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View Full Version : Apprentice: A true successor to 3.5?

2013-02-25, 05:12 AM
So I tried 4E. I enjoy Next. But neither really felt like the successor to 3.5's legacy. 3.5 had a LOT of problems. Imbalances galore. So I decided that as a side-project, I would work on a D&D system built off of 3.5 that would honor it's legacy, while pushing the boundaries and facilitate balanced play.

A simple side project turned into a huge labor of love.

Transition from 3.5
If you have played 3.5, then some parts of Apprentice will seem familiar, but the game has been fundamentally redesigned in many ways.
Simplification: Many mechanics have been simplified to avoid less wordy and awkward interpretations, as well as ease the flow of combat. One example of this is Barbarian rage. At its core, Barbarian rage is to make them deadlier in combat, as well as a bit more resilient (since they are wearing leather armor in melee and not Dex focused like a rogue). So to fit this theme we have the new version: “While in rage, the barbarian gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, Fast Healing 2, and a +10 feet bonus to movement. “ This increases as the barbarian levels, obviously, but easily replaces three paragraphs of text, and requiring the player to keep two character sheets.

Simplicity of Power-ups: Most moves/spells/abilities that increased Con or Str have been translated directly into things like +Temp HP or +Attack/Damage directly, so your ability scores are more stable, but they are still worth using!

Level Cap: There are only 10 levels in Apprentice. It was at this point in 3.5 where casters began scaling much faster than non-casters, and it is this point where we are focusing our balance around.

Classes: You’ll notice the Ranger, Paladin, Druid and Monk absent from the class list.

Druids can be recreated by building a Priest of Arragar with the Shapeshift and Animal domain, or the Shaman class.
Paladins can be recreated either using the Cleric, or Wisdom build on Fighter.
Rangers can be recreated either using Rogue with the correct feat choices, or Fighter Dex build.
Monks can be recreated using an unarmed Fighter build.

Spells: Most of the classes spell lists are different from the SRD spell list, as well as individual spells, spells-per-day and spells known for most classes.

Skills: Skill system has been completely redesigned to allow customization without making DCs too easy or too hard.

Link to the full Documentation. (http://www.ryringames.com/blog/?attachment_id=504) (.rar download)
Dropbox Folder (http://db.tt/zI0V3wGM)

I have spent a great deal of time on this project, but our group cannot test it all. Groups tend to think similarly to each other, and I want to get some "outsider" perspective.

I'll be posting the Fighter class to this threat to give a taste, but feel free to check out the documentation(or suggest another way I could post the Word/Excel docs in a better way).

I would love some feedback both from fellow designers, as well as some playtesting. Thank you!

2013-02-25, 05:19 AM
Lvl BAB Good Save Bad Save Special
1 +1 +2 +0 Defense Focus, Bonus Feat, Martial Focus,
2 +2 +3 +0
3 +3 +3 +1 Martial Focus
4 +4 +4 +1 Bonus Feat
5 +5 +4 +1 Martial Focus
6 +6/+1 +5 +2
7 +7/+2 +5 +2 Martial Focus
8 +8/+3 +6 +2 Bonus Feat
9 +9/+4 +6 +3 Martial Focus
10 +10/+5 +7 +3 Martial Focus

Bonus Feat(Ex)
A level 1 fighter may choose any feat they wish to help hone their capabilities with. Rather than a specialized list, these can be any feat they wish. They gain a new bonus feat at 4, and 8.
Defense Focus(Ex)
A fighter may choose Fortitude, Will or Reflex to be a good-save, and the remaining two to be bad-save using the chart above.
Martial Focus(Ex)
On every odd level, plus level 10, the fighter may choose a Martial Focus off the list below. These choices help focus the Fighter into his chosen field, but many have requirements. If somehow a Fighter loses the qualifications for a Martial Focus, he can no longer utilize the Focus. The groupings are for organization, and not required to follow as a build.
• Hail of Arrows: Req: Rapid Shot.(feat) Your rapid shot gains one extra arrow at an additional -2 cost.
• Improved Hail of Arrows: Req: Hail of Arrows, level 7. When using your Hail of Arrows, you shoot one extra arrow at no additional cost.
• Volley: Req; Multishot(feat). Your Multishot attacks have 20% chance proc a second arrow at that target. This second arrow cannot proc this ability.
• Improved Volley: Req: Volley, Req: level 7. Your Multishot attacks have 50% chance proc a second arrow at that target. This second arrow cannot proc this ability.
• Master Archer: When using special ammunition, each use only uses up .5 an ammo.
• Evasion: Req: Dex 15 The fighter gains the ability Evasion, just like a rogue.
• Withstanding Blow: Req: Con 15. The fighter may now use Con instead of Dex for his AC.
• Adaptive Defenses: Req: Withstanding Blow. When hit, the fighter gains DR 1/- as an immediate interrupt. This lasts a number of rounds equal to the Fighter’s Con modifier, and can activate multiple times, each resetting the duration.
• Flanking Master: The fighter gains +2d8 sneak attack damage when flanking with another teammate. This ability may be chosen again at level 6, and again at level 10.
• Energy Strike: Req: level 5. The fighter gains the ability to once per short rest add 2d6/level damage to a single attack. This extra damage can be fire, electricity, acid, radiant, necrotic, sonic, force or cold, depending on the fighter's choice. This ability may be chosen multiple times. Each time this is taken after the first adds one more use per short rest.
• Focused Strike: Req: Fighter level 5. The fighter may add his primary attack to his damage again. If the attack normally would add Dexterity, he gets Dexterity times two, if it would normally use Strength, it adds Strength times two, etc.
• Weapon Specialization: Req: Fighter level 3, Weapon Focus(feat). You gain +1/level damage bonus on attacks that gain your Weapon Focus bonus. +2/level if a 2-handed melee weapon.
Light Armored Combatant

• Tactical Movement: The fighter gains +5 movement in light or medium armor. 1/per day per wisdom modifier can make a move as a swift action. This ability may be taken multiple times.
• Unarmed Master: Fighter gains an unarmed strike damage of 1d6 that can do lethal damage. This ability may be taken multiple times, each time adding an additional 1d6 to the fighter’s unarmed strike. The fighter is treated as having Improved Unarmed Strike feat.
• Flurry of Blows: Req: Improved Unarmed Strike(feat) A fighter may make an attack at his highest attack bonus as a swift action. Can only be activated once per round.
• Greater Flurry: Req: Flurry of Blows, BAB+6. He may make two attacks at his highest attack bonus as a swift action. Can only be activated once per round. Replaces Flurry of Blows.
• Thousands of Blows: Req: Flurry of Blows, Fighter level 10. As a full round action, a fighter may make an attack his highest attack bonus +an attack bonus equal to wisdom mod. If this attack hits, he may make another attack at a -3 penalty. He may continue doing this, each time taking a cumulative -3 penalty, as long as he does not miss. Counts as flurry of blows use
Melee Fighting Styles
• Massive Power Attack: Req: Power Attack(feat), Fighter level 6. Whenever you make a Power Attack with a 2-handed weapon, the bonus to damage is +2d6 damage per level.
• Oversized Two-weapon Fighting: Req: Fighter level 10, Improved Two-weapon Fighting(feat). You no longer take a penalty for having a one-handed weapon in your off-hand, and you are able to equip a 2-handed weapon in your main hand at no penalty.
• Healing Touch: A fighter can heal a total equal to their wisdom times their level in HP each day. The fighter may touch a target to heal taking from the heal pool.
• Holy Aura: A fighter’s holy presence fosters allies with divine protection. All allies within 30 ft gain +1 holy bonus to their saves. This improves to +2 at level 5 and +3 at level 10.
• Divine Light: Req: Holy Aura, Healing Touch. A fighter emits light equal to a torch. In addition, any allies within 30 ft gain Fast Healing 1/level. Each time this is taken, increases Fast Healing by 1/level.
• Holy Smite: Fighter level 10. Once per day, a fighter may imbue his attack with holy might. This attack gains a +10 to its attack roll, and does an extra 1d8+1 damage for every fighter level.
• Shield Specialization: Req: Shielded Fighting. Increase your shield bash damage by one die type and you gain Resist All 1 while wearing a shield. This ability may be taken up to three times, each time raising the damage by one die type and adding an additional DR 1/-.
• Shielded Fighting: While wielding shield in one hand and a one-handed weapon in the other, you gain 1d6 extra damage to your main hand attacks. This may be taken multiple times.
Skilled Fighter
• Skilled Fighter: Req: Skilled(feat). Each time this is taken, the fighter gains +1 more skill point per fighter level. In addition, the fighter may gain the feat Focused Skills.
• Skill Mastery: Req: Skill Fighter, fighter level 10. A fighter may roll three dice for Skill Focus.
• Bonus Feat: Choose one bonus feat.
• Combat Mage: Req: Int 13 or Wis 13, Fighter level 1. A fighter may gain his intelligence or wisdom bonus to spell damage or healing.
• Apprentice Magician: Req: Int 16, or Wis 16. A fighter may choose two spells off of any spell list of level 1 and cast these spells once per day. If your stat would grant you bonus level 1 spells, it grants bonus uses of this ability. These abilities use either Int or Wis, whichever is higher and your Fighter levels as your caster level.
• Part-time Scholar: Req: Apprentice Magician. A fighter may choose two spells off of any spell list of level 2 and cast these spells once per day. If your stat would grant you bonus level 2 spells, it grants bonus uses of this ability. These abilities use either Int or Wis, whichever is higher and your Fighter levels as your caster level.
• Eldritch Knight: Req: Part-time Scholar. A fighter may choose two spells off of any spell list of level 3 and cast these spells once per day. If your stat would grant you bonus level 3 spells, it grants bonus uses of this ability. These abilities use either Int or Wis, whichever is higher and your Fighter levels as your caster level.
• Runecrafter: Req: Eldritch Knight. A fighter may choose two spells off of any spell list of level 4 and cast these spells once per day. If your stat would grant you bonus level 4 spells, it grants bonus uses of this ability. These abilities use either Int or Wis, whichever is higher and your Fighter levels as your caster level.
• Master Runecrafter: Req: Runecrafter, level 10. A fighter may choose two spells off of any spell list of level 5 and cast these spells once per day. If your stat would grant you bonus level 5 spells, it grants bonus uses of this ability. These abilities use either Int or Wis, whichever is higher and your Fighter levels as your caster level.

Hit Die: d8
Proficiency: Simple and martial weapons; light and medium armor;
Skill Focus: Choose 1: Acrobatics(Dex), Athletics(Str), Endurance(Con), Heal(Wis), History(Int), Insight(Wis), Intimidate(Str or Cha), or Perception(Wis)
Skill Points: 2+Int modifier per level.

2013-02-25, 05:26 AM
Also going to list a few level 5 Arcane spells to give an idea how I designed spells:

Arcane Decimation
School: Evoc
Attack: No Miss
Effect: Fire one arcane missile per level that cannot miss and deals 5 damage. Ignores DR. Only first missile gets bonus damage.

Baleful Polymorph
Attack:Fortitude Negates
Duration:3 rounds
Effect: Target transformed into small harmless animal who will nothing but look adorable.

Polymorph: Dragon
Duration: 5 rounds
Effect: You transform into a huge dragon with Fly 60ft. You gain +3 AC, +10 DR, +3 attack, and your bonus damage to spells applies to your bite, claw,and breath attacks. As a full round attack, make a bite and two claw attacks with no attack penalty that deal 1d6 damage. You can also breath a 30-ft cone of fire that deals 2d6 damage, reflex 1/2, ignores DR. Cannot cast spells or use hands while transformed. Damage increases by +1d6 at level 10. You can expend a level 4 or higher spell slot as a swift action to refresh the duration of this spell.

And now two Shaman level 5 spells:
Earth Take You
School: Trans
Attack: Ranged Touch
Action: Full-round.
Effect: Target sucked into the ground. Each round, as a full-round action, they must make a Fortitude save to attempt to crawl up. Two successful saves must be made to return to the surface.

Tide of Might
Attack: Fortitude Negates
Duration: 5 rounds
Effect: Target gains a cumulative +1 attack and +5 damage each turn. After end of duration, target takes 10 damage/level.

A few things to note: HP is typically much higher in Apprentice, as is player damage. Players gain their Con modifier+Hit Dice every level.

Rather than nerfing casters from doing 80 damage per turn in 3.5, I instead focused on bringing other people's damage up. High end play(7-10) definately involves more number crunching than 3.5, but the rogue rolling 10d10 sneak attack damage doesn't complain.

2013-02-25, 11:02 AM
I really like what you've done.

I haven't had a chance to go over it in too much detail (and i don't think i will in the next few days) but i defenetly will at some point.

As someone who is himself designing a complete rework of a D20 system (in my case pathfinder) i'm fairly sure i'll be stealing some of your ideas :)

I'll be back to give you some more focused feedback at some point, when i'm less busy at work.

2013-02-25, 11:27 AM
and facilitate balanced play.

Paladins can be recreated either using the Cleric, or Wisdom build on Fighter.

Neat Fallacy you made there:

Basically, you are missing why Cleric, why Wizard, and why monk, fighter, ranger, and paladin are broken.

The largest problem with 3.5 was that each class either had no limits, or a significantly limited access, to what they could do. T1 was defined by having infinite potential, while T4-6 were defined by being typically restricted to one function within the game.

The paladin, is actually a good example of a class which if implemented properly, would have worked towards the balance of 3.5 as opposed to its Imbalance. By its nature, the class is a holy warrior, a class which uses martial prowess and deffensive spells to contribute on the battlefield. Removing them adds mechanics mostly back into the cleric, increasing the options of a broad class, and rather not benefitting the other Warrior classes.

Basically, by removing a class, you re-add part of the problem back into the system.

also, Formatting. insert a space between each mechanic, and this website can auto-gen tables for you (http://pifro.com/dnd/NEW/)

Plato Play-Doh
2013-02-25, 01:07 PM
I don't really like the idea of replacing ability score bonuses/penalties with things like rage because, among other things, a raging barbarian should also be better at breaking down a door to get to their enemies, and this would (presumably) make use of a strength check. Also, the Con bonus from rage in 3.5 adds to fortitude, which makes sense in the context. Not really a balance issue, more of a fluff thing, but I still think that adding to ability scores in that context makes more sense. Changing it would work for some things, but not for others.

2013-02-25, 02:00 PM
Doesn't really feel like much of a successor to 3.5e in its own right, although I will oblige it does feel like its own system.

If you're looking for a successor to 3.5e, why not try Pathfinder or Legend? Those systems are what is usually considered the successors to 3.5e.

2013-02-25, 02:06 PM
This actually feels closer to 4e than to 3e to me.

Races that give only ability bonuses, no penalties.
Skill list very similar to 4e's.
Easy/Medium/Hard auto-scaling DCs for skill checks.
Ritual magic.
Lots of liberties taken with the traditional description of various creatures, especially outsiders, e.g. "Angels are air elementals who have been imbued with divine power to serve the gods. Angels lack quite the spark of sentience of
demons or mortals"

Unfortunately, with the exception of Rituals, these are things I don't really like about 4e. Of course, if you like them, run with it, and more power to you. But it wouldn't be my style of game.