View Full Version : Someone Familiar with Errata Please Help

2013-02-26, 02:44 PM
My large LVL 12 fighter with 30 STR (+10) using a large greatsword (3d6 +15)

Feats include:
Power attack (+12)
Shock trooper's heedless charge (why above can go to +12)
Leap attack modifier
Battle Jump (Unapproachable east)

What would my average attack be if charging? (With the drop from Battle Jump)
And would having a valorous weapon be more damaging or a magic item that allowed for pounce?

From what I understand the power attack is double with two hands (26 (12+2x2)) with the extra 2 being from charging which is "tripled" by leap attack (D&D math making it now a x4 multiplier) and again doubled by Battle Jump (so really x5). So would it be 3d6+ 70 (Bonus)+15 (STR) for an average of 95.5 damage on average?

Thank you, the errata and conflicting posts online have been frustrating to say the least.

2013-02-26, 03:29 PM
Leap Attack doesn't triple anything. You'll need to read the Complete Adventurer errata to get the update for that feat, and then the Complete Warrior errata to figure out what "+100% the normal damage from use
of the Power Attack feat" really means when you're fighting two-handed.

2013-02-26, 04:10 PM
Hi Shane. If we are trying to find out how much damage this character would deal on a leaping charge with battle jump enabled, i think we would have an equation with coefficients that look like this:

Damage = (2battlejump)10.5greatsword + (1.5twohanded sword + 1battlejump)10 + (2power attack + 1leap attack +1battle jump)12

or without the captions, 2(10.5) + 2.5(10) + 4(12)= 84

charge bonus only applies to attack rolls.

someone correct me if i'm wrong.

2013-02-26, 06:06 PM
Ok, thank you guys. I'll just follow that template if there is nothing else anyone will add. That will be much easier to follow.

An average of 94 is great.

2013-02-26, 06:29 PM
My mistake. That's sort of embarassing; should I edit it, or leave it for posterity?

Either way, I feel like distributing the x2 for battle jump and dealing with it with D&D math rules is the most acceptable way to deal with that.

2013-02-26, 08:12 PM
Just go ahead and edit it, I'll delete my part.

Valorous weapon would "double" the total damage correct? (By double I mean it would boost the modifier to all by 1) And if a druid would cast a spell granting pounce the +94 would be to every attack in the charge?

I appreciate the help a lot too. Thank you.