of the game, and find what everyone else/she finds fun, find what you find fun, and find how to make them overlap.

Gaming with your girlfriend can be a lot of fun, just don't take it too seriously.

2013-02-25, 01:44 AM
Yeah, I was trying to get at this- If your goal is to get some sort of payback, stop right now and think. If your goal is to get on par with everyone else, that is reasonable.

The goal shouldn't be to make a character way more powerful than everyone else, but at the same general level. It is natural to want to be at the high end of your groups optimization curve, but wanting to be better in areas that another character specializes in is wrong. Aim to be competent, but not to always have the solution.

A few questions- What types of classes is your group playing right now? Do you know any tricks they use that seem particularly powerful, (divine metamagic, shock trooper, etc.) What races are most of the party? If someone else is a damage dealer, what kind of damage do they deal in a round? This will help us determine the OP level of your group. I don't want to send you in with a battlejumping Warblade when everyone else is playing Monks and Fighters. But I also don't want you playing that same Warblade if everyone else is Batman-Wizard or CoDzilla.

Regardless, I think the best option is to have a discussion, especially since the person is your girlfriend. Discuss with your group that you want to play concepts you find interesting. Discuss with her what you both want to get out of the game, and find what everyone else/she finds fun, find what you find fun, and find how to make them overlap.

Gaming with your girlfriend can be a lot of fun, just don't take it too seriously.

we have a dwarven barbarian, human swashbuckler, human cleric, elven rouge, and her little cousin is talking of building a caster.
like i said, this isnt out of anger im just trying to have a good character for once, i can role play and i can have fun. but im always the one in the back of the party never killing or anything, i never have a purpose.
i just want the party to look at me and ask me to help.. i have tried talking to her but she just says "no psionics because i dont understand how it works". and she wont help me, she only wants to help my sister and her friends.

2013-02-25, 01:45 AM
ok im not doing it out of anger
everyone here is experianced players, and she has destroyed many other games i have been in because of her ex bf building her characters. my main goal is for ONCE in my D&D gaming history to be the one in the spot light. i am NEVER the "good" player, im always the joke of the group

Alright, I'll make it simpler. That is the wrong way to go about it. You need to talk to your group, out of character, and explain what is wrong. You need to talk to your girlfriend and explain that what she is doing is making the game crap. If you go about this in a "break the game" manner, you will lose friends. It is that simple.

2013-02-25, 01:47 AM
Might be concerned about percieved favoritism towards her boyfriend.

But based on that list you put up? Other than the Cleric you should have been the most powerful, useful character in the party.... unless you just made horrendous choices for skills/spell selection I suppose. The guy who just spams Magic Missile and Burning Hands, etc.

For something that is fun, useful, and your party IS going to look at you for helping them? Try a Bard. As I suggested above. Illusions, Enchantment, some extra healing to help out the Cleric. Decent enough in combat, you're not going to get sliced and diced without putting up a fight. And bardsong abilities always are helpful. Unless you try Diplomacy Cheese, and strict Rules As Written use of it, you're not going to break the game. But you're always going to be someone with something valuable to contribute.

It does require some "Outside the Box" thinking. Never pick damage spells with a Bard. Pick Enchantments, pick Illusions. Think "How can I use this to completely neutralize an enemy in this situation".

A common, easy example? Use Minor Image to say, create an illusion of a door just inside a door. Open the door and you can peek into the room without the guys inside the room knowing you are peeking. That is INSANELY useful. And simple. It means doors are basically a free Ambush opportunity where they would otherwise not be.

2013-02-25, 01:48 AM
No. No I will not fuel a juvenile power trip. I will suggest you actually talk to them in an adult manner and explain that you didn't appreciate it. What you're asking us to help do is destroy a group.

Oh come on, this is clearly the best kind of disaster - the kind that's happening too far away to affect you personally, and is clearly too late to stop anyway, so you don't even have to feel guilty. Get in on it!

Now, as for the OP. There have been a lot of really solid suggestions on your character build, so I don't have much to contribute there. But, if you really want to impress them, the key is... outfits.

Think Halloween-y, but showing more skin. Shiny golden man-hammocks are a big plus. Remember, the more you commit, the more respect you'll gain. Are you willing to have your nipples pierced? How about tattoos? What about getting a tattoo of your actual character sheet?

2013-02-25, 01:51 AM
Sure I will take your g/f for you, if shes to much a hassle that you go off killing characters. Should handle any future rage issues you might have.

2013-02-25, 01:52 AM
we have a dwarven barbarian, human swashbuckler, human cleric, elven rouge, and her little cousin is talking of building a caster.
like i said, this isnt out of anger im just trying to have a good character for once, i can role play and i can have fun. but im always the one in the back of the party never killing or anything, i never have a purpose.
i just want the party to look at me and ask me to help.. i have tried talking to her but she just says "no psionics because i dont understand how it works". and she wont help me, she only wants to help my sister and her friends.

You might want to talk to her about why she doesn't want to help you, but not in an aggressive or frustrated way. This isn't worth a row over. It is possible you haven't been that approachable about it or she doesn't think you are too interested in the D&D if you get your chars killed off and such. Maybe not, I don't know, but maybe.

Anyway, a well played Bard can be useful without being OP. But then again, people pick on bards a lot regardless. So that might not be good. Straight Druid or Wildshape Ranger is always good. As a druid, you don't have as many of the easy I win buttons as a wizard, (which is good,) but you also aren't as squishy, (a problem for low-mid op wizards.)

But you will have some spells with great utility. Your shapeshifting is great fun to use and is very adaptable. You should be the go to in a number of situations. (Flight, burrow, swim, etc.)

Ultimately, I recommend Wild Shape variant Ranger.

Anyway, my final suggestion is to just have fun and relax. You don't need to prove anything. If you are just having fun and not being too concerned or uptight about your power level, I bet you won't get as much flak. (This does not mean don't be as concerned about the game itself.)

2013-02-25, 01:59 AM
Think Halloween-y, but showing more skin. Shiny golden man-hammocks are a big plus. Remember, the more you commit, the more respect you'll gain. Are you willing to have your nipples pierced? How about tattoos? What about getting a tattoo of your actual character sheet?

This is the best suggestion I've seen yet! Your wardrobe in D&D 3.5 is just as important as your character class and attributes, if not more so. I'm more fond of leather myself. Try getting a vest made of belts, and make sure your nipples are visible (especially if they're pierced.)

Pants are optional, but I'd discourage them. They'll reduce your run speed.

2013-02-25, 02:11 AM

2013-02-25, 02:15 AM


Aight, since reason clearly took a running jump out the window on this one, here's what you do:
1) Find out how much money you start with.
2) Play a pixie.
3) Stock up on alchemist's fire.
4) Drop a bag containing all the alchemist's fire on her BBEG.
5) "Win" D&D
6) Find a new group, because you've alienated this one.

2013-02-25, 02:21 AM
Shhhhhhhhhhhh!! The actors never acknowledge the audience!!

2013-02-25, 02:32 AM
Shhhhhhhhhhhh!! The actors never acknowledge the audience!!

I already ditched my part.

2013-02-25, 02:33 AM
The greatest part of this thread is seeing the slowly boiling conflict between those who want to make him be at his worst and those who want him to handle this in a reasonable manner. If this is a thread derail, it's only because one engineer is doing his job while the other is throwing gasoline into the coalpit and gleefully laughing the entire time.

In all seriousness OP, you're not coming off as particularly mature in any of your posts. I'd back up what the boring engineers have said and just talk to her and your group about this in a reasonable manner. First of all, the "no psionics" is disappointing(I love that substyem and will defend it to the death), but that's just one character concept. SowZ is right when he says you two need to find a common ground where she's okay and the group as a whole is on the level.

Why is it that you're always "sitting in the back never doing anything?" Is it because you play "weak" classes, or is it because you're new and never had help to have a good build?

2013-02-25, 02:33 AM
You might want to talk to her about why she doesn't want to help you, but not in an aggressive or frustrated way. This isn't worth a row over. It is possible you haven't been that approachable about it or she doesn't think you are too interested in the D&D if you get your chars killed off and such. Maybe not, I don't know, but maybe.

Anyway, a well played Bard can be useful without being OP. But then again, people pick on bards a lot regardless. So that might not be good. Straight Druid or Wildshape Ranger is always good. As a druid, you don't have as many of the easy I win buttons as a wizard, (which is good,) but you also aren't as squishy, (a problem for low-mid op wizards.)

But you will have some spells with great utility. Your shapeshifting is great fun to use and is very adaptable. You should be the go to in a number of situations. (Flight, burrow, swim, etc.)

Ultimately, I recommend Wild Shape variant Ranger.

Anyway, my final suggestion is to just have fun and relax. You don't need to prove anything. If you are just having fun and not being too concerned or uptight about your power level, I bet you won't get as much flak. (This does not mean don't be as concerned about the game itself.)

wildshape ranger variant into master of many forms is always fun

2013-02-25, 02:33 AM
Straight Truenamer. It will definitely inspire some awe. toughness for every feat, and wield dual saps wearing Dwarven Mountain Plate armor (AC 11)Better straight than gay.

You'd give us a bad name.

2013-02-25, 02:36 AM
make a character, not a build. A male, naked albino drow bard who wears only a glove on his left hand and only walks backwards, and he grabs his crotch while he sings. VoP works great with the character. High charisma and pump everything into diplomacy, bluff and such skills. Anyone have a problem with you in their palace? Diplomacy changes that!

You will be the star of the group.

Bastian Weaver
2013-02-25, 02:51 AM
I'd just say... don't play with them. The game should be fun for everyone. You can always find another group.

2013-02-25, 02:51 AM
Better straight than gay.

You'd give us a bad name.


2013-02-25, 03:04 AM
Well, what sources are allowed? What type of setting is it in/what's the game like?

2013-02-25, 03:05 AM
deleted post

2013-02-25, 03:48 AM
A post in points:

Point 0: Talk to the people you are playing with. Try to find a way to smoothly play with them without pissing yourself or anyone else off.

Point 1:
You do not need to prove yourself.

Point 2:
You do not want to do anything that could endanger your relationship here. Real life trumps fantasy every time.

Point 3:
From what you've told us about the group you could easily have been walking all over everyone with a sorcerer. The fact that you weren't says that you weren't using the most brutalizing spells.

Point 4:
You sound like you want a big badass melee.

Point 5:
This can be achieved with a sorcerer. Spells to consider: Wings of cover (2nd level spell you can spam this all day. Total cover as an immediate action. Races of the Dragon), Nerveskitter (Spell compendium, 1st level spell to spam all day. It helps you go first. You wanted the spotlight sometimes?), Enlarge Person (It doesn't need to be on you, but it could be), glitterdust/web (level 2 spells from the players handbook that make enemies less fun by severely weakening them), Mighty Wallop *Races of the dragon, level 1, damage buff with bludgeoning weapon)

Point 6:
try out a Stalwart battle sorcerer (Variants from Complete mage and Unearthed arcana)

Result. Without hurting anyone's ego, you jump in on a melee sorcerer. You deal reasonable damaged buffed to be even better sometimes, but more importantly simply ignore a large number of attacks. You are a contributing combatant. You can now work on showing your friends and girlfriend that they are right to count you as a friend.

2013-02-25, 10:23 AM
Oh come on, this is clearly the best kind of disaster - the kind that's happening too far away to affect you personally, and is clearly too late to stop anyway, so you don't even have to feel guilty. Get in on it!

Oh the similarities between this and Syria...


Druid 5 (2 melee monster characters, 1 a primary SAD full caster)
Invisible Fist Monk 2/Psywar 3 Tashalatora

2013-02-25, 10:51 AM
Have you tried just buying beer for the group in proportion to how they treat you? I find that beer solves most relationship problems. (And causes them. But that can sometimes be resolved by more beer).

2013-02-25, 11:11 AM
The greatest part of this thread is seeing the slowly boiling conflict between those who want to make him be at his worst and those who want him to handle this in a reasonable manner. If this is a thread derail, it's only because one engineer is doing his job while the other is throwing gasoline into the coalpit and gleefully laughing the entire time.

See, the thing that the the engineer doing his job doesn't get is that this particular train is already in Hell. It drove off a cliff years ago, but it was an evil train, so now it's in Hell. Safe and responsible operation is not going to fix this; this situation is clearly doomed to failure, based on the simple fact anyone who would ask what the OP asked, is clearly not competent to maintain an adult relationship. There are two engineers, working at opposite ends; one of them is going to get what he wants, and he's going to get to see some pretty explosions in the mean time.

2013-02-25, 11:15 AM
Don't open if offended by bad words


Gnome Alone
2013-02-25, 11:47 AM
Poverty, sorcerer, general theme of post any one else think of this?
I implied it, calling him a "magic-man."

I guess now we know what happened with Margles that night on Olympus Mons. He ruined her D&D campaign.

2013-02-25, 11:52 AM
ok im not doing it out of anger
everyone here is experianced players, and she has destroyed many other games i have been in because of her ex bf building her characters. my main goal is for ONCE in my D&D gaming history to be the one in the spot light. i am NEVER the "good" player, im always the joke of the group

if she's YOUR gf(not his), guess what. you're the one in the spotlight. Play your strengths. if he's better at DnD then you, that's fine. take the spotlight some other way, say.... spending more time with her, taking her out, or getting her something thoughtful. (also, at this point, if you were to apologize, only a total asshat would not see that as being mature)

i have a feeling this is not about DnD at all.

EDIT: oh, and ask her to make her own character. if she says she'd have trouble, HELP HER OUT YOURSELF! Yaaaaaay! Now you get to spend more time with her, as well as teach her about DnD instead of being handed a broken character, as well as kick the other guy out the door! Yaaaaaaay! (if she still wants to build a total cheese character, be like "that's fun for other people HOW?" or "you do know this is called an RPG, not an OPG, for Optimization playing game?", or something like that)

2013-02-25, 12:03 PM
Have you tried just buying beer for the group in proportion to how they treat you? I find that beer solves most relationship problems. (And causes them. But that can sometimes be resolved by more beer).
I get the feeling OP is a little young for beer. By 5-10 years, depending on the drinking age where he's from.

If you want to play a sorcerer with VoP, do it. While VoP is a little weak compared to your proper WBL in magic items, it's an interesting character concept.

Sorcerer gives you possibly the best chance to offset the disadvantage- you just need to put a bit of effort into your spell selection and make sure your spells can perform the roles of useful magical items (you may need to cut back on combat spells).

The only serious problem you'll have is the inability to use scrolls.

Shining Wrath
2013-02-25, 12:49 PM
Teach them to fear the level 5 commoner and his chicken horde of doom.

Actually, I think you need to sit down and talk to your gf and tell her you want to play in her campaign without being teased. And then make a character that fits into the party.

It sounds to me, not knowing all the details, that either she is immature, you are immature, or both of you are. Otherwise you would not have been driven from her campaign by teasing. Were I the DM; that would not happen; were I on the receiving end, I would tell the DM of my frustrations - and, frankly, engaging in a teasing war with me is not a good plan for most people anyway.

2013-02-25, 01:30 PM
... she has destroyed many other games i have been in because of her ex bf building her characters.

You know how she's, er, paying the ex-boyfriend, right? :smallamused:

2013-02-25, 01:35 PM
ok, long story short, my gf wanted to try out being a DM, i havent played D&D in almost 2 years
all of her friends are here playing with us and she starting joking on my character build (Sorcerer with vow of poverty) and everyone else joined her in the fun.
So i killed My character and started playing runescape because i was pissed
so what i am asking from you guys is.....

can you build me a quick level 5 character that is over powered/broken for its level just so i can shut her and her friends up

we are playing 3.5

thank you everyone for your help

Tell her to get in the kitchen and make you a sandwich/pie or do some laundry..? maybe even knit you a sweater.

but really on a serious note here. just calm down she was probably just tyring to show off to her friends. just calm down and be happy that you have one of those ULTRA RARE girlfriends who not only play D&D but has friends who play it as well.

You sound like your are in your teens so I doubt the rest of my advice would actually be helpful.

2013-02-25, 02:43 PM
I'll go with my standard powerful without being ridiculously broken suggestion. Human druid, augment summoning, imbued summoning, and greenbound summoning. Looking at your group you'll be the most effective character without destroying the game.

2013-02-25, 03:10 PM
So i killed My character

and started playing runescape

can you build me a quick level 5 character that is over powered/broken

so i can shut her and her friends up

You really should re-read what you wrote and re-think this.

On the other hand, if your girlfriend regularly makes fun of you in front of other people in a way that makes you feel bad despite your communicating this to her, you should probably re-think that. Just sayin'.

Edit: Also, it is too a good idea to take relationship advice from roleplayers and/or on the Internet. It is the best idea!

2013-02-26, 10:39 AM
So which side of the fence did you decide to follow Mr Hobbit?

2013-02-26, 11:24 AM
we have a dwarven barbarian, human swashbuckler, human cleric, elven rouge, and her little cousin is talking of building a caster.
like i said, this isnt out of anger im just trying to have a good character for once, i can role play and i can have fun. but im always the one in the back of the party never killing or anything, i never have a purpose.
i just want the party to look at me and ask me to help.. i have tried talking to her but she just says "no psionics because i dont understand how it works". and she wont help me, she only wants to help my sister and her friends.

Based on the party composition, your sorcerer would have done great. Vow of poverty fits well. They may have laughed, but the concept is great.
The game is not about stealing the spotlight, but if you want you could cast a fireball in the middle of the melee and shout "no glory without sacrificy!" However, I don't think your fellow party members will appreciate that.. now that I think of it.
It sounds like you have no clue what to do. When you say you stand at the back without killing anything and having no purpose, then that sounds to me you're not doing anything, as a player. Asking the people here to build you a new and powerful character, I don't see how that's going to change your style. You just have to start playing your character. I agree with some people here and get your sorcerer back, chose the right spells and blast the s*** out of your enemies.
Actually, if you do feel comfortable with the role you are playing; by staying back and not doing alot, then I'd suggest you play bard. Just sing or dance, or play your instrument while you boost your party. Cast a few buff spells, and the party is happy to have you around. Pump ranks in social skills like diplomacy and you're the face of the party.

2013-02-26, 11:27 AM
So I see that this is still a thing.

How's the melee-oriented Warmage coming?

2013-02-26, 11:40 AM
No. No I will not fuel a juvenile power trip. I will suggest you actually talk to them in an adult manner and explain that you didn't appreciate it. What you're asking us to help do is destroy a group.

Yeah man, I agree with RFLS. She's your girlfriend. You have a girlfriend and play D&D. Don't F*** that up for the love of Pelor! It's friends first, D&D anger ALWAYS ALWAYS comes second. Just take a breather, give her a kiss and apologize for being a baby(and of course explain the VoP Sorcerer to them, I like the idea)

Edit: It's a game, nothing to lose someone important over

2013-02-26, 11:46 AM
i am NEVER the "good" player, im always the joke of the group

A build won't make you a good player, being a good player makes you a good player. This is often the problem when a player just takes a wizard to a table and expects to be OMGWTFBQQ overpowered wizard who always has the best spells, but then ends up preparing knock and fireball.


Have you tried just buying beer for the group in proportion to how they treat you? I find that beer solves most relationship problems. (And causes them. But that can sometimes be resolved by more beer).

Do you have an advice column because this is golden.

2013-02-26, 11:57 AM
So which side of the fence did you decide to follow Mr Hobbit?

♫♪ ♪ ♫.........

Here they stand brothers them all
All the sons divided they'd fall
Here await the birth of a son
The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one

Here the birth from an unbroken line
Born the healer, the seventh, this time
Unknowingly blessed and as his life unfolds
Slowly unveiling the power he holds

Then they watch the progress he makes
The good and the evil wich path will he take
Both of them trying to manipulate
The use of his powers before it's too late

2013-02-26, 12:37 PM
I get the feeling OP is a little young for beer. By 5-10 years, depending on the drinking age where he's from.

Well then, obtaining beer would most definitely resolve this problem and make the OP the most popular member of his gaming group. And if his girlfriend is anything like my wife, drinking will make her much less likely to criticize him for the first hour. (And then briefly much more likely to criticize him, and then unconscious).

Unless he's playing with my god daughter. In which case if he tries to bring alcohol into the group, I will find him, tie him to a chair, prop open his eye lids, and force him to watch after school specials from the 1980's until his eyes bleed.

And I am not a hypocrite. I'm just not clever enough to understand what cognitive dissonance means. Now get off my lawn.

2013-02-26, 01:09 PM
Well then, obtaining beer would most definitely resolve this problem and make the OP the most popular member of his gaming group.

Quoted for truth. Everybody loves the guy who brings the drinks and snacks. XP has been given for it in some of my sessions.

2013-02-26, 01:10 PM
Am not alcoholic, am just a min maxer for XP