View Full Version : Does this work?

2013-02-26, 01:33 PM
Hello GiTP, just popping on by to check the math on a little thing I've just run up for a character.

This character is about AC.
All about it.
And I've calculated his potential total for 20th level, but want to know if any of the bonuses shouldn't be stacking. I don't see anything that looks wrong, but I want to double check. My character is a Dwarf Fighter\Deepwarden\Hammer of Moradin (Casting requirement and progression removed)\ And I plan to top it off with a few levels in dwarven defender.

Anyways, here's the math.

At 20th level...
10 (base) + 15 (+5 Mechano Plate) + 9 (+5 tower shield) + 7 Con Bonus + 2 (Dwarven defender Defensive stance Con Bonus) + 4 (defensive stance AC) + 4 (Natural armor amulet) + 16 (HoM Stalwart) + 2 (Dwarven Defender AC bonus) + 3 (armor/shield specialization) + 5 (Defending shield spike) + 5 (defending hammer) + 20 (Improved combat expertise) +3 Fighting defensively.

And, unless I've screwed up the math, that leaves me with a rather impressive 105 AC.

Am I wrong?
As I don't want to get excited until I know it works.

2013-02-26, 01:40 PM
Even without checking the math, I hate to tell you that you are still very hittable, even with 105 ac. The worst spell effects ignore it altogether, and even if a person can't hit you normally, they still have a 5% chance to do so. this is why miss chance trumps ac.

2013-02-26, 02:17 PM
There's also a good argument (but it is subject to debate) that the separate +5 bonuses from the defending enchantment are all from the same source - the defending enchantment - and thus will not stack.

This is not the thread to debate this, but just be aware that that sort of AC ruling needs passing through your DM before you assume it works.

Also why do you only have +4 from Natural Armour? - You should be able to get +5 easily pre-epic.
You also seem to be lacking any deflection bonus.

2013-02-26, 02:43 PM
Without posting your build (levels in each class, feats, gear, etc.), it's going to be difficult for us to check to make sure that your math is correct. If you are wondering about whether or not all of your armor bonuses would stack, though, then they appear to do so. You should, however, check with your DM to make sure that the deepwarden's Stone Warden ability isn't limited by your armor's maximum dexterity bonus. Also remember that a Hammer of Moradin's Stalwart ability is only usable once per day for 1 round per level, so most for most of the day your AC will only be 89.

Another point that I should make, given the nature of your build: You will probably have a difficult time contributing to combat using a defensive build like this. Because many of your AC boosting tactics (fighting defensively, improved combat expertise, defender weapons) result in penalties to your attack rolls, your attack bonus will be very low, and you will have a lot of trouble hitting enemies that are level-appropriate. Moreover, you will not be able to move from your space while using the dwarven defender's defensive stance ability, and enemies will be able to more or less just ignore you in combat if they so wish (say, because other members of your party are doing things).

2013-02-26, 02:58 PM
My advice: invest in a potion of shrinking. :smallwink:
Squeeze a couple more pts out of things ..

AND .. make you even less useful in actual combat

"Hah! You can't hit me, demon!"
*swings a couple times* "Huh, neat." walks past and guts the mage.

2013-02-26, 03:10 PM
My advice: invest in a potion of shrinking. :smallwink:
Squeeze a couple more pts out of things ..

AND .. make you even less useful in actual combat

"Hah! You can't hit me, demon!"
*swings a couple times* "Huh, neat." walks past and guts the mage.

Better way to go about it: Get Leadership. Have your cohort take Combat Expertise and Allied Defense (Shining South). Maybe also Improved Combat Expertise. He can give you a dodge bonus to AC. More than one follower can do the same (dodge bonuses stack).

That way your attacks don't suffer as much.

Allied Defense is actually the best way to go about making an effective phalanx in D&D.

2013-02-28, 05:52 PM
for a couple extra ac you could slap on a monks belt

2013-02-28, 06:06 PM
for a couple extra ac you could slap on a monks belt
That doesn't actually work; a monk's belt grants an AC bonus that "functions just like the monk’s AC bonus." And a monk's AC bonus class ability only functions if she is unarmored and unencumbered. Since the build presented is wearing full-plate and uses a shield, a monk's belt wouldn't really help with AC.

2013-02-28, 07:22 PM
well its not the first time i've been wrong:smallredface:

Hiro Protagonest
2013-02-28, 07:25 PM
Hello GiTP, just popping on by to check the math on a little thing I've just run up for a character.

This character is about AC.
All about it.
And I've calculated his potential total for 20th level, but want to know if any of the bonuses shouldn't be stacking. I don't see anything that looks wrong, but I want to double check. My character is a Dwarf Fighter\Deepwarden\Hammer of Moradin (Casting requirement and progression removed)\ And I plan to top it off with a few levels in dwarven defender.

Anyways, here's the math.

At 20th level...
10 (base) + 15 (+5 Mechano Plate) + 9 (+5 tower shield) + 7 Con Bonus + 2 (Dwarven defender Defensive stance Con Bonus) + 4 (defensive stance AC) + 4 (Natural armor amulet) + 16 (HoM Stalwart) + 2 (Dwarven Defender AC bonus) + 3 (armor/shield specialization) + 5 (Defending shield spike) + 5 (defending hammer) + 20 (Improved combat expertise) +3 Fighting defensively.

And, unless I've screwed up the math, that leaves me with a rather impressive 105 AC.

Am I wrong?
As I don't want to get excited until I know it works.

Yeah, but your attack bonus is gonna be like, +10.

2013-02-28, 07:34 PM
Ok, quick questions.

1. Why are you doing this?

2. What means do you have to "be sticky" or "tank"?

3. How much touch AC do you have? You're pretty much immobile, don't want to get acid flasked to death by someone that should be a trivial encounter by ECL.

4. You do realize you're no threat to anyone, right?