View Full Version : RotR Anniversary Edition: Burnt Offerings

Othniel Edden
2013-02-26, 10:05 AM
For fives years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in temporary structures erected after fire destroyed the previous temple, and while their new religious leader, was helpful, kind, and wise, church wasn't the same. Now, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site's blessing from the gods and it will be as if Sandpoint fire had never occurred.

The morning before the festival you arrive into the town seeing people busy at work to make last moment preparations for the events throughout the day. Merchants busily take care of those doing business, and the general excitement seems to invigorate the town.

There are only two inns in the city, White Deer and the Rusty Dragon, so if you are from out of town these places are willing to house you. I've set things up to give you guys a chance to explore the town before the festival.

2013-02-26, 11:38 AM
Getting off the wagon, Lo'sais turns to the driver and nods. "Thank you, good farmer, and may the Goddess of Dreams and Stars watch over you," Lo'sais says as he grabs his loaded back pack and pulls out a piece of paper and reads the directions a as well as the simple map of the local area.

Hmm, better check in at an inn first and get this gear off my back, Lo'sais thinks to himself, looking up occasionally and orienting himself to the directions on the paper. Then go to the local library for information as well as work, if possible.

2013-02-26, 06:32 PM
It's been a good journey. No bandits, good weather, no fighting. Peaceful, just the way he likes it. As he approaches the end of the bridge, careful to keep that unsightly wooden mask under his jacket (no need to startle anyone), Samquain tips his tall, black hat to the first person he sees.

"I say, sir! Where might I find the nearest inn?"

2013-02-26, 06:51 PM
Aneirin arrives in town in a good mood, as always pleased to see the bustle and vigor of civilization after weeks on the road. For a man born and raised in civilied, ordered Druma the all but untamed lands of Varisia were something of a shock, and being forced more than once to employ his magic to mend tears in his austere clothing and restore its pure colour was a difficult necessity for a true follower of the Prophecies. Nonetheless, Sand Point seems to be a much more pleasant locale, and Aneirin is more than happy for a chance to sleep in a warm bed and, perhaps, even restore some of his dwindling supply of coin by bartering for his services.

Adjusting his spectacles with one white-gloved hand, the Druman Wizard walks confidently into town and surveys the lodgings available, quickly picking out a pair of inns. Nodding to himself, he then turns his attention to the other possibility presented by such a bastion of civilization, leaving finding a proper room for the night until after he's scouted out an opportunity for profit.

Essentially, Aneirin is checking out the marketplace to see if any other Spellcasters are around attempting to sell their services. If none are, he will look into the possibility of doing so himself. But, at least for the moment, he's exploring the marketplace looking to see what sorts of wares are on sale.

Basically, I realized after character creation that I only had 10 GP left, which isn't much in the grand scheme of things, and my character would be looking to increase his savings a bit before pursuing his real goals. It's up to you whether there's any sort of opportunity to do so at this point.

18th Avenger
2013-02-26, 11:08 PM
The dwarf with the strange blue facial tattoos tried not to look too out of place as he wended his way down the streets. Though it seemed he scowled grimly at the sight of the stands being set up, there was a sense of curiosity and wonder as he looked around. The dwarf, whose name was Dolgrin, stopped in front a particular booth, one that was putting out simple carvings of everyday aspects of life in Sandpoint.

He smiled under his plaited beard as he picked up a simple wooden token, depicting the head of a stag. His thick fingers gently traced the woodwork as he spoke to the stall's proprietor.

2013-02-27, 01:21 AM

Daren started the day early. He did not want to presume upon his host Daviren and, after making sure that his new magnificent warhorse was well stabled and taken care of, he went about to secure a room for the next two days. With all the new people coming into Sandpoint, that was not easy, but eventually he managed to find one in the Rusty Dragon.

After moving his things, Daren spent quite a long time polishing his armor and weapons, humming all the while. As old man Talos used to say, a knight is expected to be on armor on special occasions, and well maintained armor at that. So today Daren would spent the festival encased in steel, with his tabard and weapons gleaming. Well, what could you do. Someone had to be the devilishly handsome mysterious stranger in this festival!

After getting ready, Daren started walking around the city. He hadn't seen much of it, and now was his chance. By habit, he started taking notice of other notable strangers.

Othniel Edden
2013-03-05, 11:58 AM
Lo'sais's map tells her of the White Deer by the Entrance of the North gate and Rusty Dragon on Market Street by the pier. No library is marked on the map but when you talk to people the Curious Goblin bookstore is recommended to read at, which is found on main street.

If Samquain enters from the Northgate or Tanner's Bridge then he's directed to the White Deer. If he enters via the Sandpoint Bridge in the southeast or by water then they refer him to the Rusty Dragon.

Anerian finds various merchants setting up stalls for the festival, various farmers, and people from Magnimar, Galduria, Nybor, Wartle and beyond. The merchants there direct you to the Sandpoint Mercantile League to fill out the paperwork for setting up a business.

Daren sees a strange blue tattooed dwarf considering various carving at a merchants stall. Daren greeted by several familiar with him and his order, and is even asked by the friendly and trusting Maver Kesk if he'll be joining him at the Hagfish later for some grub.