View Full Version : Need help with a vampire

2013-02-26, 01:31 PM
We are playing a highly optimized campaign with all books from every company allowed (even campaign settings since we are in a Multiversal campaign)
I Have 18 lvls of a rogue based character and I can place them however i wish, as long as i stick to being a ranged sneak attacker rogue.
Two of them are the Drow race - which I will not want to change.
I was just a 16th lvl rogue, but my dm told me to rearange them -still no major changes such as spellcasting. Only rogue based ones.

In the next sessions we are facing a VERY VERY STRONG patriarch Vampire, highly optimized.
How can I optimized my character in order not to die in the first round and deal damage?

(no magic items, because we cannot get any, only classes and feats please)

My DM told me to type:

"If you get Kelb_Pantera to answer you, you will become more powerful that you can ever imagine."

2013-02-26, 02:20 PM
Normally I'd say truedeath crystal would help, but with no items? Death's Ruin from Complete Champion is an ACF that replaces Trap Sense. You can do half sneak damage against undead.

EDIT: Also .. no magic items, at all? Going to be hard getting through DR 10/silver and magic without it. A single level of Kensai to self-enchant a bow...?

2013-02-26, 02:24 PM
Cleric 1/Rogue 13/Skullclan Hunter 2.

2013-02-27, 04:07 PM
Although I have no particular advice on specific feats or classes, I reccomend you look through "Feats" "Path of Shadow" and possibly "Ultimate Prestige class". Feats seems to be broken six ways from sunday from what I have seen of it. Beyond that, I wish you luck, I will likely dig around and be back with more useful advice some other time.

2013-02-27, 04:12 PM
If you have access to Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, how about alchemical items?

A handful of alchemical sun flashes will stagger the vampire every round, and if you stab him with a bunch of alchemical flare stakes, he has to decide to use his standard action to pull out the stakes or do something else.

2013-02-27, 04:21 PM
Probably remembering an older version, but I seem to recall that Holy Water bypasses the DR of undead. Also recall using that as a trick to allow Precision Damage though that was admittedly Houseruled under Cool, Smart, and Fun. "Poison" your blade with Holy Water and get past their crit immunity for X strikes.

2013-02-27, 04:27 PM
Cleric 1/Rogue 13/Skullclan Hunter 2.

Honestly i would say this is your best choice

as for feats i would focus on your bow/ranged weapon for extra damage.

2013-02-27, 04:31 PM
Try Penetrating Strike from Dungeonscape. You lose Trap Sense (which isn't a big deal for a rogue with high Dex, if you ask me) and get the ability to sneak attack anything normally immune to it (albeit only at 50% your regular sneak attack). Unfortunately, it only works if you're flanking, which could be bad for you, but if you take two levels of Order of the Bow Initiate, you gain the ability to shoot into melee without causing AoO (plus +2 BAB, +3 Will saves).

Try getting a few silver arrows, as well.