View Full Version : DMing update/More advice please?

2013-02-25, 10:42 PM
Hello all! It has been quite a while since my last post on the playground, when I was asking advice on DMing and whether or not I should try it. However, since then I have been gaming much more than I have been posting. I ran the planned island campaign (which was full of lame and overused tropes) until Real Life slapped all of us and even the notion of trying to get together was enough to cause headaches. Everyone had different jobs with different schedules coupled with classes in the evenings (when we usually do our sessions), so it has fizzled significantly. I still have the general plotline panned out for when things settle down.
Until then, I have been gaming with a different group. I must say that every group brings a different feel to the table. My newer group is more focused on character development than on leveling up (I do reward them for good role-playing) I am running another homebrew 3.5 campaign. I can go into details if desired, but I am trying to be brief.

The main reason I wanted to return to posting is to say "Thanks a ton!!!" to everyone who gave me advice and warnings. They helped a TON! I will admit that I bit off more than I could chew, but I think that helped me learn what my limits were.

I also wanted to recommend that anyone who is interested in trying to DM try it at least once. It is a really rewarding experience, and if nothing else it give you a new respect for the one behind the screen.

Also, I am looking for some advice in my current campaign. My players are reacting more intelligently than I had thought they would. What are some monsters that are a challenge to a group of 4-5 level 7 PCs? It would be best if it was relatively lacking in fancy abilities. I am still learning how to effectively use each ability to its best, so I feel like fewer to keep track of would be best.

Thanks in advance!

2013-02-25, 10:54 PM
So triceratops stampede + 1 tyranosaurus makes for an interesting encounter. Particularly if they have to get the gold band on the dino's forearm. The challenge presents a fair bit of challenge.
The beasts are mostly interested in moving in a particular direction, and the Tyrano might snatch up PC's that get too close with a relatively simple maneuver.

2013-02-26, 11:04 AM
So triceratops stampede + 1 tyranosaurus makes for an interesting encounter. Particularly if they have to get the gold band on the dino's forearm. The challenge presents a fair bit of challenge.
The beasts are mostly interested in moving in a particular direction, and the Tyrano might snatch up PC's that get too close with a relatively simple maneuver.

Oooh! That sounds fantastic! Thanks! :smallbiggrin: