View Full Version : Spiderman 3

2006-11-11, 01:39 PM
Here is the new trailer (http://www.ifilm.com/presents/spiderman3) (thanks to Jibar for showing it to me)

Allow me to say Wombatting awesome.No Really......it's great. They appear to have at least 3 villians in this one. Though Venom may not appear till the next movie is my guess......could be wrong.

Now what I'm concerned about is them somehow making the Sandman his killer. How are they going to explain it even with that other guy in the first movie?

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-11, 01:47 PM
Here is the new trailer (http://www.ifilm.com/presents/spiderman3) (thanks to Jibar for showing it to me)

Allow me to say Wombatting awesome.No Really......it's great. They appear to have at least 3 villians in this one. Though Venom may not appear till the next movie is my guess......could be wrong.

Now what I'm concerned about is them somehow making the Sandman his killer. How are they going to explain it even with that other guy in the first movie?
Whew! I never really thought much of the comics, but love these movies!

But yeah, that sounds rather hokey that the Sandman is whodunnit. And what exactly is that stuff crawling on him? I don't know much about 'Venom' or whatever it is.

2006-11-11, 02:04 PM
Perhaps they'll come up with some brilliant stuff in the movie to explain it. We can only hope.

As for the black stuff it is A symbiote (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbiote_%28comics%29). Long story short (if I remember correctly) Alien symbiote lands on earth and bonds with Spidey. It makes him more powerful BUT begins to control his emotions and actions. The deal with the bells is the symbiote main weakness is sound. That's probably where he rips it off. The symbiote slinks away to Eddie Brock (a rival photographer which I think we saw a couple times in this movie) and he ends up becoming Venom who REALLY doesn't like Spiderman.

Think that's it

Someone is probably going to correct me or something though

2006-11-11, 02:16 PM
Spiderman geekery 101

The “venom” symbiote, is an alien being that some how ended up on earth, the symbiote first bonded with spider man giving him his black costume. The symbiote augmented his strength, speed, agility, and allowed him to shoot organic webbing out of the top of his hand. The costume could also mimic other forms of clothing, meaning he wouldn’t have to bring a change of clothing with him when he fights crime. However the costume, being sentient began to control Spiderman and he became more violent and aggressive. Eventually Spiderman broke away from the costume and it merged with Eddy Brock, Peter Parker’s rival at the Daily Bugle. The suit had somehow copied Spiderman’s powers and imparted them onto Brock, who used to costume to exact renege on spider man after he lost his job. The suit has the ability to mask itself from Spiderman’s spider sense. Dubbing himself “venom” he battled spider man for quite some time before he decided to turn his attention to fighting crime. Eventually Brock realized the symbiote was using him as it had used spiderman. So he broke away from it.

You can read more about venom here: Venom (http://www.marvel.com/universe/Venom_%28Eddie_Brock%29)

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-11, 03:20 PM
So this alien thing comes to Earth and happens to land on Parker of all people? Or did it seek him out?

If the former, thats just stretching it...

2006-11-11, 03:26 PM
It's more like an accident and IT (there's only like one) happen to find Parker first. Who knows how it will happen in the movie though.......we'll see.

2006-11-11, 03:28 PM
It says in the link I posted that Spiderman brought it back from one of his random trips into space. But I’m not entirely certain. I was under the impression that John Jameson ( J. Jonah Jameson’s son… yay for alliteration)brought it back from space. Since he's an astronaught. But I could be wrong.

2006-11-11, 04:33 PM
One of the comic bits I saw for venom was John Jameson brings it back from space, it was contained in some rock or something, it escaped and bonded to him on the trip back to Earth I think.

What follows is pretty much as TheThan says. After Bock ditches it and it calls out to the rest of its kind. There's a big reveal about the symbiote's race.

Also seeing as we get Venom in Spiderman 3 to begin with means we might get Carnage in a later film.

Captain van der Decken
2006-11-11, 05:07 PM
Looks like a good movie.

I vaguely remember something about Spiderman finding the symbiote, not the other way round.

2006-11-11, 05:35 PM
Well, in the comics he found the symbiote to replace his torn costume during "the secret wars" - where a super-powerful alien grabbed all the world's greatest superheroes and villains and had them fight each other. In the 90s cartoon, John Jameson brought it back from a mission to the moon.

Oh, and in the Ultimate comics it was something Peter's dad made to cure cancer, which...I love the Ultimate comics, and the way it played out was really great, but typing it like that just makes me laugh.

I have no idea which way they're going for the movie - smart one says it's the one from the cartoon, since they made a big thing about John Jameson being an astronaut, but I also get the feeling that it might end up being a quasi-mystical thing: the ads are certainly playing it up as a manifestation of his dark side (which has always been its literary function regardless of origin; if they make that what it literally - as opposed to just literarily - is, it would be pretty cool).

2006-11-11, 05:52 PM
Ah, the confusion.

I believe that Venom originaly appeared at the end of Secret Wars. This was the original comic book origen of Venom. Then in the cartoon series from the 90s Jamerson's son brings it back from the moon.

I don't know about any other versions but that's pretty much it.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-11, 06:32 PM
It says in the link I posted that Spiderman brought it back from one of his random trips into space. But I’m not entirely certain. I was under the impression that John Jameson ( J. Jonah Jameson’s son… yay for alliteration)brought it back from space. Since he's an astronaught. But I could be wrong.
Ah ha, I bet thats how they do it. Emjay's space cadet fiance brought it down and thats how it and Parker meet. That'd at least make some minor sense without just saying it happened to come down from space and all that.

Don't quite think its right to stick that AND Sandman in, but thats just me. Just him/symbiont and Gobby Jr. plus the newspaper dude would have made for enough action. Seems like they are cramming way too much in at once.

2006-11-11, 07:47 PM
Well that's a classic Spiderman story arch for ya. In fact usually spidey gets jumped from behind (thank goodness for that spider sense) while on a patrol around the town.

2006-11-12, 01:43 AM
Oh crap. I think Topher Grace may be Brock.
:smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: Please excuse my under-use of yuk-faces.

2006-11-12, 02:05 PM
So this alien thing comes to Earth and happens to land on Parker of all people? Or did it seek him out?

If the former, thats just stretching it...

There were a few one shot comics about what if venom had bonded with someone else, and i think it chose Peter..... but i am not sure....

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-12, 02:16 PM
There were a few one shot comics about what if venom had bonded with someone else, and i think it chose Peter..... but i am not sure....
Well, if they do it the way I think they will, I won't have as much of a problem.

Space Cadet brings it down, follows him around. Space Cadet meets up with Mary Jane. Mary Jane associates with Peter. It finds out about Spiderman, etc etc. Still a bit of a stretch, but at least its plausible.

2006-11-12, 02:50 PM
Well, if they do it the way I think they will, I won't have as much of a problem.

Space Cadet brings it down, follows him around. Space Cadet meets up with Mary Jane. Mary Jane associates with Peter. It finds out about Spiderman, etc etc. Still a bit of a stretch, but at least its plausible.

Dude, it's comic books.... unlikely coincidence is practically a must....

2006-11-12, 09:31 PM
Oh crap. I think Topher Grace may be Brock.
:smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: :smallyuk: Please excuse my under-use of yuk-faces.

Topher Grace is indeed Eddie Brock.
The one I disapprove of is Bryce Dallas Howard is Gwen Stacy.
She should have been MJ from the beginning.
Kirsten Dunst is not supermodel "Hawt"

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-12, 09:58 PM
Dude, it's comic books.... unlikely coincidence is practically a must....One of the many reasons I don't read comic books ;)

But honestly, they've done pretty good with the superhero movies so far in that reguard.

The one I disapprove of is Bryce Dallas Howard is Gwen Stacy.
She should have been MJ from the beginning.

Most definetely. Howard also just doesn't seem the same as a blonde...

2006-11-12, 10:43 PM
Topher Grace is indeed Eddie Brock.
The one I disapprove of is Bryce Dallas Howard is Gwen Stacy.
She should have been MJ from the beginning.
Kirsten Dunst is not supermodel "Hawt"

Your right. Supermodels are ugly as sin. dunst is acturaly abit attractive.

2006-11-12, 10:58 PM
Don't quite think its right to stick that AND Sandman in, but thats just me. Just him/symbiont and Gobby Jr. plus the newspaper dude would have made for enough action. Seems like they are cramming way too much in at once.

Its because they only have contracts for 6 movies, and they are trying to get it all done quickly, before any of the actors get bored and quit the seireis.

2006-11-13, 04:30 AM
So this alien thing comes to Earth and happens to land on Parker of all people? Or did it seek him out?

If the former, thats just stretching it...

Comic Geekery 400

The Symbiote is actualy from The Secret Wars where Marvel took all the best heros and made them fight the worst villains. During the war Spidey gets his costume blasted away pretty bad along with Thor. Thor gets a new costume from the costume machine (more or less) and suggest that Pete do the same. Pete picks the wrong machine and releases the symbiote which promptly bonds with him and gives him the black costume. Story ensues.

The Spiderman cartoon from the mid-90s makes the symbiote a find from John Jameson's space mission (he's JJJ's son, the guy MJ was set to marry in Spiderman 2). The shuttle crashes in New York's harbour and Spidey is on to rescue the astronauts. The symbiote then escapes its container and bonds with Spidey. Story ensues.

Ultimate Spiderman makes the symbiote a cancer cure created by Pete's scientist father along with Eddie Brock Sr (that would be Eddie Brock's father). I don't recall how Pete finds the symbiote but once again it bonds with him. He eventually gets it off and it bonds with Eddie Jr, and drives him insane. Story ensues.

By the look of things we'll see a combo cartoon/Ulimate Spiderman version of the symbiote origin.

As for too much I expect that we're looking at Venom towards the end of the movie. Pete will likely spend a good portion of the movie becoming more and more aggresive. The bell tower is where he finally breaks free of the symbiote and it bonds with Brock. Sandman himself looks damn impressive, its going to be crazy good special effectives with that.

2006-11-13, 08:37 AM
I'm betting it's going to be Spiderman in black costume v.s. Sandman and Green Goblin 2 (Hobgoblin? I hear they did that in Ultimate Spiderman). Brock will only appear to set him up for the fourth movie or become Venom at the end.

2006-11-13, 09:22 AM
Thus far, I have heard rumors that at some point during their development process, they had an idea (which the producers never said that it was scrapped) that Black-Spiderman would be able to confront Venom.

This boggles my mind...

But I wish they had done a more true to story Black Spiderman costume.
It brings a tear to my eye that there is no huge white spider on him...

2006-11-13, 12:16 PM
Anybody else liking Hawk's post?

2006-11-13, 12:55 PM

I read the first part of this thread and thought, 'hey, here's my chance to use that sectioned part of brain "usless trivia facts for 1000, alex"

but then I read further and looks liek someone beat me to teh punch. thanks, anyhow, bookman, for the link. I haven't seen a trailer for it, yet (though i'm sure it will be all over my TV screen in the coming months).

Have they 'officially' said there will more? I know there's logical room for more, but look at X-men. marvel has an untapped resource of millions at their fingertips and it looks like their stopping at a trilogy....

2006-11-13, 02:48 PM
Anybody else liking Hawk's post?

Oh gods...........if that's actual footage.......That's AWESOME!!

anyhow, bookman, for the link. I haven't seen a trailer for it, yet
Have they 'officially' said there will more? I know there's logical room for more, but look at X-men. marvel has an untapped resource of millions at their fingertips and it looks like their stopping at a trilogy....

You're welcome!

Well........ X men 3 spoiler that I dunno to hide or not
If you stay after the credits some guy speaks with Xavier's voice

2006-11-13, 05:33 PM

I read the first part of this thread and thought, 'hey, here's my chance to use that sectioned part of brain "usless trivia facts for 1000, alex"

but then I read further and looks liek someone beat me to teh punch.

Which is a major understatement, as apparently asking the origin of Spidey's black costume is the forum's equivalent of Belkar sticking a "200gp per kobold head" sign on the inn's door.

2006-11-13, 06:29 PM

I read the first part of this thread and thought, 'hey, here's my chance to use that sectioned part of brain "usless trivia facts for 1000, alex"

but then I read further and looks liek someone beat me to teh punch. thanks, anyhow, bookman, for the link. I haven't seen a trailer for it, yet (though i'm sure it will be all over my TV screen in the coming months).

Have they 'officially' said there will more? I know there's logical room for more, but look at X-men. marvel has an untapped resource of millions at their fingertips and it looks like their stopping at a trilogy....

Actually, there is a wolverine spin off origins story (so a prequel?) a magneto/Xavier origins story w/ the same actors and possibily an Emma Frost Spin off, but that last one has not been confirmed like the other 2.....

Also The Last Stand was really the last "main" one or at least it wasn't suppossed to be....

2006-11-13, 09:09 PM
Here is confirmation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz8gEWjXRE4&mode=related&search=)

2006-11-13, 10:07 PM
Here is confirmation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz8gEWjXRE4&mode=related&search=)
So awesome..............

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-13, 10:27 PM
This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner sony because its content was used without permission

What'd we miss?

2006-11-13, 10:28 PM
Basically it was those pictures from the site Jibar posted only moving.

2006-11-14, 12:05 PM
And because Hawk posted another rant so just linking to the main site isn't enough.

And for those really too lazy to look;

It's Venom.

And...yeah...I dunno. He doesn't look bulky enough.
I never realised though quite how scary he was.

Captain van der Decken
2006-11-14, 02:07 PM
I dunno, if Venom is Brock & Symbiote, won't it pretty much have his frame? And he looked about that size.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-14, 02:11 PM
And...yeah...I dunno. He doesn't look bulky enough.
Does anyone looks as muscular as folks do in the comic books?

2006-11-14, 05:26 PM
only with CGI....

2006-11-15, 10:14 AM
All this talk of coincidence as a requirement sparks in my mind a quote from Spiderman 2

"A guy named Octavius ends up with 8 limbs. What're the odds of that?"
-JJJ, Spiderman 2

2006-11-15, 01:30 PM
I thought something was kinda fishy when I remembered my friend mentioning Eddie Brock in the first one:

Has anyone watched the first spiderman recently enough to recognize this guy (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/spiderman.jpg)? IMDB lists him as uncredited, but Eddie Brock.

2006-11-15, 05:31 PM
Also seeing as we get Venom in Spiderman 3 to begin with means we might get Carnage in a later film.

As much as I'd like to see the C-man, I really, really doubt he'll make an appearance. :smallfrown: I think he'd push the film to an R-rating, and they won't do that because the PG-13 rating produces a larger audience.

2006-11-16, 07:45 PM
As much as I'd like to see the C-man, I really, really doubt he'll make an appearance. :smallfrown: I think he'd push the film to an R-rating, and they won't do that because the PG-13 rating produces a larger audience.

Yeah, an R rating REALLY cuts down on profits, oftentimes, a borderline film appeals if they get R and cut stuff even if they don't really want to so they don't get R...

2006-11-16, 08:03 PM
ah, yes, pg13... the bane of my existence. the greedy culprit that is systematically dumbing down america. its the eternal struggle between economics and art.

2006-11-16, 08:29 PM
As much as I'd like to see the C-man, I really, really doubt he'll make an appearance. :smallfrown: I think he'd push the film to an R-rating, and they won't do that because the PG-13 rating produces a larger audience.

Seriously Cletus Cassidy can beat Eddie Brock any day of the week.

And he has the same advantages that Spiderman has, plus those wicked claws.

Another good thing about having symbiote villains is that there won't be that much gore on their side as they get more and more bonded to it, it would be awesome to see Spidey rip Venom in half.

I thought something was kinda fishy when I remembered my friend mentioning Eddie Brock in the first one:

Has anyone watched the first spiderman recently enough to recognize this guy (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/LIITLT/spiderman.jpg)? IMDB lists him as uncredited, but Eddie Brock.

He was also mentioned in the second one.

2006-11-16, 09:14 PM
He was also mentioned in the second one.

Kinda like Shadowcat in the first 2 X-men movies, different actresses in all 3 movies and just cameo's the first 2 times

2006-11-16, 11:50 PM
My hopes and concerns for Spiderman 3:

1.) I hope Kirsten Dunst dies... not Mary Jane, Kirsten Dunst, she has successfully bought zero affection with her screen time, and has routinely disappointed in her half hearted deliveries of lines that made MJ into Spiderman's love interest due to fan support (originally Gwen Stacy was meant to be his main love interest, but people liked the spunky redhead better) and is just a pretty face on a random girl as far as I'm concerned.

2.) I hope landlord's skinny daughter appears again.

3.) I am worried that they'll take the same approach to comic book science as in the first two. "I'm going to invent four evil tentacle arms to perform the job which I could do with a long stick, then to stop them from taking over my brain, I'll put a small, fragile chip at the back of my neck in an exposed position... and then do an experiment on nuclear fusion in the MOST DANGEROUS PLACE TO DO NUCLEAR FUSION ON THE PLANET!" you know... as opposed to "Alien technology made the danger room come to life." (no seriously, that happened in an X-men comic, I'm not kidding.) so I really just don't like most comic book science, and I hope they avoid it.

4.) I'm worried that with up to four major villains, the movie may become bogged down in conflict. "I've gotta beat Sandman so I've got time to take out Green Goblin before Venom is all up in my sauce." might leave too little time for any kind of character development that isn't in relation to the villains... or it might just pull a Lord of the Rings and be four hours long.

So in summation: "Don't have it be too long, don't spend too much time on villain background, make time for character development, but don't skimp on the cool fights, make there be relief in the form of perky skinny landlord girl... oh yeah, and kill Dunst."

And while Carnage versus Venom has ended in one or the other's favor multiple times in the past, Carnage is currently out of continuity. A superhero known as the Sentry flew Carnage into space and literally ripped him in half. Seems like a waste of a perfectly good supervillain, but Carnage has had his share of awesome villain spots, Maximum Carnage being one of my favorite crossover serieses because it seemed less arbitrary than Secret Wars or Infinity Gauntlet.

2006-11-17, 01:52 PM
Carnage may have been ripped in half, but think about it.
It's a symbiote. The organism it was attached to can die, but it takes a hell of a lot to kill these bad boys.

Agreeing with the Dunst. I love MJ. She's great. I hate Dunst. She turned MJ into a whore.

Landlord's skinny daughter was awesome.

And I am really doubting Venom is going to be a major villain. I think it's going to be one of those end of movie shots.
But, that hopefully means we'll get Spiderman 4 which will be just one big fight between Spidey and Venom with a few moments to stop and have a breather to fit some plot in.
I would gladly pay to watch 3 hours of Spidey versus Venom.

2006-11-17, 05:18 PM
Carnage may have been ripped in half, but think about it.
It's a symbiote. The organism it was attached to can die, but it takes a hell of a lot to kill these bad boys.

Agreeing with the Dunst. I love MJ. She's great. I hate Dunst. She turned MJ into a whore.

Landlord's skinny daughter was awesome.

And I am really doubting Venom is going to be a major villain. I think it's going to be one of those end of movie shots.
But, that hopefully means we'll get Spiderman 4 which will be just one big fight between Spidey and Venom with a few moments to stop and have a breather to fit some plot in.
I would gladly pay to watch 3 hours of Spidey versus Venom.

Yeah, them brawling through New York, Venom eating random citizens if he gets to hurt (if they keep that from ultimate spiderman) and Venom throwing and smashing Spiderman into walls, the ground, people...

And of course Spiderman has to have some cool attacks that get thwarted by Venom's unique powers. Kick to the chest, I think not! *Sucks Spidey into his chest*

I really hope they include the Lizard into the next one too somehow, they have mentioned Doctor Conners in the first and second one.

2006-11-18, 12:58 PM
I really hope they include the Lizard into the next one too somehow, they have mentioned Doctor Conners in the first and second one.

Doc Conners was in the second film, one arm and all.

2006-11-18, 01:43 PM
Thinhs that I expect of the future Spider-Man movies:

Venom. With the tongue.

More Gwen Stacy.

MJ retconned out of the story just so she can utter the line: "Face it, tiger. You've hit the jackpot."

Felicia Hardy.

Madame Web.



Free Marvel comics to everyone who watches the movies.

No more Kirsten Dunst.

2006-11-18, 02:06 PM
In the Spiderman 2 game they introduced Black Cat.
And considering Cat and her...outfit choices, getting her into a movie could prove difficult...
Though you mentioning Punisher also reminded me.
Apparantly the Fantastic Four sequel will not only feature a more comic style Doom, but also the Silver Surfer and Galactus.

Captain van der Decken
2006-11-18, 02:20 PM
considering Cat and her...outfit choices,

Fantastic four was naff, but I'll probably end up watching any sequel.

2006-11-19, 02:59 AM
Felicia Hardey.


Anyone else hear that apparently Harry Osborne is going to be Hobgoblin instead of Green Goblin 2?
It is a rumor I heard that I am trying to verify.

2006-11-19, 03:29 AM
theres a lot of stuff in the spiderman continuity that came about in the 90s that i think should be expunged from all memory.

i guess i stopped reading spidey just before the symbiote had mpd and became like a bajillion villians. and i hear that there were clones involved at one point?

look, marvel continuity has never been good. the movies are a clean slate to avoid the mostly superflouos and often lame gimicks of the month.

its a different universe. it doesnt have to be identical. it just have to carry with it the same message.

2006-11-19, 12:53 PM
There's something that I am so clueless about.

Who's Hobgoblin?

Green Goblin killed Gwen Stacy, then he died, then he made his son seek revenge, yada yada yada... Never heard of Hobgoblin doing anything.

I need to read more Marvel comics.

Captain van der Decken
2006-11-19, 01:43 PM
Wasn't he the goblin after Harry Osborn? I think he has a yellow/orange suit. Can't really remember, I don't read Marvel comics.

Edit: I checked wiki, he's a fashion designer/millionaire with criminal connections, who found the Green Goblin's lair.

Greater detail. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobgoblin_%28comics%29)

@V I don't see that anywhere.

2006-11-19, 01:52 PM
There have been a lot of Hobgoblins.

In the Ultimate world, Harry also got infected with OZ, and after Norman got gunned down, he became the Hobgoblin, an orange one.

And if you're believeing Wikipedia, apparantly Harry will be some new guy called "Night Rider" in Spiderman 3.

2006-11-20, 04:57 PM
There's something that I am so clueless about.

Who's Hobgoblin?

Green Goblin killed Gwen Stacy, then he died, then he made his son seek revenge, yada yada yada... Never heard of Hobgoblin doing anything.

I need to read more Marvel comics.

Hobgoblin is a thug that stole the Green Goblin's technology and used it to do thuggish things. Like rob banks. He's not a superpowered psychotic, compared to Green Goblin, by any stretch.

2006-11-23, 10:44 PM
Topher Grace is indeed Eddie Brock.
The one I disapprove of is Bryce Dallas Howard is Gwen Stacy.
She should have been MJ from the beginning.
Kirsten Dunst is not supermodel "Hawt"

Your right. Supermodels are ugly as sin. dunst is acturaly abit attractive.

I think what Logic was getting at is that Kirsten Dunst does NOT live up to the Stan Lee comic "MJ" who is a model, yes, but a curvy, fiery, confident red-head that she is supposed to be.

When I think "MJ", I definately don't think of Dunst. But that's just the opinion of a film major.

2006-11-24, 12:40 AM

Anyone else hear that apparently Harry Osborne is going to be Hobgoblin instead of Green Goblin 2?
It is a rumor I heard that I am trying to verify.

I think that rumor is based off of people who just speculate, but don't know anything about the actual comic. Harry Osborn, as per following the comic, is emerging as the next Green Goblin, following his father, Norman Osborn. The first Hobgoblin (Kingsley?) uncovered the Goblin technology and assumed the persona. No news out yet as to a future appearance of HobGob.

*wow, I am in fact, a comic book geek, and a movie nerd...dang.*